
I don’t love porn, but I need to see it

Today I want to talk about porn in my life. Lots of my female colleagues don’t like to see porn, but they at least saw once before, because their boyfriends or husbands love to see porn. They are all confused why they love to see porn so much, but nearly all women think porn is boring and ridiculous. When I told them I also saw porn and reserve hundreds of them, they were shocked. I was not going to say anything, because I can’t explain to them that I don’t love to see it, but I need to see it.  

Porn takes very important role in my life. When my body gives me a signal to want to ejaculation, I usually see porn before I do it. Porn can make me aroused and make me into sex fantasy. I can feel some changes in my below, nerve impulses very strong as same resonance as heartbeats, then I know I am ready for ejaculation. I start my perpetual motion unconsciously, until I get that about 10 seconds spasms. I like to ejaculation at the same time with the man in porn, but mostly I can’t do that, I usually ejaculate in advance, I finish it nearly into 2 minutes, then I immediately lose my interest in sex.

I never addicted to porn. There is one and only one purpose I see porn, ejaculation. When I have done it, I close the porn video immediately, whatever the man in it ejaculation or not, I don’t care, because I have another important thing to do-sleep. I like to see new porn, because old porn I have seen is hard to make me arousal again. I see this porn today, I ejaculate once today. I see another porn tomorrow, I ejaculate again tomorrow.

In one sentence, I need to see porn very much.

