
Clitoral shaft is the key to get an orgasm for female.

After baffling biologists for decades, female orgasm remains an evolutionary mystery. Those scientists who claimed that only the clitoral can give women orgasm were just only half right, not exactly correct. They affirmed the importance of the clitoris for female orgasm, but they all put attentions on the clitoral glans, and ignored an important position-clitoral shaft. Few scientists have studied the role of clitoral shaft during female orgasm, so that I can’t find enough information about it on Google. It's no wonder, all people are focusing on the vagina, and no one pays any attention to a hidden organ.

The clitoral shaft is attached to the glans, just underneath the surface of the skin. The shaft is a round segment of spongy erectile tissue which can quickly fill with blood and thus cause the entire organ to stiffen and increase in size, and is very sensitive like the glans. It feels like a hard ridge about one-half to one inch long, and it rises toward the pubic mound for a short distance.

This hard ridge about one inch long is the key of female orgasmand stimulation to the clitoral glans is not enough to an orgasm. In a traditional sexual intercourse, men usually took the initiative and dominated the sex, and they basically focused on the vagina puncture. Today, lots of men really want the women who they love to get female orgasm, then they use their mouths and fingers to stimulate women’s clitoral glans and vulva, but unfortunately only these methods are not enough to an orgasm. First, oral sex for women is no tricks, no direction, no rhythm, and men just wantonly play it, but ignore the important clitoral shaft which should be rubbed along its direction with great intensity and certain rhythm. Secondly, orgasm is a result of everyone’ initiative whatever male or female. The women must control the intensity and rhythm to the clitoral, and then you can get a real orgasm like sudden release of sexual tension.

According to my research, rubbing the root of clitoral shaft is enough, when you are about to an orgasm. After a real orgasm, women will have refractory period and fall asleep immediately.


Men' cheating is inevitable.

Today I want to take you to explore a controversial topic. Is cheating inevitable among men? One proverb “There is nothing in a man's mind except sex”, but almost all men defend themselves “Most males cheat… Not all, I am an exception.” Those are all bullshit. I really want to know how many exceptions in the end? Frankly speaking, there is no one exception. Even if a man really did not cheat in the body (impossible), he also thought about other women during sex life.

Due to all men are not immune, there must have some natural reasons men can’t resist. The problem is not in men, and it must be in women. I think all women want to know what the most common reasons men are unfaithful and what lead up to husband cheating and having an affair.

All Women, you don’t need to blame yourselves. That is not because you are not good enough, even if you are the best woman in the world, your husband also will cheat on you. That is mainly you two don’t share the same values about sex. The fundamental reason is women can’t separate sex and love. Tracing the source of this question, why women can’t separate sex and love, but why men can. Women put "sex" into a very important and sacred place, but in men's view, sex is just a once ejaculation for once relax. They will have to release for many times in their lives, they think sex is an important and inevitable thing, but they don't think once ejaculation with different people is a big deal. The core of this issue is women can’t get orgasm easily like men, and women still can’t figure out what exactly the female orgasm is, and they are still be deceived. That is human nature. If women understand the truth, they also have an affair like men. It's as same as food. You can’t eat only one food for your whole life, even you like it very much, and other food even you don’t like them, but you want to have a change and freshness.

I think one day, the revelation that women can get orgasm easily as same as men is going to astonish all people around the world. Women can understand why her husband cheated on her. Maybe something will change the current system in society, but I am sure it will be in a good direction which enables people to release nature.


Intersex need to be understood, and accepted, not surgery.

According to statistical data on Society of North America website, the situation about born intersex is not uncommon.

Not XX and not XY
one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY)
one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia
one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia
one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis
one in 6,000 births
one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause)
one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother)
no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency
no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis
one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft)
one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis)
one in 770 births

Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female
one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance
one or two in 1,000 births

I didn’t do any survey on intersex before, so I'm not sure the above data, but I really never heard anyone around me is intersex. I think the vast majority of parents deliberately concealing the child's condition, and help children complete sex selection and do the surgery for keeping the secret, when the children are very young. There are also many world-renowned hospitals are doing in helping intersex to do repair surgery to let the children become the so-called "normalization”.

Here I propose a question, when these children were after the surgery, such as the big clitoris cut off, it seems to become so-called normal female appearance, but I want to know what is the significance do this surgery? Only the normalization of the surface of it? The surgery did not solve genetic problems, and they still have the original genes.

There is a more serious problem, when a child’ sex chromosomes have allele exchanged, she has male penis instead of female clitoris, but only one surgery that cut off the penis which organ only can collect the pleasure and achieve an orgasm, how does she get an orgasm, when the child grow up. Some people would say she still has vaginal, I repeat again and again, vaginal doesn’t have the ability to give people an orgasm whatever female or intersex.

Here, I strongly urge all hospitals to stop the intersex surgery. We as the so-called normal people don’t need to give them surgery, but understanding and acceptance. They are just one of us, only their parents gametes XY chromosome genes were cross-exchange. We are all cross-exchange results, but not in the sex chromosomes, the vast majority in autosomes. These intersex people are the result of the exchange in the sex chromosomes.

Intersex people do not need surgery, they need world’ understanding and acceptance.


Intersex is due to genes exchange between sex chromosomes or uneven division in Meiosis

1 Definition of intersex

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is the presence of intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish female from male. It has 4 cases.
1.1  Female pseudohermaphroditism

In this case the sex chromosomes are XX and the female has ovaries, but also external male sex organs (penis).

1.2  Male pseudohermaphroditism

They have XY as sex chromosomes, but their external organs are not fully developed or they are completely female on the outside.

1.3 True hermaphroditism

While the above were “pseudohermaphroditism”, meaning they are mostly male or mostly female, in this case there are both testicles and ovaries.

1.4 Complex or Undetermined Intersex Disorders –Many chromosome configurations other than simple 46 XX or 46 XY can result in disorders of sex development. These include 45, XO (only one X chromosome), and 47, XXY, 47, XXX -- both cases have an extra sex chromosome, either an X or a Y. These disorders do not result in an intersex condition where there is discrepancy between internal and external genitalia.

2 Reasons of intersex (sorry, my brain was washed, marked by Yu 20150214)

As is known to all, Chromosomal crossing-over is an exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. It is one of the final phases of genetic recombination, which occurs during prophase I of meiosis in a process called synapsis. Synapsis begins before the synaptonemal complex develops, and is not completed until near the end of prophase I. Crossover usually occurs when matching regions on matching chromosomes break and then reconnect to the other chromosome.
But experts thought that the crossing-over just occurs during Non-sister chromatids in 22 pairs of autosomes, but sex chromosomes often remain unpaired, because the X and Y chromosomes are very different from each other in their genetic composition. That is the key point of intersex. Physical exchange of homologous chromosomal regions by homologous recombination during prophase I is absolute, and Non-exchange is relative. It is easy to understand, as same as the movement is absolute, and static is relative. Intersex is the typical results of crossing-over between X and Y chromosomes. Precisely, intersex is just only one typical result of numerous possibilities caused by crossing-over between X and Y chromosomes. I think there are wealth of contents in X and Y chromosomes, not only unitary control boy or girl. Here I am going explain them one by one case.
2.1 Case 1 Female pseudohermaphroditism
when the father’ sex chromosomes have crossing-over during meiosis I, the Y chromosome give some chromatid segments to X chromosome, and get some alleles back, which only control the offspring have a small clitoris or a big penis, but not control other information. Then the father gives his exchanged Xf chromosome to his daughter then his daughter has XmXf chromosomes, but she indeed has male penis instead of female clitoris. Here, Xm means X chromosome with some male reproductive traits, and Xf means X chromosome with whole female reproductive traits. There is another key factor that all the genes that control sex trait are dominant inheritance. As a result, the daughter’ Xm chromosome from her mother can’t express out, and she only can express dominant trait from his father’s exchanged Xf chromosome. The result is the girl has a male penis.
2.2 Case 2 male pseudohermaphroditism
It is as same as case 1, but the father gives his exchanged Yf chromosome to his son. Although, his son has XfYf chromosomes, he indeed has female clitoris instead of male penis, because the genes whatever in Xf chromosome from his mother or exchanged Yf chromosome from his father are invisible inheritance. The result is the boy don’t have male penis, though he has XfYf chromosomes. Here, Yf means Y chromosome with some female reproductive traits.
We can say that the above “pseudohermaphroditism” ‘culprits are the fathers. More specifically, where did Father's genes come from? Of course from grandparents. In other words, Female pseudohermaphroditism- the grandfather’ part of sex genes inherited to granddaughter through his son, and granddaughter expressed male trait from her grandfather’ genes. Male pseudohermaphroditism- the grandmother’s part of sex genes inherited to grandson through her son, and grandson expressed female trait from his grandmother’ genes, not from his mother. I think this point is very important for researching intersex.
The above two kinds of ambiguous genitalia is the result of allelic exchange between X chromosome and Y chromosome. The people in this situation whatever Female pseudohermaphroditism or Male pseudohermaphroditism have 46 chromosomes and can produce germ cells. Because the probability of crossing-over occurrence during sex chromosomes is very small, we can ignore the crossing-over again. The following is their offspring genes tape after affected father with normal mother (Table 1) and normal father with affected mother (Table 2).

2.3 Case 3 true hermaphroditism
This extreme example of hermaphroditism is quite rare. I am not so sure, I guess it is also due to the crossing-over partial occurrence between X chromosome and Y chromosome, but not allelic exchange, it is non-allelic crossing-over between sex chromosomes. As the result, the people also have 46 chromosomes, but the sex chromosome must have structural abnormalities. A portion of the chromosome is duplicated, resulting in extra genetic material instead of a portion of the same chromosome is missing or deleted. The sex trait the people expressed is they have the 2 homologous organs.
2.4 In case 4 complex or Undetermined Intersex Disorders
This situation can’t be explained by crossing-over between sex chromosomes and I think it is related to uneven division during Meiosis I or Meiosis II. In Anaphase Meiosis I, the centromere breaks, but sex homologous chromosomes not separate, and go to one of two haploid daughter cells together (Figure 1 and Figure 4). In Anaphase Meiosis II, the centromeres break, but sister chromatids not separate to haploid daughter cells (Figure 2 and Figure 5). Figure 3 and Figure 6 are both uneven division in Meiosis I and Meiosis II.

         Figure 1 The type of gametes with father’s Meiosis I uneven division but Meiosis II even division

Figure 2 The type of gametes with father’s Meiosis I even division but Meiosis II uneven division
Figure 3 The type of gametes with father’s Meiosis I and II both uneven division
Figure 4 The type of gametes with mother’s Meiosis I uneven division but Meiosis II even division

Figure 5 The type of gametes with mother’s Meiosis I even division but Meiosis II uneven division
Figure 6 The type of gametes with mother’s Meiosis I and II both uneven division

Due to very small proportion of abnormal gametes, there is very low probability to meet between two abnormal gametes. So we can ignore this situation, and just research on the case which is one is normal the other is abnormal. Table 3 shows us the offspring’s gene tape with abnormal father’s gamete mated normal mother’s gamete, and table 4 is the offspring’s gene tape with normal father’s gamete mated abnormal mother’s gamete. It is noteworthy that the all gene types with red color have been found already, not only this, so far people didn’t find any another sex-chromosome Anomaly not in my table 2 and table 3. I think that is very strong evidence to my theory. About why does YO not existence? I think the reason must be related to the gene with YY not exist neither.

3 Conclusions
I think sex chromosomes not only determine sex, they also have genes for many functions we don’t know yet. There is no absolute male and female. Physical exchange of homologous chromosomal is absolute, and Non-exchange is relative. Intersex person is just one of us. Notice here: the gene type with black normal in Table 3 and 4. It means maybe you are the reproduction of uneven division both in Meiosis I Meiosis II, if you are with so-called normal genes. Maybe lesbian, gay and bisexual are all because of crossing-over during sex chromosomes.