
Maybe there is some organ unknown in labia majora

There is a popular opinion that the testes are the sources of semen which the male ejaculates. the testes are supposed to become swollen with accumulated secretions between to be necessary in order to relieve these pressures. That is main reason why male need to ejaculate regularly.

That's the fact, but need to release not only men, women also need to release. Why do women not feel a strong need to release? There is only one reason – women never experience the pleasure of release during the process. Physical orgasm is like taking drugs, once you have experienced, you will inevitably need to ejaculate every time. That will be your core interests, and of course you can’t retreat it for anyone or anything.

The labia majora correspond to the scrotum in the male. Beneath the skin layer, there is mostly fatty tissue with some ligaments, smooth muscle fibers, nerves, and blood and lymphatic. I think not only those inside the labia majora, but also some organs are not been found in labia majora yet. Since the scrotum and labia majora are homologous to the human body, why there are no organs in female labia majora, but two testes in male scrotum. But the anatomists have never found them, and no women claimed that they can touch something inside the labia majora before.

I think it mainly because of the principle of disuse. In the process of reproduction of human evolution, women was always fulfilled the obligations of reproduction as male ejaculation' receptacle, but they ignored the self-demand, and some important organs shrunk slowly without use for a long time. In recent years, although some scientists study in the female orgasm, but they always entangled in the clitoris orgasm and vaginal orgasm, they ignore the anatomy of the labia majora.

1 条评论:

  1. The testes are analogous to the ovaries. In males, shortly after birth, the testes descend into the scrotum.
