
Female ejaculation---liquid from urethra?

Current theory claims that female orgasm is ejaculating a lot of liquid from urethra. These are all nonsense. They even did not understand what the female orgasm is. Some women had urinary incontinence during the intercourse, because of the strong hit. But all people thought that was female orgasm. When today too many people so-called professors are studying in brain nerve during such a fake orgasm, I feel very sad.

I never never ejaculate like that way during my ten years of experience. I have no fluid expelled through the urethra, even a little not at all. In my ejaculation, I feel something gush out of my body, when I stand up; I can just feel a little mucus out of my vagina.

After I want to ejaculation, before I see porn, I usually have to pee first. Because if I am aroused by porn, I can't pee any more and if I don’t want to ejaculate fast, I should have to pee, if I just want to have a ejaculation for good sleep or release my body, I should hold a pee, in order to ejaculation as fast as I can. But whatever I pee or not before I start, I always should have a pee after I ejaculation, although I make myself empty before.

 This pee after my ejaculation is little different from normal. I can’ pee strongly and easy like usual. I should wait some seconds to pee. I can obviously feel some switch in my body should be changed before I pee out.

These are my body language, lots of things I can’t express with English.

