
Don’t be jealous of men for penis. Because you have the same.

I have read some reports about development of clitoris and penis. Clitoris is considered as homologous to the male penis. My major is not biology, but I have some different views.
     I don’t think clitoris is homologous to penis, I think clitoris is just homologous to male glans, not penis. The vagina is just as homologous to penis body. Female get pleasure only by clitoris, just as male get pleasure only by glans not the penis body. That mainly because people pay much attention to vagina firstly and clitoris secondly. People ignore an important organ---the labia majora. I think the labia majora is homologous to male scrotum. There are also two little balls in, like testes in scrotum. The female labia minora is homologous to male prepuce to protect female clitoris.

