People have been trying to uncover the
mystery of human evolution. Adam Smith, Darwin and Dawkins and other fathers
provided some solution. I will try to explain my theories in more general way.
In the previous chapter we discussed social evolution between sellers and
buyers from the micro perspective, and in this chapter, we discuss the
relationship between evolution and time from a macro perspective. I do believe
that the basic idea of human evolution is a superposition of countless cycles
that “Original equilibrium—Break equilibrium—Maintain pseudo equilibrium—Return to new
equilibrium”. We can call this “An Evolutionary Cycle.” Any product must go
through a life cycle stage: Introduction—Growth—Maturity—Decline, and time is also a cycle:
There are four seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and there are
24 hours in a day, and every life has a cycle from birth to death. Similarly, Human
evolution also has periodicity. You will find an interesting conclusion here: History may not repeat itself but it does
The theory of “Human evolution platform”
The Following Figure 6.1 illustrates human
evolution platform from the perspective of time. Black solid lines represent
real equilibriums where both parties in the game have no incentive to deviate:
It is doing the best it can to maximize profit, given what its competitor is
doing. For example, under system of patriarchy and polygamy, women provided
sexual-services to men while men feed women, and woman did not
have the incentive to work outside because she knew she had to be sex slave in
any case, and at the same time men did not have the incentive to not support
women materially because he would lose the sex-service if he chooses to not
feed women. The essence of marriage is prostitution, and the only difference
between prostitution and marriage is in the price and the length of time the
contract runs. For
both the sexual act is a service; the one is hired for life by one man; the
other has several clients who pay her by per time or per night. The essence of
both is the transaction of money and sexual service. Marriage
or prostitution becomes a matter of mutual benefit under patriarchy and
polygamy. Symbiotic relationships of mutual benefit are the characteristic of
real equilibriums. Neither partner could be better off without the other. The
evolution of associations of mutual benefit is theoretically easy to imagine if
the favors are given and received simultaneously. In general, associations of
mutual benefit are steady states if each partner can get more out than he puts
in. The biggest mistake is that people misunderstand real equilibrium as a
result of the idea of “reciprocal altruism”, and in fact as a result of the
idea of “self-interest”. Each buyer and seller in a market is concerned only
about his or her own welfare; they are together led by an “invisible hand” to
an equilibrium that maximizes the total benefits to buyers and sellers. This
shows self-love and general welfares are not contradictory under equilibrium
state because trade can make everyone better off, so the problem became how to
split the surplus between the seller and buyer.

The equilibrium would generally last for a
long time, until a mutation breaks the equilibrium. It may be a natural
disaster or a sudden change in productivity. In fact, fluctuations are
irregular, and they are almost impossible to predict with much accuracy in
short-run. The authorities have manipulated the rules of the game to create new
winners and new losers for their own interests. The authorities choose a compromise
for their own interests because of the idea of “cruel bind”. All the
concessions of the authorities, all from all, based on you can not completely
eliminate them because letting them live is the result of trade-off of the
authorities. It is simple to understand if you get the benefit of others, you
must pay part of it, especially the survival necessities. The interests of the
original pattern were broken, not yet formed a new pattern of interests, the
interests of creating a diverse variety of social conflict. Now we enter the
pseudo-equilibrium, and red solid lines represent the pseudo-equilibrium. In
order to gain more time for preparation for next real equilibrium, all kind of
absurd lies and cults emerge trying to keep going pseudo-equilibrium, such as
religion, love, morality, G-spot and vagina orgasms and so on. At the telophase of
pseudo-equilibrium, God will send a savior to end this chaotic situation. The
mission of Savior is to get preparation for human from spiritual aspect, and
break the pseudo-equilibrium and points out the next real-equilibrium. It is
hard to say how long pseudo-equilibrium will last (T2-T1), depending on a
number of factors because vested interests will do everything possible or
impossible to maintain the pseudo-equilibrium. By the way, pseudo-equilibrium
only belongs to our human evolution, and there is no pseudo-equilibrium in
non-human animals' evolution, because
natural selection can completely eliminate the losers by death. If we watched a
population for many generations, we would see a series of occasional flips from
one stable state to the other. There is no mystery about this. It had to happen
by definition that the essence of natural selection was simply a selection of
stable forms and a rejection of unstable ones. The losers are quickly penalized
to extinction by natural selection, if they don't have effective
counter-strategies. As a result, occasionally mutant gene does succeed in
invading the set: it succeeds in spreading through the gene pool. There is no
religion, no love, no morality, but only life or death, so all animals are not
an inextricable chaos because they have a clear test: Survival of the
fittest. Another thing different from animals' world is the existence of
threshold, represented by magenta dotted lines. The only function of the
threshold is to absorb any deviations less than the value of threshold, as same
as in nerve conduction that a stimulus must reach the threshold to cause a
response in nerve conduction, or nerve conduction will fall into chaos if any
tiny stimulus would cause a response. We have known that gene mutation in
animals is not directional, and most of gene mutations are harmful while
only a few of them are favorable, but there is no need
having any threshold in animals' world because natural selection must penalize
the harmful gene mutations by completely eliminating them, because animals face
the rule of life and death that the losers must be penalized to be dead. We
must admit that the vast majority of social mutations are harmful and very few
of them are favorable, but the same logic doesn't work in human world, because
we face the rule of contract transaction that you can't completely eliminate
the losers who are crowded out by the economy market. In fact, a certain
proportion of reasonable people is beneficial to social stability, once a
population reaches this zone, it will be sucked inevitably towards the sensible
stable point, but trouble comes when the unreasonable people, including sellers
and buyers, reaches a certain proportion, so women are half victims, half
accomplices. More and more failed individuals join together to form a group,
and they resort to violence to create hard troubles for the winners from market
economy. They are short-sighted and aim at breaking the going equilibrium, but
they don't have the abilities to bring human into the next real equilibrium.
What about the threshold in pseudo-equilibrium? Free speech but no free
behavior. Prohibition of Sex-selective abortion is also a barrier to deter free
exit, aiming at keeping enough receptacles for men. In short, creating a
threshold is necessary in any human societies. There is a transitional period
of instability (T2-T3), represented by solid blue lines, terminating in a new
evolutionarily stable set. The transitional period lasts a very short time,
because the motive power of the process of natural selection completely
eliminates the losers immediately. In short in animals' world, a new useful
gene mutation spreads through the gene pool immediately, and losers and fools
must be punished by nature. In the end of human pseudo-equilibrium, we are
ready both in material and spiritual aspects, therefore we humans also quickly
into the next real-equilibrium. The only difference from animal's world is some
people would enter the new real-equilibrium and some people would go back to
previous real-equilibrium, because they have the so-called “human rights”.
Frankly speaking, I don't think the P-V model will disappear when the truth of
female orgasm comes out because the barbarians would resort to rape as same as they
resorted to violence.
The theory of “Matching principle”
Next, I'm going to
elaborate on another theory from another point of view. Apparently, human being
as the most advanced life on the earth is not the only animal, because Darwin's
'survival of the fittest' is really a special case of a more general law of
survival of the stable. The universe is populated by stable things. In other
words, all living creatures now are in stable state, and there is more than one
alternative stable point on the world. Similarly, the United States as the most
advanced civilization system on the earth is not the only system, because
Middle Eastern, East Asian and even African civilizations are not dead yet. In
other words, these civilizations are in stable state, and there must be more
than one alternative stable point in human evolution. Why? Dawkins gave two examples
in The Selfish Gene to clarify the
importance of matching:
One oarsman on his own cannot win the
Oxford and Cambridge boat race. He needs eight colleagues. Each one is a
specialist who always sits in a particular part of the boat—bow or stroke or
cox etc. Rowing the boat is a cooperative venture, but some men are
nevertheless better at it than others. Suppose a coach has to choose his ideal
crew from a pool of candidates, some specializing in the bow position, others
specializing as cox, and so on…. One of the qualities of a good oarsman is
teamwork, the ability to fit in and cooperate with the rest of a crew. This may
be just as important as strong muscles…. Suppose it is important in a really
successful crew that the rowers should coordinate their activities by means of
speech. Suppose further that, in the pool of oarsmen at the coach's disposal,
some speak only English and some speak only German. The English are not
consistently better or worse rowers than the Germans. But because of the
importance of communication, a mixed crew will tend to win fewer races than
either a pure English crew or a pure German crew…. The coach does not realize
this. All he does is shuffle his men around, giving credit points to
individuals in winning boats, marking down individuals in losing boats. Now if
the pool available to him just happens to be dominated by Englishmen it follows
that any German who gets into a boat is likely to cause it to lose, because
communications break down. Conversely, if the pool happened to be dominated by
Germans, an Englishman would tend to cause any boat in which he found himself
to lose. What will emerge as the overall best crew will be one of the two
stable states—pure English or pure German, but not mixed. Superficially it
looks as though the coach is selecting whole language groups as units. This is
not what he is doing. He is selecting individual oarsmen for their apparent
ability to win races. It so happens that the tendency for an individual to win
races depends on which other individuals are present in the pool of candidates.
Minority candidates are automatically penalized, not because they are bad
rowers, but simply because they are minority candidates.
For example, a number of attributes are
desirable in an efficient carnivore's body, among them sharp cutting teeth, the
right kind of intestine for digesting meat, and many other things. An efficient
herbivore, on the other hand, needs flat grinding teeth, and a much longer
intestine with a different kind of digestive chemistry. In a herbivore gene
pool, any new gene that conferred on its possessors sharp meat-eating teeth
would not be very successful. This is not because meat-eating is universally a
bad idea, but because you cannot efficiently eat meat unless you also have the
right sort of intestine, and all the other attributes of a meat-eating way of
life. Genes for sharp, meat-eating teeth are not inherently bad genes. They are
only bad genes in a gene-pool that is dominated by genes for herbivorous qualities.
In the above
two examples, we can conclude that there is no such gene called “good” or
“bad”, but only “match” or not. They exhibit the mutual dependence of the vital
actions, and points out how these are maintained in due balance. Everything
must be good or bad, right or wrong, depending on its accordance or discordance
with its organic environment. This is a subtle, complicated idea. It is
complicated because the 'environment' of a gene consists largely of other
genes, each of which is itself being selected for its ability to cooperate with
its environment of other genes. Apparently, it is important for the rowers to
cooperate with each other in boat race, and similarly sharp cutting teeth and
the right kind of intestine for digesting meat match each other very well in
carnivore's body, while flat grinding teeth and a much longer intestine match
each other very well in herbivore's body. More than that, I love to see the
show of animal worlds, and I find a universal law that the researchers wear
masks when they get into forest because some viruses which get along well with
human may cause death on animals. Vice versa. Isolation is always a
conservative stability strategy. Following the same logic, aside from the
questions of human rights and dictatorship, we must recognize that these
so-called backward civilizations are independent and in different stable
states. I admit that the Western civilization is advanced, but does not match
the underdeveloped nations. Progressive civilization may be not so much a
steady upward climb as a series of discrete steps from stable plateau to stable
plateau as same as energy transition in quantum mechanics. The following Figure
6.2 is my matching principle in evolution of human civilization. I admit that I
am not a progressive person because I am going to defend patriarchy, slavery,
polygamy, inequality, dictator, middle east civilization and colonization and
so on.

things are unified and try to look for the inner connection between two things
seemingly nothing on the surface. Next, I try to use quantum mechanics to
explain the differences between civilizations in the world. Firstly, look at
the black thick lines in above figure which represent the different levels of
human civilization. We can regard E0 as the ground state of the barbarous
civilization where non-human animals take the “Survival of the fittest” as the
only rule; we can regard the E1, E2, E3 and all the way down to En as excited
states with different civilization level. All states are bound to the theory of
“self-love”, and we can view the potential civilization level (En) is set to
real freedom at infinite distance from E0, so people can't have absolute
freedom at each civilization level wherever you are, and all levels with
different civilization are all in stable states if without any outside
influence. Of course, ground state is in absolutely stable state, and other
excited states are in relatively stable states, because any excited state tends
to spontaneously drop from one excited state to a lower civilization level or
by a series of transitions to successively lower levels, ending at the ground
state. Generally speaking, when a society drops from a higher level to a lower
level it gains more stability by giving up some certain civilizations;
conversely when a society evolves from a lower level to a higher level it
enters less stability by having some certain civilizations. In order to move
from one civilization level to another, the society must gain or lose an amount
of civilization exactly equal to the civilization difference between the two
levels. Civilization transition is like discontinuous “jumps” from one quantum
state to another. For example, if a society wants to jump from E0 to E1, it
must only absorb certain quantum civilization exactly matched to the difference
(E1-E0) between E0 and E1. Additional, there are some smaller ladders, named
V0-1, V0-2, V0-3 and V0-4, between E0 and E1 which present by blue solid lines
called sub-states, maybe some an industry innovation such as agricultural
technology mutation or computer technology, and furthermore there are some much
smaller ladders, named R0-1, R0-2, R0-3 and R0-4, between E0 and V0-1 which
present by grey solid lines called sub-sub-states, maybe some innovation within
an industry such as CPU mutation, memory bank mutation or motherboard mutation.
Apparently, society must absorb so big change civilizations of E1-E0 if it
wants to jump from E0 to E1. The larger the civilizations of the states between
which the society jumps, the bigger the social transforms, so the ideal social
evolution is a small step by small step. In my view, different civilizations
developed independently at different levels, and the fact that each
civilization is not extinct yet illustrates all elements match each other very
well in its independent stable state. Material civilization and spiritual
civilization should be co-evolution.
why is the world so chaotic now? The answer is simple: Mismatch problem. There are basically
four civilizations which evolved independently: The most advanced Western
Civilization, East Asian Civilization, Middle Eastern civilization and
Primitive civilization of Africa. After the segregation was broken by Western
dominated capitalism, the spread of material civilization from the high level
to low level is much faster than the spread of spiritual
civilization. This time lag leads to the chaos of the world. For example,
western civilization is in E1 state where Americans can have guns because they
don't abuse the guns, and they can have dogs because they don't let dogs interfere with others, and they
can drive cars because they obey the traffic rules, and so on. Guns and dogs
are no problem and innocent, and the problem is who owns them and whether they
have the ability to control them? In short, the material civilization and
spiritual civilization are perfect matched in western nations. Because of the
global trade, material civilization quickly spread around the world, and
Chinese, African and even terrorist in Middle East quickly used advanced
weapons, cars and so on, and then they started to abuse these advanced things
if they are free to use them. Without advanced weapons, the terrorists don't
have any threat armed with sticks because maybe they are in V0-1 state where
sticks and their spiritual civilization are matched very well. The most
troublesome thing is mismatching problem that terrorists have advanced weapons
instead of sticks, because they have already accepted the western material
civilization but no matched western spiritual civilization, and then trouble
comes. For example, without the modern weapons brought by the western
colonists, there would be no Rwandan Genocide, because the sticks are not
powerful enough to kill one million people during less than two months. Of
course, there is other reason for Rwandan Genocide, and I am going to talk
about it later. Similarly, sticks can't destroy all humans, but nuclear weapons
can. The more high-tech, such as viruses and nukes, the higher civilization
holders are needed. The invention of electricity must require people to use it,
or else it must be electrocuted. Marx also expounded the concept of matching,
and if I am looking at a mode of production, we can characterize them by the
correspondence of the forces and relations of production; a certain level of
forces of production requires a certain type of relations of production, a
certain type of relationship between individuals. To be honest, Chinese don't have automobile culture because
maybe they are in V0-2 state where bicycles and quality of Chinese people are
matched very well. The main contradiction of Chinese Society is that while the
buildings and technology are modernized, but the behavior and the general
qualities of the typical Chinese are still the same as before. In other words,
the modernized material civilization and decadent Chinese don't match each
other, so in order to keep maintain stability the government has to intervene.
If the government does not choose regulation, society will inevitably fall into
chaos, so dictatorship is inevitable. In other words, when in a system where
spiritual civilization and material civilization would lead to imbalance, there
is a need to have a strong authority to compensate the gap. The bigger gap
would be between spiritual civilization and material civilization, the
more they need control. Dictatorship is like a compensation mechanism arranged
by God in mismatching system. What would happen if the lack of regulatory
compensation? There is a very terrible result: Civilization degeneration.
Magenta arrows represent this degeneration in the above figure. Without
powerful regulation when spiritual civilization and material civilization don't match, it means the whole society enters
a virtual state should built on lies, and faces three scenarios after the burst
of lies: ①Rayleigh degeneration which returns to the starting state (V0-2); ②Stokes degeneration which returns to more advanced state (V0-4); ③Antistokes degeneration which returns to the more backward state
(E0). Apparently, the last one is the worst. For example, dictatorship,
spiritual civilization and material civilization in China now are matched in
V0-2 where people began to have a sense of private ownership and property
rights, but suddenly China takes the election system, and like I said before
the essence of the election is the tyranny of the majority to the minority,
election must lead to civilization degeneration maybe back to barbaric civilization
(E0), like proletarian violent revolution again, because China has a triangle
social structure now instead of a strong middle class. That is why democracy
doesn't work in China now. China
had a bitter lesson: One hundred years ago, the Chinese bourgeoisie overthrew
the Qing dynasty (V0-1), and try to establish bourgeois regime (Vv), but at
that time, the national quality is not enough to maintain Vv, so society soon
came back to E0 which is lower civilization than V0-1. Proletarian violent
revolution is definitely a typical throwback opposed the contract civilization
in human evolution by giving up some existing civilization. As long as the vast
majority of people find themselves able to benefit from the contract society,
they will be willing to abide by the spirit of contract, otherwise they would
choose using advanced weapons to return to the violence state because they can
benefit from violence. Keep in mind that violent civilization belongs to ground
state and all other civilization which created by human beings are in excited
states. To be honest, compared with violent civilization, contract civilization
is very fragile so victims must be required in human evolution. As a destiny
taker, the best strategy for any given individual was to follow suit. Evolution
is very difficult and slow, but the degradation of civilization is very lethal
and fast, and The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China was an
example. Don't be too haste in human
evolution, because you would be a prophet if you take one step ahead, a
pioneer if you take two steps ahead, a martyr if you take three steps
ahead. There is an old saying in China, “More haste, less speed.” Direction is
more important than effort. When Chiang Kai-shek lost the mainland and
retreated to Taiwan, he summarized one lesson of his failure in his memoirs, “Forcing
democracy before reaching democracy.” We need to step by step in this gradual
transformation from barbaric civilization into contract civilization. The West
thinks it can bring civilization to the Middle East people, but the result is
to sink themselves in because something that suits West very well doesn't suit Middle East. I happened to coincide
with Montesquieu on this point.
Environmental determinism
determinism, also known as climatic determinism or geographical determinism,
relies on an approach which implies that individuals are bound to their
environmental settings, especially climate. These forms of physical geographies
determine human behaviour, the existence of different forms of societies etc.
This is defined by a stimulus-response reaction. Let's
review our “Father of Sociology” Montesquieu's
idea in his book of Spirit of Laws:
It is the variety of
wants in different climates that first occasioned a difference in the manner of
living, and this gave rise to a variety of laws. Where people are very
communicative there must be particular laws, and others where there is but
little communication…. In warm countries the aqueous part of the blood loses
itself greatly by perspiration;15 it must therefore be supplied by a like
liquid. Water is there of admirable use; strong liquors would congeal the
globules16 of blood that remain after the transuding of the aqueous humour…. In
cold countries the aqueous part of the blood is very little evacuated by
perspiration. They may therefore make use of spirituous liquors, without which
the blood would congeal. They are full of humours; consequently strong liquors,
which give a motion to the blood, are proper for those countries…. The law of Mahomet,
which prohibits the drinking of wine, is therefore fitted to the climate of
Arabia: and indeed, before Mahomet's time, water was the common drink of the Arabs. The
law17 which forbade the Carthaginians to drink wine was a law of the climate;
and, indeed, the climate of those two countries is pretty nearly the same….
Such a law would be improper for cold countries, where the climate seems to
force them to a kind of national intemperance, very different from personal
ebriety. Drunkenness predominates throughout the world, in proportion to the
coldness and humidity of the climate. Go from the equator to the north pole,
and you will find this vice increasing together with the degree of latitude. Go
from the equator again to the south pole, and you will find the same vice
travelling south,18 exactly in the same proportion.
In Asia they have
always had great empires; in Europe these could never subsist. Asia has larger
plains; it is cut out into much more extensive divisions by mountains and seas;
and as it lies more to the south, its springs are more easily dried up; the
mountains are less covered with snow; and the rivers, being not so large, form
more contracted barriers…. Power in Asia ought, then, to be always despotic;
for if their slavery was not severe they would soon make a division
inconsistent with the nature of the country…. In Europe the natural division
forms many nations of a moderate extent, in which the ruling by laws is not
incompatible with the maintenance of the state: on the contrary, it is so
favourable to it, that without this the state would fall into decay, and become
a prey to its neighbours…. It is this which has formed a genius for liberty
that renders every part extremely difficult to be subdued and subjected to a
foreign power, otherwise than by the laws and the advantage of commerce…. On
the contrary, there reigns in Asia a servile spirit, which they have never been
able to shake off, and it is impossible to find in all the histories of that
country a single passage which discovers a freedom of spirit; we shall never
see anything there but the excess of slavery.
These fertile
provinces are always of a level surface, where the inhabitants are unable to
dispute against a stronger power; they are then obliged to submit; and when
they have once submitted, the spirit of liberty cannot return…. The barrenness
of the earth renders men industrious, sober, inured to hardship, courageous,
and fit for war; they are obliged to procure by labour what the earth refuses
to bestow spontaneously. The fertility of a country gives ease, effeminacy, and
a certain fondness for the preservation of life…. We have already observed that
great heat enervates the strength and courage of men, and that in cold climates
they have a certain vigour of body and mind, which renders them patient and
intrepid, and qualifies them for arduous enterprises. This remark holds good,
not only between different nations, but even in the different parts of the same
country. In the north of China people are more courageous than those in the
south; and those in the south of Korea have less bravery than those in the
north…. What we have now said is perfectly conformable to history. Asia has
been subdued thirteen times; eleven by the northern nations, and twice by those
of the south.
basically agree with the above two views. Spencer believed that each nation has
different understanding of happiness. To be honest, Natural selection theory
given by Darwin be similar to Environmental determinism theory given by
Montesquieu in my opinion. Here I give you my line of reasoning about
Environmental determinism from the point of view of Game theory. In the course
of the evolution of the species, two factors are both important: One is genes
and the other is environment. Without belaboring the importance of genes, it is
because we can regard all genes we have as an initial endowment given by God in
any Game. In essence, genes represent what we have, and environment represents
which would be selected. A classic example: Sex-determination. In cold-blooded
animals, the gender is determined by environment temperature such as
crocodilians and sphenodontians, while in warm-blooded animals, the gender is
determined by sex genes such as mammals and birds. You can further discover a
phenomenon that different temperature has different preference, such as 42
Centigrade in birds (with WZ/ZZ) prefers ovarian gene as dominant gene and
conversely 37 Centigrade in mammals (with XX/XY) prefers testicular gene as
dominant gene. Since we are diploid organisms, we contain different two
alleles, so environment played a decisive role in natural selection. In short,
we must admit that different environment has a different preference. Here there
is another my experience to prove that environment indeed has preference, and
any biological strategy should adapt to the environmental requirements and
achieve an organism with the environment. You could find that the color of
human skin will gradually fade with the increase of the latitudes (except for
the immigrants in the past hundred years). I am a typical yellow, and I will be
black if I stay in Thailand for 20 days, but I will be whiter for a little bit
if I stay in UK for 20 days. Do you know cuttlefish in the ocean which are able
to rapidly change the color and patterns of their skin based on their
environment? Similarly, there are many coconut trees in Thailand which can't live in cold region where there are many
erect pines.
Independent civilization evolution
draw a following tree (Figure 6.3) to express the independent civilization
evolution by different environment. At the beginning, we get started from
the most primitive beings called Homo sapiens in the left side.
At this point, human beings are not differentiated as same as undifferentiated
stem cells with self-renewal and differentiation capacity into a
variety of functional characteristics of cells. Later, for some
reason, primitive humans began to migrate to Asia and Europe from Africa. Have
you ever thought about a problem why some people choose to migrate while others
choose to stay in Africa? Is it because of the environment in Africa? I don't think so because if so all human beings
should leave Africa. I am not certain but I guess the reason is struggle for
existence. A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at
which all organic beings tend to increase. At the beginning, there are not many
human beings in Africa under the condition of that women gave the birth to one
child at a time and never stopped producing but suffered the very low survival
rate. This point is not hard to understand because the birth survival rate
remains low in Africa now if without modern medical treatment. At that time,
wild food in nature is enough for a few people. In other words, the survival
threshold is very low at the beginning, you would get enough food as long as
you don't die in childbirth. As the
population grows, wild foods in nature become less and less, and when
population growth exceeds natural capacity but without any technological
revolution, two human beings in a time of death, may be truly said to struggle
with each other which shall get food and live. Now, as the population increases
but with the constant resources, threshold of survival becomes higher and
higher, so people must fight for scarce resources. It is similar to why
American highway would be free of charge but Chinese highway need to be
charged. If China's expressways are also free, it will be hard to move. By the
way, China must develop public transport since China's population density does
not support one person with one vehicle. In China, now, more than 90% of
troubles are caused by its huge population. There is always a way to solve
scarce resources. In barbarism civilization people resorted to force, and in
so-called advanced civilization people resorted to money or power. There is no
essential difference between the two, and the only goal is to build a proper
high threshold, but by different game rule, to kick some unqualified people out
of the game. As long as there are scarce resources, there will be winners and
losers. You must admit that the struggle almost invariably will be most severe
between the individuals of the same species, for they frequent the same
districts, require the same food, and are exposed to the same dangers. In the
competition, what kind of people will choose to migrate? Winners or losers?
Definitely losers because the winners have no need to leave but the losers have
to face the tradeoff between staying with dying and migrating with little
opportunity to survive. If I were primitive, I would choose to go because
little opportunity is better than death. At first, human struggle was very
cruel, and I bet there was no love at all. I find that in agricultural
civilization people are more likely to kill each other. I think it is because
agricultural civilization is self-sufficient civilization, but the arable land
is limited, so people have to compete for limited resources. The relationship
between people is competitive. In other words, the benefits of your survival
are much less than your death, because you are useless to me in the age of
self-sufficiency, so my best strategy is to kill you if it is possible. The
selfish-herd model in itself has no place for cooperative interactions. There
is no altruism here, only selfish exploitation by each individual of every
other individual. Only when mutual benefit can stop the war. In short, trade is
the only reason why human beings stop killing each other because of comparative
advantage. When you are useful to me, I choose to use you, not kill you. A
relationship of mutual benefit between members of different species is called
mutualism or symbiosis. You may ask me why we see only a limited number of
widely divergent civilizations instead of continuous gradient unlimited number
of similar civilizations? I guess it is because Continental drift, otherwise
Genghis Khan would really rule the whole continent. I agree with the theory of
Continental drift because it was impossible for mankind to cross any channel at
the time of human technology, so the result must have been that the original
man arrived there first, and then the continents were separated. The sea became
first natural barrier that divided them into independent evolution. Of course,
the second natural barrier set by God is language in human nature. It's very important to realize that the
existing civilization is developed alone.

I am going to discuss how the different civilizations developed separately. In
Figure 6.3, red boxes represent people in Africa environment, and green boxes
represent people in Middle East environment, and magenta boxes represent people
in East Asia environment, and blue boxes represent people in Europe
environment. Some people, as winners, had the right to stay in Africa, because
the environment has not changed from beginning to end, so they still maintain
the original style. For example, let's assume that there are four
different interest groups: Strong men, strong women, emaciated men, and
emaciated women. Under the African unchanged environment, they would achieve
some kind of equilibrium with different strategies: Strong men with strategy of
A, strong women with strategy of B, emaciated men with strategy of C, emaciated
women with strategy of D. These four strategies form a stable state, of course
including rape and death. No change in the environment, the interests of the
pattern has not changed, so people's thought has not changed
yet. This is an indisputable fact that many years later we can see Africa is
still in primitive civilization where they all still rely on picking wild fruit
to make a living. Some people, as losers, had to leave Africa to find a way to
make a living. They came to the middle east area. Changes in the environment
have broken the original pattern of interests. For example, if they come to the
beach, they can live by fishing and some new technologies must be invented in
fishing, and then genes that are good at fishing immediately become environment's preference and are preserved and passed
on; if they come to the grassland, they can live by feeding livestock and some
new technologies must be invented in feeding, and then genes that are good at
feeding immediately become environment's preference and are
preserved and passed on. In short, the change in the environment equivalent to
the change in the rules of the survival game, created new winners and new
losers. Under the new environment of Middle East, the four different interest
groups achieved a new equilibrium with new different strategies set: (
), including sex segregation and religion. Apparently, men,
in Middle East, chose sex segregation to deal with rape. Similarly, East Asia
environment has its own preferences, and the four different interest groups
achieved a new equilibrium with new different strategies set: (
), also including sex segregation and religion. With the
outbreak of the proletarian revolution and the rise of feminism, women began to
work outside. At this point, the pattern of interests has been broken, but
people's thought hasn't changed yet, so four different interest
groups achieved a new pseudo-equilibrium with new different strategies set: (
), including lies and love. Following the same logic,
environment of Europe has its own preferences, and the four different interest
groups achieved a new equilibrium with new different strategies set: (
), also including sex segregation and religion. One day, the
outbreak of the two World War forced women to step out of their homes and into
factories. From then on, women began to work and support themselves, and the
original pattern of interests has been broken, but women's thought hasn't changed yet, so the western society
reached a new pseudo-equilibrium with new different strategies set: (
). You can find three very interesting phenomena. One is that
religion exists in all civilizations except Africa civilization, and why? It is
because Africa civilization is Barbaric civilization belonged to Ground state
with absolute stable state which doesn't need any lies to sustain
it. The second is that all civilizations adopted the strategy of sex
segregation in its long history, and why? I think it is because sex segregation
is indeed the best way to protect women against sexual assault. The last is
that love is most popular in Western and East Asia civilization, and why? I
think it is because only the existence of love can drag a woman in to P-V
model, and there is no need of love between two sexes in Middle East and Violent
civilization. I admit that geographical position really can't play a decisive role, but it plays a role
of endowment, and the follow-up result is the consequence of coevolution.
Man is the creature of
circumstances. Every
civilization that evolves independently is in its own equilibrium. This is a
problem of balance, like scuba diving. If you can't keep the balance between the inside and
outside of the ear, you will squeeze your eardrum and feel hurt; if you keep
the balance very well, you don't feel any pain theoretically
regardless of the depth. I agree that all human beings come from the same
ancestor-Homo sapiens, but as the environment is different, humans have already
evolved into different subspecies in different organic ecology with different
strategies. It's like we are all dinosaurs,
but some are swift dragons, some Tyrannosaurus Rex, some pterosaurs, and so on.
Each subspecies adopts a completely different strategy in survival and
reproduction. After all, you have to admit that the civilization that exists
has not disappeared, and what is rational is actual and what is actual is
rational. You can't conclude that Western
civilization is better than other civilization, and the only thing I can
conclude is that Western civilization is closer to contract civilization. The
any western policies are aimed at keeping its own balance. For example, the
west is also using various means to suppress single people, by giving couples a
rental housing subsidy. The essence is the same, forcing women into the P-V
model, to maintain social stability. Women are destined to be comfort women in
any existing civilization, and the only difference is voluntary or involuntary,
which can't change the cruel facts. The
stupidest thing is to break ongoing balance before you don't have the ability to achieve the next one.
The main reason why the world is so chaotic now is the conflict of interests
caused by the integration and collision of civilizations in different
equilibrium states after the isolation threshold has almost turned to zero. Compare
with so-called bullshit “Human rights”, we should pay more attention to the
problem of balance because the so-called equal rights movement from the West
has destroyed the balance of local nature.
In defense of the Middle East civilization
I want to defense Middle East civilization for a little bit. Almost all
Westerners believe women in the Middle East are inferior, because the Koran has
some restrictions on Muslim women's dress and act. For example,
in Islam women are not allowed to show their bodies (other than face and hands)
to men (other than their fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, nephews,) and they
are not allowed to marry a non-Muslim (no exceptions), so Muslim women must
wear a headscarf to cover their head and hair called hijab, while others wear a
burka or niqab, which also covers up their face. I have been to Malaysia for
scuba diving where I found the girls just wear hijab unlike the women in the Middle
East who must were burka or niqab. To be honest, hijab is acceptable for me,
but burka or niqab is kind of scary, because I can't figure out whether you are friendly or
unfriendly. The Muslim woman is not only supposed to cover herself, except with
relatives, but to look down, so as to avoid making eye-contact with men. The
Koran has placed restrictions on men meeting strange women privately. Cannot
shake hands of a non-Muslim man unless he is family. Similarly, no man other
than her husband is allowed to touch any part of a woman's body. A wife must
neither receive male strangers nor accept gifts from them without her husband's
approval. Additionally, it is not lawful for a woman believing in Allah and the
Hereafter to undertake a journey extending over three days or more, except when
she is in the company of her father, or her son, or her husband, or her
brother, or any other Mahram. No sex and kissing before marriage (applies to
Muslim men too). The west still has the prejudice towards the Middle Eastern
civilization because they think Muslim women have no human rights. Here let me
in defense of Middle Eastern civilization for a little bit.
have seen rape everywhere today in Africa from the book of Half the Sky. Goma, the principal city of North Kivu province in
the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been called the rape
capital of the world. At the height of the conflict, in 2006-7, 48 women were
being raped every hour. How can we prevent women from being raped when the
external conditions remain unchanged? Sex segregation, I think, was an only
choice under violent civilization. Many superficial scholars believe that sex
segregation represents the society has stratified and hierarchical system and
discrimination against women. This is the root of our wrong cognition. In the
boxing match, separating boxers into divisions helps ensure fair fights.
Men are born unequal. You never count on me to win Tyson in a
boxing. As a weak man, you must acknowledge your weak position, and then adopt
your best counter-strategies. As a rational father, how would you protect your
daughter from rape when all the rapists are around? Keep her staying at home.
In fact, the Quran adopted sex segregation as the passive and conservative
counter-strategy to protect women instead of
persecuting the feminine. This counter-strategy had been adopted in
many countries in human history. In ancient China, women were also forbidden to
go out, and in order to keep women from going out foot binding appeared.
Additionally, unmarried women can't be seen by strangers. The main purpose of
all these rules is to limit the mobility of women and confine women to their
husbands' homes. The nature of it is
also sex-segregation. One of the Chinese classic authors consider the man as a
prodigy of virtue who, finding a woman alone in a distant apartment, can
forbear making use of force. As everyone knows, the desire to have sexual
release would be aroused by female face and body, so women should go as far as
to cover their faces because even the face may attract sexual glances from men.
By keeping a safe distance between two sexes, the real purpose behind those
restrictions is to safeguard women against evil inclinations. The Quran says
the rules on dress are slightly relaxed when a woman reaches old age and her
sexual attractions have faded. I don't know the history of Western
women's humiliation, but I guess there must be a phenomenon like sex
segregation in West history, because as a conservative strategy, segregation is
always an evolutionarily stable strategy forever. In fact, many countries now
set up the coach for ladies only on the subway to prevent sexual harassment,
whose essence is sex segregation. So far, we can conclude that this conservative
strategy is not outdated, but there are still many men who behaves unruly
sitting in that coach in KL.
Koran is not oppression of women, but protection. In Africa, the men still in
savage civilization are like male animals, and apparently rape is best strategy
for male, so single women are easy to rape outside.
To deal with rape problem, the Middle East civilization has
evolved the counter-strategy: wearing a burka or niqab and keep women at homes.
We must admit that Middle East civilization is in higher level (Stable state)
above African civilization (Ground state) because women are sexually raped by a
man in marriage is much better off than by group of men on the street. In
stable state, sexual relations are the relations of prostitution, while husband
provides food and protection for his wife in exchange for sexual-services, and
conversely,wife provides sex-services for her husband in exchange for
necessaries and protection, and both of them has surplus. Let's move on East Asian civilization.
Apparently, rape is not the mainstream in Asian civilization, because I wouldn't worry about being raped when I was
walking on the street in China now special in the daylight instead of night.
Women can go out for working alone, but they are still lack of rationality.
Here my question is which level East Asian civilization located now? You might
think that East Asian Civilization is in higher level (Stable state) above
Middle East civilization. You guess the only half right. East Asian Civilization
is indeed located in higher level over Middle East civilization, but in virtual
state. In virtual state, Pseudo-equilibrium depends on the imaginary to
sustain, such as religions, love, morality and all kinds of lies, where men are
in a win-win situation and women in a lose-lose situation. Looking at the
history of the United States, you will find that the United States is the
mother of cult. Peoples Temple is the famous one, created by Jim Jones, whose
doctrine is everything is free. In my opinion, any religion who claims
everything is free is cult, but this doctrine really caters to the ignorant,
greedy and credulous masses. The biggest cult in the world is Love because love
reduces women to free prostitutes.
I'm going to talk about a movie
called India's Daughter. It is generally known that
Delhi has become the rape capital of the world. Western female tourists are
often reported to have been raped in India. To be honest, India is not the most
dangerous place for women if you count Africa in. Rape is normal in a violent
civilization where females don't resist it because they know
they can't beat the male. Why is rape
condemned in contract civilization? Because it violates the voluntary principle
of contract civilization. The confusion of gender relations in India lies in
the mismatch of behavioral strategies among different civilizations. On one
hand, in traditional Indian culture, the differences between a girl and a boy
are created in people's mind from birth, and girls
should not go out in the evening because women are always victims of violent
civilization. On the other hand, western civilization advocates contract
civilization which is based on voluntary transactions between the two sides and
where physical differences have been completely ignored. It is doomed to
failure that you attempt to restrain some gays who are the beneficiaries of violent
civilization with the rules of contractual civilization. The biggest lie of
Western civilization is gender equality which is very useful for maintaining pseudo
equilibrium state in the West but is not suitable for Indian civilization
because India's gender civilization is in
balance and there is no need and place for any lies. Under the lie of
egalitarianism, Indian girls forget that they are still victims of violent
civilization; under the lie of Love, they forget they are still the sellers of
sexual services. This is two mistakes women always make. Defense lawyer for the
rapists said, “A female is just like a flower. It gives a good-looking, very
softness performance, pleasant. But one the other hand, a man is just a thorn,
strong, tough enough. That flower always needs protection. If you put that
flower in a gutter, it is spoilt. If you put that flower in a temple, it will
be worshipped. They left our Indian culture. They were under the imagination of
the film culture in which they can do anything. She should not be put on the
streets just like food. The “lady”, on the other hand, you can say the “girl”
or “woman” are more precious than a gem, than a diamond. It is up to you how
you want to keep that diamond in your hand. If you put your diamond on the
street, certainly the dog will take it out. You can't stop it. You are talking about man and
woman as friends? Sorry, that doesn't have any place in our
society. A woman means I immediately put the sex in his eyes. We have the best
culture. In our culture, there is no place for a woman.” I do not want to
defend violent civilization, but this lawyer's words indeed fully corroborate my two
points. So far, all men, whether from the East or the West, consider P-V model
legitimate. The only difference is that one resorts to violence and the other
to lies. Relationships between men and women, whether based on violent
civilization or on lies, has not escaped P-V model. There is no essential
difference between the two. One of rapists said, “When being raped, she should
not fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they would
have dropped her off after doing her, and only hit the boy.” This is because he
has a strong sense of imbalance when the victim resists. You can be fucked for
free by other men, why can't you be fuck for free by me?
Men know exactly what sexual intercourse means, but women don't; men know exactly why men need women, but
women don't. At the end of the film, a lawyer
said, “If my daughter or sister engaged in pre-marital activities, and
disgraced herself and allowed herself to lose face and character by doing such
things. I would most certainly take this sort of sister or daughter to my
farmhouse, and in front of my entire family, I would put petrol on her and set
her alight.” I guess those guys who shouted for “Long live woman's freedom! Your freedom! My freedom!” in
the parade must be the beneficiaries of women's abuse of freedom. When women are free,
they will volunteer to take off the pants for free in pursuit of love and
vagina orgasm. Their purpose has been achieved without rape or payment. Freedom
is a such good thing. I wonder whether they will still shout for women's
freedom when women's freedom is to refuse to take off their pants. I think the
answer is obvious. The more I know men, the more I sympathize with women. There
is no better way because evolution needs victims. Women are destined to be
victims of evolution, both from the perspective of individual strength and from
the perspective of genetic interests, because vagina is what men need and
uterus is what genes need. So far, there is no equality between men and women,
because men do not allow equality between men and women. How to make men
compromise? Pseudo-equilibrium state is unavoidable. First of all, women should
believe in love before they can be free, and then men allow women to read and
work. On the one hand, they still provide free sex services, on the other hand,
they can earn money to support their families. Only in this way can men agree
to liberate women because they become arbitragers. If women do not believe in
love, the relationship between men and women will not enter a
pseudo-equilibrium. Women refuse to enter marriage immediately after they study
and work. It means men cannot arbitrage from it. After weighing the pros and
cons, men won't allow women to read and
work. What is the difference between human beings and animals? The difference
is not whether to wear clothes or not, but the former resorts to trade, the
latter resorts to violence. Women are eunuchs in a pseudo-equilibrium state. Next,
what should the Indian government do? Sterilization of the poor is what India
needs to do. Poverty is the root of all evil. Like genes, poverty can be
inherited. Individuals can have human rights to survive, but you must give up
your reproductive rights if they want to a relief. Let this virus gene not be
inherited. To be honest, I don't know what justice is and I
don't think anyone in the world can
understand it, but I know what equilibrium is and most people ignore it.
far, you can understand why I stand for the Middle East civilization that is
just a passive counter-strategy of violent civilization, aimed at protecting
women instead of hurting women. An ignorant woman, as a prey, does not know she
is in a pack of wolves. When you can't change your surroundings, you should not
expose your body to arouse wolf's his desire. Here is an
example for you. There is a beautiful diving island in eastern Thailand, called
Ko Tao, where I got my scuba diving license in 2015, but Koh Tao is not perfect
and some travelers believe that the island are full of sinister gangsters,
riled up murderers and ominous threats. And yes, there was a devastating, high
profile, double murder on the island in September of 2014. Following the
shocking news that Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, were murdered
on the idyllic southern island of Koh Tao on Monday, Thailand's Prime Minister
has spoken out about the incident, causing outrage. Questioning the safety of
Westerners in bikinis, he said, "There are always problems with tourist
safety. They think our country is beautiful and safe so they can do whatever
they want, they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere. But can they be safe in
bikinis…unless they are not beautiful?" Sudin Dhavalikar, the minister for
the public works department in the Indian state of Goa, made similar
controversial statements – calling for a ban on bikinis after linking them to
sexual crimes on beaches. "We should not allow girls with bikinis to enter
public places because it is very difficult to control people who arrive in Goa
from different states," he said. " Needless to say, these comments triggered
critics and anger from the victims' families and the crowd because these
comments implied that women are effectively asking for trouble by wearing
bikinis placing blame on the victims of horrific crimes. These bureaucrats are
right, but truth is always hard to accept. Different civilizations need
different counter-strategies to maximize your payoffs and minimize your costs. You
cannot but accept local equilibrium price, which is market power, or you are
the guise of LOVE, men can enjoy sex-services without pay, and women became
free prostitutes, but with the return of women's rationality, civilization has only one
option: professionalization. Some women with lower opportunity cost become
professional prostitutes, while some women with higher opportunity cost become
unqualified suppliers who choose to exit the sex-service market actively. Social
evolution is very slow and requires progress in both material and spiritual
progress. Western civilization, as the leader of human civilization, has to pay
the high price for some unknown errors when exploration, which could be called
the price of trial and error. Boss is not easy to be. The greatest harm is the
West tries to impose this higher pseudo-equilibrium on the lower true
equilibrium, and chaos resulted. Evolution is always second-mover advantage
instead of first-mover advantage, because the second-mover can draw lessons
from first-mover and avoid unnecessary costs. In my opinion, the best thing
about the western system is that women, as losers, have the opportunity to
choose freely, but they have two consequences of this freedom: better off or
worse off. The Savior must have been born at this time to lead the human race
to the next stable state. At any time, mankind needs the savior to save.
In the past, civilizations evolved
relatively independently, so they each reached their equilibrium, and there is
no such problem called “Human rights”, and people observed their customs in
their respective worlds, but in recent years, various civilizations began to
intertwine with each other, and so-called the problem of “Human rights”
emerged. In my opinion, the problem of “human rights” is a totally false
proposition because it must originate from comparison. Here I want to introduce
a concept: Easterlin paradox which is a key concept in happiness economics and theorized
by Professor Richard Easterlin who is an Economics Professor at the University
of Southern California. Some Empirical Evidence”, he concluded that a country's level of economic development (i.e., the
increase in the standard of living) and level of happiness are not connected. I
basically agree with his argument and I am not going to waste your time to
repeat his point here. In my opinion, happiness is a kind of subjective feelings
whose characteristic is depending on the comparison with his/her expectations
but lack of objective criteria to measure. There are a thousand Hamlets in a
thousand people's eyes. Think about your smartphone. I bought my favorite
smartphone two years ago and I was satisfied with it at that time. Now it's
still the same and functioning well but I am not happy with it. Why? It is
because it really sucks compared with my colleague's iPhone Xs Max. Bhutan was
once the happiest country in the world until satellite TV was introduced into
this country. Since then, people's level of happiness has dived sharply. Television's
dazzling high-end lifestyle, clothing and jewelry not only led to deep
resentment, but also led to a wave of crime. In order to pursue the so-called
Western life, many people began to steal and rob. Comparisons are very harmful.
Segregation and lies are necessary, because it is easier to satisfy
occasionally a fool. Stuart Muller said that it is better to be a human being
dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, but unfortunately, the pig does not think
so. What is happiness? Are people happier now than one hundred years? It is
hard to say. I think happiness is a relative value depending on the gap between
your actual situation and expectations. You have to lower your expectation when
you don't have enough ability to change your situation. Frankly speaking, if
China didn't open the door, the Chinese people may feel happy as same as North
Korean. The United States believed that overthrowing dictators can bring people
happiness, but the fact is that people there don't feel happy because they
believed they can be happier in Europe. God's strategy is to castrate people's
desires before they have the ability to achieve the next Equilibrium. I stress
it again that segregation is always a conservative stable strategy, please
think about the IOS ecosystem
of Apple phone. On the question of happiness, I happened to coincide with
Herbert Spencer, and let's review what Herbert Spencer
said in Social Statics:
Assuming it to be in other respects
satisfactory, a rule, principle, or axiom, is valuable only in so far as the
words in which it is expressed have a definite meaning. The terms used must be
universally accepted in the same sense, otherwise the proposition will be
liable to such various constructions, as to lose all claim to the title—a rule.
We must therefore take it for granted that when he announced “the greatest
happiness to the greatest number” as the canon of social morality, its
originator supposed mankind to be unanimous in their definition of “greatest
happiness.”…was a most unfortunate assumption, for no fact is more palpable
than that the standard of happiness is infinitely variable. In all ages—amongst
every people—by each class—do we find different notions of it entertained. To
the wandering gipsy a home is tiresome; whilst a Swiss is miserable without
one. Progress is necessary to the well-being of the Anglo-Saxons; on the other
hand the Esquimaux are content in their squalid poverty, have no latent wants,
and are still what they were in the days of Tacitus. An Irishman delights in a
row; a Chinese in pageantry and ceremonies; and the usually apathetic Javan
gets vociferously enthusiastic over a cock-fight. The heaven of the Hebrew is
“a city of gold and precious stones, with a supernatural abundance of corn and
wine;” that of the Turk—a harem peopled by houris; that of the American
Indian—a “happy hunting ground;” in the Norse paradise there were to be daily
battles with magical healing of wounds; whilst the Australian hopes that after
death he shall “jump up a white fellow, and have plenty of sixpences.”
Descending to individual instances, we find Louis XVI. interpreting “greatest
happiness” to mean—making locks; instead of which his successor read—making
empires. It was seemingly the opinion of Lycurgus that perfect physical
development was the chief essential to human felicity; Plotinus, on the
contrary, was so purely ideal in his aspirations as to be ashamed of his body.
Indeed the many contradictory answers given by Grecian thinkers to the
question—What constitutes happiness? have given occasion to comparisons that
have now become trite. Nor has greater unanimity been shown amongst ourselves.
To a miserly Elwes the hoarding of money was the only enjoyment of life; but
Day, the philanthropic author of “Sandford and Merton,” could find no
pleasurable employment save in its distribution. Rural quietude, books, and a
friend, are the wants of the poet; a tuft-hunter longs rather for a large
circle of titled acquaintance, a box at the Opera, and the freedom of Almack's. The ambitions of the tradesman and the
artist are anything but alike; and could we compare the air castles of the
ploughman and the philosopher, we should find them of widely-different orders
of architecture…. Generalizing such facts, we see that the standard of “greatest
happiness” possesses as little fixity as the other exponents of human nature.
Between nations the differences of opinion are conspicuous enough. On
contrasting the Hebrew patriarchs with their existing descendants, we observe
that even in the same race the beau ideal of existence changes. The members of
each community disagree upon the question. Neither, if we compare the wishes of
the gluttonous school-boy with those of the earth-scorning transcendentalist
into whom he may afterwards grow, do we find any constancy in the individual.
So we may say, not only that every epoch and every people has its peculiar
conceptions of happiness, but that no two men have like conceptions; and
further, that in each man the conception is not the same at any two periods of
life. The rationale of this is simple enough. Happiness signifies a gratified
state of all the faculties. The gratification of a faculty is produced by its
exercise. To be agreeable that exercise must be proportionate to the power of
the faculty; if it is insufficient discontent arises, and its excess produces
weariness. Hence, to have complete felicity is to have all the faculties
exerted in the ratio of their several developments; and an ideal arrangement of
circumstances calculated to secure this constitutes the standard of “greatest
happiness;” but the minds of no two individuals contain the same combination of
elements. Duplicate men are not to be found. There is in each a different
balance of desires. Therefore the conditions adapted for the highest enjoyment
of one, would not perfectly compass the same end for any other. And
consequently the notion of happiness must vary with the disposition and
character; that is, must vary indefinitely…. Similar unsettled questions might
be indefinitely multiplied. Not only therefore is an agreement as to the
meaning of “greatest happiness” theoretically impossible, but it is also
manifest, that men are at issue upon all topics, which for their determination
require defined notions of it. So that in directing us to this “greatest
happiness to the greatest number,” as the object towards which we should steer,
our pilot “keeps the word of promise to our ear and breaks it to our hope.”
What he shows us through his telescope is a fata morgana, and not the promised land.
The real haven of our hopes dips far down below the horizon and has yet been
seen by none. It is beyond the ken of seer be he never so farsighted. Faith not
sight must be our guide. We cannot do without a compass.
Similarly, this logic can be applied to the
issue of human rights. Different nationalities at the same time, or even the
same nation at different times have different perception of human rights. During
the period of cultural isolation, there is no comparison and people in lower
civilizations don't feel too bad because everyone around them lives like this. Similarly,
poverty is also a relative concept. It depends on who you compare with. Compared
with Buffett, I am a real poor woman, but compared with many Chinese people, I
am still rich enough. As the scandalous Mandeville put it in 1723, “which it
would be prudence to relieve, but folly to cure.” He was right. It is wise of
you to relieve the problem of the poor, but it is foolish of you to eradicate
the problem of the poor. When Herbert Hoover ever said with earnest simplicity,
“We shall soon with the help of God be within sight of the day when poverty
will be banished from the nation,” he might have been shortsighted—as who was
not?—but he rested his case on the incontrovertible fact that the average
American family lived better, ate better, dressed better, and enjoyed more of
the amenities of life than any average family thitherto in the history of the
world. The vision of Every Man being a Wealthy Man had been shown up as a
hallucination. The issue of human rights originates from the comparison of
norms of conduct among different civilizations. Mismatched
decency and dignity will inevitably lead to lagging economic development. A
group of low-energy electrons which are located in the 1S orbit envy the
high-energy electrons which are located in the 4P orbit every day, "how
free they are, there is no human rights in 1S orbit." At present, the main
trouble of human beings is that those low-energy electrons in 1S orbit want to
go to the 4P orbit because there are human rights there. Let me give you my
reasoning about that. With the promoting of world integration, people are
becoming more and more aware of other civilizations, they suddenly found out
that they can gain even greater benefits if they are located in some other
civilization. What would they do? Two choices: One is to choose immigrant; the
other is to ask the local government for their so-called rights in their own
country. In essence, what are they doing? Arbitrage in different civilizations.
There are only two results: One is to break the balance of another
civilization; the other is to break the balance of local civilization. Let's take China's birth control as an example.
During my trip to the West, almost all Westerners are criticizing the policy of
birth control in China as a violation of human rights, but I don't think so. In
my eyes, there is no good or bad policy, but only valid or invalid policy. Westerners
are overconfident on many issues. In Deng Xiaoping's words, “You're not all
wrong, we're not all right.”
Population model
About reproductive balance, let's review what Darwin said in his book of Origin of species:
There is no exception to the rule that
every organic being naturally increases at so high a rate, that if not
destroyed, the earth would soon be covered by the progeny of a single pair.
Even slow-breeding man has doubled in twenty-five years, and at this rate, in a
few thousand years, there would literally not be standing room for his
progeny…. A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at
which all organic beings tend to increase. Every being, which during its
natural lifetime produces several eggs or seeds, must suffer destruction during
some period of its life, and during some season or occasional year, otherwise,
on the principle of geometrical increase, its numbers would quickly become so
inordinately great that no country could support the product…. The elephant is
reckoned to be the slowest breeder of all known animals, and I have taken some
pains to estimate its probable minimum rate of natural increase: it will be
under the mark to assume that it breeds when thirty years old, and goes on
breeding till ninety years old, bringing forth three pairs of young in this
interval; if this be so, at the end of the fifth century there would be alive
fifteen million elephants, descended from the first pair…. In a state of nature
almost every plant produces seed, and amongst animals there are very few which
do not annually pair. Hence we may confidently assert, that all plants and
animals are tending to increase at a geometrical ratio, that all would most
rapidly stock every station in which they could any how exist, and that the
geometrical tendency to increase must be checked by destruction at some period
of life. Our familiarity with the larger domestic animals tends, I think, to
mislead us: we see no great destruction falling on them, and we forget that
thousands are annually slaughtered for food, and that in a state of nature an
equal number would have somehow to be disposed of…. In looking at Nature, it is
most necessary to keep the foregoing considerations always in mind – never to
forget that every single organic being around us may be said to be striving to
the utmost to increase in numbers; that each lives by a struggle at some period
of its life; that heavy destruction inevitably falls either on the young or
old, during each generation or at recurrent intervals. Lighten any check,
mitigate the destruction ever so little, and the number of the species will
almost instantaneously increase to any amount. The face of Nature may be
compared to a yielding surface, with ten thousand sharp wedges packed close
together and driven inwards by incessant blows, sometimes one wedge being
struck, and then another with greater force…. What checks the natural tendency
of each species to increase in number is most obscure…. In some cases it can be
shown that widely-different checks act on the same species in different
districts. When we look at the plants and bushes clothing an entangled bank, we
are tempted to attribute their proportional numbers and kinds to what we call
chance. But how false a view is this!... Climate plays an important part in
determining the average numbers of a species, and periodical seasons of extreme
cold or drought, I believe to be the most effective of all checks. I estimated
that the winter of 1854-55 destroyed four-fifths of the birds in my own
grounds; and this is a tremendous destruction, when we remember that ten per
cent. is an extraordinarily severe mortality from epidemics with man. The
action of climate seems at first sight to be quite independent of the struggle
for existence; but in so far as climate chiefly acts in reducing food, it
brings on the most severe struggle between the individuals, whether of the same
or of distinct species, which subsist on the same kind of food. Even when
climate, for instance extreme cold, acts directly, it will be the least
vigorous, or those which have got least food through the advancing winter,
which will suffer most. When we travel from south to north, or from a damp
region to a dry, we invariably see some species gradually getting rarer and
rarer, and finally disappearing; and the change of climate being conspicuous,
we are tempted to attribute the whole effect to its direct action.
African states have
found success elusive both in slowing population and in raising production.
Although babies are born at a slower rate than in the 1950s, the overall
population growth rate is higher because life expectancy has risen
dramatically. The ghost of Malthus seems to frown upon countries such as
Ethiopia, where drought and war act as positive checks. According to American
media reports, Africa's population will more than double to 2.4 billion by
2050. Sub-Saharan Africa's population is rising faster than the rest of the
world because modern medicine and health care on the continent means more
babies are surviving birth complications, and fewer adults are dying from
preventable diseases. But the number of children being born is not dropping, or
is doing so very slowly. African mothers have an average of 5.2 children,
rising to 7.6 in Niger, the country with the world's highest fertility rate
that is close to five times the European average of 1.6 children born to each
woman. According to foreign media reports that a 37-year-old Ugandan woman has
given birth to 38 children including twins, triplets, quadruplets. One
biologist has calculated that a pair of animals, each pair producing ten pairs
annually, would at the end of twenty years be responsible for
700,000,000,000,000,000,000 offspring; and Havelock Ellis mentions a minute
organism that, if unimpeded in its division, would produce from one single tiny
being a mass a million times larger than the sun—in thirty days. On one hand,
we have to admit that the function of reproduction is exponential. Any
reproduction conforms to the geometric ratios, including human reproduction. On
the other hand, God is pretty cruel to any exponential function because it
would cause imbalances, so they must suffer destruction by different ways. God
must strike a balance by somewhat kinds of means. By raising the death rate. What
are the positive forces that can “save” us from geometric ratios? War, famine,
and plagues. The black death lurks in every alley ready to rescue us. Infant
mortality liberates us from overpopulation. And famine haunts us always: Famine
seems to be the last, the most dreadful resource of nature. In Smith's day
infant mortality among the lower classes was shockingly high. “It is not
uncommon,” says Smith, “... in the Highlands of Scotland for a mother who has
borne twenty children not to have two alive.” In many places in England, half
the children died before they were four, and almost everywhere half the
children lived only to the age of nine or ten. Malnutrition, evil living
conditions, cold, and disease took a horrendous toll among the poorer element. Do you know under what circumstances the Chinese
government was forced to introduce the policy of One Child? My
classmate's mother who was born in 1950s
had nine brothers and sisters. This was not a rare phenomenon at that time. I
am saying that again the government was forced to do the brakes. Why is there a
sudden increase in population? According to my match theory, modern medicine
and the desire to reproduce like an animal don't match each other. You would see that
tigers never take birth control, but the number of tigers in the world is far
smaller than that of human beings. Why? It is because their babies die every
day while they give birth every day. A TV program called the animal world in
China, told me that crocodile mothers will lose 90% of their children in the
first week. The main problem in the Africa is the mismatch between African
social pattern and modern medicine. So far, Africa is still in self-sufficient period
and all people grab subsistence materials from nature, so they are still in zero-sum
game. They can't make the pie bigger, so they
have to fight each other for given subsistence materials. The more people, the fiercer
they fight. The fundamental reason for the war is that the benefits of war are
greater than costs, or in other words, their opportunity cost is very low. I
can't imagine what if they have modern weapons. I suggest let Africa be in its
own equilibrium (Self-sufficiency + high mortality + high birth rate + wooden
weapons) which also the equilibrium for animals. Human beings have a great
misunderstanding of cognition that death is the worst outcome, but the fact is
that many people are living death, because the only purpose of her being raised
was to become a sex slave. So-called civilized government keeps making women as
sex-slaves under the guise of “Women's rights” now. How evil human
beings are! I stress it again: Death is not the most terrible thing in the
world, because a lot of life is worse than death.
I discuss the problem of arbitrage in different civilization, I should discuss
a phenomenon that Westerners care about very much why Chinese people like
having children, while Westerners dislike having children. The heart of the
problem is supply and demand. As everyone knows, Europe are suffering the low
fertility for many years. In order to maintain the steady state, the Western
government tried lots of ways to convince people to have more kids. A French
maman has at least 16 weeks of mandatory, paid maternity leave, as well as
guaranteed job security and—if she has a third child—a monthly stipend of up to
1,000 euros for a year. In Norway, women are entitled to 10 months at their
full salary or a year at 80 percent. Because these policies have been in place
for decades, the countries' fertility rates are approaching 2.1, roughly the
point where a population can sustain itself without immigration. Other nations
are emulating this approach: Spain now offers a 2,500 euro bonus for every baby
born. South Korea, which has one of the world's lowest fertility rates, shells out $3,000
per couple for in-vitro fertilization. And in Germany, where women have an
average of 1.3 babies, Angela Merkel proposed up to 1,800 euros a month for
stay-at-home parents, and more day-care centers to improve the public image of
working moms—who have long been dubbed Rabenmütter, or "raven mothers."
A Danish travel agency released an amazing commercial urging Danes to have more
sex while on vacation. The ad points to the plummeting birth rate in Denmark as
incentive for couples to take a romantic holiday and, as their slogan goes,
"Do it for Denmark. Do it for Mon." In Northern Europe, people have
entered the communist society by establishing social welfare from cradle to
death. You will find a phenomenon that low fertility is not unique to Europe,
and in richer Korea and japan, people are not willing to have children, and
even in China the fertility aspirations of urban residents are also low. In big
cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the number of births is already smaller than
the number of deaths. Through these examples, it is not difficult for you to
come to such a conclusion: The middle class is reluctant to give birth to
children, and conversely the proletariat is willing to give birth to more
children. Why is that? Please keep in mind that don't forget to resort to the interests when
you are confused about any phenomenon. Now let's do it. Next, I'm going to apply the three steps in Microeconomics in building
two sets of figures (Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5) to explain why the West and the
Chinese governments adopt two opposing strategies to deal with the population
6.4 represents how Westerners adjust their counter-strategies step by step.
First of all, I want to defend the animals for a little bit. Non-human animals
are simple with pure reproductive strategy which is to spread the genes as much
as possible, because they are completely under the control of selfish genes
without any self-consciousness. You would find a universal phenomenon that when
the pups are adult, they will leave their mother completely and live alone.
What does this mean? It means mother, as an individual or a survival machine,
can't get any return from their
children in this reproductive strategy. What about human beings? They are much
more evil than animals, because they began to have self-awareness. I am sorry
that I really can't figure out the difference
between the two words: self-consciousness and self-awareness, so they all mean
individual cognition which is independent of pure genes control. From now on,
human being's reproductive strategy is
not limited to spread genes purely as same as animals, but also to raise
children against their old age. In other words, the purpose of having children
and raising children in human beings had shifted from for gene's benefit to for individual's benefit. In essence, raising their
children becomes a kind of investment for their old age. I had mentioned that
raising daughters for money in their short-run interests while sons for age
protection in their long-run interests. The change of purpose must be
accompanied by the change of strategy. You could find that adoption phenomenon
is very rare in animals world, but has long history in human beings. Where
there is demand there will be supply, so baby trafficking is still rampant in
China now. Would they be so kind to help people to spread genes? Definitely not.
They did it for themselves. I don't raise any
children of other people, because I have no purpose.
always slander the purpose of raising children in China, let’s have a looking
at the works of Westerners themselves. The famous novel named “The
Metamorphosis” was written in 1915 by Franz Kafka who was a German-speaking
Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the major
figures of 20th-century literature. What is The Metamorphosis about? The
Metamorphosis plot focuses on Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman and dutiful
son who single-handedly supports his parents and sister. One morning, following
one of his infrequent overnight visits to his parents' home, Gregor is shocked
to find that his body has been changed into an insect. Gregor's family is
horrified to discover the change in Gregor. Soon their shock gives way to
disgust, but Gregor is mindful of their feelings and hides in the room when his
sister brings his daily meals of Gregor, now unable to continue working to
support them, discovers that his parents' claims of being too ill to work are
false. Once Gregor becomes a problem rather than a provider, his family rejects
him completely. His sister initially provides for his care and feeding, but she
becomes indifferent to him, and he dies shortly after hearing his family's
plans to abandon him. After its publication, the book was banned in Nazi
Germany as well in the Soviet Union. For a period of time, after the Prague Spring,
the book was banned in Czechoslovakia as well. I think the reason why this book
was banned is its authenticity and cruelty. In short, the truth is always
cruel. You can imagine that one day you wake up to discover you have been
transformed into a giant insect, and your parents are going to love you or
disgust you? Once you become a problem rather than a provider, your family
feeds you or abandons you? People don't care what they have already got from
you, but what else they can get from you in the future. The answer is in your
heart. In China, the reason why many parents have a bad relationship with their
adult children is that their children cannot earn a lot of money to feed them
back. The ultimate goal of venture capital is not to run the company or love it
but to sell it after the IPO.

Let's get down to business. We can't draw the marginal cost and revenues
curves of animals because they don't have any revenues from
their children, but human beings do. This being so, let's go deeper how many children a rational
man need to produce? According to microeconomics, the rational producer
maximizes profit by producing the quantity at which marginal cost equals
marginal revenue. In panel (a) of Figure 6.4, the marginal revenue decreases
and the marginal cost increases, intersecting at point E1, and
a rational man would produce quantity at Q1. Notice two things here:
(1) At this time children are father's private
goods, and there is no any externality in this scenario because father takes
all raising costs as private costs while, of course, he gets all the revenues
as private value; (2) Due to poor medical technology and endless war, the slope
of marginal cost is very large, which means children are prone to death whether
in childbirth or in parenting. The result is that, as same as animals, Q1
is still very small although people never have birth control. In panel (b),
other things being same, with the development of medical technology, only the
slope of marginal cost becomes small. New marginal cost and old marginal
revenue intersect at point E2, and a rational man would
produce quantity at Q2. Obviously Q2 is much
bigger than Q1. This is the first population expansion in human
society. In panel (c), here comes the fun: Old-age pension. I dare say that the
emergence of pensions in the West world is a turning point in the human
reproductive strategy. According to Wikipedia, in the United Kingdom, the
beginning of the modern state pension was the Old Age Pensions Act 1908. After
the Second World War, the National Insurance Act 1946 completed universal
coverage of social security. The National Assistance Act 1948 formally
abolished the poor law, and gave a minimum income to those not paying national
insurance. In United States, pension plans became popular in the United States
during World War II, when wage freezes prohibited outright increases in
workers' pay. The defined benefit plan had been the most popular and common
type of retirement plan in the United States through the 1980s; since that
time, defined contribution plans have become the more common type of retirement
plan in the United States and many other western countries. We can say that the
pension system became popular in West World after the World War II. I guess
before the emergence of pension system, Europeans also need to have children to
support themselves in their old age, especially the poor guys, unless you can
inherit a fortune from your father, but the pension system changed their
options. In other words, the purpose of raising children is replaced by
pensions. The Game Theory told us you must change his/her payoffs if you want
to change his/her option. Apparently, the emergence of pensions has changed
people's choice by shifting marginal revenue
to the down. Now MR2 and MC2 intersect at E3,
so a rational man will reduce the quantity to Q3. Obviously, Q3
is smaller than Q2. What does it mean? It means Westerners are
reluctant to give birth to children. Why? Useless. What does useless mean? It
means, at
this time children become public goods with positive externality
for the whole society, which are neither excludable nor rival in consumption,
but father takes all raising costs as private costs while he only gets a part
of revenues as private value, so rational man does not take the external
benefits into his account, so chooses to exit supply market. In the pension
system, raising children is a positive external thing, infertile person becomes
a free rider. As a result, in the absence of any public policy, people would
devote too few resources to childbirth and raising. This is the essential
reason for the decline of the population in the west. What should the
government do? Hedging cost. In panel (d), in order to maintain quantity of Q2,
Western Government has to
enacted policy as subsidy to hedge personal external cost by shifting MC2
to MC3. Notice one important thing here: Inertia. Here, inertia
refers to people's behavior stickiness when
an old Equilibrium was broken. For an example, if people are very rational and
pragmatic with zero behavior inertia, when they have old-age pension,
equilibrium point immediately jumps from E2 to E3; if
people's behavior inertia is very large, their decision still stay at E2
for a long time after pension and move from E2 to E3 very
slowly. Similarly, the government's counter-strategy also has two problems:
Timeliness and moderation. For an example, when people are very rational and
pragmatic with zero behavior inertia, government should immediately formulate
subsidy policy, or the population will rise and fall too much; when people's
behavior inertia is very large, government should adopt dynamic subsidy, or
people would overreact. In any case, all possibilities of the western society
fall into the shadow of grey, mostly on the left because marginal revenue
shifts down first. Pink arrow may be the real path. This is the real reason and
history of Western population evolution. I have a few points to add. (1) You
could say that children can bring fun to their parents. Yes, I admit that, but
any imaginary numbers are not involved in real axis game. (2) The different
people have different opportunity costs, and the poorer you are the lower
opportunity costs you have, so when opportunity costs are very high, social
welfare must become very large to maintain equilibrium. For example, I have
huge opportunity costs, and I am not going to waste my time on my child, unless
I can lower my cost. (3) According to the Western contract spirit, the birth
contract is the choice of both parents, having nothing to do with child, so the
child has no obligation to support his/her parents financially. You would find
an interesting phenomenon: The West World, as the leader of the world, played
the chain game very well. In other words, there is no big gap in West
evolution. Modern medical care had developed first in West, and leaded to high
baby survival rate and a rapid increase in population, and before long, pension
system, as a restraint, appeared in Western history, so now westerners don't
need birth control. Next, let's have a look at evolutionary process of Chinese
population. You will find out that order really really matters a lot in
evolution, which may lead to a diametrically opposed government strategy.

panel (a) of Figure 6.5, as same as in Figure 6.4, the marginal revenue
decreases and the marginal cost increases, intersecting at point E1,
and a rational man would produce quantity at Q1. In panel (b), it is
also the same. Advances in medical technology have led to the first steady
expansion of the population. Next, difference comes.
It is known to all that at the end of the
World War II, China declared its entry into so-called “Communism”
immediately. What does the word “Communism” mean? The principle of distribution
in communist society is “from each according to his ability” and “to each
according to his needs”. It means China entered free era, and everyone can get
free medical care, free food, free house and free education. It sounds so
perfect like in paradise or heaven, but the result backfired, because what has
always made the state a hell on
earth has been precisely that
man has tried to make it
heaven. Food, health care, education and so on
become common resources. are not excludable: They are available free of charge
to anyone who wants to use them. Common resources are, however, rival in
consumption: One person's use of the common
resource reduces other people's ability to use it. Common resources inevitably
lead to tragedy of commons. What causes the tragedy? The reason is that social
and private incentives differ. For an individual, work
becomes a thing of positive externality, and no one wants to work for society
and everyone wants to be a free rider. These all mentioned above are one side
of positive externality, but the fact is, what's more, that there is other side of
negative externality. At this time there was no any old-age pension system in
China, and people still needed their children's support in their old-age, so childbirth
became a thing of negative externality, and everyone wanted children as many as
possible because household got whole revenues as private value while took a
small parts of the raising costs as private costs, so
rational person did not take the external costs into his account and chose to
enter the birth market. In panel (c), the emergence of communism had changed
people's choice by shifting marginal cost to
the down. Now MR1 and MC3 intersect at E3, so
a rational man will increase the quantity to Q3. Obviously, Q3
is much bigger than Q2. Apparently, the cost curve moving first,
cause the rapid expansion of China's population. In other words, Capitalism
matches “raising children to provide against old age” very well, while Socialism
matches “old-age pension” very well. On the contrary, Capitalism and “old-age
pension” are incompatible, while Socialism and “raising children to provide
against old age” are incompatible, because there is an arbitrage opportunity in
each of them. We can see that the pension system has 60 years of history in the
West at least. What about in China and when did China establish the pension
system? China began to establish a pension system in 1986, and created the
individual accounts during Railway System in1998. We can see that the pension
system has only 20 years of history in China at most. Notice: There are 40
years of lag between West and China. China's baby boom was in 50s and 60s just
during the lag of 40 years. In other words, at present, a large number of
elderly people do not have pensions in China especially in rural areas. Who
will support them? They did not pay the bills when they were young, and the
government is certainly unwilling to cover the costs now. This is a very normal
logic. What should Chinese government do? Transfer costs to their children, so
the law of China requires that children have the duty to support parent. The
government has instilled such logic into the public: I feed you up when you are
young, you must feed me back when I am old. It sounds like a fair deal at first
glance, but, unfortunately, you don’t obtain your children’s consent. Such a
despot clause it is! This gangster contract led directly to the baby
trafficking. Human trafficking is another sensitive question, but the West does
not understand the nature of this affair. There are two entirely different
forms of human trafficking: One is baby trafficking; the other is women
trafficking, because they didn't share the same purpose. The former is a kind
of investment, the latter is a kind of consumption, and the commons are that
the both are forced trading and respond to incentives. You can't stop the evil
until you know the real reasons. You must have seen the movie of Slumdog
Millionaire. The bad man blinds the child's eyes in order to beg for more
money. Who's the culprit? The bad guys? Definitely not. Foolish kindness and
compassion led to the children's tragedy, because they created arbitrage
opportunities. No one would waste any time and money on other's children if
they can't get any return from the children. I once saw a story: a person was
pushed out of a Pyramid selling organization because he ate too much. And, of
course, there is also a non-economic reason. In order to prepare for the Third
World War with the United States, then-leader encouraged fertility in the
fifties. He needed as many cannon fodder as possible to protect his power. Until
his death in 1976, the new leader Deng realized that the third world war could
not break out, and the huge population had been great burden that a large
number of hungry people would inevitably lead to civil commotion, so in 1982
one child policy was defined as a basic national policy and written into the
Constitution for the first time. How to deal with this productive negative
externality? Let us recall some knowledge of Microeconomics that all of the
remedies share the goal of moving the allocation of resources closer to the
social optimum. Who can tell me what called the social optimum? I think the
social optimum is a state which can continue indefinitely without causing
imbalance. About the question of externality, the government can respond in one
of two ways. Command-and-control policies regulate behavior directly.
Market-based policies provide incentives so that private decision makers will
choose to solve the problem on their own. Obviously, the Chinese government, as
a member of socialism, chose the one child policy as regulation at that time
based on the principle of fairness. I strongly support the family planning
policy because it was just a passive counter-strategy at that time, but in
fact, instead of prohibition of birth in response to this reproductive negative
externality, I prefer corrective taxes to regulations as a way to deal with
negative externality. Poll tax or tradable birth permits. I prefer the latter
one because trade can make everyone better off, and maybe I can get some money
by selling my birth permit to another woman. Unfortunately, I know it is
impossible in China, because money control belongs to the capitalist category
and violence control belongs to the socialist category. Due to the function of
reproduction conforms to the geometric quadratic, one child policy, first
emergency brake, was a mandatory measure that the government had to take at
that time. Fight terroir with terroir and fight violence with violence because
we had no choice
but only resort to coercive measures. Neutering male dog is very popular in the
West because castration is the only way to control reproduction, otherwise, God
must choose a high mortality rate to match. Apparently, first emergency brake
was not enough for Chinese, from 1978 China embarked on the road of capitalism
named “reform and opening up”. Like the enclosure movement in England in the
16th century, we gradually woke up from public ownership and entered the most
brutal private ownership system. How to solve the problem of tragedy of
commons? Internalizing the externality. In panel (d), privatized capitalism
shifts the MC3 to back to MC2 to internalize the
externality by increasing the cost of parenting, and equilibrium point moves
from E3 back to E2. The high cost of raising is second
brake, which must be passed on to parents in the form of higher raising prices.
The emergence of pensions is third, last and fatal brake. At the end of the 20th
Century, the Chinese government imitated the West to carry out Pension system.
As same as the pension's effect in West, the
purpose of raising children is replaced by pension, so equilibrium point moves
from E2 to E4. The emergence of pensions is third, last
and fatal brake. Why don't I have a baby? Useless for me. Where did I get the
courage? Pensions give me this courage because I like arbitrage as well. You'll
find a common phenomenon in China: People who lives in city, are not willing to
have children because they have good pension and reluctant to bear the high
cost of parenting; people who lives in countryside, are still willing to have
children because they have no pension and still need children's support when
they get old. Because China is gradually entering the aging society, the
shortage of pensions forced the government to change the policy from one child
to two children even to open birth completely. Frankly speaking, China is not
short of people, but there are too many old people for historical reasons, and almost
all troubles in China now comes from the contradiction between huge population
and limited resources, so Chinese have to fight for everything, such as school,
medical resources, parking lot and so on and so forth. I believe that in the
near future, in order to increase the population, the government has to
subsidize fertility by shifting MC2 to MC3 as same reason
as Western, and equilibrium point moves from E4 to E5. There is an inevitable consequence: The rural population
gradually eliminated the urban population. The reason is very simple: On the
road of reproductive professionalism, urban people will gradually become
unqualified suppliers because they are faced with higher opportunity cost than
rural people. Of course, before the subsidy, reproductive legalization of
single women must also be realized. The law is changing over time, but usually
the change is very slow and reaches over several generations. So far, in China,
single women have no right to have own children without marriage, which was
also one of the means of forcing women into monogamy in the past because the
only reason why many women get into marriage is to have children. But with the
decrease of birth rate, the authorities face the tradeoff between men and
offspring. Now the Chinese
government has to reweight the pros and cons. If single women are allowed to
reproduce, the advantage is to increase the population without any subsidy, whereas
the disadvantage is that more and more women will refuse to enter P-V model,
which must lead men will lose free sex slaves, that must threaten social
stability and the rule of the authorities, because the essence of this
legalization is to separate function of the uterus from the function of the
vagina, which is a part of God's strategies but depending on the timing. The essence of
monogamy is to use women's strong reproductive desire to force women into the
role of free prostitutes. This insidious strategy works well until the woman
gives up her desire to reproduce, as a result of which authorities have to face
trade-offs. Cheat is an eternal and cheap strategy. According to the latest
unofficial news on the Internet, in order to tie women to two identities of
vagina and uterus, Chinese government began to restrict abortion and divorce
from 2018. Before that, you didn't need any proof and signature to go to the hospital to
have an abortion, but now, abortion requires community certificates and parents' signatures; before
that, both parties can divorce immediately as long as they go to the Marriage
Registry, but now, they start to limit the number of divorces per day. This is
a clear violation of the principle of free trade under contract civilization. The
slave owners were worried because there are not enough slaves soon. The United
States place women as double victims as well. The Georgia House Bill 481 was an
American anti-abortion law passed in 2019 that sought to prevent physicians in
the U.S. state of Georgia from performing abortions beyond six weeks, except in
special situations. Why did the authorities dare to issue this heartbeat bill? They
wanted to transfer the cost on women because they did believe women's choices
are inflexible. How should women cope? Transfer costs to others. All women
should shout to the authorities: If you don't let me have an abortion, I will
refuse to take off my pants. After trade-offs, the authorities would definitely
say that you'd better have an abortion. To be honest, the world is very
unfriendly to women. Women are half victims and half accomplices, of course.
Anyway, after
taking the same problems of inertia, timeliness and moderation, all
possibilities of the Chinese society fall into the shadow of grey, we are still
going through the right because marginal cost shifts down first. Pink arrow may
be the real path which is the real reason and history of Chinese population
evolution. Which curve between supply and demand curves moves first is very
important because it may lead to the opposite strategy. Now, you can understand
very well what I said before “Order matters a lot in evolution”. For example,
the order of death is very important in family heritage succession, which determines
the way property is distributed. There is no short-cut in evolution, and cruel
capitalism is inevitable where Chinese are going through now.
Western civilization has a serious
prejudice against the Chinese government just because it is under the guise of
socialism. This prejudice is too arbitrary. I am not defending the Chinese
government, but family planning was indeed an indispensable means in those
years. To be frank, China was not the only country to adopt family planning
policy, and in the last century Singapore also went through the pink route in
panel (d). World War II in Singapore ended in 1945, and the years following
caused the population to increase faster than the economy was developing. There
were about 1 million baby boomers born between the years of 1947 and 1964, live
births increasing 58%. With the rapid increase of Singapore after
the war, the country would soon face of the effects of overpopulation, which
could be the depletion of natural resources, degradation of environment, a rise
in unemployment, and a higher cost of living. From 1947 to 1957, the social
forces which caused the post–World War II baby boom elsewhere in the world also
occurred in Singapore. The birth rate rose and the death rate fell; the average
annual growth rate was 4.4%, of which 1% was due to immigration; Singapore
experienced its highest birth rate in 1957 at 42.7 per thousand individuals.
(This was also the same year the United States saw its peak birth rate.) Upon
Singapore experiencing the many of the effects of overpopulation, and in fear
of experiencing more, the Singapore government decided to step in. Fearing that
Singapore's growing population might overburden the developing economy, Lee
Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades,
recognized as the nation's founding father, started a vigorous Stop at Two
family planning campaign. Abortion and sterilization were legalized in 1970,
and women were urged to get sterilized after their second child. In addition to
promoting just having two children, the government also encouraged individuals
to delay having their second child and to marry late, reinforcing the
inevitable demographic transition. The situation has changed over time, by
1987, the total fertility rate had dropped to 1.44. The Government of Singapore
had recognized that falling birth rates were a serious problem and began to
reverse its past policy of Stop-at-Two, encouraging higher birth rates instead.
By 30 June of that year, the authorities had abolished the Family Planning and
Population Board. In October 1987, future Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the
son of Lee Kuan Yew, exhorted Singaporeans to procreate rather than
"passively watch ourselves going extinct". Starting 1990, a tax
rebate of 20,000 SGD (US$18,000 in 2010 dollars, factoring historic exchange
rates) were given to mothers who had their second child before the age of 28. Is
Singapore's evolutionary path exactly in pink arrow consistent with my prediction?
Of course, yes. In fact, China would be better if it also began sterilization
in the 1950s. Unfortunately, there is no assumptions in history.
When I come to population issues, I cannot
avoid the book of An Essay on the Principle
of Population written by Thomas Robert Malthus. I have just finished
reading this good work recently, and I am surprised to find that I coincide
with Malthus on many views. Here, I review this work for a little bit written
two hundred years ago. He wrote:
The power of
population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce
subsistence for man…. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical
ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio. A slight
acquaintance with numbers will shew the immensity of the first power in
comparison of the second…. By that law of our nature which makes food necessary
to the life of man, the effects of these two unequal powers must be kept
equal…. This implies a strong and constantly operating check on population from
the difficulty of subsistence. This difficulty must fall somewhere and must
necessarily be severely felt by a large portion of mankind…. Through the animal
and vegetable kingdoms, nature has scattered the seeds of life abroad with the
most profuse and liberal hand. She has been comparatively sparing in the room
and the nourishment necessary to rear them. The germs of existence contained in
this spot of earth, with ample food, and ample room to expand in, would fill
millions of worlds in the course of a few thousand years. Necessity, that
imperious all pervading law of nature, restrains them within the prescribed
bounds. The race of plants and the race of animals shrink under this great
restrictive law. And the race of man cannot, by any efforts of reason, escape
from it. Among plants and animals its effects are waste of seed, sickness, and
premature death. Among mankind, misery and vice. The former, misery, is an
absolutely necessary consequence of it. Vice is a highly probable consequence,
and we therefore see it abundantly prevail, but it ought not, perhaps, to be
called an absolutely necessary consequence…. In the United States of America,
where the means of subsistence have been more ample, the manners of the people
more pure, and consequently the checks to early marriages fewer, than in any of
the modern states of Europe, the population has been found to double itself in
twenty-five years…. This ratio of increase, though short of the utmost power of
population, yet as the result of actual experience, we will take as our rule,
and say, that population, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every
twenty-five years or increases in a geometrical ratio…. Taking the population
of the world at any number, a thousand millions, for instance, the human
species would increase in the ratio of -- 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256,
512, etc. and subsistence as -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. In two
centuries and a quarter, the population would be to the means of subsistence as
512 to 10: in three centuries as 4096 to 13, and in two thousand years the
difference would be almost incalculable, though the produce in that time would
have increased to an immense extent…. No limits whatever are placed to the
productions of the earth; they may increase for ever and be greater than any
assignable quantity. Yet still the power of population being a power of a
superior order, the increase of the human species can only be kept commensurate
to the increase of the means of subsistence by the constant operation of the
strong law of necessity acting as a check upon the greater power.
In short, Malthus
believes that the restrictive law of nature is the only reason to keep two unequal powers (the power
of population and the power in the earth to produce subsistence) equal. His
restrictive law is basically the same as my matching theory. In order to keep
equilibrium, God must choose to strike a balance between in and out. A high
“In” rate must match a high “Out” rate. In lots of China Insurance Companies,
the only reason they are hiring every day is that they are laying off employees
every day. Chinese securities brokers are also a profession with low threshold
in and high elimination rate, which is quite cruel. Like the role of price is
to prevent consumption, the role of misery is to prevent reproduction. I
basically agree with him, except for two points. One is he believed plants and
animals are all impelled by a powerful instinct to the increase of their
species, and this instinct is interrupted by no reasoning or doubts about
providing for their offspring. Facts proved that he was wrong because animals
can adjust their reproductive strategies based on the different external
environment. When the external environment becomes bad, animals will reduce
their losses by reducing production or sterilization. It turns out that animals
are rational, and they have rational birth control to maximize their payoffs
because they are not in Communism society and can't pass the cost onto others.
The other is he believed human beings are also driven to reproduce by an
equally powerful instinct as same as non-human beings. Like I said before,
human beings are in the half Orc stage, where they began to be controlled by individual
consciousness and genetic consciousness both. Precisely speaking, the motive of
human reproduction lies in somewhere between individual interests and genetic
interests. At least in China, reproduction is an investment for their old age,
and because of this, the strategy of adopting abandoned babies is logical. As
time goes by, with the increase of individual opportunity cost, as reproduction
becomes a negative externality, more and more people, who have higher
opportunity costs, choose to withdraw from the reproductive market. Regardless
whether the Chinese used to love having children, or refuse to have children
right now in China, or love to have children in the West now, the common point
is they are all pursuing personal interests, but the only difference is, as
rational market participants, they rationally choose to enter or exit the
reproductive market based on their own opportunity cost and external
equilibrium price. These Chinese used to be qualified suppliers, but now they
are unqualified suppliers; even though they are unqualified suppliers in China
now, but they are still qualified suppliers in West. At present, two kinds of
Chinese like to have children. One is rich people who tend to have more
children because they make money easily, for example, those film stars who took
advantage of the irrationality of the Chinese people and easily accumulated
huge wealth, so money is cheap in their accounts. The other is poor people who
also tend to have more children because they face very low opportunity costs
and childbirth is a relatively cost-effective investment. In China, only the
middle class does not have more children. There are two reasons: 1. It's not
easy to make money; 2. Opportunity costs are high. Use Bill Clinton famous
saying to sum up, “It's the economy, stupid.” In summary, human beings now are
controlled by individuals and genes at the same time, so it is hard to predict
their decisions accurately according to a single interest subject. Additionally,
I am a little extended about Mr. Godwin and his utopian
vision. In Matthew 7:15 Jesus reminds people to beware of false prophets: Watch
out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they
are ferocious wolves. I have never doubted their intentions, but the road to
hell is paved with good intentions, which only throw the whole community in
confusion. Communism will never come, because human endless desires and limited
products are naturally unequal.
You must change the payoffs,
if you want to change someone's option. The law acts only as a threshold made by human in order
to preserve equilibrium. The differences in value preference around the world
are staggering as same as it in living standards, so the equilibrium points
must be reached in different location from country to country. In some
countries, the roadside parking needs to be charged $5 to solve traffic jams,
while in some other countries, it needs to be charged $10 to solve traffic
jams. Different societies need different laws to maintain balance. Blind imitation
inevitably leads to imbalances because the two share the different tipping
points. According to Mr. Herbert Spencer, this principle, being that life
depends on, or consists in, the incessant action and reaction of various
forces, which, as throughout nature, are always tending towards an equilibrium;
and when this tendency is slightly disturbed by any change, the vital forces
gain in power. The law itself is divided into neither good nor bad, but either useful or
useless. Useful law prevents people from doing evil while useless law
encourages people to do evil. The law itself has a powerful demonstration
effect. What kind of behavior should be punished by law? It depends on whether
the society would fall into mess when all others follow this behavior. For
example, baby hatch is the result of blind learning from the West, which should
not exist in China at all. According to the news, the baby hatch in Guangzhou
has received 262 babies in less than two months. All 262 babies suffer from
disabilities or diseases such as cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome and
congenital heart disease. This baby hatch has been overwhelmed with abandoned
infants, forcing a suspension of services. The closing of baby hatch is a
perfect display of degeneration after the failure of taking Chinese into the
virtual state by stupid and radical people. One percent of birds (usually
cuckoos and cowbirds but also including a species of duck), is entirely
dependent on other species to raise their young. Naturally this arrangement is
rarely to the advantage of the “host” birds, who may end up raising unrelated
young in addition to their own. So, selects in the victim for the ability to
recognize a strange-looking egg and eject it. This, in turn, selects for egg
mimicry in the brood parasite because they have the tendency to produce eggs
which have the same spotting and coloration as the eggs of the host. Baby hatch
for them is as same as host nest for cuckoos or other 'brood-parasites',
because a bird cuckoo deposits her egg and disappears as same as them. Why do
the parents send their babies to baby hatch? The only reason is, from the
perspective of personal interests, parents feel that continuing to invest is a money-losing
business and want to transfer the costs to taxpayers. In other words, parents feel
that disabled children are useless to them, but the key is that disabled children
are useless to others as well. The existence of baby hatch inevitably creates
arbitrage opportunity and a kind of built-in unfairness for poor guys who
raises their own children. So, the bad and irresponsible genes would spread
through the population, and the nice and responsible genes would break down.
Arbitrageurs set a bad example to others because they did something bad but
without any punishment, so soon afterwards others will follow suit to
arbitrage. The closing of baby hatch is quite normal thing, just the matter of
sooner or later. Even in the United States, bankruptcy law stipulates student
loans and child support won't be
forgiven. It is reported that Evander Holyfield has a minimum of 11 children
and Dwight Howard has 10 children. Under American law, they have to provide
financial support to all their biological children even in bankruptcy. Another
question is, why don't pregnant women have prenatal exams? They totally can
abort a malformed child before birth by modernized medical service, but still
why? The reason is very simple: they are poor and have little opportunity cost.
A pregnant woman should have at least four fetal examinations before birth, and
of course these examinations could cost thousands of RMB. For most of Chinese,
the best strategy is directly giving birth after 10 months without any
examination, and then kill the baby if the parents find it deformed or female,
and then give birth to next one. During the so-called classic times, it was
common to expose babes to the tender mercies of wild beasts. Infanticide is
also very common in animal. The mother dog would kill the defective puppy to
avoid the waste of milk, and improve the survival rate of the other pup,
because milk is limited and the mother must weigh the pros and cons. In trading
stock, the three most important rules are “cut your losses, cut your losses,
and cut your losses.” People respond to incentives only. An incentive is
something that induces a person to act, such as the prospect of a punishment or
a reward. Because rational people make decisions by comparing costs and
benefits, they respond to incentives. You will see that incentives play a
central role in the study of economics. One economist went so far as to suggest
that the entire field could be simply summarized: “People respond to
incentives. The rest is commentary.” Apparently, on fertility issues, Chinese
and Westerners made opposite decisions because social and private incentives
differed. For example, John Lone, a Chinese American actor, was born in HK but abandoned
by his parents as soon as he was born, and then was adopted by an odd and
disabled woman. Unfortunately, the only purpose of this women is just to get
government subsidies through John Lone. A Korean film named Barbie (2012) illustrated
that the only purpose of American rich people's adoption in South Korea is for
organ transplantation. All hidden beneath the surface of beauty are cruel
truths. Whether reproduction, adoption, abandonment or abortion is just the
choice to maximize individual interests. When abortion in advance is more
advantageous to them, they would choose abortion instead of giving birth. Public
policymakers should never forget about incentives: Many policies change the
costs or benefit that people face and, therefore, alter their behavior. In
other words, subsidies people get from government affects
their incentives and the decisions they make, and baby hatches reduce the
benefits of responsibility. How to solve this problem? We must adopt the
strategy of internalizing the externality as a response. This is the cruel reality and real equilibrium
state where Chinese are. In this case, it is necessary for Chinese government
to allow people to kill their own defective children before two years old because,
for them, the cost of rebirth is far less than the cost of treating disabled
children. Don't say I'm cold-blooded, unless you bear the costs of all these
treatments. The Chinese and Western cultures have very different ideas about
the death of the children. In China parents will receive popular sympathy when
negligence leads their children to death. The public believe the parents are
the loss of the child's death
because they have invested some sunk costs without any return. But when the
same thing happens in Western countries, the public believe parents are
murderers and must be punished by law. Human rights are a false proposition.
The great difference
about children between Chinese and Western stems from the property right of children.
In West with developed old-age insurance, the beneficiaries of the children's
existence are the whole society, and the property right of children belongs to
the whole society, so parents will be deprived of their guardianship by the
government if they don't treat children very well, and then the government has
a special institution to take over the children. On the contrary, in China with
underdeveloped old-age insurance, the beneficiaries of the children's existence
are the parents, and the property right of children belongs to the parents, due
to the negative externality, parents have the incentive to leave their children
to the society. In short, in West children are public goods and in China
children are private goods, so the market fails to allocate resources
efficiently because property rights are not well established; that is, some
item of value does not have an owner with the legal authority to control it. The
starting point of contract civilization is the clarity of property rights and a
well-defined individual right. I have the right to dispose of my personal
belongings, including beating my horse, shooting my dogs eat my rats, and
killing my baby. Chinese overseas students often complain that they beat dogs
in the rental house, which was reported by the landlord, as a result of which they
were warned by the police. In the eyes of Chinese people, it has nothing to do
with you whether I beat my dog or my child. I advocate that parents have the
right to kill their young and sick children in China, because the cost of
treatment is much more than having another one. This belongs to the category of
private rights. Don't stand on your moral high ground and judge them because
you don't pay for them. In China, the government can't deprive the parental
custody of their children because everyone will throw their children to the
government. In the West, the essence of depriving the parental custody is to
deprive revenue, but in China is to deprive cost. Committing the direction
wrong is fatal. There are only two things in the world: One is how to split the
interests; the other is how to apportion the costs. Children in China are just
tools of parents: One is for supporting them in old age, the other is for
fulfilling their unfinished dreams. The fact that all Chinese, especially
mothers, put all their hopes on their children, illustrates two things: One is
they have no self-awareness, the other is they despaired of China's current
society, so they are eager to change their fate through their children after
the failure of changing their fate through their husbands. Now, the education
of the Chinese is abnormality. In the heart of women's comparisons, the
children are speeding up towards the Communist society. Parents want children
to be winner in everywhere in life, so children need to go to school earlier,
get married earlier and giving birth earlier. There is a famous slogan of
powdered milk in China, “Don't let your child lag behind the starting line.”
This is the sorrow of the generation of one child. Owing to the pension
deficit, the Chinese government allows two children to be born. The greatest
benefit of Two-Children Policy, I think, is to collapse the unique alliance
between parents and offspring, and let Chinese know there should be a boundary
between any two adults, because under Two Children Policy, parent have to face
how to invest in two children while two children have to face how to compete
for parents’ limited resources. Two-Children Policy must break the Chinese
traditional family as same as the fact that female orgasm must break the
traditional sexual relations, because the only thing which can break the
current equilibrium is interests. Maternal love is not great at all because
nothing is great in evolution, which only related to personal calculations and
opportunity costs. Recently, I saw an absurd news about second child like this:
A couple approaching 50 years old insisted on having a second child despite
their poor financial situation because their eldest son didn't filial piety
them. It's not over yet, and the more absurd is still behind. Because they didn't
have the money to raise their second son, they sued their eldest son for
raising his younger brother after the eldest son refused to raise his young
brother. This ridiculous lawsuit ended in that blackmailers win. The judge
ruled that the elder brother must raise the younger brother. It's really a good
play of passing on the costs to each other. Never doubt the purpose of
Many suitable policies
in the West are not acclimatized in other countries, because they are located
in different equilibrium states with different preferences and different budget
line, so different the laws needed. The West should erode some popular beliefs
about many things, such as One Child Policy, Same-sex marriage, Child Labor,
Unmarried childbearing and so on and so forth. All the problems are how people
face the tradeoff between short-term interests and long-term interests.
Long-term interests can't be taken into people's account before the short-term
interests satisfied. The first problem China faced is not human rights nor
dictatorship, but poverty. At beginning, I may be tempted to conclude that a
human life is priceless, influenced by Western values, but now I know I was
wrong, and each person's life is worth different prices. A better way to value
human life is to look at the risks that people are voluntarily willing to take
and how much they must be paid for taking them. The life of a man who runs a
red light must be worthless; the life of a child who is abandoned by his
parents at the gate of baby hatch is worthless. You might say I am
cold-blooded, but that is a fact. The value of each man's life is very
different from each other as same as the time cost, depending on what you can
do with your time. There is a stupid saying, “children are innocent.” But from
genetic perspective, no child is innocent because one of the most striking
properties of survival-machine behavior is its apparent purposiveness, and
someone must pay for its purpose, from individual's perspective, we are all
born guilty because we are all the products of sexual assault. A foolish policy
can only lead to moral hazard. The most useless thing in the world is good
intention with low intelligence. Let me reiterate my view that I support female
infanticide because those girls who were born in families that tried to abort
their children would suffer the living death all their lives. The only purpose
of the government to keep them alive is to produce enough comfort women and
placebos just under the guise of human rights. Shameless enough! How to
maintain the balance from Game Theory? First of all, change the payoffs of the
game of reproduction; secondly, people are governed by inertia, so the old
regulation should continue to be used; finally, people gradually become
rational and choose to enter or exit the market, and at this time, regulation
gradually withdrew from the stage of history. Sometimes waiting is a good
strategy. Waiting for what? Waiting for all old people without pensions dead.
Learning from the West blindly will only lead to degeneration, even anti-stokes
degeneration. All in all, species in different areas need to be inhibited
differently, and don't forget, at any time, segregation is not the worst
As a conservative, here I have to defend
the dictators for a little bit. To be honest, Chinese must follow our own path
instead of blind learning from the West. The failure of Baby hatch is
a big lesson. From the above analysis of the population,
we can easily draw conclusion that the Chinese government should adopt policies
that are diametrically opposed to Western governments because what kind of
policies government should adopt depends on which curve moves first, and any
the government's strategy only serves as a
hedge to keep equilibrium. It's hard for the Chinese government to deal with
the population problem because the gap between the rich and the poor is too
large. The Chinese have spent 40 years walking through the capitalism where the
Westerners have been walking for 300 years. Not only the material civilization
gap is big in China, the spiritual civilization disparity is bigger. In ancient
China without any welfare system, people chose to reproduce as many as
possible, so the government, at that time, had to choose “Poll tax” as
counter-strategy to suppress the population explosion. In further, the better
the social welfare, the more children the poor guys want. To be honest, the
best strategy to deal with Chinese is the price discrimination, but I don't
think it would be adopted by government because of so-called “Equality”. Like I
said before, there is a purpose for Chinese to adopt children, and all goodness
with a purpose is not really good, but just an investment. The misunderstanding
between China and West lies in the child's property rights. In all confusion,
the market fails to allocate resources efficiently because property rights are
not well established. When you put aside the emotional factors, you can see
through the reasons behind any seemingly opposite phenomenon. There are only
two things in the world: (1) how to divide profits; (2) how to share costs. All
the confusion in Utopia is due to no clear rights and responsibilities. The law
stipulates who benefits and who pays. Nothing to do with human rights. I dare
to say that there are many good policies in West, but are not suitable for
China. If we take inappropriate strategies, it will inevitably lead to crazy
arbitrage and collapse finally. Keep in mind that direction is more important
than effort.
Let's be frank and come to my conclusion: Human
rights is a false proposition because human cognitive ability is always
limited, otherwise Western woman would not be penetrated under the guise of
lies. Human reasons, however, are subordinate to the Supreme mission, and
different races are located on different equilibrium, so they must have
different human rights. You can find that there is a greater difference between
savage and civilized men than between some savage men and some beasts. You must
be surprised at the gap between the state of nature and the state of so-called
civilization, but I am not surprised by this gap. American president Trump once
said, “These aren't people. These are animals.”
My question is how to define which beings are human and which are non-human
animals? The ambiguity of concept stems from the ambiguity you define. In my
opinion, the former is guided by transaction civilization, and the latter
violence civilization, so in some sense, savage men are closer to animals
instead of humans. Havelock Ellis said that there are certainly more rapes
committed in marriage than outside it. On many issues, same country in
different times, have the opposite cognition, let alone different countries.
What explains the huge change of human value preference depending on time and
space? Similarly, there is a greater difference between men and women than
between savage and civilized men, because men are only interested in something
which is useful to them, while women are only interested in something which
they like, so people believed that men are from Mars, and women are from Venus.
If we look at sexual relationship with calm and disinterested eye, it seems, at
first, to show us only the violence of men and the oppression of women. The
mind is shocked at the blackness of the one, or is induced to lament the
blindness of the other; and as nothing is less permanent in society than those
relationships without any interest exchange, which seem at first glance to be
founded merely on banks of shifting sand. Do not
stand in your equilibrium to evaluate the human rights problems in the former
equilibrium blindly. It's so childish and
ridiculous like I use my identity of the Savior to judge the woman rights in
P-V model, because in my eyes, any P-V model is just a sort of sex invasion
regardless of whether women are willing or not. What the West showed the Middle
East through its telescope is a fata morgana as same as utopia, and not the paradise,
because there is no paradise at all in the world. What has always made the
Middle East a hell on earth has been precisely that West has tried to make it
so-called heaven. Different people face different budget lines due to different
wealth, and different races have different have different behavior preferences
due to the inertia of their own convention, so their points of tangency must be
different, therefore different races need different laws, as thresholds, to
maintain social equilibrium. The spread of the truth during different
civilizations also inevitably has the problems of lag and confusion. For
example, in Western Civilization people already have all kinds of hardware and
software to accept the cruel truth, according to some news, one third of men
would be OK having sex with a robot in German, and women are economically
independent and men are willing to respect women's rights to say no in the legal and
contract society with perfect pension system, so when the truth about female
orgasm comes out western society can immediately enter the new stable state.
The truth of female orgasm is very complex involving many aspects, such as
female economic independence, social legal system, reproductive problems and
pension system so on and so forth. In other words, west can bear the
consequences of the truth, but other civilizations would fall into chaos after
the truth. In China, despite the economic independence of women, women still
need the protection of man in the brutal society, so you would find that
phenomenon that leftover women are in Beijing and Shanghai and there is no
leftover woman in rural courtside because lack of legal system where violence
is still in a dominant position, therefore the truth of female orgasm must lead
to some kind of chaos. In Middle East, most women can't go out to work, so women have to survive
by marriage, therefore the truth has nothing to do with them. Similarly, in
primitive Africa, rape must be still everywhere because lack of legal system
regardless of the truth of female orgasm. That is why you would find an
interesting thing that all kinds of lies about female orgasm only exist in
society of women's economic independence, because there is no need to have any
lies in barbaric civilization but female circumcision only. No matter the truth
or lies can not change the barbaric civilization (E0).
Similarly, legality is a false proposition
as well. As you know, different countries have opposite laws, because there is
no unified opinion to the rightness or wrongness of actions in the world, so a
nation regards an action as evil while another nation as a virtue. For some
examples, Muslims can neither eat pork nor drink alcohol. Their aversion to the
flesh of the "unclean beast" is resembling an instinctive antipathy.
Drinking and eating pork is popular in the West. Gambling is legal in many
Western countries, but illegal in China. Why? In fact, China also has a lottery
which, in essence, is also a form of gambling. I think there two reasons why
the government prohibits gambling. One reason is that the government wants to
monopolize the interests of gambling, because gambling is a zero-sum
proposition-players trading stakes, less the house cut. In other words, only
the market maker can reap risk-free profits. Do you think a selfish government
would give arbitrage opportunities to someone else? Definitely not. It is more
reasonable to suppose a law to have been invented by those to whom it would be
of service, than by those whom it must have harmed. The other reason is that
Chinese are irrational groups, and losers must resort to violence because they
would gamble beyond his economic power. The authorities do not want to see the
escalation of violence threatening themselves. Except the legalization of
gambling, different countries hold the opposite attitudes about the issue of
the legalization of prostitution. I have seen a news that Cambridge students
are working as prostitutes and strippers. The students claimed they sell their
bodies to pay for tuition fees and living costs. Many feminists oppose the
legalization of prostitution, because they think legalization has only resulted
in “the explosive growth of legal brothels” and did not succeed in making the
industry “safer” for women but rather resulted in an increase of trafficking in
order to fill the demand. Anti-prostitution feminists hold that prostitution is
a form of exploitation of women and male dominance over women, and a practice
which is the result of the existing patriarchal societal order. These feminists
argue that prostitution has a very negative effect, both on the prostitutes
themselves and on society as a whole, as it reinforces stereotypical views
about women, who are seen as sex objects which can be used and abused by men.
In my opinion, these objections are totally illogical. I have two reasons
against them. First reason is trafficking of women is the result of lack of
legal system, have nothing to do with whether legalization of prostitution or
not. In China, where prostitution is prohibited, but trafficking of women is
very rampant. Here I recommend you a good movie called “Blind Mountain”
which tells about women trafficking in China. Second reason is doing the same
job on the bed, apparently, the charge strictly dominates free of charge for
women. With the same services on bed, anything is better than nothing, and
prostitutes are better than free prostitutes. I had given the reason why the
government prohibits prostitution, the main reason is to cater to the broad
masses of poor men, and the legalization of prostitutes must eliminate the free
sex-service as soon as possible, because rational strategy is looking at a
game, figuring out which strategies are dominated, deleting them immediately. Generally
speaking, our society makes it illegal for people to sell their organs or
blood. In essence, in the market for organs or blood, the government has
imposed a price ceiling of zero. The result, as with any binding price ceiling,
is a shortage of the good. Rationally speaking, no one should donate blood or
organs based on Economics. However, fact is not like what economists expect. In
order to increase blood supply, some western countries have ever changed unpaid
blood donation into paid blood donation, but the result was not satisfactory. On
the contrary, more and more people chose to exit the supply. Why is that? There
is a key difference between unpaid blood donation and paid blood donation: one
is an act of charity, and the other an act of commerce. When people are
instilled with this concept that unpaid blood donation is equivalent to nobility,
fraternity, morality and honor, any of which hard to value belongs to the imaginary axis, they make irrational
decisions under utopian communism. When all of these auras are gone, people are
entering computational capitalism, as a result of which people begin to count
gains and losses pragmatically based on real axis and realize as soon as possible
that selling blood is no more than a profession and people with lower
opportunity costs will become a professional blood donor. Unpaid blood
donation, as a strictly dominated strategy, would be eliminated by paid blood
donation. Reason leads to bad outcomes. Of course, the blood of the fool is not
enough. Blood trading on the black market, as an underground economy, still
exists as a kind of compensation. Where there is a demand, there will always be
a supply. The same logic also can apply to sex-service market. If one day prostitution
is legalized, unpaid sex-service, as a strictly dominated strategy, would be
eliminated by paid sex-service. As a result, more and more women, as unqualified
sellers in sex-service market, will choose to exit the supply. Although prostitution
is illegal in many countries, including U.S., prostitution never ever really
disappeared. Such paid markets would lead to an efficient allocation of
resources, but some critics worry about fairness. Markets for blood, organs and
sex-service, they argue, would benefit the rich at the expense of the poor
because blood, organs and sex-service would then be allocated to those most
willing and able to pay. Isn't this the essence of market economy? Unpaid
market merely transfers costs, not eliminates them. It is an eternal theme in
the violent civilization that let the weak be more unfortunate, while the
eternal theme in the contract civilization is that let the fool be more unfortunate.
So, Feminism is a false proposition too. What kind of behavior should be
banned? There is no such law good or bad, only suitable or inappropriate. No person ought to be punished simply for being
drunk, but must be punished for drunk driving. When your actions affect others,
or you pass on the cost or risk of your actions to someone else, such
behaviours should be prohibited, including drugs and drunk driving. Suitable
laws are good at internalizing costs in order to prevent unrestrained
bullying. The law of the Lombards15 has a
regulation which ought to be adopted by all governments. “If a master debauches
his slave's wife, the slave and his wife shall be restored to their freedom.”
An admirable expedient, which, without severity, lays a powerful restraint on
the incontinence of masters!
Order matters a lot in evolution
Here I intend to use the electron
configurations in The Periodic Table to illustrate the importance of orders in
evolution, and then I will end up with an important conclusion that there is no
problem called “Human Rights”. The following figure 6.6 is social stability
configuration table, I inspired by the electron configurations in Chemistry. As
our story begins, first of all, you must admit that a closed civilization must
be in a stable state as same as the example of Isolandian textile market in
Microeconomics written by N. Gregory Mankiw. In any isolated system, domestic
interests of all parties must reach an equilibrium state without any
international communication. What is human civilization? It is a series of
discontinuous stable states. Why discontinuous? The answer is simple: segregation by environment
like I said before. If without segregation, the two systems
must be combined together to form an only one equilibrium. Everyone knows the
most stable electron configuration is when the entire shell is full (noble gas
configuration). In the case of noble gases there will be eight electrons in the
valence (outer most) shell (with the exception of He which has two electrons).
All atoms would like to attain electron configurations like noble gases, i.e.,
have completed outer shells. Atoms can form stable electron configurations like
noble gases by losing electrons, gaining electrons and sharing electrons. For a
stable configuration each atom must fill its outer energy level. Atoms that
have 1, 2 or 3 electrons in their outer levels will tend to lose them in
interactions with atoms that have 5, 6 or 7 electrons in their outer levels.
Atoms that have 5, 6 or 7 electrons in their outer levels will tend to gain
electrons from atoms with 1, 2 or 3 electrons in their outer levels. Atoms that
have 4 electrons in the outer most energy level will tend neither to totally
lose nor totally gain electrons during interactions and thus they tend to share
electrons. What can we get from chemical world? Different civilizations, as
stable configurations, must stay in Group 18 (noble gas configurations). For
example, maybe African civilization stays in Argon with 18 (2+8+8) electrons,
and Middle east civilization stays in Krypton with 36 (2+8+8+18)
electrons, and Oriental civilization stays in Xenon with 54 (2+8+8+18+18)
electrons, and Western civilization stays in Radon with 86 (2+8+8+18+18+32)
electrons. Have you considered the problem that the evolution of human beings
is a ladder type, but time is continuous, and how does it work? The answer is
simple too: In the Periodic Table, atoms choose to achieve stable
configurations by gaining or losing outer electrons, and similarly in human
evolution, authorities choose to achieve stable states by resorting to violence
and lies. The law of monogamy belongs to violence, while love and G-spot belong
to lies. Notice here: Each atom in Group 18 is in a stable configuration but
with different electrons configurations. In other words, you have to fill
different electronic orbits when you want to be different position in Group 18,
although their outermost layers are all the P orbits which hold total of 6
electrons. In any isolated system, all parties reach an equilibrium state, and
because of no comparison there is no human rights issues. Now suppose that, in
an election upset, Isoland elects a new president. The president campaigned on
a platform of “open” and promised the voters bold new ideas. With the opening
of the country, the troubles followed. Someone says, “I require monogamy
because western countries are monogamy, and it's not fair to me.” Someone says, “I require fertility subsidy because
Western governments subsidize fertility, and it's not fair to me.” Someone
says, “I require election because western countries are elected, and it's not
fair to me.” When there is a comparison, all people want the government to make
policies towards his/her own advantage but forget to consider whether the new
equilibrium can be maintained. In this mess, the government is also muddled, so
the whole people entered the utopian communism, and no one can judge by reason,
and no one can put himself/herself into other people's shoes. Everyone restrains
himself/herself according to the standard of a bitch but others according to
the standard of a saint! Let's go back to Group 18. Let's suppose one
civilization stays in Neon equilibrium where full electronic configuration is
1s2 2s2 2p6, because their material civilization and spiritual civilization can
only fill orbits of 1s, 2s and 2p; another civilization stays in Krypton
equilibrium where full electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2
3d10 4p6; a third civilization stays in Radon equilibrium where full
electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6
6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6. Under the guise of fairness, justice and human rights,
everyone in Neon equilibrium tried to gain the electrons from 4p6 or 6p6. Do
you think it's possible? Of course not. There is basic rule for filling
orbitals: Lowest energy orbitals fill first which is a general role and also
can be applied in evolution. According to this principle, the electrons will
first occupy the orbitals that have the lowest energy. This means that the
electrons enter first orbital and then enter the orbitals which have higher
energy but only when the lower energy orbitals are completely filled. What does
it mean? It means you can't get the electron from 4p6 without completely
filling these orbitals of 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10, or you can't get the
election from 6p6 without completely filling these orbitals of 3s2 3p6 4s2
3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10. There is no short-cut in evolution,
and order matters a lot in evolution, and we have to evolve step by step. Please
be patient. Once you make mistake in orders, you must pay a heavy price to get
back to the right path. Direction is more important than effort. Here is an
example: Pollution and becoming rich. Environmental pollution is inevitable for
any country to become rich. To tolerate pollution is a necessary condition for
China to become rich. It is impossible to get rich and clean environment at
same time. The poor have low evaluation of the environment while the rich have
a high evaluation of the environment, so the poor are willing to exchange goods
and services with clean environment, but the rich are not. Any country on its
way to rich must experience pollution first and then control. There is no
industrial pollution in Africa so they are still in primitive civilization. For
the same reason, there is no short-cut in intellectual property, piracy and
fake goods in China. There is an old saying in China, “You can know honor or disgrace
after you get rich in materials.” When you are hungry, you don't deserve any
courtesy and dignity. Your position in evolution determines all strategies you
could have like the position of an atom in the periodic table determines all
its properties. Fluorine is destined to be an electron acceptor because it is really
happy taking an electron from another atom or taking a free
electron. That is very favorable for fluorine. On the contrary, sodium is
destined to be an electron donor because it is really happy giving an electron
away. That is also very favorable for sodium. The essence of Western ignorance
is forcing fluoride to lose electrons and forcing sodium to get electrons.

There is another principle called Pauli
exclusion. In my word, Pauli exclusion means the advanced material civilization
is incompatible with the lower spiritual civilization. I am not going to trot
out the catalogue, but will mention just a few my experiences. There is a
garden in front of my apartment where all kinds of trees are planted. I know
from the good intentions of the government, in order to make people rest
better, government built some stone tables and stone benches. I tell you the
beginning, but I promise you can't guess the
end. Two years later, all the stone tables and stone benches were destroyed.
Why is that? Are there too many bad guys in China? No. The real reason is
someone howled loudly on the stone benches and playing cards on the stone
tables at night even whole night until to sunrise, and the use of electricity
magnifies this confusion. I bet the destroyer must live nearby because that's
the last straw. The chaos of the world comes from the broadcasting of zero
thresholds, and the result of blind equality is many people get the freedom
that they should not have. Similarly, the Chinese have already lived the
building, but they do not have the spiritual civilization of living the
building, so falling objects from high building and noise nuisance happen every
day. In Switzerland, there are rules that govern the use of the communal
laundry room and taking a bath or shower at night, and many apartment blocks
have their own rules on toilet flushing after a certain time, noise, jumping up
and down on floors (must be difficult if you have got children), and other
“minor” rules aimed at making the apartment block peaceful for everyone. Local
police regulations in most areas call for peace and quiet between 10pm and 7am,
and keeping a dog or cat, for instance, will make you ineligible for many
rented apartments. These are spiritual civilizations which Chinese are lacking
of, so Chinese has been in a variety of chaos where the Westerners must go
crazy if live in. Additionally, low quality population are everywhere, such as
a full professor, who bought a table tennis table and put it in his apartment,
played ping-pong every night. In order to deal with the noise from upstairs,
people from downstairs evolved a counter-strategy that a kind of oscillator was
invented for revenge. Essentially, we can regard oscillator and poisoning dog
as hedging means, aiming at transferring the cost of doing evil back to the
perpetrator. Trust me, there is no other way because Tit for tat is the last
way. It is true that because of too loud and too rude almost whole world hate
Chinese tourists. Jeremy Clarkson, a famous British media man, posted a video
on the TV presenter's Instagram where Clarkson mouthed 'shout up' to the camera
on Chinese train because a guy was chatting loudly on the phone "for
hours". Suddenly, I know the reason why there was a sign at the entrance
to the Huangpu Park in Shanghai 100 years ago supposedly announced: "No
Dogs or Chinese Allowed." A hundred years have passed, and the Chinese
people have not changed anything. A German fashion store, called
Blutsgeschwister, posted a Chinese notice in
January 2019 to warn the Chinese not to eat or drink, or spit, or shout in the
store. Among the grievances, voiced from Thailand to Paris to New York, are
Chinese tourists' tendency to spit, to speak loudly indoors, and to have no
concept of how to form or respect a line. Specific recent transgressions that
sparked outrage both domestically and abroad include Chinese tourists
inadvertently killing a dolphin and a Chinese youth carving his name into an
ancient Egyptian relic. Those habits of lower civilizations are incompatible
with the modern civilizations of higher order. Chinese mourners have been
burning joss paper – known as “ghost money” – for centuries. This is largely
due to a folk belief in China that if you burn paper money and make offerings
at the graves of your ancestors, the deceased will receive them and benefit
from a happy and prosperous afterlife. But this ancient custom which makes the
whole community smoky is incompatible with Chinese modern civilization. Moreover,
burning paper causes forest fires every year. Many Chinese people live in
high-rise apartments, but they did not learn the rules of high-rise housing. In
reality, high-altitude parabolic cause damage occurred from time to not only
difficult to stop, and more frequent. I don't
have a license, nor do I buy a car, nor do I want to associate with lawless
Chinese, because I don't want to be dragged into quagmire. Those people who
have not been trained by modern traffic rules must inevitably appear to be out
of order in modern traffic civilization. In addition, driverless technology is
not suitable for low civilization at all because there are always pedestrians in
front of the car regardless of green light or red light. They look like a
locust plague. Safety hammers are often lost on buses because social and
private incentives differ. Shared bikes are badly damaged because of the
tragedy of the commons. Here is a new report: The Chinese simply love IKEA!
Millions visit the company's mainland stores every year, but only a few of them
actually end up buying something, as many just come to enjoy the
air-conditioning on a hot summer day and take a nap on the comfy furniture on
display. According to several reports, and photos, many Chinese people plan out
day at IKEA. They drive to a store from miles away, eat, drink and nap in
public, enjoying the cool air on a hot summer day, and a lot of male visitors
were topless while sleeping. Scenes inside Chinese IKEA store make people
speechless! In addition, in order to enjoy free air conditioning, the Chinese
also occupy the library and subway passageway. The counter-strategies of
western advanced civilization cannot deal with the people of low civilization,
but that of low civilization can. Recently, I saw a funny short video, which
showed that a group of old men and women dance in the lobby of a hotel which provide
free air conditioning inside. The staff consulted with them and they refused to
leave. Apparently, western preaching doesn't work. Guess what the staff did to
get rid of them? The staff turned up the air conditioner to 30 degrees, and the
old people fled. Western material civilization air conditioning does not match
the status of Chinese, because Chinese people already have the desire to enjoy
western material, but they are reluctant to bear the cost. West Metro Automatic
Check-in does not match the Chinese because no one will buy tickets in China; automatic
coin parking in the United States does not match the Chinese either because it
is common for many drivers to beat toll collectors in order to escape the
charges in China; self-service supermarket does not match the Chinese either
because there are many thieves in non-self-service supermarket, let alone in
self-service; mix room does not match the Chinese either because Chinese poor
men like to shoot and harass the women in mix room. Democracy makes no
exceptions. These self-service systems are the product of contract civilization
and are not suitable for violent civilization. There is a very big misunderstanding
in the world, namely regard freedom as civilization. On the contrary,
civilization is the containment of freedom. There is principle of freedom—no harm principle which they cannot abide by, so they don't deserve that freedom. Now, the Chinese also
have the inability of the proletariat, but they have the desire of the
bourgeoisie, so the imbalance and chaos are inevitable. 40 years of reform and
opening up have given them desire, but not ability. They all want to get
products and services as many as possible but at expense of nothing as same as
proletarian men who want to get sex-services for free. Similarly, women don't
have the ability of men, but have the desire of men, so the imbalance and chaos
are inevitable. Just as God treats women, God's strategy is to cast off your
desires when you are capable of reaching the next
equilibrium. Chinese don't deserve sympathy
or helping, so do women.
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are more than 200 million
stray dogs worldwide and that every year, 55,000 people die from rabies, while
another 15 million receive post exposure treatment to avert the deadly disease.
95% of these cases occur in Asia and Africa, and 99% of the fatalities are
caused by dogs. The stray dog-driven rabies crisis in Bali is hardly unique:
India culls as many as 100,000 strays at a time, while attacks by marauding
packs of dogs in Baghdad have led to a reinstitution of the same eradication
program that was operated under Saddam Hussein. Its goal: the culling of over
one million stray dogs. In Bangkok and many other Asian and African locales,
living with strays and rabies is just an accepted fact of life. An estimated
200 dogs per square kilometer occupy Bangkok, fouling sidewalks and streets,
causing traffic accidents and serving as vectors for rabies and other diseases.
Incomplete statistics show that there are 40 million stray dogs in China now,
and this number increases at a rate of 1.5 times a year. Stray dogs can be
found in every corner of every city. In an egregious act of animal cruelty, a
city in China has opted to kill 36,000 stray and pet dogs. The motivation
behind the killings was the elimination of rabies. The eradication measures
employed by third world countries—poisoning
and shooting strays—spark
sensational headlines and searing criticism in the West. A nip on the ankle by
a stray dog in any of these developing countries quickly jolts Western tourists
into the life and death reality of the situation. “Thankfully” the stray dog
overpopulation crisis has earned the attention of Western humanitarians, animal
welfare organizations and businesses. Not only did these Western holy mother
bitches save the refugees, but they started to save the stray dogs as well.
Lots of ignorant and naive Chinese (women in particular), under the
brainwash of the Western holy mother bitches, begin to be the Savior of stray
dogs. The slaughter of cats and dogs for meat is not outlawed in China. These
lunatics are starting to stop culling of stray dogs and
eating dog meat. Vietnamese also love dog meat very much, which does
not cause any confusion in Vietnam. Not only that, but the Vietnamese love to
eat cats. Do cats have cat rights? What about chickens, ducks, pigs, cows and
sheep? The superposition of multiple civilizations makes it impossible for
Chinese people to reach consensus on the issue of stray dogs. It reminds me of
a recent news story: A vegan activist group still hasn't
let up on protesting outside of local Toronto restaurant Antler Kitchen &
Bar. Protesters hold a large black-and-pink banner that reads “MURDER” in front
of the window. Some protesters hold a sign reading 'in memory of the animals
who didn't want to die'. To be honest, I don't
want to die either, but I have to. What surprised me more is, in northern Europe,
not only do people eat meat, but they don't drink milk either. They do believe
that drinking milk is an immoral act because only after forced mating are cows going
to produce milk. Milk has been replaced by Oat Milk in many places in northern
Europe. No! Are you kidding me? So far, women still have been tricked into P-V
model by love, but you now tell me P-V model is immoral for a cow. Are you
insane or crazy? Do you think it is ridiculous and absurd? These Communist
hooligans have become a thorough public hazard in the world. Let me say it
again: The rules of higher civilization can never restrain the beings of lower
civilization. First, I would like to focus on raising dogs in China. The
raising of dogs was banned under the rule of late Chinese leader Mao Zedong and
considered a bourgeois pastime. It was only after the reform and opening up
that raising dog was acquiesced in but with Zero-threshold. Chinese have already begun to breed dogs, but
they do not have the spiritual civilization of keeping dogs. They refuse to
leash their dogs in the public area and leave dog shit everywhere and bites
happen every day, and roaming dogs are considered outlaws almost everywhere in
each city. Dogs create a negative externality because neighbors are disturbed
by the noise. Dog owners do not bear the full cost of the noise and shit,
therefore, tend to take too few precautions to prevent their dogs from barking
and off leash. In West, the signs of “you dog must be on leash” are visible
everywhere. Germany has 8 million dogs without any stray one. They are living
in the shelter with well protection, or home with care. Dog
owners must keep their dogs on a leash while walking them on public streets in
housing areas. In all other areas, dogs must be automatically put on a leash
when other people approach. Violators may be punished with fines up to €5,000.
Dog owners need to make sure that their pets don't
bark and whine during quiet hours: 1 to 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Outside
these hours, dog owners must ensure that dog noises do not last longer than 10
consecutive minutes (or more than 30 minutes cumulatively per day). Each dog
must be implanted a microchip and has dog liability insurance as same as
Compulsory Traffic Insurance, which protects you from financial
responsibilities if your dog injures a person or causes property damage. There
are many breeds of dogs that are considered aggressive by nature, but all dogs
have the potential to cause harm unintentionally. In America, "Vicious dog" or
"dangerous dog" laws impose special restrictions on dogs that are
officially labeled dangerous or potentially dangerous. All of the above
measures in the West do not exist in China, but Chinese people want to keep
dogs, do you think it is possible? To be honest, because of the huge
population, the population density of the city is very large, so raising dogs
have serious negative externalities, as a result of which Chinese cities are
not suitable for raising dogs. In Japan, stray dogs are allowed to live for up
to 1 months and nearly 30,000 stray dogs and 70,000 cats are euthanized by the
government according to law. There is a Japanese movie called Kono Machi no
Inochi ni (この街の命に), which tells how a Japanese animal protection
center slaughter dogs and cats that are abandoned and how to reduce killing. Enforced
in 2000, the “Cruelty against Animals act” was a groundbreaking law. According
to Article 2, considering that animals are living creatures, no person should
kill animals without due cause hurt them, or torment them. We should give
consideration to the co-existence of humans and animals and in view of that
nature, we should treat them fairly. It's a good movie, and I set my mind at ease after I
see Japanese are fret and dwell on disposing of cats and dogs. I reckon that if
World War III breaks out, China must be able to wipe out Japan. The reason is
the Japanese are totally different from the Japanese 80 years ago, but the Chinese
are the same as the Chinese 80 years ago. How can the Japanese kill people when
they don't even want to kill dogs? Higher civilization is doomed to perish.
Japanese heart
of glass amused
me, and they even give a dog artificial respiration. Frankly speaking, China
should not set up stray dog shelter at present. The reason is simple: you can't
keep the balance of human baby
hatch, let alone stray dog shelter. You can't
even deal with animals under the guise of human skin, how can you deal with the
real animals? Either euthanasia or shelter has a cost anyway, and the key
problem is who will bear these costs? How many taxpayers in China are
willing to waste their money on stray dogs? Human rights are a false
proposition, let alone dogs' rights. Some holy mother bitches claimed that
dogs should have the same rights as humans, and they even believed that
neutering is a violation of dogs' rights. Are they insane? Dog can already give
birth at age 7 months. And they give birth twice a year. If left unchecked, they
will rapidly increase in population. Recently, I saw a news that, according to
Reuters, Thailand has started sterilizing hundreds of monkeys in a city famous
for its macaque population, as the coronavirus pandemic leaves them hungry,
aggressive and wrestling food from terrified residents. "They're so used
to having tourists feed them and the city provides no space for them to fend
for themselves," said Supakarn Kaewchot, a government veterinarian.
"With the tourists gone, they've been more aggressive, fighting humans for
food to survive," she told Reuters. "They're invading buildings and
forcing locals to flee their homes." Unlike monkeys in the wild, city
monkeys need not hunt for food, giving them more time and energy to reproduce
and cause trouble, Supakarn said. The government aims to sterilize 500 of the
macaques over the next two months. Supakarn said the sterilization would pose
no threat to the monkey population and the aim was just to slow down the rate
of its urban growth. "We're not doing this in the wild, only in the city
areas." Fortunately, there is not so many money's bitch to stop this
sterilization in Thailand. I deeply felt that two-legged bitches are more
difficult to deal with than four-legged bitches. Using the words of hero Carter
in the movie of Deep Blue Sea, “How
much dynamite do you have to set off in your ears before your head clears? You
have knocked us to the bottom of the goddamn food chain.” Chinese people are
always short-sighted, and they could not reasonably predict the subsequent
costs of the whole event. China raise dogs as well as children: Raise them when
they are useful and abandon them when they are useless. I refused to wipe their
butts. Different external environments choose different characters, as a result
of which rogue environment creates rogue people. Why don't you believe that
rogue people can only raise vicious dogs as well? As same as people, western
dogs and Chinese dogs are totally different products of different environments.
You put them together and you will get it. Let's see what Mahatma Ghandi said
on stray dogs, “A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a
swarm of them is a menace to its very existence... If we want to keep dogs in
towns or villages in a decent manner no dog should be suffered to wander. There
should be no stray dogs even as we have no stray cattle... But can we take
individual charge of these roving dogs? Can we have a pinjrapole for them? If
both these things are impossible then there seems to me no alternative except
to kill them... it is an insult to the starving dog to throw a crumb at him.
Roving dogs do not indicate compassion and civilization in society; they betray
instead the ignorance and lethargy of its members... that means we should keep
them and treat them with respect as we do our companions and not allow them to
roam about.” It also costs money to kill stray dogs. What is the best strategy
in China? Westerners have money, so they can choose to euthanasia, while
Chinese are poor, so we need to turn the waste into profits. The best strategy
in China is dog-eating festival. The government should stipulate three points:
(1) All dogs without leash are called stray dogs; (2) Anyone has the right to
kill a stray dog; (3) It's legal to eat dog meat in China. This is a way
to kill two birds with one stone. Private motives begin to work, and the
government does not need any input. In short, raising a pet, which belongs to
higher civilization, is incompatible with lower civilization. Unfortunately,
under the interference of the Western cult of dogs'
rights, the Chinese government has become timid. I don't
know when the ignorant Chinese were indoctrinated by capitalism into the view
that dogs are human friends. Your dog may be your friend, but it's not mine. You
must have seen such a news: North Korean official Jang Sung-taek was executed
by being thrown into a cage with 120 starved dogs. If this news is true, I'm
sure these dogs are not Jang's friends. On August 1st, 2020, in
Guizhou Province, China, a three-year-old boy had half his half face ripped off
by his family own dog. Don't tell me that this kind of tragedy only happens in
China. According to a latest news, Bridger Walker from Wyoming, United States
rescued his little sister from a dog and ended up battered and bruised with 90
stitches on his face. I was shocked by the news and moved by the courage of the
little boy after seeing the news. Apparently, this dog is not a friend of the
brother and sister. It is not a unique tragedy in West Countries. New
Zealanders experienced almost ten thousand dog-related injuries in 2010,
according to ACC. In April 2011,
Auckland a seven-year-old boy had a quarter of his face sewn back on following
a dog attack and a three-year-old boy also sustained facial injuries from a
stranger's dog outside a shop. In May 2011, the eight-year-old Dunedin boy who
had half his ear ripped off by a dog. Who can forget the terrible case of
little Carolina Anderson in 2003 who was the victim of a vicious dog attack
while playing in an Auckland park? Carolina, now aged fifteen, still undergoes
facial surgery following this shocking mauling. According to the latest news
reported by New York Post, a 20-year-old Russian beautician is fighting for
life after a pack of wild dogs gnawed her face off during a frenzied attack.
Tatyana Loskutnikova, a nail artist, was savaged by a pack of 10 dogs as she
walked through Ulan-Ude city, in far eastern Siberia, on the morning of
December 23 2020. A pack of 10 dogs savaged Ms Loskutnikova - tearing her
clothes off in -22C (-7.6F) temperatures, biting her down to the bone and
gnawing the skin off her face. When the rescuers were finally able to get to
Loskutnikova, they found her face was 'damaged beyond recognition' with even
her eyelids removed. Now, where are those dog bitches? Can the entertainment of
the rich ignore the lives of the poor? Can capital put dog rights over human
rights? Is this what you call human rights? All bullshit! The chaos of the
world is caused by the West. It is because the Western civilization attempts to
use contractual civilization to restrain the survival machine in violent
have gone too far on this evil road because their mediocrity is not only
limited to dogs but also to some ferocious animals. More and more ridiculous
things happened in recent decades. Not along ago, I saw a new from BBC that a
man who lived in the eastern Czech town of Zdechov has been killed by the pet
lion he kept in his family home for breeding purposes, having gotten locked in
the big cat's cage. Prasek used the animals for breeding and
his business had reportedly drawn numerous complaints from neighbors. He
deserves no sympathy, but the lion deserves praise for not hurting others. This
is not a unique instance, but there are some more absurd. Grizzly Man is
a 2005 American documentary film by German director Werner Herzog. It
chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell. The film
includes some of Treadwell's own footage of his interactions with grizzly bears
before 2003, and of interviews with people who knew, or were involved with
Treadwell, as well as professionals dealing with wild bears. He and his
girlfriend Amie Huguenard were mauled, killed and eaten by a grizzly bear on
October 6, 2003. I should congratulate him because finally he died as he said
in his video, “I would never, ever kill a bear in defense of my own life. I
bleed for them. I live for them. I die for them.” What surprised me most was he
said he wanted to be a bear and no longer human being. To be honest, it's a kind
of disease, cognitive disorder, or holy mother bitch disease, or Virgin bitch
disease, or something, but Treadwell is a little better than these bitches
because did not transfer the cost to others but to himself only. This disease
is a sort of cult, which will pull us back to the bottom of the food chain. The
retarded are trying to make friends with them, but they're trying to make use
of you to survive and reproduce better. When human has replaced God as the
creator, unfortunately the new creator is mentally retarded, who forget
Churchill's famous saying, “There are no permanent friends or permanent
enemies, only permanent interests.” There are no forever friends between
people, let alone between people and animals. In his video, the most words Treadwell
said was, “I love you,” but he forgot what Dawkins said, “Universal love and
the welfare of the species as a whole are concepts that simply do not make
evolutionary sense.” The retarded view those big and ferocious bears as pets,
and attempt to use the rules of contractual civilization to restrain the
survival machine of violent civilization. If one day Treadwell really became a
bear in future, he should abide by the rules of violent civilization instead of
instead of vice versa. It's him, not the bear, who needs to change. Keep in
mind that it's a different world that bears live in than we do because one
belongs to the category of violent civilization while the other contractual
civilization. Segregation is the best strategy. The bears avoid us and we avoid
them too. We don't invade on their territory and they do not invade on my space.
They are not habituated to us and vice versa. There is an unspoken boundary, an
unknown boundary, between the wild animals and human beings. If we look at it
from my culture, Treadwell crossed a boundary that we have lived with for 7000
years. Once we have crossed it, we pay the price. Frank speaking, during
violent civilization, compared with those bears, people need more protection. Similarly,
during violent civilization, compared with refugees from the Middle East, White
Europeans need more protection. The world today is dominated by a cult that I'm
always right just because I'm weak. Unfortunately, under human intervention,
natural selection is replaced by artificial selection gradually. It's
well-known that the panda is China's national treasure. Isn't it funny that a
failed survival machine has been protected by human beings? Conversely, a
successful survival machine like a mouse or a cockroach are wiped out by
humans. As a new Creator, human beings are not qualified enough. I've read such
a piece of news in 2019: Malaysian-Born panda cub moves back to China because
we can't afford to raise it. “If we wanted to keep it, we would have to expand the Giant Panda
Conservation Centre at Zoo Negara, on top of the yearly US$600,000 (RM2.5
million) fee and other expenses,” Malaysian officials said. It is not a unique
instance, but has its counterpart. Canada's Calgary Zoo returns two pandas to
China in 2020 due to high rents and subsequent holding costs. It is truth that
the mediocrity of capitalism adorablized these cruel survival machines, which
come equipped to exploit you and kill you and eat you, in order to cater to
irrational women and ignorant children for making money. When revenue cannot
cover cost, rational people naturally give up. Under the guise of any
protection, it's just a business. I cannot imagine those people like Treadwell who
enslaved women every night called for the rights of animals during the day.
Isn't that ridiculous? Don't you think he's schizophrenic? Human beings have
been bewitched to an absurd situation by mediocrity where people pay much
attention and investment on other creatures than on ourselves. So far, the
mediocre masses had a mysterious savior plot from nowhere, and they tried to
domesticate any creature in the world. In the movie of Jurassic Park, naïve
people tried to tame Dinosaurs. Needless to say, there are only two outcomes:
failure or exploited. Grizzlies example belongs to the former, while panda
belongs to the latter. The laws of nature cannot be violated. The ignorant
tried to conquer everything, including the nature, as a result of which nature
taught them a good lesson. For example, Meili Snow Mountains of which the
highest peak, Kawagbo, is 6740 meters above sea level, gave human a lesson. In
1991, 17 mountaineers from China and Japan lost their lives while trying to
reach the peak, a tragedy which is amongst the worst ever in history of
mountain climbing in China. Up to now, there have been 10 climbing Meili mountains
in the past 15 years. Among them: China and Japan jointly climbed four times,
Japan alone climbed one time, the United States team climbed four times, and
China alone climbed one time. They have all failed. The foolish man tries to
replace the Almighty God and conquer everything with his limited knowledge and
ability. The mob is always obsessed with the fact that humans and all living
things are close relatives. Yes, according to some genetic researches, our DNA
is 99.9% the same as the person next to us, and we're surprisingly similar to a
lot of other living things. For example, chimpanzees, our closest living
evolutionary relatives, are 96% genetically similar to humans; 90% of the genes
in the Abyssinian domestic cat are similar to humans; mice are 85% similar to
humans; domesticated cattle share about 80% of their genes with humans; while
the egg-laying and feathered body are pretty different from a human's, about
60% of chicken genes have a human gene counterpart; even bananas surprisingly
still share about 60% of the same DNA as humans! They only see similarities but
selectively ignore differences. All of these stem from the homology of genes,
and I am sure banana and I have a 100% different behavior pattern even though we
share 60% of the same DNA. The mediocrity caused by capitalism attempts to
unify all human beings and all non-human beings with Western thresholds and
rules, as a result of which the world falls into chaos. Additionally, short-sighted
people are so mediocre that they fear the disappearance of any species, as a
result of which they begin to protect dogs, pandas, grizzlies, snakes, crocodiles,
maybe Neanderthals and dinosaurs if they are alive. Throughout the 4.6 billion
years of Earth's history, there have been five major mass extinction events
that each wiped out an overwhelming majority of species living at the time.
These five mass extinctions include the Ordovician Mass Extinction, Devonian
Mass Extinction, Permian Mass Extinction, Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction,
and Cretaceous-Tertiary (or the K-T) Mass Extinction. Permian Period is the
largest of all known mass extinctions with a massive 96% of all species on
Earth completely lost. Have you ever thought that one of the reasons for the
existence of all present species we can see should be attributed to those
extinct species? Evolution is like a pyramid that all present living species
exist on the bones of other species. If those extinct species existed, there
would no human beings as we are now. In fact, the mediocre fell into the broken
window fallacy because they only see the species that have disappeared but
don't see the species that would appear.
is the root of the lawlessness of the Chinese people? As I mentioned before, which
curve moves first is very important. Directional errors are fatal, and
direction is more important than effort. China used to be in a Communist
society for decades where there is no individual freedom, individual
consciousness, social rules or judicial system, but only Juche Idea and
General-will. Mao was a kind of religions. After Mao died in 1976, China
entered a period of reform and opening up under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping
from 1978. Reform and opening up is also known as the primary stage of
socialism. What is the essence of reform and opening up? Capitalization reform. let me put it another way, from 1978 China began
the capitalist privatization reform. China's
chaos stems from the transformation from General-will's order to Self-interest's
order. Before the reform and opening up, personal activities are totally
prohibited, and you should do whatever the Party tells you to do and can't so
anything the party didn't tell you to do. At that time, Chinese society was
highly ordered, and all people were controlled by General-will. The government
controlled everyone from birth to death, but the economic situation has
returned to primitive civilization. After the reform and opening up, the greed
of human nature was released. When previous equilibrium state has been broken
but the next one has not yet been established, the situation is most chaotic at
this time. In other words, people are the most chaotic and crazy in the change
from one equilibrium to another. For example, there was no market in China 40
years ago, but after reform some smart people suddenly became nouveau riche by
occupying market first because market was vacuum. Less smart people followed
closely, but they don't know where the equilibrium state and equilibrium price
are. Following a major environmental change there may be a brief period of
evolutionary instability, but this brief period may be not short. After the
disillusionment of altruism, Chinese began to enter the stage of fighting for
their own interests but without any rules, so Chinese society has entered a
chaotic situation where they only know the first principle of Game theory that
people only care about their own payoffs and costs, but they don't know the
second principle putting myself in my opponent's shoes. The
intense transformation after the wrong direction must lead to more imbalances
and mismatches. In this short 40-year transition from socialism to capitalism
almost with Zero threshold, all desires of 1.4 billion Chinese people were
suddenly released and exaggerated by capitalism, which were in serious conflict
with the low scarce resources created by socialism. The low ability caused by
socialism does not match the high desire released by capitalism. To be honest,
religion is necessary because it is to curb endless desire and greed,
especially in the fragile contractual civilization. Darwin once said the value
set on animals even by the barbarians of Tierra del Fuego, by their killing and
devouring their old women, in times of dearth, as of less value than their
dogs. For the same reason, in the eyes of Chinese hegemonism, they view the
value of other people is not higher than their dogs. Before the reform and opening up, Chinese could
not move from one place to another freely, China was in an acquaintance
society, so people achieve equilibrium in a small range. Additional, neighbors
are from the same company, and people can still make a concession to each other
due to multi shot game, so the contradiction between people has not
deteriorated too much. Some range reached the stable point of the mixed
strategy (Always Cooperate and Tit for Tat) where local people were simple,
honest and mutually beneficial; some range reached the other stable point of
Always Defect where local clusters of Always Defect individuals, far from
prospering by each other's presence, do especially badly in each other's
presence. Under the premise of isolation, both were in their
own equilibrium, but
after reform and open-up, Chinese people are free to flow from one place to
another, so China is in stranger society now, due to the lack of law and
zero-threshold of entry, Chinese start to unleash their own evil. Similarly,
when the national mobility threshold was broken, some nations were invaded by
another one. Even I can assert arbitrarily that from the whole world, all
immigrants are intruders, cheaters, aggressors and fraudsters, while all the
indigenous people are suckers. Now China has entered the age of strangers
because of the emergence of commercial housing, people must choose to
completely release evil in a one-shot game without any punishment or reward. There
is an old saying in China: People, who have property would trade off in
long-term. You can find a common phenomenon in city that the community, where
external population stay, is particularly dirty and messy. The influx of
outsiders has indeed broken the balance of the original ecology. Now, Chinese are in Always Defect stage where
they only want to gain but without any pay, so I don't want to associate with Chinese because all are alike swindlers,
because once an ESS is achieved it will stay: selection
will penalize deviation from it. Fight terror with terror, and fight scoundrel
with Gallagher style. Let it always be our maxim: Better alone than amongst
traitors. I tell you a trick from my experience that “Never be entangled with
people of low level.” I recommend you watch this TV of Shameless. To be honest, Chinese society is a big gutter where in a
population that has already come to be dominated by Always Defect, no other
strategy does better. Let's take a look back at Dawkins's comment in The Selfish Gene:
recognized that Tit for Tat is not strictly an ESS, and he therefore coined the
phrase 'collectively stable strategy' to describe it. As in the case of true
ESSs, it is possible for more than one strategy to be collectively stable at
the same time. And again, it is a matter of luck which one comes to dominate a
population. Always Defect is also stable, as well as Tit for Tat. In a
population that has already come to be dominated by Always Defect, no other strategy
does better. We can treat the system as bistable, with Always Defect being one
of the stable points, Tit for Tat (or some mixture of mostly nice, retaliatory
strategies) the other stable point. Whichever stable point comes to dominate
the population first will tend to stay dominant…. But what does 'dominate'
mean, in quantitative terms? How many Tit for Tats must there be in order for
Tit for Tat to do better than Always Defect? That depends upon the detailed
payoffs that the banker has agreed to shell out in this particular game. All we
can say in general is that there is a critical frequency, a knife-edge. On one
side of the knife-edge the critical frequency of Tit for Tat is exceeded, and
selection will favour more and more Tit for Tats. On the other side of the
knife-edge the critical frequency of Always Defect is exceeded, and selection
will favour more and more Always Defects. We met the equivalent of this
knife-edge, you will remember, in the story of the Grudgers and Cheats in
Chapter 10…. It obviously matters, therefore, on which side of the knife-edge a
population happens to start. And we need to know how it might happen that a
population could occasionally cross from one side of the knife-edge to the
other. Suppose we start with a population already sitting on the Always Defect
side. The few Tit for Tat individuals don't meet each other often enough to be
of mutual benefit. So natural selection pushes the population even further
towards the Always Defect extreme. If only the population could just manage, by
random drift, to get itself over the knife-edge, it could coast down the slope
to the Tit for Tat side, and everyone would do much better at the banker's (or
'nature's') expense. But of course populations have no group will, no group
intention or purpose. They cannot strive to leap the knife-edge. They will
cross it only if the undirected forces of nature happen to lead them across….
How could this happen? One way to express the answer is that it might happen by
'chance'. But 'chance' is just a word expressing ignorance. It means
'determined by some as yet unknown, or unspecified, means'. We can do a little
better than 'chance'. We can try to think of practical ways in which a minority
of Tit for Tat individuals might happen to increase to the critical mass. This
amounts to a quest for possible ways in which Tit for Tat individuals might
happen to cluster together in sufficient numbers that they can all benefit at
the banker's expense.
Chinese whole society is in the stable point of Always Defect where niceness and forgivingness are both dominated strategy.
In this climate, Tit for Tat can't win either. In China, now, honesty and
responsibility have become a strictly dominated strategy. Here I am going to
tell you about my personal experience. Once I accidentally broke a bottle of
acetic acid in the corridor on the third floor. Because of the strong smell,
many colleagues are complaining about who did it. I, as a new socialist
citizen, I volunteered to clean the corridor and admit my mistake, and voluntarily
buy an ice-cream for each of them on the third floor as compensation. Trouble
has come. Some other colleagues from 4, 5, 6 and 7 floors who claimed to have
smelled it demanded an ice-cream as a compensation too. There is an old saying
in Chinese The Analects of Confucius: Inequality, rather than want, is the
cause of trouble, which give me a lesson. I am a nice person with nice strategy
instead of nasty strategy, but a nice strategy means I never the first to
defect instead of never defect. Never defect is a strictly dominated strategy. In
China, the cost of honesty and trustworthiness is too high. I can understand
why people don't dare to help them up when old people fall down in China. It is
because it could be a trap. I can also understand why Chinese insurance
companies are rogues. It is because their opponents are rogues too. They will
go bankrupt immediately if they are not scoundrels. One of the economics
principles is people response to incentives. Honest strategies will soon be
eliminated. I have no sympathy for the demolished residents either. Chinese don't
know when enough is enough. Give him an inch and he will take a yard. Honest
strategies will soon be eliminated instead of vice versa. Honesty tactics
cannot be tolerated in a rogue environment. What causes this confusion? Evolved
too fast. Enclosure movement, which was the starting point of Britain's
determination of private ownership and the starting point of establishing
property rights system, began in British in fifteenth Century and lasted for
300 centuries, but in China began in 1978 and lasts for 40 years; we took 40
years to complete the road of the capitalist countries walking in 300 years. To
put it another way, Chinese have completed the leap of wealth from third world
to first world in a single generation during 40 years, but they haven't made
the change in habits and ideas. This “lag” leads to mismatches and disorder,
which is equivalent to the overlap of multiple civilizations. The Chinese now
have more freedom and material civilization than the British five hundred years
ago, but they still did not establish the boundaries of freedom and clear
proper Bourgeois desire rights, so Chinese social contradictions are more
intense now than the British five hundred years ago, which stem from the
mismatch of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Let me put it
another way, some Chinese has completed the transition from third
world to first world in a single generation during 40 years in material civilization, but some Chinese still keep
various behaviors in lower civilizations. This “lag” leads to mismatches and
disorder, which is equivalent to the overlap of multiple civilizations. The
Chinese now have more freedom and material civilization than the British five
hundred years ago, but they still did not establish the boundaries of freedom
and clear proper Bourgeois desire rights, so Chinese social
contradictions are more intense now than the British five hundred years ago,
which stem from the mismatch of material civilization and spiritual
civilization. Interpersonal conflict due to this lag becomes important relative
to interpersonal cooperation in China. This overlap has caused the Chinese
people to fail to reach consensus on many issues, such as dogs. It is difficult
even to imagine a relationship when such mutual agreement is wholly absent.
The struggle between
Freedom and Limit is the most conspicuous feature in the history of human
beings. Individual freedom cannot be unbounded because unbounded freedom has a serious
negative externality in contract civilization which are reciprocal. It is so
evident that people with the plague virus are not free to walk around because this
freedom has a serious negative externality. Man's universal thirst for freedom
is a fact of history, but do they really care about the so-called freedom? In a
strictly personalized sense, any person's ideal situation is one that allows
him full freedom of action and inhibits the behavior of others so as to force
adherence to his own desires. That is to say, each person seeks mastery over a
world of slaves, so one that man can recognize as being within the realm of
plausibility, the anarchistic regime of free men, each of whom respects the
rights of others, becomes the utopian dream. Any consumer wants free products
and services, but this is impossible to achieve because the key problem is who
will sell them for free. Everyone tends to sacrifice others for his own
benefit, and this reality must be squarely faced. In the process of pursuing
the maximization of personal interests, which is economically rational for the
individual, everyone tend to create a “public bad” instead of “public good.” Absolute
freedom is advocated by the devil only who with sinister intentions can take
advantage of these ignorant and short-sighted people because the collective
power is enormous, especially in a violent civilization. The common ground
between people from Socialism and Capitalism is that people are both selfish,
but the difference between them is that people from Socialism require others to
be selfless while people from Capitalism allow others to be selfish. Social
strife might arise in paradise. As John Stuart Mill said in his work of On Liberty, “In many cases, an
individual, in pursuing a legitimate object, necessarily and therefore
legitimately causes pain or loss to others, or intercepts a good which they had
a reasonable hope of obtaining. Such oppositions of interest between
individuals often arise from bad social institutions, but are unavoidable while
those institutions last; and some would be unavoidable under any institutions.
Whoever succeeds in an overcrowded profession, or in a competitive examination;
whoever is preferred to another in any contest for an object which both desire,
reaps benefit from the loss of others, from their wasted exertion and their
disappointment.” Apparently,conflicts of interest are universal
and unavoidable. In any world that we can imagine, potential interpersonal
conflict will be present, and, hence, we need rules and orders to limit
unbounded freedom. Total absence of conflict would seem to be possible only in
a setting where individuals are wholly isolated one from another, or in a
social setting where no goods are scarce and where all persons agree on the
precise set of behavioral norms to be adopted and followed by everyone. In a
self-sufficient agricultural civilization with backwardness of transportation, there
is not much intersection between people, so social rules and orders seem
unimportant, but in the modern trading civilization with convenient
transportation, so social rules and orders are extremely important. As
resources become less scarce, the economic conflict becomes less acute; as the
population density increases, potential interpersonal conflict may have
increased substantially. What is the limit of freedom? No-harm principle. As John
Stuart Mill said, “The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited; he
must not make himself a nuisance to other people.” Our
objective should preserve the maximum degree of freedom for each individual
separately that is compatible with one man's
freedom not interfering with other's freedom. In
my words, when the results of your actions don't
have negative externalities, or in other words when you bear the full cost of
your actions, you have the freedom to do it. Otherwise you must be deprived of
this freedom because you would pass the costs on to others. The greatest
mistake of our human beings is to pursue the nonexistent absolute freedom.
As a compromise,
people want freedom from constraints, while at the same time they gradually
recognize the necessity of order. In order to resolve the conflict and mutual
hurting to each other, people begin to call for order. Order is a public good;
disorder is a public bad. In a private, personal utility sense, any limits on
individual behavior are “bads.” But rational persons accept such limits in
exchange or trade for the “goods” which law-abiding on the part of others
represents. The most serious problem of social order and progress is the
problem of having the rules obeyed. Precepts for living together are not going
to be handed down from on high. We start from where we are, and not from some
idealized world peopled by beings with a different history and with utopian
institutions. No anarchistic order can survive in the strict sense of the term
because those people who are the losers of the contract civilization must
choose to resort to violent civilization in order to maximizing their payoffs. Government
is indispensable in contract civilization aiming at preventing degeneration. As
John Stuart Mill said, “The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple
principle, as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the
individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be
physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public
opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind are warranted,
individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any
of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can
be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his
will, is to prevent harm to others.” Of course, the freedom of government
should also be limited by a system of checks and balances because government is
essential both as a forum for determining the “rules of the game” and as an
umpire to interpret and enforce the rules decided on. Otherwise, any government
try his best to rationalize almost every conceivable
intervention. The scope of government must be limited. Its major
function must be to protect our freedom both from the enemies outside our gates
and from our fellow-citizens: to preserve law and order, to enforce private
contracts, to foster competitive markets. Then, how the government protect
contractual civilization, or how the government resolve such conflicts among
the freedoms of different individuals? ①Clear
property rights; ②Contract transaction.
An important prerequisite for the market
economy to work is an economy-wide respect for property rights. Property rights
refer to the ability of people to exercise authority over the resources they
own. Sometimes, we can regard property right as an initial assignment,
basically inherited from ancestors. The most classic example is the competition
of countries for the ownership of land resources. It is taken for granted that
that country who owns this land has all the resources on the land as an initial
assignment without any costs, and other countries can only take possession of
their resources through transactions. The competition for initial assignment is
the most intense, such as Kuril Islands dispute between Japan and Russia, Kashmir
dispute between India and Pakistan and the Falkland Islands dispute between
Britain and Argentina. All the vested interests will do everything to protect
the immediate vested interests, while the former vested interests will do
everything to restore the past interests, while the losers always think to
benefit from the reshuffle. Here I give you a personal experience. I
occasionally take part in a day tour in the suburbs, and the bus pick up people
from south to north, I must be the last to get on the bus because I live in the
north of the city, and as a result, there is no good seat for me. As not a
vested interest, I advocate to grab seats again every time I get off the bus
and get on again, and as vested interests, those people who had already occupied
good seats in the morning want to keep their good seats all day, and advocate to
take the original seat all day for the convenience of counting people. Which
side is just? Neither. Everyone is fighting for their own interests. No matter what
kind of distribution principles is adopted, there will be winners and losers. Losers
always want to change their initial position by reshuffling, while winners
always want to maintain the existing order to protect their initial position. The
essence of shuffling is to redistribute the initial assignments. When the
contract civilization cannot reach an agreement, it must resort to violent
civilization to divide the ownership. The essence of proletarian violent
revolution is to seize the initial wealth by violence. When they become
property owners, they must prohibit the new proletarian violent revolution. I want to introduce an old
concept to you: Coase theorem which was put forth by Ronald Coase who received
the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1991. The theorem states three
points: First, externalities are reciprocal; second, externalities persist only
if transactions costs are high; finally, if transactions costs are low, market
processes will lead to the same efficient outcomes, irrespective of the
assignment of property rights. If trade in an externality is possible and there
are sufficiently low transaction costs, bargaining will lead to a Pareto
efficient outcome regardless of the initial allocation of property. Coase's main point, clarified in his article “The
Problem of Social Cost,” published in 1960 and cited when he was awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1991, was that transaction costs, however, could not be
neglected, and therefore, the initial allocation of property rights often
mattered. I can't agree with him more. Here,
I would like to extend this Coase theorem. Under a perfect contractual society,
in the absence of transaction costs, both would strike a mutually advantageous
deal. It would not matter which one had the initial right to the property;
eventually, the right to the one would end up with the party that was able to
put it to the most highly valued use. From the macro level of society, social
efficiency has not changed, but (there is a big but here.) the initial
allocation of property rights often mattered because initial allocation
determines whether you are a seller or a buyer. After
the property rights are determined, the transaction will take place, such as
the United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867. A mining company will not
make the effort to mine iron ore if it expects the ore to be stolen. The
company mines the ore only if it is confident that it will benefit from the ore's subsequent sale. For this reason, courts serve
an important role in a market economy: They enforce property rights. Through
the criminal justice system, the courts discourage direct theft. In addition,
through the civil justice system, the courts ensure that buyers and sellers
live up to their contracts. There are many ambiguities, uncertainties, and
conflicting sets of expectations about individual spheres of allowable actions
in China legal structure, so the first step in the legalization of China is
aimed at the resolution of such ambiguities and conflicts, namely, clarity of
property rights. Individuals find themselves in conflict over the use of scarce
resources, with results that are desired by no one because there is no
agreed-on and enforced set of rights. Anarchy necessarily fails when there
exists no “natural” or mutually acceptable dividing lines among spheres of
personal individual interest. The main reason of the interventions of
government is because of ambiguities in the definition of individual rights. For
example: Single footbridge, given by James M. Buchanan in the book of The Limits of Liberty: Between Anarchy and
Leviathan. Robin Hood and Little John meet squarely in the center of the
one-man footbridge. What “natural” rule is there to determine who shall be
entitled to proceed and who shall withdraw? This can serve as an illustration
for the multifarious set of interactions where conflict rather than implicit
agreement seems characteristic if without an order. The logical foundation of
property rights lies precisely in this universal need for boundaries between
“mine and yours.” Escape from the violent civilization requires an explicit
definition of the rights of persons to do things. The genuinely anarchistic
world becomes a maze of footbridges, and conflict rather than universalized
cooperation is its central feature. A single footbridge exists; either Robin
Hood or Little John must be granted some right of priority in its usage. Both
men cannot simultaneously possess such a right, which would, of course, be
equivalent to the abolition of all rights, from which the Hobbesian conflict
emerges once again. A well-defined set of individual rights is the cornerstone
of contract civilization. “Equal freedom,” as a norm or rule for social
intercourse, has little or no meaning until and unless individuals are first
identified in terms of acknowledged limits to behavior. Persons are defined by
the rights which they possess and are acknowledged by others to possess. If
Robin Hood and Little John know, and in advance, which one has the “right” to
cross the bridge when potential conflict emerges, and, furthermore, if they
know that this “right” will be effectively enforced, they can go about their
ordinary business of life without detailed supervision and control. What, then,
is the rightful limit to the sovereignty of the individual over himself? Those
people in developed countries tend to take property rights for granted, and
those living in less developed countries understand gradually that a lack of
property rights can be a major problem. China's chaos stem from the lack of
clear property rights. For example, lots of Chinese don't have concept of the
right-of-way which is the right that people have to use the roads, so they
still follow the law of the jungle in traffic. In many countries, the system of
justice does not work well. Contracts are hard to enforce, and fraud often goes
unpunished. In more extreme cases, the government not only fails to enforce
property rights but actually infringes upon them. Who owns the children's
property rights? If the father owns the property, he has the right to dispose
of his child in any way he wants. Thus, economic prosperity depends in part on
political prosperity. When the political system changed (The Disintegration of
Patriarchy), the father lost the ownership of his daughter, so it is natural
for him to refuse to raise a girl. The essence of the collapse of patriarchy is
that the government infringes on the property rights of the father to his
daughter. Who owns the pets' property rights? If I own the property, I have the
right to dispose of my pet in any way I like, including beating my horse,
shooting my dogs and killing my pigs. No one else has the right to interfere. In
that period, did Chinese government have the right to exercise family planning
for citizens? Is reproduction a private right? It depends on who bears the
growth costs of this child. It is not private right when the taxpayers bear the
costs, and it is private right when an individual bear the costs as same
non-human animals which have the right to have many babies they want. Before
social pension, children were at one time the major
means whereby people provided for their own old age, so father had ownership of
children. Ambiguity of property rights is a common problem in socialist
countries where there was no private property and which all property belongs to,
and society is maintained by lies and morality. In my eyes, morality and lies
are equivalent. In China, old people often complain that young people do not
give up their seat on buses. In my opinion, it is no less than moral kidnapping. The
ambiguity of behavior boundary is the inevitable result of moral governance
which must lead rogues everywhere because morality is little more than a fig
leaf for rogues. Once individual rights are acknowledged, contractual
negotiations become possible. With such defined limits, regardless of the
sources of their derivation, an individual is clearly an entity distinct from
his fellows. Equipped with this set of rights, informed about them, and
similarly informed about the rights held by others, the individual is in a
position to initiate agreements with other persons, to negotiate trades, or, in
more general terms, to behave as a free man in a society of men. If little John
is given ownership rights in the footbridge, Robin Hood can use the facility
only after obtaining Little John's
permission through trade or otherwise. Do I have the property right of my own
vagina and uterus? If I have, I have the right to rent them to anyone. If I
haven't, please tell me who has the property right of my vagina and uterus? If
the limits to individual behavior are well defined, voluntary social
interaction can proceed in an orderly fashion under any structure. Once the
limits of each person's rights are defined by agreement, economic interchange
becomes almost the archetype of ordered anarchy. Individuals can deal with one
another through wholly voluntary behavior without coercion or threat. Interpersonal
dealings can take place under any agreed-on assignment. Apparently, the
definition and assignment of individual rights are ahead of or prior to
exchange. The basic requisite is the maintenance of law and order to prevent
physical coercion of one individual by another and to enforce contracts
voluntarily entered into, thus giving substance to "private". So long
as effective freedom of exchange is maintained, the central feature of the
market organization of economic activity is that it prevents one person from
interfering with another in respect of most of his activities. The consumer is
protected from coercion by the seller because of the presence of other sellers
with whom he can deal. The seller is protected from coercion by the consumer
because of other consumers to whom he can sell. The employee is protected from
coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work, and
so on. And the market does this impersonally and without centralized authority.
When contractual civilization cannot dominate society, society will inevitably
degenerate back to violent civilization because contradictions are always to be
solved. This is the basic reason why Chinese people often fight to each other.
Whether clear property rights or
contractual transactions belongs to the category of contract civilization, and
what if people do not obey these orders? All theories of economics are based on
the perfect trading model, what if people resort to violent civilization? Rationality
precepts, strictly interpreted, suggest efforts toward maximizing “law-abiding”'
by others and toward minimizing “law-abiding” by the party in question. But for
each person, there will be an advantage in breaking the law, in failing to
respect the behavioral limits laid down in the contract. The evil consequences
of his acts do not then fall on himself, but on others; and society, as the
protector of all its members, must retaliate on him; must inflict pain on him
for the express purpose of punishment, and must take care that it be
sufficiently severe. The necessity for law enforcement must be squarely faced,
regardless of our romantic yearnings for an imaginary paradise. As John Stuart
Mill said, “The maxims are, first, that the individual is not accountable to
society for his actions, in so far as these concerns the interests of no person
but himself. Advice, instruction, persuasion, and avoidance by other people if
thought necessary by them for their own good, are the only measures by which
society can justifiably express its dislike or disapprobation of his conduct.
Secondly, that for such actions as are prejudicial to the interests of others,
the individual is accountable, and may be subjected either to social or to
legal punishment, if society is of opinion that the one or the other is
requisite for its protection.” In classical electromagnetism, there is a
concept called magnetization. All materials are made up of magnetic domains. In
an unmagnetized object, all of the magnetic domains point in different
directions. We can call it disordered state. When a material is placed in a
strong magnetic field, these dipoles become aligned in a single direction, the
material exhibits magnetic properties. We can call it ordered state. In the
absence of an external magnetic field or electric field, magnetic domains can't change from disorder to order. Magnetization is
a process from disorder to order. Notice here, some substances demagnetized
gradually after they leave the magnetic field and magnetic domains return back
to disorder from order, which is called demagnetization. How to keep order for
a long time? Permanence of an external magnetic field or electric field is
necessary. We can call this external magnetic field or electric field
punishment in sociology. The principal objects which human punishments have in
view are undoubtedly restraint and example. With respect to what is said of the
necessity of protecting society from the bad example set to others by the
vicious or the self-indulgent; it is true that bad example may have a
pernicious effect, especially the example of doing wrong to others with impunity
to the wrong-doer. Almost any person will “voluntarily” comply with dictated
patterns of behavior if he knows that departure from these patterns will be
punished with sufficient certainty and severity. Enforcement is essential, but
the unwillingness of government to punish those who violate it, and to do so
effectively, must portend erosion and ultimate destruction of the order that we
observe. Is it ironic that contract civilization needs to be guarded by violent
machines all the time? Not everyone can benefit from contractual civilization, so
the necessity for an enforcing agent arises if people want to maintain
contractual civilization. The enforcing role for the state involves the
protection of individual rights to do things and carrying out of valid
contracts. To make any one answerable for doing evil to others is the rule. Based
on the principle of Tit for Tat, despotism is a legitimate mode of government
in dealing with barbarians. According to game theory, if you want to change a
person's choice, you have to change his payoffs. Severe law is such a negative
feedback to change people's bad behavior. If you should happen to do something
that is followed by one of the nasty things, don't do it again, but on the
other hand repeat anything that is followed by one of the nice things.' You can't
do whatever you want to do because you may not have the resources to afford it.
The government should play the role of adjudication and enforcing agent role
well, and well-defined rights require enforcement; violations must be policed
and violators punished even according to the rules and orders. Enforcement has
two components. First, violations must be discovered and violators identified.
Second, punishment must be imposed on violators. In the absence of effective
enforcement, external or internal, persons are always motivated to violate the
standards laid down. From this base, individuals are free to negotiate any and
all mutually beneficial exchanges among themselves, and agreed-on terms will be
effectively enforced by the agency. China has all kinds of laws, but they cannot
be effectively enforced. Because of the incompetence, inept and inaction of
public power, the law cannot punish numerous offenders, as a result, rules and
orders are in vain. Apprehension rates and severity of punishment are two very
important factors in striking a balance. Only the fear of punishment can stop
people from doing evil. Inept law enforcers only care about what to be done to
minimize their trouble, instead of executing their duties according to the
laws. In organic chemical reactions, there are similar rules to follow. The
potential outcome of a reaction is usually influenced by two factors: the relative stability of the products (i.e.
thermodynamic factors) and the rate of product formation (i.e. kinetic factors).
Kinetic control will lead to a faster reaction since it has a lower energy transition
state, and therefore a lower activation barrier. Thermodynamic control will
lead to a slower reaction since it has a higher energy transition state, and
therefore a higher activation barrier. As a result, the product can be obtained
quickly by kinetic control but unstable; while the product can be obtained
slowly by thermodynamic control but stable. Needless to say, activation energy,
as a cost, falls on law enforcers, who must choose kinetic reaction to minimize
their own costs. As a result, society becomes an unstable product. What will
happen? Lynching is rampant. For example, in recent years, the events of
killing dogs by poisons have occurred frequently in China. Why is that? This
result met my expectations because the incompetence and omission of public
power must only lead to the spread of lynching because this is not a balanced
state without punishment for defection. Most of the civil offences now
committed, are committed in consequence of the inefficiency of our judicial
system; “For sparing justice feeds iniquity.” It is the difficulty that he
knows there will be in convicting him which tempts the knave to behave
knavishly. When public power does not act, lynching is a supplement. The
emergence of isoniazid has become such a supplement. Only when costs are
transferred back to them will they cease the infringement. Don't forget the strategy of “Tit for tat” is not
nasty but nice strategy. If my neighbor operates his stereo loudly
in the wee hours, and does this repeatedly, I should be prompted to try
deliberately to annoy him with my oscillator. They
deserved that. Free entry and exit in a competitive market can be regarded as a
kind of retaliations, which is a powerful force shaping the long-run
equilibrium. The threat of retaliation must always be there. There is no doubt
that the government will prevent lynching because the escalation of
contradictions will affect the rule of the authorities, so the authorities must
intervene in contradictions not from the perspective of equilibrium but from
the perspective of which side is more beneficial to themselves or which side is
more harmful to themselves. As the saying goes, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, so in China, proletarian
scoundrels always the winners. Generally speaking, under this system, self-defense
is strictly prohibited, as a result of which the whole society falls into a
dilemma of the inaction of public power and the prohibition of self-defense. Here
I give two ridiculous news in China. A widely viewed traffic cam video shows
what happened the night of August 27, 2018 in the Chinese city of Kunshan, west
of Shanghai. Yu, a 41-year-old electrician, was waiting at a stoplight on his
e-bike when 36-year-old Liu, driving a BMW, approached from behind. Liu swerved
toward Yu, who was in a dedicated bike lane, and nearly hit him. The two sides
quarreled before Liu pushed and kicked Yu. Liu retrieved a 59-centimeter-long
knife from the car later and slashed it at Yu several times. Suddenly a
dramatic scene happened. Due to drunkenness, the knife flew out of his hand and
fell to the ground. Yu got to it first and turned it on Liu, stabbing him at
least five times. Liu was brought to a hospital but later died of his wounds,
which included ruptured veins and intestines. By the way, Liu, covered with
tattoos, has been in jail four times, and is a member of criminal syndicate. At
first, the police detained Yu for intentional homicide. The video went viral on
Chinese social media, sparking a debate on whether justifiable self-defense or excessive
self-defense. Finally, under the great pressure of public opinion, police and
prosecutors said that the man's behavior constitutes justifiable self-defense
and should be exempted from criminal responsibility. Legal experts said it
could be considered a milestone case in China as in the past, such cases were
usually considered as excessive self-defense in which those who fought back
should bear criminal punishment. Frankly speaking, Yu should thank the Internet
and the support of netizens who reversed events successfully, otherwise he will
become a victim. Similarly, absurd farce is still on in China again and again. On
June 1 2020, Hu, 18, argued with Lei, 54, in a shopping mall after Lei acted
indecently toward a female friend, 17. Lei denied misbehaving, and the three
went to the mall's monitoring room to watch surveillance video. While watching
the video, Lei fled to a mall parking lot and Hu ran after him. Hu tried to
kick Lei two times but failed to connect. A third attempt succeeded, fracturing
Lei's right leg and causing him to fall to the ground. By the way, shopping
mall video showed that Lei molested women on that day more than once. Later,
local police decided to criminally detain Hu, 18, on suspicion of intentional
injury. With the exposure of the video and the denouncement of netizens, police
cancelled the criminal detention of the man, surnamed Hu, and it would now
reinvestigate the case. By the way, private detectives are also illegal for the
same reason. Such a country which confuse right and wrong! It's not hard to
imagine why China's emerging middle class wants to emigrate abroad because the
immigration is the only way for them to get rid of the proletarian scoundrels
and inept government. This is a kind of Nimby(not
in my backyard), which means avoiding not only those incompetent people but
also those inept governments. It is a very singular country in which
every member of this country wishes to get out of the country ... as soon as he
can, and to whose interest, the day after he has left it and carried his whole
fortune with him, it is perfectly indifferent though the whole country as
swallowed up by an earthquake. This is the true picture of China at present. The
broken windows theory is a criminological theory states that visible signs of
disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage further disorder and
misbehavior, leading to serious crimes. The principle was developed to explain
the decay of neighborhoods, but it is often applied to work and educational
environments. The broken windows theory argues that no matter how rich or poor
a neighborhood, one broken window would soon lead to many more windows being
broken: “One unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so
breaking more windows costs nothing.” Disorder increases levels of fear among
citizens, which leads them to withdraw from the community and decrease
participation in informal social control. Who created the broken windows
theory? Inactive law enforcement agencies. What would happen next? These
so-called crimes will also be professionalized. For example, if my legitimate
rights have been violated, but authorities choose to ignore, what is best
counter-strategy? Here are two cases. One is my opportunity cost is very small
and I choose to poison the stray dogs by myself; the other is my opportunity
cost is big and I choose to hire someone who has very low opportunity to poison
the stray dogs. Deal can make both better off, right? In my eyes, they are all Spiderman
who maintain the balance because they did the work for free. Some Chinese
leader put forward the slogan like “Harmonious Society” which is fundamentally
wrong because the Western advanced civilization is the result of draconian laws
instead of harmonious society. The word “harmony” was not originated by Chinese
leader, but by Robert Owen who is one of the most influential early 19th-century
advocates of utopian socialism. Owen had envisioned a utopia sprung full-blown
into the world, but it did not and could not succeed. The nature of “Harmonious
Society” is to compromise with barbarians by passing the costs on to other
victims. You can't be generous at expense of others. Due to being threatened by
the violence of the majority, the government force the general taxpayer to
subsidize the bad risks and to defray the losses. The incompetence of the
regulators inevitably leads to social chaos, regardless of the regulated. Based
on my experience, when I was in England YHA, I can see the sign like “Quiet
hours 10pm to 8am otherwise you get kicked out,” and almost all customers, regardless
while, yellow or black, would keep quiet between 10pm to 8am; but the situation
is quite different when I was in Thailand YHA, and the white women, maybe from
Australia, made a lot of noise during 12am. In short, what is more harmful is
the dictator's inaction and abuse of power, not the dictatorship itself.
The lynching caused by the inept
government's inaction happens not only in developing countries, such as China,
but also in so-called developed countries. Here I give a very famous example. Dieter
Krombach was found guilty by a French court for unintentionally killing Kalinka
Bamberski in Bavaria in 1982, which was one of the most bizarre cross-border
judicial disputes in European legal history. The story roughly goes like this. It
was in 1982 that Krombach tried to rape 14-year-old Kalinka Bamberski and then
killed her with an injection of lethal drugs. But a German court ruled in 1987
that there was insufficient evidence to charge Krombach, and extradition to
France was refused. Despite this, a French court convicted him in absentia in
1995, before the conviction was annulled on procedural grounds. However, Andre
Bamberski, Kalinka's 74-year-old natural father, never gave up the struggle to
bring to justice a doctor he always believed was a sexual deviant. In 2009 he
paid professional Russian kidnappers £18,000 to beat up Krombach, bind and gag
him, put him in the boot of a car, and then drive him to France. There was
quite a bit of a dispute between France and Germany as to whether Krombach
should be sent back home, and they also demanded that Bamberski be extradited
to be charged with the kidnapping. European Court of Human Rights, what's more,
rejected the results of French trial and condemned France. France in the end
refused, Bamberski was release on bail, and Krombach was sentenced to 15 years
in prison for “deliberate violence leading to involuntary death” in the Kalinka
case. In the end Bamberski got a 1-year suspended prison sentence for his role
in Krombach’s abduction, but he also gained peace of mind and the satisfaction
that justice had finally been done for his daughter. All because he refused to
let the case be swept under the carpet and did what no one else would. By
comparison, Kirsty Jones is not so lucky. In August of 2000, 23 year-old Kirsty
Jones, who enjoyed a gap year after graduating from Liverpool University, was raped
and strangled in Chiang Mai. During the early hours of August 10, after
enjoying an evening with friends, Kirsty was attacked and murdered in her room.
Her body was discovered the next morning, sparking an investigation that would
span 20 years and two continents. Despite several arrests, no-one was ever
charged for Kirsty’s murder. In 2001 British Police successfully lobbied to get
the case re-opened by the Thai Attorney General after it was closed due to
insufficient evidence to mount a successful prosecution. British Officers travelled
to Thailand several times in the years that followed to discuss the
investigation, hold press conferences and bring exhibits from the case back to
the UK for detailed forensic examination. Kristy’s mother even has offered a
£10,000 reward for leads to capture her daughter's killer. Unfortunately no-one
has ever been prosecuted for Kirsty’s murder and the Thai Department of
Specialist Investigations has now closed the case, meaning a permanent end to
the investigation. This Monday (August 10, 2020) the Thai 20-year Statute of Limitations
in this case expires, and no-one has ever been brought to justice. The search
for justice for murdered Welsh backpacker Kirsty Jones is over after the case
was finally closed on the 20th anniversary of her death. Similarly, a Korean
film named Conference of murder (내가 살인범이다,2012) told us how incompetent the law is. We like to think that the
laws of society will protect us, and that those who do bad things will be
punished for it. We like to think that the system is working in our favor and
that we will be protected and looked after, that those who have wronged us will
face justice and get what is coming to them, and in most cases, this is perhaps
true. Yet, there are some people who have been forced to take matters into
their own hands, and take care of the business when they encounter inept or
corrupt authorities. Only in this way, the equilibrium state can be struck.
Apparently, those people who resort to
violent civilization or do not follow the rules, should be deprived of their
freedom because they are barbarians. Then, who can't have freedom either, or who can't have property rights and free trading
rights either, or what kind of people should be deprived of their freedom even under
the contract civilization? Freedom is a tenable
objective only for responsible individuals. We do not believe in freedom for
madmen or children. Underlying most arguments against the freedom is a
lack of belief in freedom itself. The necessity of
drawing a line between responsible individuals and others is inescapable, yet
it means that there is an essential ambiguity in our ultimate objective of
freedom. Paternalism is inescapable for those whom we designate as not
responsible. For them, compulsory means should be used instead of voluntary
means. To be honest, almost all the chaos in contract civilization stems
from the fact that some people have the freedom they should not have. In short,
those people who are considered ignorant, incompetent, inferior or fool should
be deprived of their freedom because they are lack of the intellect and
judgment of mankind which ought to be cultivated at expense of time. They need
guardians, so they should be under paternalism which is defined as the exercise
of power over an individual and an interference with an individual's free will.
I also agree with paternalism because immature people can interfere with the
market economy by passing on the costs to others. I oppose laissez-faire
because the contract civilization can only guarantee the elimination of
violence but cannot guarantee the elimination of deception or fraud. Freedom
belongs to those people who can use observation to see, reasoning and judgment
to foresee, activity to gather materials for decision, discrimination to
decide, and when he has decided, firmness and self-control to hold to his
deliberate decision. Those who are still in a state to require being taken care
of by others, must be protected against their own actions as well as against
external injury. For the same reason, we may leave out of consideration those
backward states of society in which the race itself may be considered as in its
nonage because they are just giant infant. For some examples. Children can't
have freedom because they are ignorant and incompetent. Even in democratic
countries, voting qualifications are set at the age of 18 or older. Obviously,
everyone admits that children don't have enough judgment, so the protection
against themselves is necessary. I once saw such a news that a 14-year-old
Australian boy named Patrick Mitchell has changed his mind two years after he
began gender transition into a woman with female hormones at age 12. How
unreliable children are! According to recent reports on Chinese media, a young
man, now 25, sold his left kidney in China when he was just 17 years old. The
teenager wanted an iPhone and iPad desperately in order to prove to his
classmates that he was trendy, but his cash-strapped parents could not afford
them. He immediately bought an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2 after being paid £2,528,
but he is now disabled, bedbound and needing constant care. If protection
against themselves is confessedly due to children and persons under age, is not
society equally bound to afford it to persons of mature years who are equally
incapable of self-government? Children need guardians, and so do women and
Chinese. Under patriarchy, fathers are their guardians. The vast majority of
women can't have freedom because they are still ignorant and credulous, and
they have neither knowledge nor identity to resolve the gender conflict. They
made a directional error, and can't recognize P-V model as an infringement of
their legitimate liberty. The biggest stupidity of women is to put cost items
in the income category, so they should be protected under the Patriarchy
because they interfere with normal market economic order by offering free sex
services. Ignorant women cannot distinguish the good from the bad; hence it is
needful that the choice should be made for them. Some anti-patriarchal people,
who are actually the beneficiaries of women's abuse of freedom, argue that
women have human rights to dispose of their bodies, and as long as the losers
by the contract do not invoke assistance from other communities, other people
have no right to interfere. Is father entitled to use coercion to prevent
daughters from providing free sex-services? The answer is yes because he bears
the production costs of the uterus and vagina instead of girls themselves. I
have already observed that, owing to the absence of property right, liberty is
often granted where it should be withheld, as well as withheld where it should
be granted. The authorities do not limit incompetence and abuse of power.
Allowing the ignorance and incompetence women to exercise so free power in
whatever way they want would be dangerous. There are also many female fools in
the West. The most classic example in the West is Jihadi bride Shamima Begum
who is a British-born woman who left the UK in February 2015, aged 15, to join
the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria, who recently says in 2019
she is 'in a really bad way' in Syrian camp and wants 'to return home' because
her mental health is suffering and she now “hates” the terror group after the
death of her three babies. Unfortunately,
the Home Secretary responded bluntly to her plea, saying: “No way, no way.” I
support the British government's decision because women have always been so
ignorant and foolish that they have always been exploited for free. Ignorant
women cannot
bear the consequences of abuse of freedom. Those
ignorant who possess the freedom they should not possess, are just being used
by those vicious in order to achieve the purpose of profitability. You must
have seen such a famous news from China: Dramatic video footage captures the
middle-aged woman flouting the warnings by getting out of the car, and she was
killed instantly after she followed the younger woman out of the car at the
Badaling Wildlife World, near the Great Wall of China. Both had ignored
repeated warnings to stay inside the vehicle, according to local media. They
don't deserve any sympathy because it's
their choice, they asked for trouble and had it coming. There's always news
like this: A woman in the countryside signed a guarantee and was eventually
sentenced by the court to repay 2 million Yuan. She
had no idea what guarantees meant. To be honest, I fear men in violent
civilization and women in contract civilization. The vast majority of Chinese
can't have freedom because they have the
incompetence of the proletariat (Lower orbit) but the desire of the bourgeoisie
(Higher electronics). Like I said before, lower orbit and higher electronics
are incompatible, and the result must be chaos. Mao Zedong was right raising
dog is indeed a bourgeois pastime because any pastime has a price which the
Chinese are unable or unwilling to pay. You know, the most terrible thing is
not that the bourgeoisie raise dogs, but that the proletariat raise dogs.
Poverty and evil are twins. It is Chinese should be deprived of the freedom of
raising pets because they are incompetent and impose the costs to the
neighbors. Einstein once
described the Chinese as “industrious, filthy, obtuse people.”
He was right. These dogs and their owners are not only irreligious, but
unchaste, indecent, gross, disgusting. According to the definition of American
psychiatric association, they have the characteristics of antisocial
personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder signs and
symptoms may include: a pattern of disregarding or violating the
rights of others; disregard for right and wrong; arrogance, a sense of
superiority and being extremely opinionated; hostility, significant
irritability, agitation, aggression or violence; failure to consider the
negative consequences of behavior or learn from them; being consistently
irresponsible and repeatedly failing to fulfill work or financial obligations;
destruction of property; deceitfulness; serious violation of rules. To be
honest, most of Chinese have these symptoms. Chinese freedom degenerates into
license and irresponsibility, should be governed because they would impose the
negative externalities to others by abusing the freedom. Noise and flash are
the direct reasons for O'Sullivan's unwillingness to play snooker in China. The
retarded also like to shine a laser pen into the eyes of others. One news goes
that, some hikers and adventurers are trapped illegally crossing unmanned areas,
and the government had to waste taxpayers' money to search and rescue. Their
behavior has serious negative externalities, so they do not deserve this
freedom. There is another way to call them: Giant infant who should be avowedly
treated as children or savages, and placed under an education of restraint, to
fit them for future admission to the privileges of freedom. As the Scots say:
The father buys, the son builds, the grandchild sells and his son begs. Late
Hong Kong actress Lydia Shum has previously reached an agreement with her
daughter, Joyce Cheng, not to use her 60-million-dollar inheritance before Cheng
turns 35. The rich set up trust fund to prevent their children from squandering
their heritage because they know the essence of capitalism is cheating. There
is a 10% limit on the rise and fall of Chinese stocks, but western stock
markets have no such restrictions. Why? Because the Chinese people are
irrational, irrational people should be restricted freedom. The Chinese think
10% limit is restricting their freedom, on the contrary, this restriction is
protecting them. On January 17, 2019, a stock code 02768 fell 80% in the Hong
Kong stock market, and on the next day, the stock rose 60%. I dare not imagine how
many people will be ruined overnight without this 10% limit. People in
different levels should enjoy different freedoms. For example, when I travelled
in Canada, I saw a lot of casino, in Niagara Falls and Notre Dame island in
Montreal. This is because Canadians can control the freedom of gambling, but
Chinese don't deserve this freedom because they can't face gambling rationally.
The essence of lottery is gambling. It aims to help the poor. As a result, all
lottery tickets in China are bought by the poor. Similarly, according to The
Cannabis Act, cannabis has been legalized. To buy, possess or use cannabis and
cannabis products, you must be of legal age 18 older. Cannabis should be banned
in China because Chinese with low ability will cause more negative
externalities after smoking cannabis. The Opium Wars arose from China’s attempts
to suppress the opium trade, which had led to widespread addiction in China and
was causing serious social and economic disruption there. British traders were
the primary source of the drug in China. In spring 1839 the Chinese government
confiscated and destroyed more than 20,000 chests of opium—some 1,400 tons of
the drug—that were warehoused at Canton (Guangzhou) by British merchants. Although
drug trafficking does not violate the civilization of trade, it is still prohibited
in many countries so far. For example, under Singapore law, trafficking more
than 15 grams of heroin brings a mandatory death sentence. Why? The vast
majority of people do not have the ability to master this freedom. Similarly, Chinese
people do not have the ability to control the freedom of drugs either. To be
honest, 20 years ago, I would have taken drugs if drugs were legalized in my
youth, but I don't take drugs now even if they're legal. The thing is many
Chinese people can't reach my level. The elderly in China should not be free
either. You can often see news like this: Some old people were deceived of all
their savings by cheaters because of the greed for a kilogram of free rice. What
a money-hungry public this must have been to swallow such a barefaced fraud! The
outright fraud can be packaged as “enterprise”; the gilded extravagances of the
age as colorless “consumption.” Indeed, the world was so scrubbed as to be
unrecognizable. China is now full of Ponzi schemes because the mentality of the
Chinese people now is the same as that of the Americans in the 1920s, and irrational
people are tempted by interests to forget the most basic common sense. Anyone
who has rich investment experience and financial knowledge will never take a
second glance at a project which promises to recover 50% interest within three
months. Like I said before, there is no short-cut in evolution. Ignorance doesn't mean innocent. The contract civilization
dominated by capitalism can only guarantee to sell you what you like, but not
what is really useful to you, because that is question you should judge. Although
those cheaters are hateful, the old are not only greedy but also incompetent. Advances
in technology have given cheaters more convenient, and as a result, these fools
are in a more dangerous position. The Chinese always try to get something for
free that doesn't belong to them, so they are always short-sighted and can only
see the gains and losses in short-run but can't see them in long-run. In the
absence of estimation of subsequent costs, they rushed to buy high-rise
apartments and cars, raise dogs and have babies and so on and so forth. After
they have used cost-benefit analysis rationally, they will withdraw from the
market because the cost is too high and the benefit is too low. It turns out
that they can't afford the elevator fee, parking fee, vaccine fee and growth
costs because they are short-sighted and didn't take the subsequent cost of
holding into account. It still remains unrecognized, that to bring a child into
existence without a fair prospect of being able, not only to provide food for
its body, but instruction and training for its mind, is a crime, both against
the unfortunate offspring and against society. In recent years, with the development
of the Internet, net loans are also overwhelming overnight in China. I have a
neutral attitude towards the problem of net loans as same as raising dogs. Unfortunately,
the Chinese people cannot control such a simple contract civilization product. A
lot of money-strapped college students had pseudo-exquisite life by loans, but they
don't have ability to afford these usurious loans at all. Eventually, the
lenders have to resort to violence to collect money back. Have you ever
wondered why usurers like to target College students? They are adult giant
babies. On the one hand, they have the right and freedom of 18+ adult to get
loans, but on the other hand, they lack enough judgment and the ability to
weigh the pros and cons. Minors are deprived of their freedom to borrow money
by law. Can you say that the government is harming them? The incompetent
proletariat has fallen into the capitalist consumption trap because the
short-sighted Chinese giant babies do not understand the nature of loans which
is that you borrow money from yourself in the future rather than others. Credit
card and Internet loan which are typical products of capitalism are very common
in China now. The issuing banks think adults have the ability to manage their
own credit cards, but they don't have the ability. As the result, the snowball
of loans will get bigger and bigger because they are all incompetent and don't
know how to calculate the interests, service charges or penalty for breach of
contract. In short, they know nothing about the consequences. The result of the
incompetent proletariat being implanted into the desire of the bourgeoisie is
inevitably chaos. Capitalism opens up the Pandora Box of Chinese desire and
brings them into the consumption trap. Through the advertising of stars and
some successful people, capitalism has planted the illusion to the superficial
public that some products represent the symbols of identity and status, and you
will join these upper-class societies after you use them. The rhetoric,
sophistry and stories derived from capitalism will interfere with the crowd's
normal rationality and make them make irrational consumption decisions. These
ads are not selling the goods themselves, but a utopian imagination,
impractical fantasies or unrealistic illusions. When advertising evokes your
peak experience, you make radical buying decisions. The lower-class is also
trying to get something beyond their ability and their status. They don't know
it's all a capitalist conspiracy. In China now, the lower orders aped their
betters to drink Starbucks. The common folk seemed to prefer Pizza to their
traditional steamed bread! The Chinese government has to intervene in this
market behavior. I think they should give up the pretense of being rich
guys and make a trade-off according to budget line. When we compare the strange
respect of mankind for liberty, with their strange want of respect for it, we
might imagine that a man had an indispensable right to do harm to others, and
no right at all to please himself without giving pain to anyone. Chinese people
are used to everything for free under the socialist system, and this is the
cancer left by communism. These old scoundrels have become obstacles to trading
civilization. These incompetents do need guardianship and control. This is main
reason why some the western developed countries can adopt the policy of
visa-free to Chinese group-tourists instead of individual-tourists. Like I said
before, which curve move first very important. Once you make a mistake, you
will pay a huge price to correct it. This is the main reason why I think China
is not suitable for democracy, otherwise, it would be another proletarian
revolution, namely, the tyranny of the majority. Like country's standard of
living depends on its ability to produce goods and services, a country's
standard of freedom depends on its ability to manage the freedom. Only a
self-disciplined person deserves freedom. The fundamental relationship between
freedom and ability is simple, but its implications are far-reaching. If
ability is the primary determinant of standard of freedom, other explanations
must be of secondary importance. The basic principle of “Everything has a cost,”
can be applied here. Freedom also has a cost. The price an electron has to pay
for breaking away from the bondage of the nucleus is called ionization energy. When
your ability is very low, you only deserve low-electron orbits. Yet the real
villain was not dictator from dictatorial system but low self-ability of
Chinese. If you don't understand women very well, you can't see the fact how
stupid they are; if you don't understand Chinese very well, you can't see the
fact how evil they are. Stupidity is the greatest evil. Being enslaved is the
inevitable result of their deep-rooted stupidity. They do not deserve freedom
and truth because a despicable soul will oppress others when it gets rid of
oppression. One of the greatest evils of the crowd is that they try their best
to embarrass others after gaining some power. To be honest, Sharon Stone was
right it is Karma because they are not people but beasts actually. I don't want
to see these lower beasts get rid of slavery in my life. Slavery is an
important part of their biological chain. This is the fundamental reason why I
oppose Westerners' donation to people of lower civilization. It is because you
are just transferring costs, not eliminating them. Public resource must
inevitably lead to the tragedy of commons because you consider long-term
interests while others only take short-interests into account, resulting in
destructive development. For example, in recent years due to overfishing,
extinct fishing and unsustainable fishing practices like trawling, the number
of fishes has obviously decreased in China's seas, so the Chinese fishermen had
to fish in the high seas or in other countries' coastal domains. Many nations
have taken steps to impede bottom trawling, largely because it is a disaster
for marine ecosystems, but Chinese fishermen still choose the trawling, a
practice in which fishermen drag long nets along the ocean floor and kill
practically any living thing in their path. The public sea area inevitably
leads to the tragedy of the Commons. Poor countries face lower opportunity
costs than rich countries. I can understand why people in the world do not like
Chinese people, and I don't like them either because they are lawless and so
short-sighted. Due to the lack of severe laws and ambiguity of property rights,
China's rapid development is based on unsustainability because everyone only
weighs their his interests between long-run and short-run instead of between
his own interests in short-run and interests of others in long-run. Destructive
mining, destructive logging and destructive everything is being put on in
China. China is developing too fast, but there is no short-cut in evolution.
Similarly, sharing economy and self-service supermarket are both not suitable
for Chinese because perfect contract civilization cannot restrain inferiors at
all. There are also cases of deprivation of liberty in special circumstances.
Every adult has the freedom to drink, but you don't have the freedom to drive after
drinking because you would hurt others after losing control. For the same
reason, lots of government have legislated against taking drugs, including
China. It is illegal to put skylights near airports because you will disrupt
civil aviation. I respect the freedom of any fool as long as it does not
involve me. I refuse to pay for anyone's stupidity. Keep in mind please:
Freedom is not free.
There is a very big misunderstanding in the
world: Freedom VS Orders. In general, people are under the delusion that
all rules under dictatorship are bad and breaking the rules is equivalent to progress.
People who have this idea are very naïve, shouldn't traffic rules under Autocratic system be obeyed? Frankly speaking, not
every variation is progress. More precisely speaking, most variations are
harmful so the existence of threshold is necessary to absorb those harmful variation.
As Milne Edwards said, “Nature is prodigal in variety, but niggard in
innovation.” This principle also can be applied to human society. To be honest,
order is more important than innovation because abuse of liberty is more
harmful than dictatorship. Even in Democratic countries, there are two parties:
a party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, both as
necessary elements of a health state of political life. How to make a society
be both orderly and progressive? As I mentioned in Figure 6.1, thresholds are
necessary to prevent degeneration, whose function is to absorb any deviations
less than the value because most variations are not enough to bring society to
the next equilibrium. A system can neither be worked nor preserved without
rules and orders, while a system cannot progressive without any variation. Any
society must strike a balance between freedom and order, people should behave
like a pendulum swings between freedom and orders. My advice to future
generations is to maintain ongoing balance before you have enough ability to
reach the next balance because I am a conservative. Any government should take
an appropriate strategy which lies in somewhere between anarchy on the one hand
and Leviathan on the other hand based on its own ecological environment. I
advocate freedom of thought but self-discipline of action, but Chinese are just
the opposite now. Heresy is the perfect combination of liberalism and low IQ
groups. When you can't improve their IQ in short-run, they have to be deprived
of their liberty. Only self-discipline can give human freedom. A man without
self-discipline doesn't deserve freedom because their freedom has a serious
negative externality at the expense of others.
the pendulum clock be biased towards order or freedom in China now? Apparently,
the answer is order. Due to the lack of orders and the
incompetence of law enforcement, the biggest problem for Chinese people at
present is non-professionalism which is incompatible with the perfect trading
civilization. How
to get order? Democracy must definitely not work because the evolution is so
fast in China that people from different eras and different regions even have
opposite values. Chinese people are in the
middle of ideological transformation from utopian socialism to pragmatic
capitalism. A stable and democratic society is impossible without a minimum
degree of literacy and knowledge on the part of most citizens and without
widespread acceptance of some common set of values. In order to stabilize,
society needs common values, but now the Chinese cannot reach a consensus even
on the issue of stray dogs or how to drive at a crossroads without a traffic
light. No society can be stable unless there is a basic core of value judgments
that are unthinkingly accepted by the great bulk of its members. Similarly, the
major problem in the United States in the 19th and early 20th
century was not to promote diversity but to create the core of common values
essential to a stable society. Great streams of immigrants were flooding the
United States from all over the world, speaking different languages and
observing diverse customs. How to deal with this chaos in Chinese Society? China
need to be ruled by law which should be enacted by a wise strong agent rather
than the foolish public. I think there are two ways: One is colonization
and the other is dictatorship. Apparently, the former is better than the
latter, because the former can learn many experiences and
lessons in the process of advanced civilization development, and avoid the same
mistakes. Look at Hong Kong and you will see the benefits of British
colonialists to Hong Kong. The British colonists turned a desert island into a
modern financial center during 100 years. The abilities of the colonists were
different. Frankly speaking, being colonized, as same as being fucked, by whom
is more important because it determines what you get at the same price. Apparently,
it is also benefitable to be a concubine to the rich than to be a wife to the
poor. Lee Kuan Yew gave the colonial regime measured praise, and said that before
the British arrived, “there was no organized human society in Singapore, unless
a fishing village can be called a society.” Unfortunately, most people don't
have his intelligence, vision and insight, so most nationalists are against
colonialism and regard colonialism as national humiliation because they are not
professionalized. What I want to say is that it is normal thing to get some
return they deserve after they help the nation to next equilibrium state by
establishing social order, judicial system and so on and so forth. I do not
deny that there is a lot of killing in early colonization. You don't expect
colonists to come to the colonies for charity, do you? I quite agree with Darwin’s saying, “What natural selection cannot
do, is to modify the structure of one species, without giving it any advantage,
for the good of another species.” Similarly, what I cannot do, is to pay any
price, without giving me any advantage, for the good of another one. Do you
deem that those isolated societies without colonists were living the communism?
Love each other, orgasm together? Too young too naïve. I recommend you a good
Korean film named Bedevilled (김복남 살인사건의 전말,2010).
There is no heaven in this world, and the entry of colonists only changed the original
pattern of interests. Regarding to this matter, Darwin made a similar statement
in his book of On the Origin of Species:
Thus out of twenty species growing on a
little plot of turf (three feet by four) nine species perished from the other
species being allowed to grow up freely. The amount of food for each species of
course gives the extreme limit to which each can increase; but very frequently
it is not the obtaining food, but the serving as prey to other animals, which
determines the average numbers of a species. Thus, there seems to be little
doubt that the stock of partridges, grouse, and hares on any large estate
depends chiefly on the destruction of vermin. If not one head of game were shot
during the next twenty years in England, and, at the same time, if no vermin
were destroyed, there would, in all probability, be less game than at present,
although hundreds of thousands of game animals are now annually killed. On the
other hand, in some cases, as with the elephant and rhinoceros, none are
destroyed by beasts of prey: even the tiger in India most rarely dares to
attack a young elephant protected by its dam…. Many cases are on record showing
how complex and unexpected are the checks and relations between organic beings,
which have to struggle together in the same country. I will give only a single
instance, which, though a simple one, has interested me. In Staffordshire, on the
estate of a relation where I had ample means of investigation, there was a
large and extremely barren heath, which had never been touched by the hand of
man; but several hundred acres of exactly the same nature had been enclosed
twenty-five years previously and planted with Scotch fir. The change in the
native vegetation of the planted part of the heath was most remarkable, more
than is generally seen in passing from one quite different soil to another: not
only the proportional numbers of the heath-plants were wholly changed, but
twelve species of plants (not counting grasses and carices) flourished in the
plantations, which could not be found on the heath. The effect on the insects
must have been still greater, for six insectivorous birds were very common in
the plantations, which were not to be seen on the heath; and the heath was
frequented by two or three distinct insectivorous birds. Here we see how potent
has been the effect of the introduction of a single tree, nothing whatever else
having been done, with the exception that the land had been enclosed, so that
cattle could not enter…. Not that in nature the relations can ever be as simple
as this. Battle within battle must ever be recurring with varying success; and
yet in the long-run the forces are so nicely balanced, that the face of nature
remains uniform for long periods of time, though assuredly the merest trifle
would often give the victory to one organic being over another.
Without colonists, there would no heaven either.
The emergence of colonists only changed the pattern of interests. Nevertheless
so profound is our ignorance, and so high our presumption, that we are so indignant
and cynical when we hear of the colonization; and as we do not see the cause,
we blame our misfortune on the colonists. You are indeed unfortunate under
colonial rule, but without colonists you are as same as unfortunate, or more. I
advise you to weigh the pros and cons. Negative 10 is
better than negative 100 because there is no positive 100 in your options. Have
you ever heard of The Butterfly Effect? This term is often used to emphasize
the outsize significance of minute occurrences. A minute occurrence can make an
outsize significance, let alone colonization. It is irrational to compare the
living state of the colonized with the state of Utopia. The
essence of modern colonization is transnational corporations. A country, like a
large company, in order to maximize the shareholders' profit, can employ foreigners, or foreign organizations to be the chief
executive officer and other managers. In this trade, both the colonists and the
public can benefit, but at the expense of incompetent dictators. They will not
willingly withdraw from the stage of history. An irrational nation is doomed to
be enslaved as same fate as the group of women. By whom is more important. The
crowd always cannot judge whose interests are in line with himself/herself. For
example, some professors as dissidents from famous university have criticized
China's authoritarian system and some dead leaders, as a result of which they
are deprived of her retirement benefits. What strikes me is that the Internet
is full of the voice of schadenfreude. Frankly speaking, the interests of these
old professors are consistent with those of the Chinese Communist authorities,
but they still want to speak out based on their conscience, aiming at democratizing.
Finally, contrary to their expectations, those animals who they fight for bit them
back. What a desolation! Lao Liang, a famous news media man, always criticizes
the students of Peking University for being too selfish and neglecting the
national cause. I support the selfishness of students graduated from Peking University.
Should they bleed for a bunch of stupid crowd? This phenomenon usually occurred
in history that the elite died for the crowd but the crowd ate steamed buns
with their blood. Towards this, I have experienced deeply, so I'm not willing
to sacrifice myself for animals under human skin. They don't deserve it. I will
not sympathize with anyone because the blisters on their feet are all made by
themselves. There are some reason why they are enslaved. The greatest evil in
the world is ignorant stupidity. Some utopian critics criticized that Singapore
is done with colonialism, but decolonisation of our intellectual and
psychological sphere has yet to take place. The essence of evolution lies not
only in non-random elimination of genes, but also in non-random elimination of language
and lifestyle. You can't get them both unless you evolve on your own and don't
count on overtaking on a curve. Dictatorship is the other way. Lucky enough, if
you encounter a dictator who has the ability and conscience, he could lead the
country to accomplish "corner overtaking." Unfortunately, dictators
are always adopt the strategy of crossing the river while feeling the stones,
which essence is a process of trial and error. This process is rather slow,
repetitive and costly, and you have to experience all the hardships in the path
length. To be honest, food safety, milk products and plasticizer issue and
so forth Chinese are experiencing now happened one hundred years ago in the
United States. The Japanese asset price bubble was an economic bubble in Japan
from 1986 to 1991 in which real estate and stock market prices were greatly
inflated. In early 1992, this price bubble burst and Japan's economy stagnated.
The bubble was characterized by rapid acceleration of asset prices and
overheated economic activity, as well as an uncontrolled money supply and
credit expansion. From 1991 through 2001, Japan experienced a period of
economic stagnation and price deflation known as "Japan's Lost
Decade." Equity values plunged 60% from late 1989 to August 1992, while
land values dropped throughout the 1990s, falling an incredible 70% by 2001. I
am sure that the ignorant Chinese will soon experience all this because there
is no short-cut in evolution. Only after the tulip bulb market bubble, can the
Dutch be rational. Similarly, only after the same bubble, can the Chinese be
rational. Only pain can make people grow. Dictatorship has made it impossible
for us to avoid these troubles because people are always short-sighted and there
are many vested interests in the path. Compared with dictatorship, colonization
has the advantage of reaching the equilibrium state more quickly and less
amplitude, because human evolution has obvious second-mover advantage. Amplitude
means bubbles. How profitable it is when it is rising is equivalent how
wretched when it is falling. The key problem is who's going to end up with the
costs. In short, the more irrational people participate in the market, the
greater the amplitude there will be. The more bubbles there is, the more
unemployed there will be when squeezing bubbles, the more Luddites there will be, the tougher
central government has to be or more and more bubbles there will be. A wise and
far-sighted ruler cannot be led by s bunch of scoundrels. I'll
talk about the amplitude of evolution in a later chapter, so I won't go into it
here. But it is impossible that you wouldn't
pay anything if you want to make a leap-forward development in short time from
the third world to first world. Every coin has two sides, and you can't get
everything at the same time. Why didn't American democracy find its way to
success in the Middle East? Answer is very simple: it is because America only
wanted to fill the outermost orbit, but neglected there are many inner layers
left without filling. It is doomed to failure whenever anyone tries to restrain
violent civilization with contract civilization. In my opinion, I think the
Chinese have at least two inner layers to fill: One is to put yourself in
others' shoes; the other is to consider the problems in the view of sustainable
Inept government is more harmful than
dictatorial government. A property of typical inept government is inaction. Presumption
of guilt is a typical manifestation of inaction by transferring costs to
individuals from itself. China need neither democracy nor harmonious society at
present, but a powerful and capable dictator, like Lee Kuan Yew who was the
first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades and recognized
as the nation's founding father. Severe
punishment is his main strategy, and he argued that such disciplinary measures
were necessary for political stability which, together with rule of law, were
essential for economic progress, famously saying, “Anybody who decides to take
me on needs to put on knuckle-dusters. If you think you can hurt me more than I
can hurt you, try. There is no other way you can govern a Chinese society.” One
of Lee's abiding beliefs was in the efficacy of corporal punishment in the form
of caning. Today, Singapore still retains Caning as a legal corporal punishment
which can
be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military,
school, and domestic or private. These practices of caning are largely a legacy
of, and are influenced by, British colonial rule in Singapore. Two lashers took
turns to wield the bamboo cane. Blood spurted, bits of flesh flew and the
prisoner screamed in pain. Many people from different countries sentenced to three
strokes of the cane. The famous case is the case of Michael Fay, an American
teenager convicted of vandalism in March 1994 and sentenced to four months' imprisonment, a S$3,500 fine, and six
strokes of the cane. This incident attracted worldwide publicity and sparked a
minor diplomatic crisis between Singapore and the United States. Under pressure
from U.S. President Bill Clinton, Singapore's then President Ong Teng Cheong reduced
Fay's sentence from six to four
strokes. Fay was caned on 5 May 1994 in Queenstown Remand Prison. This inhumane
use of flogging as a mandatory punishment matches the today's Chinese people very well, because
fight terror with terror and fight barbarian with barbarism. It should be
stipulated as follows: Those people whoever runs a red light were sentenced to four
strokes of the cane. Not only this, the government can also earn money to
supplement tax revenue by broadcasting live online. It's the best strategy of killing two birds with one stone, I
think. In Victorian era, British civilians were also willing to pay for good
places to watch the hanging execution in Lant Street. The Chinese mentality is
at the same level as that of the British 200 years ago. China does not need “Harmonious
society” which is just a product of Utopian cults as same as “Orgasm together.”
Only in this way can we transition from the third world to first
world in a single generation. Contract civilization is a strict and orderly
social form, but Chinese are now in a state of disorder, and only severe laws
can turn this disorder into order. As a leader wolf, he must be ruthless and
smart instead of inept and feeble. To be honest, Lee's judgment of the Chinese people is very accurate, and I can't agree more. Apparently, Singapore
adopted the strategy of hard landing in evolution by draconian laws, and
instead, China adopted the strategy of soft landing by every generation paying
a price. Like Hong Kong, my feelings for Singapore are complex. On one hand, we
share the genes from same race; on the other hand, they don't recognize themselves
as Chinese. By the way, colonial lease is more troublesome than colonial
cession, as a result of which someone asks for Hong Kong's independence after return
back. Why? They are obviously made of Chinese genes. The profound reason lies
in the fear and scorn from higher-level civilization to lower-level
civilization, so they want to resort to segregation in order to void degeneration
and being assimilated. A child of the poor was adopted by the rich from his
born, when he grow up but look down on his biological mother. Anyway, hope them
get better and better. Here I share you another my experience. I was
naughty when I was a child, so my knees were often bleed,
but every time before my new meat comes out I can't wait to uncover the scab, and it turned out to be scabby again. Every
time I did a vicious circle, and I have to suffer the pain time and time again.
In my theory, the scab is the dictator, and the new meat is the rational and
capable mass. More haste, less speed. 99% of the bad things are done from good
intention. Either they were destroyed, or awakened, but the anxious American
chose neither. An egg is a life if opened from the inside, and a food if opened
from outside. When power and ability cannot keep up with your ambition, God
chooses to castrate your desires. Material civilization and spiritual
civilization should be co-evolution together. Dictators are shameless, but very
useful for Barbarian because the power ought not to fall into the hands of the
vulgar. Maybe dictators are not gods but the people are definitely
a capitalist conservative, I object to any revolution under the guise of
liberating the whole mankind. To be honest, I am afraid to hear the word
“liberation”, because I know there is no such thing called liberation. I know
behind every liberation there must hide an ulterior plot. I am not a feminist
because God isn't either. The
blind and radical revolution will only bring mankind into degeneration when
other factors are not ready, because the cognitive power of the public is so
limited. I find a common phenomenon, the more advanced organisms are, the more
likely they become extinct. You can easily find bugs in rotten apples, or
cockroaches in your kitchen, but you cannot find a dinosaur in any place. We
can draw a general conclusion that the more backward the civilization is the
more invincible it is. Afghanistan is unconquerable. The most powerful
countries on the planet had tried to conquer Afghanistan, including Britain,
the Soviet Union and the United States, but all of them all failed. The main
reason why they all failed is that they want to conquer it instead of
eliminating it. On the contrary, higher civilization tends to become extinct. A
thousand years ago, the Song Dynasty of China, as a highly developed
civilization in that time, was also eliminated by the barbaric Mongols. Like I
said before, violent civilization is the eternal ground state. Never forget the
rule: Fight terror with terror and fight violence with violence. We need to
evolve step by step, and radicalism and utopian perfectionism are bound to
bring us to degeneration. Victims are necessary in each step. Any radicalism or
utopian perfectionism is based on zero threshold which is anti-natural. My
conservative advice is that please keep current equilibrium when you don't know where the next equilibrium is,
otherwise you will make yourself in a worse situation. That is to say, a great
many bad things, and a very few good ones. Order matters a lot in evolution.
Once the order is reversed, society must suffer the degeneration. The Chinese
ruling class now is not good, but I know the next one is worse, and after the
trade-off, I decide to stand with the former because I need time and peace to
think and write. “Timing” is also important in evolution. There is an old
saying in China to describe a successful revolution: “You are with right
timing, right place and right people.” I evolution, there is no short-cut,
bearing and waiting is always good strategy. You who act a step early are a
pioneer; you who act two steps early are a forerunner; you who act three steps
early are a martyr. No one can stop the changes of the times, and similarly no
one can speed up the changes of the times. It's not a good thing to evolve too
fast. Take decompression sickness for example. Decompression sickness, also
called generalized barotrauma or the bends, refers to injuries caused by a
rapid decrease in the pressure that surrounds you, of either air or water. It
usually occurs in deep-sea divers who ascend to the surface too quickly. To
prevent decompression sickness, most divers make a safety stop for a few
minutes before ascending to the surface. This is usually done around 15 feet
(4.5 meters) below the surface. If you're diving very deep, you may
want to ascend and stop a few times to ensure your body has time to adjust
gradually. In short, evolution needs to be slow because death can solve all
troubles. Thresholds are always necessary in human evolution.
On Democracy
really hard to give an exact definition of the word “Democracy”. It is
generally accepted in the West that universal suffrage represents democracy. I
assume this definition is correct, and then let's take a brief look at the short
history of democracy according Wikipedia. In France, the Convention assembly
was elected by all males 25 and over in 1792, and universal male suffrage was
given in 1848, with the exception of the military who obtained the right to
vote in 1945. At the formation of the federal state and with the Constitution
of 1848, Switzerland became the first modern state to introduce universal male
suffrage; this has continued unbroken since its adoption. In America, after the
American Revolution (1775 – 1783), the Constitution did not originally define
who was eligible to vote, allowing each state to determine who was eligible. In
the early history of the U.S., most states allowed only white male adult
property owners to vote (about 6% of the population). Over subsequent decades,
voting rights expanded to include more of the population. Vermont,
Pennsylvania, and Kentucky were the three states to have full adult suffrage
for white males before 1800. In the United Kingdom, universal suffrage was
granted to all men by the Representation of the People Act 1918. Generally, universal
suffrage in the western world became widespread since the 1920s, and the
history of women's universal suffrage is even shorter. In France, universal
female suffrage was introduced in 1944. In Unite States, the 19th Amendment
extended the franchise to women in all states in 1920. In UK, the Representation
of the People Act 1918 granted some women the right to vote for the first time
in national elections. Switzerland gave rights for women to vote just very
recently in 1990. Apparently, not only that the time of universal suffrage is different
in different countries, but women's suffrage is far behind male suffrage in all
countries. Have you ever wondered why the birth of universal suffrage was so
late, and why female universal suffrage came later? There's only one reason the
Crowd don't have the correct judgement, neither do women.
We can regard
universal suffrage as a typical kind of affirmative action. Let's take a look
at what our fathers of sociology say about democracy which are basically
theories, starting from the 16th century and
ending up in the early 20th century. (Unfortunately, they are all
fathers right no mothers, I will be the first mother.) Thomas Hobbes was an
absolutist, a conservative and absolutist, and thought democracy doesn’t work. John
Locke was the first to propose the concept that men are born free and equal,
and then he proposed the principle of separation of powers, but he did not
advocate suffrage. Rousseau, who was one of the path-breakers on the French
Revolution, believed that public affairs have to be done by the majority of
men, and he actually was not advocating voting rights for women yet, but at
least voting rights for all men. Montesquieu distinguishes between legislative,
executive and juridical. His ideas are close to the idea of universal suffrage,
and he proposed all citizens should have the right to vote, except whose estate
is so humble that they are deemed to have no will of their own. In order to
have a will you better be a rational property owner. Apparently, fathers had
reservations about universal suffrage. Strictly speaking, in fact
today, the United States is not a universal suffrage system yet because the
presidential election is really decided by the votes of the Electoral College,
so in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, for example, more Americans voted
for Hilary Clinton, but Donald Trump actually won the presidency because he was
awarded the majority of Electoral College votes. Why? Why did the fathers of
the United States distrust the universal suffrage either? I think it stems from
their distrust of the masses or the crowds. Next, let's take a look at what did
Adolf Hitler say about democracy in Mein Kampf, who are called historical
The Western
democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be
thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs
can spread. In its most extreme form, parliamentarianism created a 'monstrosity
of excrement and fire,' in which, however, sad to say, the 'fire' seems to me
at the moment to be burned out…. The parliament arrives at some decision
whose consequences may be ever so ruinous-nobody bears any responsibility for
this, no one can be taken to account…. Can a fluctuating majority of people
ever be made responsible in any case? Isn't the very idea of responsibility
bound up with the individual?... And thereby every practical responsibility
vanishes. For responsibility can lie only in the obligation of an individual
and not in a parliamentary bull session. Such an institution can only please
the biggest liars and sneaks of the sort that shun the light of day, because it
is inevitably hateful to an honorable, straightforward man who welcomes
personal responsibility. And that is why this type of democracy has become the
instrument of that race which in its inner goals must shun the light of day,
now and in all ages of the future…. The majority can never replace the man. It
is not only a representative of stupidity, but of cowardice as well. And no
more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will a heroic decision arise
from a hundred cowards…. At first I could not help but be amazed at how short a
time it took this great evil power within the state to create a certain opinion
even where it meant totally falsifying profound desires and views which surely
existed among the public. In a few days a ridiculous episode had become a
significant state action, while, conversely, at the same time, vital problems
fell a prey to public oblivion, or rather were simply filched from the memory
and consciousness of the masses…. Thus, in the course of a few weeks it was
possible to conjure up names out of the void, to associate them with incredible
hopes on the part of the broad public, even to give them a popularity which the
really great man often does not obtain his whole life long; names which a month
before no one had even seen or heard of, while at the same time old and proved figures
of political or other public life, though in the best of health, simply died as
far as their fellow men were concemed, or were heaped with such vile insults
that their names soon threatened to become the symbol of some definite act of
infamy or villainy….In every case it does nothing but carry out the momentary
will of the majority…. Its political ability can only be judged according to
the skill with which it understands how either to adapt itself to the will of
the majority or to pull the majority over to its side. Thereby it sinks from
the heights of real government to the level of a beggar confronting the
momentary majority. Indeed, its most urgent task becomes nothing more than
either to secure the favor of the existing majority, as the need arises, or to
form a majority with more friendly inclinations. If this succeeds, it may
'govern' a little while longer; if it doesn't succeed, it can resign. The
soundness of its purposes as such is beside the point….
The internal composition of the
five hundred chosen representatives of the people, with regard to profession or
even individual abilities, gives a picture as incoherent as it is usually
deplorable. For no one can believe that these men elected by the nation are
elect of spirit or even of intelligence! It is to be hoped that no one will
suppose that the ballots of an electorate which is anything else than brilliant
will give rise to statesmen by the hundreds. Altogether
we cannot be too sharp in condemning the absurd notion that geniuses can be
born from general elections. In the first place, a nation only produces a
real statesman once in a blue moon and not a hundred or more at once; and in
the second place, the revulsion of the masses for every
outstanding genius is positively instinctive. Sooner will a camel pass
through a needle's eye than a great man be ' discovered' by an election…. In a
mass meeting of all classes it is not that speaker who is mentally closest to
the intellectuals present who speaks best, but the one who conquers the heart
of the masses…. It was evident that this new movement could gain the public
significance and support which are necessary pre-requisites in such a gigantic
struggle only if it succeeded from the very outset in awakening a sacrosanct
conviction in the hearts of its followers, that here it was not a case of
introducing a new electoral slogan into the political field but that an
entirely new world view, which was of a radical significance, had to be
promoted…. One man proclaimed a truth somewhere and, calling for the solution
of a definite question, fixed his aim and founded a movement for the purpose of
carrying his views into effect…. Of course, it is quite a mistake to suppose
that those who show a very intelligent grasp of the theory underlying a
movement are for that reason qualified to fill responsible positions on the
directorate. The contrary is very frequently the case. Great masters of theory
are only very rarely great organizers also. And this is because the greatness
of the theorist and founder of a system consists in being able to discover and
lay down those laws that are right in the abstract, whereas the organizer must
first of all be a man of psychological insight. But it is still more rare to
find a great theorist who is at the same time a great leader. For the latter
must be more of an agitator, a truth that will not be readily accepted by many
of those who deal with problems only from the scientific standpoint. For an
agitator who shows himself capable of expounding ideas to the great masses must
always be a psychologist, even though he may be only a demagogue…. For to be a
leader means to be able to move the masses. The gift of formulating ideas has
nothing whatsoever to do with the capacity for leadership…. The propagandist
aims at inducing the whole people to accept his teaching…. Put in another way,
this means that in every great revolutionary movement that is of world
importance the idea of this movement must always be spread abroad through the
operation of propaganda. The propagandist must never tire in his efforts to
make the new ideas clearly understood, inculcating them among others, or at
least he must place himself in the position of those others and endeavour to
upset their confidence in the convictions they have hitherto held. I saw that the
Socialist-Marxist organizations mastered and applied this instrument with
astounding skill. And I soon realized that the correct use of propaganda is a
true art which has remained practically unknown to the bourgeois parties…. What
gave Marxism its amazing influence over the broad masses was not that formal
printed work which sets forth the Jewish system of ideas, but the tremendous
oral propaganda carried on for years among the masses…. There seems to have
been no clarity on the very first question: Is propaganda a means or an end? It
is a means and must therefore be judged with regard to its end. It must
consequently take a form calculated to support the aim which it serves. It is
also obvious that its aim can vary in importance from the standpoint of general
need, and that the inner value of the propaganda will vary accordingly…. If the
so-called responsible authorities had been clear on this point, they would
never have fallen into such uncertainty over the form and application of this
weapon: for even propaganda is no more than a weapon, though a frightful one in
the hand of an expert. The second really decisive question was this: To whom
should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or
to the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and exclusively to the
masses. All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be
adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to.
Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its
purely intellectual level will have to be. The receptivity of the great masses
is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is
enormous…. Already at that time I took up my stand on those important
fundamental questions where public opinion had gone wrong as a whole. I opposed
these wrong notions without regard either for popularity or for hatred, and I
was ready to face the fight…. Their brilliant knowledge of the primitive
sentiments of the broad masses is shown by their atrocity propaganda, which was
adapted to this condition. And in England they understood one more thing: that
this spiritual weapon can succeed only if it is applied on a tremendous scale,
but that success amply covers all costs. The right of personal freedom recedes
before the duty to preserve the race. There is no freedom to sin at the cost of
posterity and hence of the race…. While both denominations maintain missions in
Asia and Africa in order to win new followers for their doctrine-an activity which
can boast but very modest success compared to the advance of the Mohammedan
faith in particular right here in Europe they lose millions and millions of
inward adherents who either are alien to all religious life or simply go their
own ways. The consequences, particularly from the moral point of view, are not
favorable…. Also noteworthy is the increasingly violent struggle against the
dogmatic foundations of the various churches without which in this human world
the practical existence of a religious faith is not conceivable. The great
masses of people do not consist of philosophers; precisely for the masses,
faith is often the sole foundation of a moral attitude. The various substitutes
have not proved so successful from the standpoint of results that they could be
regarded as a useful replacement for previous religious creeds. But if
religious doctrine and faith are really to embrace the broad masses, the
unconditional authority of the content of this faith is the foundation of all
efficacy. What the current mores, without which assuredly hundreds of thousands
of well-bred people would live sensibly and reasonably but millions of others
would not, are for general living, state principles are for the state, and
dogmas for the current religion. Only through them is the wavering and
infinitely interpretable, purely intellectual idea delimited and brought into a
form without which it could never become faith. Otherwise the idea would never
pass beyond a metaphysical conception; in short, a philosophical opinion. The
attack against dogmas as such, therefore, strongly resembles the struggle
against the general legal foundations of a state, and, as the latter would end
in a total anarchy of the state, the former would end in a worthless religious
nihilism…. For the political man, the value of a religion must be estimated
less by its deficiencies than by the virtue of a visibly better substitute. As
long as this appears to be lacking, what is present can be demolished only by
fools or criminals…. Not the smallest blame for the none too delectable
religious conditions must be borne by those who encumber the religious idea
with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus often bring it into a
totally unnecessary conflict with so-called exact science. In this victory will
almost always fall to the latter, though perhaps after a hard struggle, and
religion will suffer serious damage in the eyes of all those who are unable to
raise themselves above a purely superficial knowledge…. Worst of all, however,
is the devastation wrought by the misuse of religious conviction for political
ends. In truth, we cannot sharply enough attack those wretched crooks who would
like to make religion an implement to perform political or rather business
services for them. These insolent liars, it is true, proclaim their creed in a
stentorian voice to the whole world for other sinners to hear; but their
intention is not, if necessary, to die for it, but to live better. For a
single-political swindle, provided it brings in enough, they are willing to
sell the heart of a whole religion…. Any crossing of two beings not at exactly
the same level produces a medium between the level of the two parents. This
means: the offspring will probably stand higher than the racially lower parent,
but not as high as the higher one. Consequently, it will later succumb in the
struggle against the higher level. Such mating is contrary to the will of
Nature for a higher breeding of all life. The precondition for this does not
lie in associating superior and inferior, but in the total victory of the
former. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus
sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel,
but he after all is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not
prevail, any conceivable higher development of organic living beings would be
unthinkable…. The consequence of this racial purity, universally valid in
Nature, is not only the sharp outward delimitation of the various races, but
their uniform character in themselves. The fox is always a fox, the goose a
goose, the tiger a tiger, etc., and the difference can lie at most in the
varying measure of force, strength, intelligence, dexterity, endurance, etc.,
of the individual specimens. But you will never find a fox who in his inner
attitude might, for example, show humanitarian tendencies toward geese, as
similarly there is no cat with a friendly inclination toward mice…. The
fundamental principle is that the State is not an end in itself but the means
to an end…. Its end and its purpose is to preserve the existence of the race….
On the contrary, the poison which has invaded the national body, especially
since the Thirty Years' War, has destroyed the uniform constitution not only of
our blood but also of our national soul. The open frontiers of our native
country, the association with non-German foreign elements in the territories
that lie all along those frontiers, and especially the strong influx of foreign
blood into the interior of the Reich itself, has prevented any complete
assimilation of those various elements, because the influx has continued
steadily…. If the development of France in the present style were to be
continued for three hundred years, the last remnants of Frankish blood would be
submerged in the developing European-African mulatto state…. It would be absurd
to appraise a man's worth by the race to which he belongs and at the same time
to make war against the Marxist principle, that all men are equal, without
being determined to pursue our own principle to its ultimate consequences.
Let me
sum up some of Hitler's points of view: (1) the masses would not take the
responsibility for the decisions what they made together; (2) the masses
represent stupidity and geniuses can never be born from general elections; (3)
propaganda is a form of deception aiming at building false beliefs; (4) the masses,
with limited understanding and shortsighted, must be bewitched and used; (5)
personal freedom must submit to the continuation of the species; (6) humans
need religion because there is no substitute; (7) political swindle is an abuse
of religion for their own interests; (8) racial hybridization is contrary to
the will of Nature, and the stronger must dominate and not blend with the
weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness; (9) all men are not equal. I don't want to defend Adolf Hitler, but frankly speaking, I think his
understanding of democracy is profound and correct much better than current
German politicians, but the question is how to recognize genius from the
masses. The idea of genius must be different from that of the masses, but most
of the different views from the masses are wrong. Unlike Hitler, I don’t love
war, but here I hope I can provide a new perspective on the role of death in
evolution. Next, I will illustrate my point of views by analyzing the problems
which the West and East are facing now.
Most advanced societies rely on democratic
principles to set government policy. Why is that? I think it is because most of
Westerns believe democracy represent the embodiment of justice, much better
than dictatorship. But, is that really so? I don't think so. What so-called
“Justice” or what so-called “Equity” in masses’ minds are a distortion of
reality. John Stuart Mill pointed out that voting gives rise to a tyranny of
the majority. As Milton Friedman eloquently put it in 1962, “the characteristic
feature of action through political channels is that it tends to require or
enforce substantial conformity. The great advantage of the market is that it permits
wide diversity. if he is in the minority, submit.” One of the major evils of a
mass democratic society is a tyranny of the majority. If we can say dictatorship
is tyranny of the minority to the majority, the essence of universal suffrage
is the tyranny of the majority to minorities. The Game Theory has proved that Median
theorem can explain why the parties in a two-party system are similar to each
other: They are both moving toward the median voter. The logic of democracy is that
minority views are not given much weight. Isn't that the real genius of
democracy? The voters are ultimately the blame because we voters were too
shortsighted and stupid. For example, monogamy is not democracy, it is sexual
bribery and placebo. This kind of democracy will be a very strong tendency to
suppress dissent and to create conformity with the majority views. The biggest
mistake the West made is that democracy is equated with civilization. I can
imagine how depressed and angry Churchill was when he defeated 1945 election. Frankly
speaking, in my opinion, democracy is not the best system and dictatorship is
not the worst. You must admit that the precursors of any democratic system were
dictatorships. Democracy is a double-edged sword, depending on the timing
(Tipping Point) when society changes from dictatorship to democracy. This
should not be done in haste, or it must cause social degeneration. The more
stupid people are, the more dictatorship they need, otherwise they must harm to
others and themselves. When the masses get some rights beyond their power, they
would be doomed to be used by some shameless hustlers. We must bear in mind
that the only motivation why all parties propose or change their political
programs is for the next election. Universal suffrage would not apply to the
“Pyramid” of social strata, or it is indeed the proletarian revolution. We
could have rule of law without democracy. The rule of law precedes over
democracy and more important than democracy because the order matters a lot.
God liberates human beings in order as well. The first problem for China is to
establish a legal society and cultivate a large, rational and responsible
middle class, instead of voting. It is terrible when democracy becomes a trend,
and equal rights become a fashion that caters to people who are unqualified. When
I was a kid, I really enjoyed watching TVB, but I gave it up after 1997 because
he started to cater to ignorant masses for money. Like I said, order matter a
lot in evolution. In inheritance, who died first very important. There is an
old saying in China “Three lucky things for a man: promotion, fortune, dead
wife.” You should think about the logical sequence in it. I am not entirely
denying democracy, but order matters a lot both in evolution and social
transformation, otherwise, you're putting the cart before the horse. You can't
deny that democracy means inefficiency and dictatorship means efficiency, like
the subway and road traffic. The subway is an absolute dictatorship, under one planned
center, without any freedom but efficiency; on the contrary, road traffic is an
open system, under all people's minds, with absolute freedom but inefficiency. So
before you open the road, you have to make rules and educate people to follow
the traffic signals first, or road traffic immediately falls into chaos. The
first task about China is to become rich and establish rules, which are more
important than democracy, or election is only another proletarian revolution.
Let's review a classic example in The Game
Theory from Yale University open course: Number game. The rule is without
showing your neighbor what you are doing, put it in the box below a whole
number between 1 and a 100, we will calculate the average number chosen in the
class, and the winner of this game is the person who gets closest to two-thirds
times the average number. It turns out, 1 would have been the winning answer,
but not actually, because not everyone is rational. It is asking a lot to get
to 1. If let the same students repeat the game again, they all choose lower
numbers than last time because they are approaching reason, so the result
converges to 1. We can know that the consequence of rationality really matters
in playing games. I need to be rational myself, and I need to know that others
are rational. I need to know that people know that people are rational. The
technical expression of that in philosophy is common knowledge. I am a rational
person and I choose 1 as my result, but I am not the winner, because others are
irrational. So as a rational person, how can I win the game? Two ways: One is
to pander to irrational crowds deliberately; the other is to wake up the
ignorant masses. Shameless politicians, as pretty sophisticated game player, would
choose the former, and the Saviors, as special mission takers, would choose the
latter. That is the difference between politicians and Saviors. Democracy has
nothing to do with truth, and is a kind of freedom, the more foolish and
irrational nation, the more unsuitable it is. Among the benighted nations, the
victor in election must not be the truth, but agitators.
On threshold
The word “threshold” can be used in a
variety of industries. It means the point that must be exceeded to begin
producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response: a low threshold of
pain. Threshold is widespread in nature, and the existence of cell membrane plays
a threshold role. According to Wikipedia, the cell membrane is a biological
membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment
(the extracellular space). It consists of a lipid bilayer with embedded
proteins. The basic function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from
its surroundings. The cell membrane, as selectively permeable, controls the
movement of substances in and out of cells and organelles, which means that it
will only let certain things (such as water) enter the cell, and certain things
(like wastes) leave. I learned this term for the first time in nerve
conduction, here I want to tell you how important threshold is from the views
of Economics and Evolution. In my opinion, there are two meanings of threshold
in sociology: One is entry requirement to prevent the entry of unqualified
persons; the other is protection width to absorb all deviations which are
smaller than the value of threshold. Apparently, the danger of zero threshold
is very serious. In terms of cell membrane, zero threshold means it lose its
selective permeability and permits transport of all molecules but not certain
molecules. In short, the cells are dead when suffering cell membrane's zero
threshold. In my opinion, lowering the threshold is a very short-sighted
strategy which only bring short-term prosperity, a kind of irrational
exuberance, but store up trouble for the future.
A typical case of economics is the subprime mortgage crisis in the United
States. God never chose the mode of love, but from the
beginning he chose the model of reproduction. Why many marriages are painful? I
think it is because of the spread from Elitism to Egalitarianism with zero-threshold.
In savages' times, Natural Selection almost inevitably causes much death of
individuals who can't adapt to the environment very well. Darwin wrote that in
his Origin of Species :
In looking
at Nature, it is most necessary to keep the foregoing considerations always in
mind – never to forget that every single organic being around us may be said to
be striving to the utmost to increase in numbers; that each lives by a struggle
at some period of its life…. Battle within battle must ever be recurring with
varying success…. The struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high
geometrical ratio of increase which is common to all organic beings. But the
struggle almost invariably will be most severe between the individuals of the
same species, for they frequent the same districts, require the same food, and
are exposed to the same dangers. As the individuals of the same species come
in all respects into the closest competition with each other, the struggle will
generally be most severe between them; it will be almost equally severe between
the varieties of the same species, and next in severity between the species of
the same genus…. As species of the same genus have usually, though by no means invariably,
some similarity in habits and constitution, and always in structure, the
struggle will generally be more severe between species of the same genus, when
they come into competition with each other, than between species of distinct
genera…. Sexual Selection depends, not on a struggle for existence, but on a
struggle between the males for possession of the females; the result is not
death to the unsuccessful competitor, but few or no offspring. Sexual selection
is, therefore, less rigorous than natural selection. Generally, the most
vigorous males, those which are best fitted for their places in nature, will
leave most progeny. But in many cases, victory will depend not on general
vigour, but on having special weapons, confined to the male sex. A hornless
stag or spurless cock would have a poor chance of leaving offspring. Sexual
selection by always allowing the victor to breed…. With animals having
separated sexes, there will be in most cases a struggle between the males for
the possession of the females. The most vigorous males, or those which have
most successfully struggled with their conditions of life, will generally leave
most progeny. I think this cannot be disputed.
What can we get from Darwin? The God
set a threshold for both survival right and reproduction right, especial for
males, and everyone has to encounter a severe struggle for survival and
reproduction. In the war-ridden years and polygamy, survival and
reproduction rights are luxury goods for each man as same as in animal world. How
about now after the spread from Elitism to Egalitarianism? Each man takes intercourse
right and reproduction right for granted. In the time of peace, survival right
first spread out with zero-threshold over the world, especially in West where
so-called “human rights” became most popular pet phrase. Of course, the spread
of survival right is accompanied by division of labor, and lots of bottom men have
a chance to survive by taking comparative advantage and trade. After the crowed
getting survival right, they inevitably ask for intercourse right because
sexual release is a necessity for a normal human being. Monogamy irresistible rises
at expense of women's interests. You have to admit that monogamy is the biggest
affirmative action in the world, much more big than Anti-racism. As a result, reproduction
right with zero-threshold is a follow-up, and monogamy must lead to the change of
sexual selection in nature. In my view, zero-threshold is a very horrible
thing, and must lead to chaos. Many people who are not qualified in China
choose to reproduce for the sake of their old age. I feel that everything between
sexes become zero-threshold now under so-called “Human rights” and “Love”. Love,
such a noble thing, becomes a cheap good with zero-threshold. You can find that
everyone on the street, with two shoulders and one head, can talk about love,
which is a luxury even for genius. In animals' world, inferior genes become rarer
and rarer and finally disappearing according to the principle of “let the strongest
live and the weakest die”. On the contrary, in human world, inferior genes are
more likely to spread in country with high social welfare. All
chaos is caused by the lowering of standards.
plays the role of doorsill as same as equilibrium prices in economic markets. The
essence of equilibrium price is a threshold which kicks unqualified buyers and
unqualified sellers out of the market. Here, I give you a familiar example:
Visa. Everyone knows when you're leaving for an international trip, a passport
is the single most important thing to double-check. Passports are powerful, but
not all are created equal. Whether you'll need a visa to get into different
countries depending on what passport you own. According to the information on
the internet, Germany is the most powerful passports in the world, and 176
countries can be visited without a visa. In second place is Sweden, which both
give access to 175 countries. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain
and United States tied as the third most powerful group, which have 174
visa-free countries on list. Chinese passport tied for 43th place.
Have you ever wondered why Germans can go 176 countries without a visa, but
Chinese people need to apply a visa wherever they go? Is there a human right on
this issue? Now, I still can clearly remember my application for an American
visa in American Embassy in 2012
in Beijing. I was waiting in the line for an interview like a
lamb to be slaughtered, and I nervously and stammered told the interviewer that
I had a good job and a good salary, and I was raised up by my single mother, so
I wouldn't stay in America. During this period, I need to press my handprint to
prevent me from doing bad things. Is the visa necessary? Of course, yes. The
essence of the visa is the threshold to kick the unqualified applicants out of
America. The United States government inspects me from the following aspects:
Property, job, domestic relatives, and the result of the survey is that I am a
qualified tourist. Why does the United States establish a threshold? It is
because there are a large number of unqualified people who want to enter in,
and the United States was forced to establish threshold screening. Visa is
necessary because people should be divided into different ranks with different
treatment forever. Visa with Zero threshold inevitably leads to confusion. Before
17 August 2015, Thai tourist visas for Chinese are almost zero-threshold. I
have applied for a Thai visa through an online travel agency in 2015. It is
very convenient for me, until bomb attack happened
at a shrine in central Bangkok in 17 August 2015. A 25-year-old Uyghur jihadist terrorist from
Xinjiang, an Islamist hotbed region in western China, is the prime suspect,
Thai authorities have said. What is the counter-strategy of the Thai
government? Raise the visa threshold. All network agents are not allowed to
apply for visas for people born or licensed in Xinjiang. In fact, the Thai
government wants to crowd out the Uygurs, but he is afraid that the world will
blame him for racial discrimination because geographical discrimination is much
lighter than racial discrimination. As a result. I became a victim, killed by
mistake. The only way I can go to Thailand now is Visa on arrival. I can't
imagine what would happen if the United States had zero Visa thresholds for
Chinese people. Here I give you another classic example: Television
content rating systems which are systems for evaluating the content and
reporting the suitability of television programs for children, teenagers, or
adults. Many countries have their own television rating system and countries’
rating processes vary by local priorities. According to Wikipedia, In America,
television programming would continue to fall into one of the six ratings
categories (TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 or TV-MA), but content descriptors
would be added to the ratings where appropriate, based on the type(s) of
objectionable content included in the individual program or episode: D
(suggestive dialogue), L (coarse language), S (sexual content), V (violence)
and FV (fantasy violence: a descriptor exclusively for use in the TV-Y7
Wrong cognition in the West, that everyone is born equal, inevitably leads to zero-threshold, which means the loss of rank. Egalitarianism with zero-threshold must cause social chaos. Everything should have a threshold, because there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Zero-threshold is very harmful and contrary to God's will. Sub prime mortgage crisis in America was triggered by lower standards, and let unqualified buyers into the purchase market in order to make the illusion of a real estate boom. Even some people can zero down payment for housing, and it means buyers passed all the risk of house prices down to the bank. Rank is really important, and the consequences of zero-threshold are very serious. Banks can't distinguish low-quality from high-quality borrowers if they don't divide people into the ranks by credit histories. Credit history is a very important threshold in Western countries. In mass spectrometry, resolution measures of the ability to distinguish two peaks. When the threshold is zero, it means that all ions pass through completely, and you can't get target ions through a quadrupole mass filter. As same as education, when everyone can get Yale degree, the Yale degree doesn't work any longer, and in fact, Yale University divided the students into more than five grades: A+, A, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F, depending on their grades. Different letters represent different signals which are aimed at distinguishing between good and bad. Lowering standards is just a kind of short-termism, and only can solve the immediate problems by leading to irrational prosperity, and in the long run, it will inevitably lead to confusion, such as subprime mortgage crisis. Because the female driver cries, if you sympathize with a female driver, who is crying there because didn't pass driving test, to reduce the standard to issue the driving license, you are murdering innocent passers. Low intelligence is most harmful. On the surface, China is already the second-biggest economy, but all these are irrational exuberance brought by zero-threshold, including unqualified buildings, poisonous foods, irrational citizens and even unqualified education. To be honest, China has a lot of trouble in future, and I guess the government will solve the problem by printing money to continue to make bubbles, because the authorities are afraid of these unqualified people. Let's wait and see.
Any life with a high threshold thing, must obtain the survival right by competition from the very beginning. Sperm is typical example. A mature man, normally, can expel about 200 million sperms at one ejaculation, but most of them die out in the acid environment of the female reproductive pathway, and then only 1%-5% sperm can reach the uterine cavity, and in the end only one sperm has qualification to fuse with an egg. How fierce the competition between sperm is! The probability of winning is equal to 1/200 million = 5×10-9. There should be a threshold for survival right. If not, the wanton spread of the right to life can lead to a series of unexpected consequences. Survival right must be a rare right with high threshold that I stress that again crocodile mother will lose 90% of their children in the first week after breeding. When you rescued a boy in Africa, you gave him survival right, but this right must draw some followed-up questions. He would probably be a rapist when he grows up in Arica environment, because rape is his best strategy. Saving a boy means you are the culprit of some rapes. All confusion in human world is due to the zero-threshold spread of the survival right, because some physiological needs accompanied by living. In the animal kingdom, the right to live is a luxury, but in human world, No one I think can have marvelled more at death, than we have done. On the question of death, Rousseau said, “Fear of death is not natural. In nature, one accepts it.” He agreed with Hobbes that We are indeed driven by the fear of death. We are being sort of indoctrinated to fear death, and have anxieties in my life. I have to get out of those silly ideas from people’s mind what society put in there. Life is temporary, and death is eternal. Rousseau, like all his contemporaries, was strongly opposed to the war. I am neither opposed nor supported the war. War is a sudden event that some people must benefit from while others must lose from. The biggest difference between modern war and ancient war is that the modern war ends in declaration of surrender by failed party but the ancient war ends in all death by failed party. An old saying: all the troubles come from you can’t completely eliminate them. Not only that, but the winners of the war will still have to feed them, otherwise will be accused of abuse of prisoners. In other words, the losers of the war get rewarded instead of any punishment. I am neutral in the problem of death because that is a part of God's strategies. I don't believe that people will live forever because it can not keep equilibrium if there are childbirth everyday everywhere but no death at all. Do you think it's possible? This should be called creative destruction. Ignorant people think that war is cruel, but the truth human beings are also in cruel world without war. I support abortion girls in India and China, because the only purpose of their survival is to serve as a comfort woman for men. Peace is not the best outcome, and war is not the worst. Rational view of war and peace, God will choose a suitable balance. Any event that appears or disappears will change the original pattern of interests by creating new victims and beneficiaries. Because at any cross section of evolution, the number of products and services is constant, subject to the productivity of society, so the change of rules necessarily means that the original distribution principle has been changed. God has his own purpose why survival machines have to die, and genes can be eternal. I still believe that segregation is the best strategy, because when you can't lead them into the next equilibrium, please don't break the current equilibrium easily, for the outcome could be worse for both of you two.
The spread of survival right with zero-threshold
inevitably leads to the spread of mating right with zero-threshold. Keep that
in your mind in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, physiological needs are basic
needs for survival, sex included in this basic level. God adopted the strategy
of winner-take-all in non-human animals, so mating right must be a rare right
with high threshold that I stress that again 4 per cent of the male elephant
seals accounted for 88 per cent of all the copulations observed, and in many
others, there is a large surplus of bachelor males who probably never get a
chance to copulate in their whole lives. Generally, in animal's world, males
have to fight for possession of the females, because the most vigorous males,
those which are best fitted for their places in nature, will leave most
progeny. With the progress of tools and division of labor, these large surplus
of bachelor males got bargaining chips more and more in the negotiations with
authorities. After weighing their own pros and cons, authorities had to make a
compromise, so the law of monogamy was promulgated. No one I think can have
marvelled more at inequality in mating right, than we have done. But in sex
trade, they are still unqualified consumer must lead to a series of subsequent
confusion during sexes. These unqualified consumers choose to resort to
violence to satisfy their basic physiological needs in contract civilizations.
Check out the news about Cologne sexual assault in Germany in 2016. This is not
only the impact of a disorderly world to an orderly world, but also the impact
of violent civilization to contract civilization. To be honest, I don't
sympathize with the European continent because maybe everything is not what you
want but it must be the result of your choice. Like women, ignorance does not
mean no-fault.
The mating
right and the reproductive right are bound together based on God's reproductive
strategy in non-human animals, so the high threshold of mating right inevitably
leads to the high threshold of reproductive rights, but they are different in
human animals. In other words, in animals, reproduction is the purpose and
mating is the means, but mating (Orgasm) is the purpose and reproduction
becomes a by-product in human beings. The spread of mating right with
zero-threshold inevitably leads to the spread of reproductive right with
zero-threshold. Sexual selection by always allowing the victor to breed in
animals, but mandatory monogamy in human beings, however, has changed the
sexual selection of nature. There should be a threshold for reproduction. If
not, bad gene drives out good. The spread of mating right with zero-threshold
inevitably leads to the spread of reproduction right with zero-threshold. A
Japanese writer once said, “How horrible it is to think of being a parent
without having to pass an exam!” China is now in such a terrible situation. Why
are Chinese people generally poor in quality? It is because a series of
unqualified descendants trained by a series of unqualified parents. Unqualified
parents will not be laid off once they get on the job and must create
irrational children. Under the instigation of so-called “equality”, some people
with genetic defects and illness of every kind take the reproductive right for
granted. In my opinion, many parents in China are not qualified, but they are
constantly breeding because of negative externalities. In fact, the government
should ban them from breeding who has a genetic defect, but no one I think can
have marvelled more at inequality in reproductive right, than we have done.
Fortunately, God began to control human reproduction that there are more and
more infertile patients in China, and the high price of Tube baby plays the
role of a threshold. Eventually, how does human eliminate bad genes? I think it
should depend on the separation of reproductive rights and mating rights, and
that would be the final result of the social division and specialization in
women’s revolution, which requires women to be rational to know that the farmer
is an alliance and the latter is a trade.
You are stupid if you think that love is free. There
should be a threshold for love. If not, you love is worth nothing. Love is the
mutual appreciation between two souls, but become so cheap goods that everyone
can own love. In fact, most of crowds don't have anything to do with love in
their whole lives because they don't even have souls. Principle 2 of
Microeconomics: The cost of something is what you give up to get it. In my
theory, the value of anything in imaginary axis depends on what you are willing
to give up in real axis, so their love is worthless in my eyes because they
don't have any opportunity cost in their real axis to loss. Most people don't
have anything in imaginary axis, and only the Savior has a reputation after
death. When a motley crew are no longer rushed all day for survival, how to
kill leisure became their biggest problem. Their only purpose of falling in
love is to kill time; the love fantasy is invented to mask their horrible
idleness. There is a strange phenomenon in China: The wealthier you are, the
more pragmatic you are; the poorer you are, the more imaginative you are. The
greatest religion in the world is love, aimed at brainwashing women. Any lie
must lead to false prosperity. The emergence of love leads to zero threshold of
mating rights and the false prosperity of Monogamy. Monogamy originated from
ancient European aristocracy, but you can count how many illegitimate children
they have. Monogamy is always deceptive because it is non-natural. In animal's
world, female sits by, an apparently unconcerned beholder of the struggle, and
then retires with the conqueror. I think the only reason is female animals
don't believe in love, but female human does. Finally, imaginary love made
women be free prostitutes while men be free whoremasters. female who sits by,
an apparently unconcerned beholder of the struggle, and then retires with the
conqueror. The love, as imaginary axis, seriously reduces women's ability to
make rational judgments, because they begin to introduce the imaginary love
into the sexes trade and can't get the real payoffs using backward induction.
Westerners have created refugee mess as same as women has created mess between
the sexes, because any free goods and services must interfere with the normal
market economy. To be honest, the human species is very old, but people are
immature. We are experiencing irrational prosperity. The imaginary axis is the
bubble, and we would return to real equilibrium after the bubble collapse, that
is to return to the real interests of the game. By the way, the poor are not
suitable for love, but only for trading because of the very high cost of living.
threshold is bound to cause confusion. Credit consumption has become very
popular at this moment in China, in order to stimulate consumption, and many
manufacturers have to choose zero down payments to buy a car. Credit consumption
is very short-sighted with two major disadvantages: One is to put unqualified
people into the market; the other is to overdraw the future spending power. Many
unqualified consumers were put into the market, and the result must be illegal
parking everywhere creating traffic chaos because they are too poor to pay for
parking fees. How to deal with it? Let's draw some lessons from our neighbors. To
buy a car in Japan, you must be able to prove that you have
a parking space reserved for that car. There is Proof-of-parking's
twin: a ban on overnight parking in the streets. Beware, the police tolerates
free parking in the evening (parking meters stop working at night), but after 3
am, ALL vehicles parked in parking meter car parks will be towed away. In Singapore,
the government adopted the system of The Certificate of Entitlement, which is
the quota license received from a successful winning bid in an open bid uniform
price auction which grants the legal right of the holder to register, own and
use a vehicle in Singapore for a period of 10 years. When demand is high, the
cost of a COE can exceed the value of the car itself. The only purpose of COE
is to endow the driving power, as a scarce resource, to a small amount of the
richest persons by the high threshold. In exchange, the government can raise
enough money from the rich to build public transportation for the poor. That keeps everyone happy:
The rich get the right to use the road, and the poor get the cheaper traffic. This
strategy applies to all countries with a large population density.
Not only should
there be a threshold, but also multi-level thresholds, dividing all area into
different grades. Like Rome's Colosseum, people in different rank would sit in
a different location. It's called order. In ancient Babylon, the Code of Hammurabi tole people a lot
of truth. Its three most important principles are Tit for Tat, inviolable
private property and dividing people into three categories. The lack of these
three principles is the main reason for today's social chaos. Because of the
lack of threshold, lots of old people in China like to trudge on Expressway,
and finally are hit by cars. Any confusion stems from there is no strict
segregation. Government should establish strict orders to separate pedestrians,
motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles, planes and trains. The poor and the rich
should be separated, because they are willing to pay different money to buy
different community services. Lowering standards inevitably results in
confusion. The final evolution of society must be the establishment of a strict
hierarchy, but there are strict standards and thresholds between these different
levels. You can't flow freely, until you reach the strict threshold, and on the
contrary, when you lose this qualification, you also have to go down to the lower
level. Moreover, everyone must recognize your identity and accept the fact that
you are an unqualified consumer or supplier at any given threshold by the
market; otherwise it will inevitably cause confusion. The reason why social
stratification is full of contradictions is that people have too much desire
and too little ability. Stratum solidification is a very normal phenomenon, and
you can only get chaos instead of Utopian prosperity if you cancel all the thresholds.
The concept of multi-level thresholds can also be applied to food safety
issues. Everyone knows the Chinese style looting on highway. There was a news
that villagers looted industrial salt for eating after the truck overturns. The
police and local officials tried to stop the crowds but ultimately failed.
Apparently, industrial salt is inedible, but still why? In recent years,
especially after China joined the WTO, the Chinese government is increasingly
pandering to Western values, including food safety thresholds, so enacted food
safety laws as the same high threshold as West, and as a result, only a small
quantity of expensive goods enter the market. According to principle 1 of
Economics: People face trade-offs. The West set the food safety threshold with 90,
but there are lots of food are located between 60 and 90 in China squeezed out
of the market, not up to Western standard, but higher than industrial salt. High
standards are bound to lead to high prices, which makes a lot of unqualified
consumers. People should be divided into various grades and ranks, and the
inequality of status replaced by the inequality of wealth is definitely an
improvement. According to Western food safety requirements, China does not have
so much food at all. Low standards can be widely covered. Let's see how many
Chinese will grab cheap and expired food in supermarkets. You told them the
food were expired but they still chose to eat. Zero-threshold does more harm
than this. Everyone knows that regional discrimination is very serious, especially
in big cities. Beyond our condemnation, we should think about why. Before reform and open-up period, Chinese
people were not free to flow from one place to another, so China was in an
acquaintance society, despite the lack of law, Chinese had to control the evil
of human nature; but after reform and open-up period, Chinese people are free
to flow from one place to another, so China is in stranger society now, due to
the lack of law and zero-threshold of entry, Chinese start to unleash their own
evil. There is an old saying in China: People, who have property would trade off in long-term. You can find a common phenomenon
in city that the community, where external population stay, is particularly
dirty and messy. The influx of outsiders has indeed broken the balance of the
original ecology. Class hierarchy needs to exist, but without class
solidification, and how to trade between order and freedom is absolutely the
art of compromise, and I think threshold is good strategy because it is chosen
by God.
The threshold is not constant but dynamically changing
over time between countries. For example, the price is a typical threshold. The
function of price is to stop consuming. The price of airplane tickets also
follows this dynamic equilibrium rule: In peak-season, higher price can prevent
some people taking plane; in off-season, lower price can encourage people to
travel by air. Well, think about what happens if the opposite happens. Immediately
lead to imbalances, so threshold should be dynamic in order to main the
balance. When the roadside parking costs nothing, everyone would choose curb
parking to cause congestion; when the roadside parking costs $5, all potential drivers
whose benefit was less than or equal to $5 would be discouraged, while a few
whose benefit was greater than $5 would continue parking. This is a common
sense that the law is far from being respected, but only plays the role of a
man-made threshold in order to maintain social stability. How to choose the
right threshold? It depends on people’s behavior preferences over time between
countries, because we have to find the right tipping point at any given time. The
laws of different countries should choose different values of threshold whether
in productive market or punishment market. The threshold value, as a domestic
equilibrium point, is the result of the interaction of all participants in the
domestic market. Any individual can not affect this threshold, they can only
choose to enter or exit the market according to their opportunity costs. The
United States is the only Western country currently applying the death penalty.
The death penalty is in practice applied only for murder involving an
aggravating factor such as multiple victims, rape, robbery, or a victim under a
certain age. Capital punishment was suspended in 1967, but reinstated in 1976 forced
by the high murder rate. I am firmly opposed to China's abolition of the death
penalty. China now should learn from Singapore to take draconian law,
instead of abolishing the death penalty. Today, Singapore still keeps the caning,
which must be called a medieval penalty by the West, but I reply
tersely, “A medieval penalty for a medieval deed.” China should now learn to
introduce advanced technology in criminal investigation, in order to eliminate wrongly-charged cases.
Lowering penalty threshold only creates arbitrage opportunities for criminals. Let
me explain it to you in details. The Chinese government takes into account the
cost of pregnant women in prison, so the judiciary generally does not take
coercive measures against pregnant women, but just oral education. It is just
because of this loophole that a woman in China had pregnancies for 14 times in
10 years to avoid punishment. Coincidentally, I saw news: Vietnamese woman
escapes death penalty by getting pregnant. Under Vietnamese law, pregnant women
or those with children under three years of age cannot be executed, so she has
escaped execution after paying a fellow inmate to bring her a plastic bag of
semen and a syringe so that she could become pregnant while on death row. I
once saw a very wonderful American movie named Primal Fear, which told us how the hero uses schizophrenia to
escape legal sanction. Back to nature, why did Roy act? It is because there is loophole
in the law. He just took advantage of the situation for arbitraging, and
cheating became his best strategy. I will always remember Roy's last words, “There
never was an Aaron, counselor.” Who created this arbitrage opportunity? Mediocrity
in the West. I do believe that when Schizophrenia will become a loophole, and
everyone will take advantage of this loophole to arbitrage. Suddenly, I
discovered Schizophrenia is great as same as Love, because it can bring some profits
without any pay. Finally, I find that under the mediocrity of the west, Schizophrenia
has become an umbrella of sin. I’ve read news like this: In a village of Jiangxi
province, a man who has just been released from prison stabs three pupils in October
31, 2014. Even more surprising news is that some people smashed a car to get
into prison for a place to sleep and eat. Why is that? It is because their
freedom is worthless. Under the given prison welfare as a threshold, crime will
be professionalized. Those people who have opportunity costs less than
threshold will choose to get into prison. The higher opportunity cost people
have, the less crime people will commit, namely, their freedom is more
valuable. Similarly, the better welfare the prisons provide, the more people want
to go in, namely, their freedom is worthless. This is a relative concept. Prisons
in developing countries adopt a low welfare to maintain balance and vice versa.
Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to imbalance. Apparently, some Chinese without
any social security are more willing to go to jail because prisons can provide
them with food and shelter. In the end, prisons will eventually become welfare
homes. There is a big “BUT” here, based on the principle of “Everything has a
cost”, they must trade liberty for the welfare of the government. Looking at
this issue from another perspective, it means that all taxpayers pay for a
perfect contractual society without any violence. The most luxurious prisons in
the world are almost located in western developed countries, such as Sollentuna
Prison in Sweden, JVA Fuhlsbuettel Prison in Germany, Justice Center Leoben in Austria,
Bastoy Prison, Norway and so on and forth. I bet I would like to commit a crime
if I will be sent to them. Recently, I saw a news that due to the staggeringly
low rates of crime in the Netherlands, five Dutch prisons are going to be
closed by autumn. The announcement comes not long after the Dutch government
closed 19 of their prisons in 2013. Government officials addressed the closures
by saying that the tiny country simply doesn’t have the capital to maintain
such large, unoccupied facilities. I guess these Dutch prisons will be reopened
after the arrival of the refugees. To be honest, their freedom is worth nothing
compared with survival. They are just making arbitrage by taking advantage of
the shortcoming of law, as same as refugees. Whose mistake? Who should we
blame? Who created arbitrage opportunities? Of course, Arch-criminal is the stupid
laws with wrong threshold. Unrealistic liberalism causes the real madman to be
released from the insane asylum. The cruel murderer is released from prison. Law
is to be used for people, not respect because the law is not worth respecting. The
lower they are, the more they will go against the law, because they have low
opportunity costs. The West has accused China of
capital punishment largely from a humanitarian point of view, and many
Democratic western countries have essentially replaced life sentences with
death penalty. Why? That’s because the west is rich, everyone has universal
health care and a perfect social system, but in China such a poor and weak
country, a large number of people are living below the poverty line, so there
is no extra money for a nefarious bandit. The most useless organization is the
United Nations which leads the world into age of mediocrity by catering to a
motley crew. If I were the ambassador of China to the United Nations, I would
say that to the West, “I can send these death penalty criminals to your country
for free, do you want them?” Everyone knows Murder of James Bulger in UK. James
Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990-12 February 1993) was a boy from Kirkby,
Merseyside, England, who was murdered on 12 February 1993, at the age of two.
He was abducted, tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys, Robert
Thompson (born 23 August 1982) and Jon Venables (born 13 August 1982). The case
has prompted widespread debate on the issue of how to handle young offenders
when they are sentenced or released from custody. Speaking of human rights
to the perpetrators is to commit crimes against the victims. Our world has been
destroyed by the two word "human rights". China
is facing a hundred times worse than UK. In recent years, in order to cater to
Western values, the Chinese government blindly studies the West and reduces the
penalty threshold, resulting in a great deal of two injuries, and many wounding cases are related to
commutation release personnel. So, the death penalty is necessary, or more
innocent people will be hurt when he comes out. The Chinese
government should be improved two things: One is the system of lifelong
responsibility for trial cases in order to avoid wrongly-charged cases;
the other is strengthening legal education. In many criminal cases, perpetrators
often cause victims to die. Why? Many Chinese are ignorant of the law, and they
don't weigh problems from backward induction, because they don't know what kind
of punishment he will receive from varying degrees of illegality. You will find
a truth: fight terror with terror, and fight rogue with rogue. So-called the
generosity of the authorities is only an illusion because mercy for someone is
at the expense of others instead of itself. The biggest mistake the West has
made is to try to unify these different thresholds of these different
According to the investment theory,
as long as there are two kinds of prices in the market, you can get risk-free
profit by buying cheap and selling dear at same time
called arbitrage. Here I give you a classical example: World Cup 2018 Betting
Odds. In one of the highly anticipated matches Germany vs Mexico, a British
Bookmaker William Hill offers 1.5 odds on a German victory, 4.2 odds on a draw
and 7.5 odds on Mexico victory; a Chinese bookmaker offers 1.24 odds on a
German victory, 4.8 odds on a draw and 8.7 odds on Mexico victory. Here are two
questions for you. Q1: Why do domestic bookmaker and foreign bookmaker offer
different odds? The answer is there are much more Chinese bookies who believe
Germany will win than the British bookies, so Chinese bookmaker passively
adjust their odds, otherwise they will face great risks if Germany wins, they
will lose a lot of money. The odds of 1.24, as a result, are just a domestic
equilibrium price, which is determined by domestic aggregate supply and
domestic aggregate demand both, instead of by Chinese bookmaker. Q2: Is there
an arbitrage opportunity? Maybe not, it is because there are some other
problems about taxes and return rates, I have no calculation, but I guess there
is no arbitrage opportunity, because any arbitrage is a loophole in any system,
free entry and exit will gradually swallow up this loophole and pull two prices
into a new equilibrium price as soon as possible. Similarly, the same is true
of the population problem. When the world is in racial segregation, each nation
has its own domestic equilibrium price which is determined by domestic aggregate
supply and domestic aggregate demand both. In different ecological environment,
the same behavior reproduction has negative externalities during one nation while
have positive externalities during another nation. When racial segregation is cancelled,
due to two different price there, the rational people begin to arbitrage. There
are only two results: One is to break the balance of another civilization; the
other is to break the balance of local civilization. Everyone knows that Europe
are suffering the biggest refugee crisis. Why does this happen? Who is to blame
for it? Europe itself. The United States led Europe to overthrow the dictator
in Middle East for human rights. How altruistic that sounds! But the result hurt
Europe. Why did the United States avoid the refugee crisis? Geographical
position. God is an American, two oceans in the East and West, no strong enemy
in the North and South. But Europe is not so lucky that Europe is connected to
Asia on one hand, and one the other hand there is only a calm Mediterranean
between Europe and Africa. Because of the different positions, they should
adopt a completely different strategy. I think Europe would not only send
troops, but also stop the U.S. troops if there is regret medicine.
Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine! There is an old saying in China: 90
percent of all bad things come from good intentions. After the dictator's death,
Europe's nightmare began. Who created arbitrage opportunity? Europe itself. You
can't blame the refugees because they just are arbitrage taking the advantage
of the situation. If you send me 2000 pounds a month, I would go too. You may
say the western environment will eventually change their choice, but most
people are governed by inertia. In other words, there is time lag between the change
of interest and the change of choice, because the consequences of a false
choice will take some time to pass on to themselves. Genes also have this lag,
and for example everyone knows that the human tail gene is no longer
synthesized by wasting amino acids, and this is because the genes of the tail
are already useless to humans from a long-term point of view.
In short, I don't want to waste any amino acids on something useless for me.
The clitoris is useless for women as same as nipple is useless for men, but why
gene chooses to synthesize them? From an interest perspective, this is
definitely a waste, but still why? In gene's long journey down the generations
therefore, an average gene will spend approximately half its time sitting in
male bodies, and the other half sitting in female bodies. In other words, genes
are also governed by inertia and can't figure out very clear which is useful
and which is useless in the short-term. But this lag is fatal for the West,
because population reproduction is an exponential function, it means Middle
East race will grow to a fixed level during time lag in Europe. The only
benefit of the refugees is to lower the equilibrium price of reproduction, and the
government can subsidize less or not subsidize reproduction to maintain a
balanced population. The fatal consequence is the race invasion because the
decline in equilibrium price will push some marginal white people out of the reproductive
market. Unlike other international trade, the special nature of the
reproductive market determines that the supplier of population is equal to the
invaders. As the one nation becomes rarer and rarer, the other becomes more and
more frequent, till the one replaces the other. In short, in the next two
hundred years, whiles will be less and less, while the Middle East people will
be more and more in Europe. Have you ever wondered why blacks always object to
apartheid, and whites always support apartheid? The reason is very simple, nothing
to do with fairness and justice: as same as international trade, the change of
rules must create new winners and losers. In other words, blacks object to
apartheid because most of them would be the new winners of desegregation;
whites support apartheid because most of them would be the new losers of
desegregation. The issue of refugees is essentially a racial invasion in the
guise of “Human Rights”. All of the above are discussing how to break the
balance of another civilization, and next I give you an example in reality to
illustrate how to break the balance of local civilization. Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela, who is considered by many to be the father of South Africa, was an
anti-Apartheid activist, which means that fought, of course under the guise of
“Freedom, Equality and Justice”, for those who were disadvantaged by the system
of racial segregation. Every revolution is under the guise of freedom and
equality, but the fact is no one under the world, including me, really knows the
real meanings of the freedom, equality and justice. The different between you
and me is I know I don't know, but you don't know you don't know that is the
most lethal. I follow Jacques Monod to say a word, “A curious aspect of the
theory of Freedom, Equality and Justice is that everybody thinks he understands
it.” He was fighting for peace, but it turns out South Africans are worse off
than they were before the end of apartheid, at least as measured by real
incomes, and average incomes of South African men and women fell by about 40
percent between 1995 and 2000, and that there has been little improvement since
then. He liberated the black people, but he also dragged the black people into
a more miserable situation. In 1993 Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
for his efforts to move South Africa away from apartheid towards a multi-racial
democracy. It turns out this prize is worthless. According to latest news,
South Africa white farmer land grabs will be LAW after change to constitution
approved. A politician declared, “Your time is up, white people.” Contract
civilization is at stake in South Africa, and the proletariat has won again. This
time, instead of resorting to violence, they resorted to the Constitution. If
China also practices democracy now, there will be another victory for the
proletariat. What a horrible thing! This is the main reason why
I oppose China's democracy now. I am not a member of the K.K.K. party but I
have to admit Pekingese and Tibetan Mastiff need different environments for
living because they are the result of a long-term election of their own
environment. We must admit we are in different equilibriums and the west
civilization is in a more advanced equilibrium. In order to enjoy the
civilization of the westerners, we must learn the material and spiritual
civilization from the West to filling the gap orbitals between us. There are
only two ways for higher civilization to treat lower civilization in short run:
Massacre and segregation. Before this, segregation is only conservative and
stable strategy ever. Rational choices can lead to bad outcomes because there
is no communism at all. In human evolution history, there is a common mis-cognition
that before you have the ability to bring people enter the next equilibrium you
have already break ongoing equilibrium. The chaos of the world is due to the
overflow of morality and humanitarianism. Universal love and the welfare of the
species as a whole are concepts that simply do not make evolutionary sense.
Anyway, the west decided to remove the dictator for some certain purpose, but
in a large and complex system of rivalries, removing one rival from the scene
does not necessarily do any good: other rivals may be more likely to benefit
from his death than oneself, so the result is Antistokes degeneration. In other
words, they end up worse off than they were before. Dictatorship is not the
best situation, but it is definitely not the worst. Here I have an opinion
different from Darwin. Darwin wrote the following words in his book of Origin of species :
In another
and more general manner, new species become superior to their predecessors; for
they have to beat in the struggle for life all the older forms, with which they
come into close competition. We may therefore conclude that if under a nearly
similar climate the eocene inhabitants of the world could be put into
competition with the existing inhabitants, the former would be beaten and
exterminated by the latter, as would the secondary by the eocene, and the
palaeozoic by the secondary forms…. We must believe, that if all the animals
and plants of Great Britain were set free in New Zealand, a multitude of
British forms would in the course of time become thoroughly naturalized there,
and would exterminate many of the natives…. But after very long intervals of
time, and after great geographical changes, permitting much intermigration, the
feebler will yield to the more dominant forms, and there will be nothing
immutable in the distribution of organic beings…. We can understand how it is
that dominant forms which spread widely and yield the greatest number of
varieties tend to people the world with allied, but modified, descendants; and
these will generally succeed in displacing the groups which are their inferiors
in the struggle for existence. Hence, after long intervals of time, the
productions of the world appear to have changed simultaneously…. The
inhabitants of the world at each successive period in its history have beaten
their predecessors in the race for life, and are, in so far, higher in the
scale, and their structure has generally become more specialised; and this may
account for the common belief held by so many palaeontologists, that
organisation on the whole has progressed…. On the other hand, all the chief
laws of palaeontology plainly proclaim, as it seems to me, that species have
been produced by ordinary generation: old forms having been supplanted by new
and improved forms of life, the products of variation and the survival of the
The rule, that superiors will generally
succeed in displacing the groups which are their inferiors in the struggle for
existence, does not apply to the present human civilization, because human
beings have human rights, but animals do not have animal rights. In animal
world, the winners don't believe in tears, and the losers are eliminated in the
world forever, but in human world, the winners believe in tears, and the losers
must use their tears to cheat. Western mediocrity must lead to a result that bad
money drives out good. As the environment changes, the higher the organism, the
more likely it is to become extinct. Nuclear weapons can eliminate humans,
dinosaurs, tigers and elephants, but not cockroaches. The survival of lower
organisms is much stronger than higher organisms. Now you could notice that war
is not the worst thing on the world, and peace is not the best thing. Please be
rational to view the relationship between war and peace. Nevertheless so
profound is our ignorance, and so high our presumption, that we marvel when we
hear of the extinction of an organic being; and as we do not see the cause, we
invoke cataclysms to desolate the world, or invent laws on the duration of the
forms of life! All things have cause and effect while all living beings have
its own lot. Don't try to replace God's role to change another's lot. That is
very stupid and naive. In violence civilization, death was the punishment of
defeat and life the prize of victory, but in modern western civilization, death
is the punishment of victory and life the prize of defeat. Whether human should
artificially put out forest fires has always been a controversial topic so far.
In my opinion, I regard the forest fires as God's will if it is made by nature
instead of human being. Some lives still can benefit from the forest fires
while some lives were eliminated by the forest fires. It was the will of God
who is a pragmatist. Pragmatism has been hailed with approbation as the Western
behavioral characteristic, but they have deviated from this principle. Don't be
foolishly easy to change it, because you don't know where the next equilibrium
is. The West is not aware of the seriousness of the problem because the
refugees want not only the survival rights, but also mating rights and
reproductive rights. From the point of ESS, Merkel's strategy is not an
evolutionary stable strategy because it can be invaded by any nasty strategy. If
Merkel goes on, Germany will change its name to Germanstan and the Germanic
nation will disappear in about two hundred years. I am not alarmist. According
to the report of Islamic Saturation of
Countries: A Critical Point from Center for the Study of Political Islam
(CSPI), historical data suggests that without violence or external forces, no
countries recovered from becoming completely Islamized after crossing this
critical point of 10%. We used this critical point as a metric for the
saturation speed and applied mathematical modeling validated on historical data
to predict near future of a few European countries. This study shows that
throughout history reaching the critical point of 10% Muslim population took
about 100 years. Nowadays this trend is 2.3 times faster. They conclude that
Countries with Muslim community around 5% (Germany, Belgium, UK, Sweden and The
Netherlands) are going to reach this point in 7-17 years from today. Recent
mass immigration excluded. France has already reached this critical point
around 2011. Who is the culprit? These idiots, like Merkels, they just pass on
the costs from one person to another instead of eliminating the costs. There is
another funny news recently: Dresden-based migrant relief organization 'Mission
Lifeline' posted a controversial tweet in January 28, 2019, “You're not married
yet? Maybe you could fall in love with someone who doesn't have the right to
stay here? Could happen, right? Stay open.” Suddenly I found that Germans were
silly and cute. Love is indeed the greatest cult. Because at any point in time,
the total supply of society is certain, depending on its supplies of labor,
capital, and natural resources and on the available technology used to turn
these factors of production into goods and services. These refugees with no
skills, no knowledge, as freeloader, want to get free food and free drink
instead of make contribution. In other words, your irrational interference with
the market will only pass on the costs from new winners to new losers. There
will be more and more people who use humanitarianism to arbitrage until the
profit is zero. The city of Portland in Maine cities confronts loss of aid to
asylum seekers. Without legislative action, Portland's City Council will have a
painful decision to make: either approve a significant tax increase to cover the
full cost of the aid or cut off General Assistance to nearly 1,000 city
residents who cannot otherwise afford housing and basic needs. What poor
taxpayers in Maine! They will become new victims. It depends on the ability of
individuals to pass on costs. There is no so-called strictly win-win game, but only
how to split the surplus or how to pass on the costs to third party. For
example: jump the queue. The essence of jumping the queue is that queue jumper
benefit at the expense of the last person because seats are limited. Here is
another point of view about zero sum and nonzero sum games I disagree with
Dawkins. Dawkins believed that, in the game of Prisoner's dilemma, if the two
players could reach an agreement privately, they would turn the 'zero sum' into
'nonzero sum', and furthermore, many zero sum games, including divorce case and
football relegation, would be turned into nonzero sum games under some certain
conditions. Let's recall some details first in The Selfish Gene :
Games theorists
divide games into 'zero sum' and 'nonzero sum'. A zero sum game is one in which
a win for one player is a loss for the other. Chess is zero sum, because the
aim of each player is to win, and this means to make the other player lose.
Prisoner's Dilemma, however, is a nonzero sum game. There is a banker paying
out money, and it is possible for the two players to link arms and laugh all
the way to the bank…. In what are called civil 'disputes' there is often in
fact great scope for cooperation. What looks like a zero sum confrontation can,
with a little goodwill, be transformed into a mutually beneficial nonzero sum
game. Consider divorce. A good marriage is obviously a nonzero sum game,
brimming with mutual cooperation. But even when it breaks down there are all
sorts of reasons why a couple could benefit by continuing to cooperate, and
treating their divorce, too, as nonzero sum. As if child welfare were not a
sufficient reason, the fees of two lawyers will make a nasty dent in the family
finances…. In separate chambers but with one voice, the two lawyers immediately
start referring to 'us' and 'them'. 'Us', you understand, doesn't mean me and
my wife; it means me and my lawyer against her and her lawyer. When the case
comes to court, it is actually listed as 'Smith versus Smith'! It is assumed to
be adversarial, whether the couple feel adversarial or not, whether or not they
have specifically agreed that they want to be sensibly amicable. And who
benefits from treating it as an 'I win, you lose' tussle? The chances are, only
the lawyers…. The hapless couple have been dragged into a zero sum game. For
the lawyers, however, the case of Smith v. Smith is a nice fat nonzero sum
game, with the Smiths providing the payoffs and the two professionals milking
their clients' joint account in elaborately coded cooperation. One way in which
they cooperate is to make proposals that they both know the other side will not
accept. This prompts a counter proposal that, again, both know is unacceptable.
And so it goes on. Every letter, every telephone call exchanged between the
cooperating 'adversaries' adds another wad to the bill. With luck, this
procedure can be dragged out for months or even years, with costs mounting in
parallel. The lawyers don't get together to work all this out. On the contrary,
it is ironically their scrupulous separateness that is the chief instrument of
their cooperation at the expense of the clients. The lawyers may not even be
aware of what they are doing. Like the vampire bats that we shall meet in a
moment, they are playing to well-ritualized rules. The system works without any
conscious overseeing or organizing. It is all geared to forcing us into zero
sum games. Zero sum for the clients, but very much nonzero sum for the lawyers.
Football is a zero
sum game. At least, it usually is. Occasionally it can become a nonzero sum
game. This happened in 1977 in
the English Football League (Association Football or 'Soccer'; the other games
called football—Rugby Football, Australian Football, American Football, Irish
Football, etc., are also normally zero sum games). Teams in the Football League
are split into four divisions. Clubs play against other clubs within their own
division, accumulating points for each win or draw throughout the season. To be
in the First Division is prestigious, and also lucrative for a club since it
ensures large crowds. At the end of each season, the bottom three clubs in the
First Division are relegated to the Second Division for the next season.
Relegation seems to be regarded as a terrible fate, worth going to great
efforts to avoid…. May 18th 1977 was the last day of that year's football
season. Two of the three relegations from the First Division had already been
determined, but the third relegation was still in contention. It would
definitely be one of three teams, Sunderland, Bristol, or Coventry. These three
teams, then, had everything to play for on that Saturday. Sunderland were
playing against a fourth team (whose tenure in the First Division was not in
doubt). Bristol and Coventry happened to be playing against each other. It was
known that, if Sunderland lost their game, then Bristol and Coventry needed
only to draw against each other in order to stay in the First Division. But if
Sunderland won, then the team relegated would be either Bristol or Coventry,
depending on the outcome of their game against each other. The two crucial
games were theoretically simultaneous. As a matter of fact, however, the
Bristol-Coventry game happened to be running five minutes late. Because of
this, the result of the Sunderland game became known before the end of the
Bristol-Coventry game. Thereby hangs this whole complicated tale…. For most of
the game between Bristol and Coventry the play was, to quote one contemporary
news report, 'fast and often furious', an exciting (if you like that sort of
thing) ding-dong battle. Some brilliant goals from both sides had seen to it
that the score was 2-all by the eightieth minute of the match. Then, two
minutes before the end of the game, the news came through from the other ground
that Sunderland had lost. Immediately, the Coventry team manager had the news flashed
up on the giant electronic message board at the end of the ground. Apparently
all 22 players could read, and they all realized that they needn't bother to
play hard any more. A draw was all that either team needed in order to avoid
relegation. Indeed, to put effort into scoring goals was now positively bad
policy since, by taking players away from defence, it carried the risk of
actually losing—and being relegated after all. Both sides became intent on
securing a draw. To quote the same news report: 'Supporters who had been fierce
rivals seconds before when Don Gillies fired in an 80th minute equaliser for
Bristol, suddenly joined in a combined celebration. Referee Ron Challis watched
helpless as the players pushed the ball around with little or no challenge to
the man in possession.' What had previously been a zero sum game had suddenly,
because of a piece of news from the outside world, become a nonzero sum game.
In the terms of our earlier discussion, it is as if an external 'banker' had
magically appeared, making it possible for both Bristol and Coventry to benefit
from the same outcome, a draw…. Spectator sports like football are normally
zero sum games for a good reason. It is more exciting for crowds to watch
players striving mightily against one another than to watch them conniving
amicably. But real life, both human life and plant and animal life, is not set
up for the benefit of spectators. Many situations in real life are, as a matter
of fact, equivalent to nonzero sum games. Nature often plays the role of
'banker', an4 individuals can therefore benefit from one another's success.
They do not have to do down rivals in order to benefit themselves. Without
departing from the fundamental laws of the selfish gene, we can see how
cooperation and mutual assistance can flourish even in a basically selfish
world. We can see how, in Axelrod's meaning of the term, nice guys may finish
I really don't agree with him on this point
and let me give my reasons one by one. In my opinion, whether zero sum game
issue or not depends on the boundaries of your vision or the scope you have. In
the game of prisoner's dilemma. Dawkins believed that, if both choose
cooperation, each one would be better off, so the zero sum game can be turned
into nonzero sum game. Dawkins's mistake is absurd because he did not take into
account the interests of bankers. In other words, if you take into account the
interests of bankers, you will find that the essence of seemingly nonzero-sum
game between two people is a zero-sum game between three people. Their
cooperation, actually viewed as a collusion or a cartel, can really benefit two
of them at the same time, but at the expense of bankers. As same as oligopolies,
this collusion is good for the two players, but it is bad from the standpoint
of society as a whole, and the prisoners' dilemma is a dilemma for the
prisoners, but it can be a boon to everyone else. In the past few hundred
years, laws have been enacted in western legal systems to prevent such
collusion. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Act of 1914 are
both anti-trust acts, and the former elevated agreements among oligopolists
from an unenforceable contract to a criminal conspiracy, and the latter further
strengthened the antitrust laws. Similarly, the essence of marriage is a
transaction which can make both better off. During any transaction, any seller
and buyer have to cooperate which can be called nonzero sum game, but there is
competition between them how to split the whole surpluses which can be called
zero sum game. The essence of any transaction is how to share the surplus
between buyers and sellers. To be honest, for a family, total income and total
cost are certain. If you do a little more housework, I will do less. The best
strategy for both of them should be to let your partner work more and spend
less. When divorce, the alliance between husband and wife has collapsed. That
is to say, divorce is the last one shot game in which you can no longer get
anything in return from each other in the future. Like that squabbling among
cartel members over how to divide the profit in the market can make agreement
among them difficult, In order to maximize my own interests, I must hire a
lawyer to help me, because I know her lawyer and she would devour some of my
interests if I give up the employment lawyer. Now, the zero sum game between
the two people becomes a zero sum game between four people. Because the number
of property has not changed, they must have less. It is only when both sides
are rational and share common knowledge that lawyers are not introduced to
divide property. The problem of football relegation is more obvious. The number
of relegations is certain, and the only problem is how to allocate. We can only
say that Sunderland did not control his fate in his own hands, and Bristol and
Coventry transfer the costs to Sunderland through collusion. Such tacit
agreement is still on the stage. In the 2018 Russia world cup group H, in the last
round Japan and Poland have reached a tacit understanding after Poland 1-0
leads Japan and both know Colombia's simultaneous 1-0 victory over Senegal in
Samara. What had previously been a zero sum game had suddenly, because of a
piece of news from the outside world, become a nonzero sum game. In the terms
of our earlier discussion, it is as if an external 'banker' had magically
appeared, making it possible for both Poland and Japan to benefit from the same
outcome 1-0. Does the zero sum game become a nonzero sum game magically? Of
course not. The so-called nonzero sum game does not eliminate costs, but
transfers costs to other people. There is an old saying about this collusion, “Don't
tax you, don't tax me. Tax that fellow behind the tree.” This logic is obvious,
because at a certain point of time, the social aggregate supply, including the
total products and services of society, are fixed, because it depends on its
supplies of labor, capital, and natural resources and on the available
technology used to turn these factors of production into goods and services, so
the only remaining problem is how to divide these fixed products and services
with whom, and then the stage is set for a political battle including lies
which are also a kind of politics. There is a famous saying, “Politics requires
sacrifice; the sacrifice of others, of course.” Deception is an eternal and
stable strategy in human evolution and will run through human history. Just as
polygamy is essentially a zero-sum game between men and men, monogamy, under the
premise that sex ratio is 1:1, becomes a nonzero sum game between men and men
because they do not take into account the interests of women. Do you remember
the case in Microeconomics that good news for farming can be bad news for
farmers? As same as externalities, zero sum game and non-zero sum game are reciprocal.
When analyzing any policy, it is important to keep in mind that what is good
for some people is not necessarily good for society as a whole. The same logic
applies to the revelation of truth. Not everyone wants to see the truth of
female orgasm, because it makes P-V model lose its legitimacy, but it is surely
good for women. Dawkins made a common mistake called the broken window fallacy.
Let's review some knowledge in Microeconomics:
Little in
the literature seems more relevant to contemporary economic debates than what
usually is called the broken window fallacy. Whenever a government program is
justified not on its merits but by the jobs it will create, remember the broken
window: Some teenagers, being the little beasts that they are, toss a brick
through a bakery window. A crowd gathers and laments, “What a shame.” But
before you know it, someone suggests a silver lining to the situation: Now the
baker will have to spend money to have the window repaired. This will add to
the income of the repairman, who will spend his additional income, which will
add to another seller’s income, and so on. You know the drill. The chain of spending
will multiply and generate higher income and employment. If the broken window is
large enough, it might produce an economic boom!... Most voters fall for the
broken window fallacy, but not economics majors. They will say, “Hey, wait a
minute!” If the baker hadn’t spent his money on window repair, he would have
spent it on the new suit he was saving to buy. Then the tailor would have the
new income to spend, and so on. The broken window didn’t create net new spending;
it just diverted spending from somewhere else. The broken window does not
create new activity, just different activity. People see the activity that
takes place. They don’t see the activity that would have taken place…. The
broken window fallacy is perpetuated in many forms. Whenever job creation or
retention is the primary objective I call it the job-counting fallacy.
Economics majors understand the non-intuitive reality that real progress comes
from job destruction. It once took 90 percent of our population to grow our
food. Now it takes 3 percent. Pardon me, Willie, but are we worse off because
of the job losses in agriculture? The would have-been farmers are now college
professors and computer gurus…. So instead of counting jobs, we should make
every job count. We will occasionally hit a soft spot when we have a mismatch
of supply and demand in the labor market. But that is temporary. Don’t become a
Luddite and destroy the machinery, or become a protectionist and try to grow
bananas in New York City.
Dawkins fell for the broken window fallacy
as well and believed nature often plays the role of 'banker', so lots of game
would be nonzero sum game. I think Dawkins only see the activity that takes
place, but he does not see the activity that would have taken place. In short,
he ignores the opportunity cost. The essence of many policies is to transfer
costs at the expense of other people's interests. The Microeconomics tells us society
faces a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. Why is that?
The essence of unemployment is to kick the unqualified suppliers out of the
labor market, and the essence of inflation is to turn these unqualified
suppliers into qualified buyers of products and services. Let's go back to the
key point that all the concessions of the authorities, all from all, based on
you cannot completely eliminate them. There are no absolute good things or bad
things in the world, and no matter what happens, someone can gain from it while
someone must loss from it. In my eyes, there are only two things in the world:
One is how to split the interests; the other is how to share the costs. Any
sudden incident will change the current pattern of interests, no matter it is a
lie or a truth. Merkel's mistake was that she transferred costs instead of
eliminating them because of her ignorance and naïve. Human evolution requires
sacrifice. The sacrifice of who is important. Lies and victims are necessary,
because these, as same as taxes, are the costs we pay for civilized society,
and the key question is who will pay.
From a genetic perspective, what is a
winner? The winner means who can survive and breed successfully as much as
possible, instead of who can manufacture Mercedes Benz, BMW or Audi. Australia,
the United Kingdom, New Zealand and so on those island countries generally have
the most stringent rules of entry, and they are forbidden to bring all seeds
and live animals. Why? Any weaker species will explosive grow when it is
suitable for survival without natural enemies. Here I give you some similar
examples. You can find that kangaroo, as a special species, only appears in
Australia, but there are no giant animals like tigers and lions in Australia.
Why is that? Because of natural segregation made by continental drift,
Australian plate was isolated from Asian plate, so you can't bring any tigers
or lions to Australia, or you are making new winners and losers artificially.
Let us imagine Australian plate goes back to Asian plate. What will happen? Is
this just to the kangaroo? There is no problem of just, but only the problem of
new winners and new losers. In the early days of the settlement of Australia,
enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit. Such wild rabbit
populations are a serious mammalian pest and invasive species in Australia
causing millions of dollars of damage to crops. Their spread was enhanced
probably through the emergence of strong crossbreeds. Various methods in the
20th century have been attempted to control the Australian rabbit population.
Conventional methods include shooting rabbits and destroying their warrens, but
these had only limited success. In 1907, a rabbit-proof fence was built in
Western Australia in an unsuccessful attempt to contain the rabbits. The myxoma
virus, which causes myxomatosis, was introduced into the rabbit population in
the 1950s and had the effect of severely reducing the rabbit population. Can I
say you infringe on the breeding rights of rabbits? In addition to Australia,
the United States has encountered this kind of invasion: Asian carp in North
America. Asian carp are a voracious and destructive invasive species
threatening the survival of native fishes and the health of America's
waterways. Germany also suffered crawfish invasion. Germany has decided on a
novel approach to dealing with its "crayfish plague''. Berliners will now
be allowed to eat crawfish. Every year after mating season, Cuba must encounter
crabs’ invasion. Female land crabs migrate from their forest home to the
coastline in order to release their eggs into the Caribbean Sea. The smell of
crushed crab is everywhere, and their shells damage car tires. Despite being
smashed by cars and pedestrians, they still complete their long journey for
species survival. To be honest, any creature is very scary when spread
unchecked including human beings. Rats are the most dirty creatures on the face
of this planet, carriers of various viruses and bacteria such as Tuberculosis
and other pests that cause Dysentery. People in many countries do not eat rats,
but people in the country of Vietnam eat rat as a delicacy. Destitute Indians
also eat rats. The reason is very simple: people face tradeoffs between life
and death. Poor people do what they must to survive. Before we arrived trade
civilization, which can make both better off, white people can use their
weapons to destroy yellow and black people completely, as same as Homo sapiens
chose to kill Homo neanderthalensis tens of thousands of years ago. Some
scholars believe that the Homo sapiens have assimilated Homo neanderthalensis.
I don't know they are killed or assimilated, if the latter is true, I bet that
must be the contribution of Neanderthal women instead of men. For the problem
of fusion, you have only two strategies: Kill them or assimilate them. If you
choose the latter, you must adopt the strategy of “Trading space for time” and
the strategy of “Segregation” in short-run because it takes time and process to
turn them into us, but unfortunately West chose neither. Darwin also explained
the relationship between invasion and balance in his book of Origin of species:
If the country were
open on its borders, new forms would certainly immigrate, and this would
likewise seriously disturb the relations of some of the former inhabitants. Let
it be remembered how powerful the influence of a single introduced tree or
mammal has been shown to be. But in the case of an island, or of a country
partly surrounded by barriers, into which new and better adapted forms could
not freely enter, we should then have places in the economy of nature which
would assuredly be better filled up if some of the original inhabitants were in
some manner modified; for, had the area been open to immigration, these same
places would have been seized on by intruders…. We have good reason to believe,
as shown in the first chapter, that changes in the conditions of life give a
tendency to increased variability; and in the foregoing cases the conditions
the changed, and this would manifestly be favourable to natural selection, by
affording a better chance of the occurrence of profitable variations. Unless
such occur, natural selection can do nothing. Under the term of
"variations," it must never be forgotten that mere individual
differences are included. As man can produce a great result with his domestic
animals and plants by adding up in any given direction individual differences,
so could natural selection, but far more easily from having incomparably longer
time for action. For as all the inhabitants of each country are struggling
together with nicely balanced forces, extremely slight modifications in the
structure or habits of one species would often give it an advantage over
others; and still further modifications of the same kind would often still
further increase the advantage, as long as the species continued under the same
conditions of life and profited by similar means of subsistence and defence. No
country can be named in which all the native inhabitants are now so perfectly
adapted to each other and to the physical conditions under which they live,
that none of them could be still better adapted or improved; for in all
countries, the natives have been so far conquered by naturalised productions
that they have allowed some foreigners to take firm possession of the land. And
as foreigners have thus in every country beaten some of the natives, we may
safely conclude that the natives might have been modified with advantage, so as
to have better resisted the intruders…. if any one species does not become
modified and improved in a corresponding degree with its competitors it will be
exterminated…. Hence, rare species will be less quickly modified or improved
within any given period; they will consequently be beaten in the race for life
by the modified and improved descendants of the commoner species…. From these
several considerations I think it inevitably follows, that as new species in
the course of time are formed through natural selection, others will become
rarer and rarer, and finally extinct…. this is shown to be the case by so many
native forms in many quarters of the world having yielded their places to
intruding foreigners.
After the refugees invaded, the native
inhabitants will become rarer and rarer because they were unqualified suppliers
in the reproductive market. Do you remember the Indian massacre in American
history? Geocide of indigenous Americans, the huge and precipitous decline in
native populations in the Americas after European arrival. Now the roles seem
to be reversed. The native inhabitants become the white, whereas the invaders Middle
East and North Africa refugees. Is it karma? It is generally known that Chinese
women like to go to the United States or Canada to give birth to their
children. Why? Why don't they go to Africa? It is because they are not stupid,
and they are arbitrage. Like the refugee problem in Europe, who gives them the
opportunity to arbitrage? it is not hard to answer: American and Canadian laws.
There are two principles of Birthright Citizenship: Jus soli & Jus
Sanguinis. Jus soli is a Latin term that means law of the soil. Many countries
follow the system of jus soli or more commonly known as, birthright
citizenship. Under this concept, citizenship of a person is determined by the
place where a person was born. Jus sanguinis is when a person acquires
citizenship through their parents or ancestors. Many nations have a mixture of
jus sanguinis and jus soli, including the United States, Canada, Israel,
Greece, Ireland, and recently Germany. Today France only narrowly applies jus
sanguinis, but it is still the most common means of passing on citizenship in
many continental European countries. The U.S. follows the jus soli system to
determine citizenship, which can be traced back to the Fourteenth Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution what provides that all persons born or naturalized in the
United States are citizens. In my view, Jus soli and Jus Sanguinis resort to
different interest subjects. The former resorts to the individual interest, the
latter to genetic interest. Our evolutionary history is a process how individual
interests gradually replace genetic interests, and also a process how selfish
genes make concessions step by step. I would talk about God weigh when the two conflicts
with each other later. It is because of this loophole that the Chinese go to
the United States or Canada to give birth for arbitrage.“There is nothing
in the law that makes it illegal for pregnant women to enter the United
States,” said a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Canada
is one of the few developed countries, along with the United States, that
grants birthright citizenship. According to the
Canadian news report, the number of Chinese residents in Vancouver has grown to
more than 18 percent over the last 20 years. 295 of the 1,938 babies born at
the hospital in Richmond over the last year were born to Chinese mothers, a
number that has increased significantly since 2011, although it’s unclear how
much it's gone up. Health authorities in Canada do not typically record the
nationalities of patients. According to a news release from Citizenship and
Immigration Canada in 2014, there were fewer than 500 reported cases of a child
being born in Canada to parents who were neither a citizen or permanent
resident. In July 2016, health ministry investigators in B.C. counted 26 in the
province—a threefold increase since 2009. While no such data has been made
public for Ontario, Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto also reported an increase in
foreign births in 2015, receiving women from China, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirates. In 2013, Montreal authorities said women from Haiti
and French-speaking northern African countries “frequently” arrived to give
birth in Canada. The excuse of all arbitragers is like this “I am here to give
my kids better options, clean water, clean air, best education, a safe
childhood and reliable medical care.” The real purpose is to access to quality
education and public healthcare. In other words, they are taking advantage of Canada's
public subsidy system because of reproduction has been a positive externality
in Canada I have mentioned in Figure 6.4. Birth tourism creates this opportunity
for arbitrage. To be honest, it is big risky for current taxpayers because this
is a game with sunk cost that if the baby is going to use a lot of public subsidy in Canada, but there is no commitment that the baby will become a Canadian
legal taxpayer when he grows up in future. In other words, the best response
for poor guys is to grow up in a country with high welfare and emigrate
to a country with low welfare when he gets capable and rich because now emigrant
become his dominant strategy, which must converge to an equilibrium state after
the long-term consequences that in the end Canada is full of poor and incapable
people who just want to take instead of giving. This is a common thing in the
newspaper that the rich chose to emigrate for tax avoidance. Ikea founder
Ingvar Kamprad left Sweden in the 1970s in protest at the country’s high taxes,
setting up residence in Switzerland. Swedish taxes once accounted for half of
GDP. "At that time, the tax regime was very restrictive," Ikea said. Sweden's
centre-right coalition government has chipped away at the country’s generous
welfare system during its nearly two terms in office, trimming income taxes and
abolishing a wealth tax, and then Ingvar Kamprad moves back to Sweden after 40
years in Switzerland in 2013. The French government announced on 28 September
2012, a series of measures that would significantly increase the taxes borne by
wealthy individuals, with some of the proposed increases to apply to income
earned from 1 January 2012. Unfortunately, this farce of robbing the rich and
helping the poor lasted for only 2 years. For the same reason, British chose withdrawal
from the European Union. I am going too far, let's go back to the problem of
birth tourism. Recently, I saw a news: A Chinese pregnant woman run away after
giving birth in Vancouver and owe the hospital over million 800 thousand.
Frankly speaking, she is not birth tourist but birth arbitrager or birth
terrorist as same as Cuckoo who deposits her egg and disappears. From the point
of ESS, Birth tourism is not an evolutionary stable strategy because it can be
invaded by any nasty strategy. You can see why the tax revenue in China needs
to be controlled at the source and why the hospital requires the patient to pay
the money first. Everything is a compelled counter-strategy. All in all, don't
forget an important lesson from Game Theory: Do not play a strictly dominated
strategy. I recently saw another piece of news that Trump plans to sign an
executive order to terminate birthright citizenship. This order will inevitably
lead to bankruptcy of all Chinese maternity hotel in Chinatown in America, and
the beneficiaries will be those Chinese who have become citizens of the United
States. New losers and winners will arise. It is not wrong that the rich
Chinese are willing to emigrate to the United States or Canada to pursue a
better environment. It is because the poor have low evaluation of the
environment, and the rich have a high evaluation of the environment. The
greater the gap is between the rich and the poor, the greater they demand for
external living conditions. Now, it is difficult for whole society to form a
common understanding. Segregation is necessary, otherwise chaos will inevitably
arise. The key problem is you have to pay for it because your initial position
is not in the US and your entry will dilute the welfare of American citizens. That
is just a deal, and American should figure out a problem, namely, “who is
useful to me and who is most useful to me?” and then find an equilibrium point
by setting a dynamic threshold to kick off unqualified people. If I were the
president of America, I would be only interested in two kinds of people: The
talented and the rich. Western and Northern Europe are
now communist countries, and China is a real capitalist country. Only communist
countries will create arbitrage opportunities because Nice guys seem bound to
decrease in numbers: niceness dies a Darwinian death, because only the strategy
of “Tit for Tat” is a stable one. Let us review the
two strategies Sucker and Cheat in Dawkins's Selfish gene :
Suckers groom
anybody who needs it, indiscriminately. Cheats accept altruism from suckers,
but they never groom anybody else, not even somebody who has previously groomed
them…. Cheat genes will therefore start to spread through the population.
Sucker genes will soon be driven to extinction. This is because, no matter what
the ratio in the population, cheats will always do better than suckers…. But
still, cheats will be doing better than suckers because they are getting all
the benefits—such as they are—and paying nothing back…. But now, suppose there
is a third strategy called Grudger. Grudgers groom strangers and individuals
who have previously groomed them. However, if any individual cheats them, they
remember the incident and bear a grudge: they refuse to groom that individual
in the future…. When the proportion of cheats reaches 90 per cent, the average
pay-off for all individuals will be very low: many of both types may by now be
dying of the infection carried by the ticks. But still the cheats will be doing
better than the suckers. Even if the whole population declines toward
extinction, there will never be any time when suckers do better than cheats.
Therefore, as long as we consider only these two strategies, nothing can stop
the extinction of the suckers and, very probably, the extinction of the whole
population too…. Once the grudgers manage to build up in numbers so that they
reach a critical proportion, however, their chance of meeting each other
becomes sufficiently great to off-set their wasted effort in grooming cheats.
When this critical proportion is reached they will start to average a higher
pay-off than cheats, and the cheats will be driven at an accelerating rate
towards extinction…. Grudger does indeed turn out to be an evolutionarily
stable strategy against sucker and cheat, in the sense that, in a population
consisting largely of grudgers, neither cheat nor sucker will invade…. The
first thing that happens is a dramatic crash in the population of suckers as
the cheats ruthlessly exploit them. The cheats enjoy a soaring population
explosion, reaching their peak just as the last sucker perishes. But the cheats
still have the grudgers to reckon with. During the precipitous decline of the
suckers, the grudgers have been slowly decreasing in numbers, taking a battering
from the prospering cheats, but just managing to hold their own. After the last
sucker has gone and the cheats can no longer get away with selfish exploitation
so easily, the grudgers slowly begin to increase at the cheats' expense.
Steadily their population rise gathers momentum. It accelerates steeply, the
cheat population crashes to near extinction, then levels out as they enjoy the
privileges of rarity and the comparative freedom from grudges which this
brings. However, slowly and inexorably the cheats are driven out of existence,
and the grudgers are left in sole possession. Paradoxically, the presence of
the suckers actually endangered the grudgers early on in the story because they
were responsible for the temporary prosperity of the cheats.
When some group can't emigrate for arbitrage,
they choose to ask the authorities for so-called “Human Rights”. For example,
some stupid Chinese complain that one child policy is a violation of human
rights, so they demand to call for the policy of one child because Westerners
can give birth at will; someone complains the costs of raising children are too
high, so the government should raise children's welfare because West government
offers a 2,500-euro bonus for every baby born. They must be dreaming! The
beneficiary is you, but the cost is borne by others. One Child Policy was
absolutely right at that time. In chemistry, when molecules are in different
phases, you may choose the opposite means to achieve your goals. For example, is
increasing temperature beneficial to solubility? When I want to improve the
solubility, solids do the inverse of gas. Temperature is good for solid
solubility, in general, if you are dealing with a solid in a liquid solvent,
increasing the temperature will increase the solubility. But what about a gas?
When you are dissolving a gas inside of a liquid solvent, it actually has the
opposite effect. When temperature goes up, solubility goes down. And likewise,
if temperature goes down, solubility goes up. So, the position you are in is
very important in decision making. Reproduction, now in China, is still a game
of negative externality because some of them are irrational human and some of
them are rational animals. Even though some Chinese already have pension
insurance, but mostly of them have huge inertia, so the best strategy for the
government should be to make good use of their inertia. There are also some people
in the West who like reproduction. According to British news: Britain’s Most
Shameless Mum, named Cheryl Prudham, who has already had 12 children, can receive
£40,000 in benefits a year from government. Most have accused her of having
children just to capitalize on government benefits, but in my eyes why Britain
subsidized childbirth? It is because without a subsidy, no one would give
birth, but it must end with Reproductive Professionalization. Those people, who
has lower opportunity costs, would choose to reproduce for living.
Reproduction, finally in China as same as in West, would become a game of positive
externality. Like I said before, the emergence of pensions inevitably led to
the result that reproduction loses its incentive, and then led to government
subsidy, and then reproduction becomes a profession to live on, and finally
reproduction enters professionalism, and people choose to reproduce for money. There
is a saying that the way of thinking of Oriental and Westerners is different.
This is absolutely wrong. Only the environment was different, which led to
different counter-strategy, and then accumulated in opposite directions. This
is why I do not want to associate with the Chinese people because they must bring
me to the lower level where is an equilibrium in China. In order to maximize my
interests, I have to choose the same vulgar strategy as same as theirs, but in
the western environment, the model of mutual benefit can make me get more
benefits. I like to enter into mutually beneficial trading mode with others,
because trade can make both better off. I am an honest person, more precisely an
honest business person.
People are born
good or evil?
About human nature, there have been two
claims since ancient times. Hobbes believed human nature is evil, man has no
idea of goodness, he must be naturally wicked and vicious because he does not
know virtue; that he always refuses to do his fellow-creatures services, while
Locke and Rousseau believed human nature is good. My point of view is very
simple: Using Darwin's words to answer you that any creature that has evolved
must be selfish, or it will have died out long ago. Do you remember the lesson
5 in The Game Theory from Yale's open course: “Yale students are evil.” To be
honest, human beings have two characteristics: One is selfishness and the other
is greed. Dawkins has already explained battle of the generations and battle of
the sexes in details in his book of The
Selfish Gene.
One of the most striking properties of
survival-machine behaviour is its apparent purposiveness. What is a single
selfish gene trying to do? It is trying to get more numerous in the gene pool.
Basically it does this by helping to program the bodies in which it finds
itself to survive and to reproduce. We have to learn to think in selfish gene
terms. What is a single selfish refugee trying to do?
The answer is they want to gain all the benefits without paying the costs.
Under dictatorship, the public didn’t have the freedom to go abroad, but after
the collapse of dictatorship, they have the freedom to go abroad for arbitrage.
Altruism must be bad and selfishness good. This follows inexorably from our
definitions of altruism and selfishness. As survival machines, the refugees are
not wrong when they find an opportunity to arbitrage, as same as men are not
wrong if women are willing to provide free sex-services. The key of all
arbitrages is on suckers. These so-called refugees, like successful Chicago
gangsters, are good at using the Western rules to arbitrage, and a predominant
quality to be expected in a successful survival machines is ruthless
selfishness. Sometimes selfish survival machines can achieve its own selfish
goals best by fostering a limited form of altruism at the level of individual
animals. Beneath the seemingly selfless surface is selfish purpose. Selfish
purpose is hidden under all the seemingly selfless behaviors. Do you still
remember that in the movie of Titanic
how Cal used a little girl to get on the last lifeboat? Do not doubt the
selfishness of refugees, because anything that has evolved by natural selection
should be selfish. You could say that dinosaurs are altruistic, because they
are extinct, but you can't believe refugees are altruistic, because they are
good at using children to achieve the purpose of arbitrage. next, let's have a
look at what Montesquieu said in his book of The Spirit of Law :
There is not
perhaps any man in a comfortable position who has not greedy heirs, and perhaps
even children, secretly wishing for his death; not a ship at sea, of which the
loss would not be good news to some merchant or other; not a house, which some
debtor of bad faith would not be glad to see reduced to ashes with all the
papers it contains; not a nation which does not rejoice at the disasters that
befall its neighbours. Thus it is that we find our advantage in the misfortunes
of our fellow−creatures, and that the
loss of one man almost always constitutes the prosperity of another. But it is
still more pernicious that public calamities are the objects of the hopes and
expectations of innumerable individuals. Some desire sickness, some mortality,
some war, and some famine. I have seen men wicked enough to weep for sorrow at
the prospect of a plentiful season; and the great and fatal fire of London,
which cost so many unhappy persons their lives or their fortunes, made the
fortunes of perhaps ten thousand others.
Whether death or disaster, as a
sudden event, some people will benefit from it while some people will lose from
it. Do you remember the Luddite Revolt? The technological progress is good for
some of people, but others take it as a threat to their standard of living. Any
reform has broken the original pattern of interests by creating new losers and
new winners. Like the good news for farming is bad news for farmers, the good
news for men but at the cost of women's benefits. There is no doubt that vested
interests group always see the awakening of fools as a threat to their vested
interest. I hate to hear such propaganda that some places are paradise. My
answer is that there is no such place called paradise on the earth, because on
any cross section of evolutionary road, the interests of all people are in
zero-sum games due to infinite human desire but fixed production capacity, and
what I lost is what others got in total. Everyone have to be trapped in the
predicament of the times, without exception including genius. Because of
interest people must depend on each other, and at same time people must deceive
each other for the same sake. To this end, the powerful employ all their
strength, and the weak all their cunning. This is how the fickleness of the
real world. Greed is the second characteristic of mankind. Montesquieu has a
profound knowledge of human greed in his book of The Spirit of Law :
Besides, the
possession of so many wives does not always prevent their entertaining desires
for those of others. It is with lust as with avarice, whose thirst increases by
the acquisition of treasure…. It is natural
for a people to leave a bad soil to seek a better, and not to leave a good soil
to go in search of worse. Most invasions have, therefore, been made in
countries which nature seems to have formed for happiness; and as nothing is
more nearly allied than desolation and invasion, the best provinces are most
frequently depopulated, while the frightful countries of the north continue
always inhabited, from their being almost uninhabitable…. We find by what
historians tell us of the passage of the people of Scandinavia along the banks
of the Danube that this was not a conquest, but only a migration into desert
countries…. The most happy of mortals should I think myself could I contribute
to make mankind recover from their prejudices. By prejudices I here mean, not
that which renders men ignorant of some particular things, but whatever renders
them ignorant of themselves…. When things are examined with never so small a
degree of extent, the sallies of imagination must vanish; these generally arise
from the mind’s collecting all its powers to view only one side of the subject,
while it leaves the other unobserved.
The key
issue is not refugees because using market to arbitrage is never wrong.
Everyone wants to leave a bad place to seek a better one, and not to leave a
good place to go in search of worse. Refugees are not fools, why they don't go
to Russia or East Asia? The only reason is high welfare in Europe. I want high
welfare too. So now Europe is ravaged only because of the high welfare. The
choice of refugees is consistent with the theory of evolution and the
principles of market economy, and the irrational is the European governments. I
dare say that refugees want not only just survival, but also mating rights,
reproductive rights and voting rights and so on so forth. The fallacy of our
choice is that man is far from the first principle of evolution: Self-Love. In
evolution, there are only two options: Hunt or be hunted. Greed never ends
until there is a power to hedge his desire, called law, by transferring the
cost to himself, and then he would weigh the pros and cons by giving up some
less important interests in order to gain some more important interests.
Selfish is a very normal thing, and the key is whether you can transfer the
cost back to him, and the laws of all nations are only consequences of hedging
to keep equilibrium. People are not aware of Justice or Human Rights, and just
accept it as the lesser evil. Comparisons are very harmful. Lies are necessary,
because it is easier to satisfy occasionally a fool. Stuart Muller said that it
is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, but
unfortunately, the pig does not think so. What is happiness? Are people happier
now than one hundred years? It is hard to say. I think happiness is a relative
value depending on the gap between your actual situation and expectations. You
have to lower your expectation when you don't have enough ability to change
your situation. Frankly speaking, if China didn't open the door, the Chinese
people may feel happy as same as North Korean. The United States believed that
overthrowing dictators can bring people happiness, but the fact is that people
there don't feel happy because they believed they can be happier in Europe. God's
strategy is to castrate people's desires before they have the ability to
achieve the next Equilibrium. I stress it again that segregation is always a conservative
stable strategy, please think about the IOS ecosystem of Apple phone.
On inequality
The latest news shocked the scientific
community that Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson has been stripped of
his honorary titles at the laboratory he once led after doubling down on racist
comments. Watson, who discovered DNA's double helix structure alongside Francis
Crick and Rosalind Franklin in the 1950s, said that genes cause a difference on
IQ tests between blacks and whites in a recent PBS documentary “American
Masters: Decoding Watson.” This isn't Watson's first controversial comment
about race. He lost his position as chancellor at the lab in 2007 after he told
the Sunday Times he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa"
because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence
is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says not really.” He added that
although he wished everyone were equal, “people who have to deal with black employees
find this not true.” Now let’s turn to the problem of inequality and examine the
racial differences in IQ. We can't avoid Rousseau's book of A Dissertation On the Origin and Foundation
of The Inequality of Mankind :
I conceive that
there are two kinds of inequality among the human species; one, which I call
natural or physical, because it is established by nature, and consists in a
difference of age, health, bodily strength, and the qualities of the mind or of
the soul: and another, which may be called moral or political inequality,
because it depends on a kind of convention, and is established, or at least
authorised by the consent of men. This latter consists of the different
privileges, which some men enjoy to the prejudice of others; such as that of
being more rich, more honoured, more powerful or even in a position to exact
obedience…. It is in fact easy to see that many of the differences which
distinguish men are merely the effect of habit and the different methods of
life men adopt in society. Thus a robust or delicate constitution, and the
strength or weakness attaching to it, are more frequently the effects of a
hardy or effeminate method of education than of the original endowment of the
body. It is the same with the powers of the mind; for education not only makes
a difference between such as are cultured and such as are not, but even
increases the differences…. For, according
to the axiom of the wise Locke, there can be no injury, where there is no
property…. In a word, there arose rivalry and competition on the one hand, and
conflicting interests on the other, together with a secret desire on both of
profiting at the expense of others. All these evils were the first effects of
property, and the inseparable attendants of growing inequality…. There is
hardly any inequality in the state of nature…. so many writers have hastily
concluded that man is naturally cruel, and requires civil institutions to make
him more mild; whereas nothing is more gentle than man in his primitive state….
The more we reflect on it, the more we shall find that this state was the least
subject to revolutions, and altogether the very best man could experience; so
that he can have departed from it only through some fatal accident, which, for
the public good, should never have happened. The example of savages, most of
whom have been found in this state, seems to prove that men were meant to
remain in it, that it is the real youth of the world, and that all subsequent
advances have been apparently so many steps towards the perfection of the
individual, but in reality towards the decrepitude of the species.
Savage man, when he
has dined, is at peace with all nature, and the friend of all his
fellow-creatures. If a dispute arises about a meal, he rarely comes to blows,
without having first compared the difficulty of conquering his antagonist with
the trouble of finding subsistence elsewhere: and, as pride does not come in,
it all ends in a few blows; the victor eats, and the vanquished seeks provision
somewhere else, and all is at peace. The case is quite different with man in
the state of society, for whom first necessaries have to be provided, and then
superfluities; delicacies follow next, then immense wealth, then subjects, and
then slaves…. Let the learned tell us why, instead of multiplying to such a
degree, these fierce and brutal men, without sense or science, without
education, without restraint, did not destroy each other hourly in quarrelling
over the productions of their fields and woods…. I hear it constantly repeated
that, in such a state, the strong would oppress the weak; but what is here
meant by oppression? Some, it is said, would violently domineer over others,
who would groan under a servile submission to their caprices. This indeed is
exactly what I observe to be the case among us; but I do not see how it can be
inferred of men in a state of nature, who could not easily be brought to
conceive what we mean by dominion and servitude. One man, it is true, might
seize the fruits which another had gathered, the game he had killed, or the
cave he had chosen for shelter; but how would he ever be able to exact
obedience, and what ties of dependence could there be among men without
possessions? If, for instance, I am driven from one tree, I can go to the next;
if I am disturbed in one place, what hinders me from going to another? Again,
should I happen to meet with a man so much stronger than myself, and at the
same time so depraved, so indolent, and so barbarous, as to compel me to provide
for his sustenance while he himself remains idle; he must take care not to have
his eyes off me for a single moment; he must bind me fast before he goes to
sleep, or I shall certainly either knock him on the head or make my escape.
That is to say, he must in such a case voluntarily expose himself to much
greater trouble than he seeks to avoid, or can give me. After all this, let him
be off his guard ever so little; let him but turn his head aside at any sudden
noise, and I shall be instantly twenty paces off, lost in the forest, and, my
fetters burst asunder, he would never see me again.
The first
man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is
mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of
civil society…. Destitute of valid
reasons to justify and sufficient strength to defend himself, able to crush
individuals with ease, but easily crushed himself by a troop of bandits, one
against all, and incapable…. With this view, after having represented to his
neighbours the horror of a situation which armed every man against the rest,
and made their possessions as burdensome to them as their wants, and in which
no safety could be expected either in riches or in poverty, he readily devised
plausible arguments to make them close with his design. "Let us
join," said he, "to guard the weak from oppression, to restrain the
ambitious, and secure to every man the possession of what belongs to him: let
us institute rules of justice and peace, to which all without exception may be
obliged to conform; rules that may in some measure make amends for the caprices
of fortune, by subjecting equally the powerful and the weak to the observance
of reciprocal obligations. Let us, in a word, instead of turning our forces against
ourselves, collect them in a supreme power which may govern us by wise laws,
protect and defend all the members of the association, repulse their common
enemies, and maintain eternal harmony among us." … But, if individuals
became to some extent less able to encounter wild beasts separately, they found
it, on the other hand, easier to assemble and resist in common… I regard it
then as certain, that government did not begin with arbitrary power…. Now, in
the relations between man and man, the worst that can happen is for one to find
himself at the mercy of another….
Such was, or may
well have been, the origin of society and law, which bound new fetters on the
poor, and gave new powers to the rich; which irretrievably destroyed natural
liberty, eternally fixed the law of property and inequality, converted clever
usurpation into unalterable right, and, for the advantage of a few ambitious
individuals, subjected all mankind to perpetual labour, slavery and
wretchedness…. the despot is master only so long as he remains the strongest;
as soon as he can be expelled, he has no right to complain of violence. As he
was maintained by force alone, it is force alone that overthrows him. Thus
everything takes place according to the natural order; and, whatever may be the
result of such frequent and precipitate revolutions, no one man has reason to
complain of the injustice of another, but only of his own ill-fortune or
Let me
sum up Rousseau's point of view: (1) There are two kinds of inequality among
the human species: One is physiological inequality, including age, gender and
muscle, and the other is birth inequality, including wealth, status and
privilege. Rousseau
believed man can control his destiny, and many of the
differences which distinguish men are merely the effect of habit and the
different methods of life men adopt in society. (2) Private ownership is the
culprit of inequality, and there is hardly
any inequality in the state of nature. (3) In primitive state, man is gentle,
so he is at peace with all nature, and the friend of all his fellow-creatures.
(4) He regards it then as certain, that government did not begin with arbitrary
power. I am sorry that I find it difficult to identify with his views. Let me
clarify my point of views one by one.
In my opinion, there is only one inequality
called destiny, because God gave everyone different endowments by endowing
different genes and different growth environments. In other words, we are born
located in different knots in any game tree, which determines that we must
adopt different strategies to maximize individual's payoffs and minimize the
costs. In short, different endowment determines different strategy you have to
use. Rousseau totally denied that talent gap between man and man, and believed
that your destiny is completely in your hands. First, Genes must play a
decisive role. A Chihuahua can never grow into a Siberian husky whatever in any
case. Thomas Edison said that “Genius is one percent inspiration and
ninety-nine percent perspiration, but sometimes, one-percent inspiration is
more important than ninety-nine percent perspiration.” When brainwashing
people, politicians always emphasize the first half, but ignore the second
half. Second, I don't deny the habits
and methods are very important in people's growth, but who pays the price. For
example, they must share the different muscles if one person ate beef every day
and the other was starved every day. Beef comes at a price, and who would pay
for your price? Apparently, it should be the parents who pay the beef. What
kind of family you were born in is also a kind of endowments, you can't decide
where you were born. Don't expect me to beat Tyson by training me every second.
There is an old saying in China: First humiliation then be brave. The women's
biggest problem is that they are still in the stage of no humiliation, and in
other words they don't believe P-V model chosen by God, means humiliation for
themselves, so they could be brave to resist this model. West believed that all
men are born equal, which is the greatest mistake of cognition and the source
of subsequent erroneous cognition. The female greatest misperception is God
represents fairness and justice, and P-V model is beneficial for men so must be
beneficial for women because God chose it. It is not the scariest thing that
you know you know nothing, and instead the scariest thing is that you don't
know you know nothing, where all women are now. In fact, God has his plan of
division of labor which may be may be random as same as division of labor of cells
in survival machines, some of them become liver, some brain. You can't deny the
importance of the original endowment.
Rousseau blamed unfair on private ownership,
but here I want to defense private ownership for a little bit. The fact is the
opposite is true that prior to the emergence of private ownership, human beings
were unfair. The inequality between men is the reason, and private ownership is
the result. Inequality leads to private ownership. If we really want to trace
the origin of inequality, it should go back to Bio-diversity, so first of all
let’s go back to the evolution from Haploid organism to Diploid organism. When
a creature is a haploid organism, it must adopt mitosis as an asexual form of
reproduction. The progeny and mother shared the exactly the same genes, and it
means the same species share the same genes. In the same environment, they
either live together or die together because there is no injustice between
them. Unfairness occurred when diploid organisms appeared, even no need to be sexual
reproduction. You must know the famous Mendel's pea experiment, who is called
the father of modern genetics. Why did he choose peas instead of other plants?
It is because peas are self-fertilized. The result is very clear that, in the
natural state, all offspring must be purebred. Mendel
crossed a purebred short plant and a purebred tall plant (two purebreds) by
removing the pollen from a flower on one plant and
brushing it onto a flower on a second plant, which called cross-fertilization. There is no inequality between genetically identical
homozygotes, but inequalities exist between different genetically homozygotes.
We can still call this inequality among species instead of within species, but
as the heterozygote appeared, inequality within species inevitably happened. I
am certain that there are full of inequality in
the state of nature, because as long as there is
difference, there is a preference, and then there will be unfairness. In the
natural state, you can’t see the inequality because the inferior individuals
have been eliminated by death, while the inferior people are not eliminated
completely so you can see them in your life. God is never fair from the
beginning to the end. Marx's theory that the destruction of private ownership
would liberate human beings must come from Rousseau. Marx believed that you
eliminate private ownership and everything will be fine. No private ownership,
things will be rosy, and there will be equality among people. How naive the
idea is! As naive as women are, who believed they can get the freedom after the
collapse of patriarchy, but the fact is they fell into free prostitutes from fee
prostitutes. The stupidest thing women believed is that monogamy can make women
equal to a man. Man and woman can never be equal, because that is chosen by
God. I think the emergence of private property must be the first step in the
beginning of the contract civilization. My view is that private property is
sacrosanct. Even if their wealth is seized by violence, we should uphold the
rule of law as long as he is playing a game based on the market economy,
because seizing back with violence like the proletarian revolution must lead
our human into vicious circle.
Every coin has two sides. The benefits of
hybridization are self-evident: Diversity, but hybridization is also defective:
no homozygote at all. It is well known that the practice of consanguineous
marriage in Egypt is very old since Ancient Egyptians to keep the royal blood. Consanguineous
marriage also has a long history in Europe. For example, the marriage of Louis
XIV of France and Maria Theresa of Spain was a first-cousin marriage on both
sides. Only Austria, Hungary, and Spain banned cousin marriage throughout the
19th century. First-cousin marriage in England in 1875 was estimated by George
Darwin to be 3.5% for the middle classes and 4.5% for the nobility, though this
had declined to under 1% during the 20th century. Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert were a preeminent example. Now in Pakistan, cousin marriage is legal and
common. Here I don’t want to waste time talking about the benefits of hybridization,
because the benefit is very single: Prevent genetic diseases like Hemophilia.
Here I want to discuss the results of hybridization and where the boundary of
hybridization is. Frankly speaking, God adopted a strategy to suppress
hybridization: Reproductive isolation. According to Wikipedia, the mechanisms
of reproductive isolation are a collection of evolutionary mechanisms,
behaviors and physiological processes critical for speciation. They prevent
members of different species from producing offspring, or ensure that any
offspring are sterile. These barriers maintain the integrity of a species by reducing
gene flow between related species. I can understand why the ancient Egyptian
royal family allowed only consanguineous marriage, because they want to keep
their blood pure. In fact, the stability of any species is the result of
self-fertilization. The only reason why we can see a wide variety of different
species is reproductive isolation, and furthermore, the only reason why we
humans have different races on the earth is reproductive isolation. The
ultimate result of hybridization must be that there is only one race in the
world, and there is no longer yellow, black or white races. We should thank God
for setting the zone range of reproduction for us, otherwise I hardly imagine
the hybrids would be between man and dog or cat. Many humans with low IQ must abuse
this freedom. The only reason why Australia still have a wide variety of rare
species now, is God adopted a strategy of isolation to Australia. We should
change our thinking. People always think fertility is normal and infertility is
abnormal. This is a way of thinking inertia, but I think the infertility is
normal, because in the process of evolution, in order to prevent
self-fertilization, female gametes must evolve a defensive strategy to suppress
promiscuity. This inhibition must have occurred on female eggs, because eggs
are scarce resources and the biggest victim of endless promiscuity is female. A
haploid egg can also develop into a life in logic, but it didn't do that. Why? The
key to unlocking a life must be controlled in the hand of male sperm. Just as
the barrier to female-female reproduction, there is no reproductive isolation
between two female gametes, but why a woman's gamete cannot fuse another
woman's gamete and start a new life? The greatest charm of sperm is no longer
providing half the genes, but in opening a new life. We humans do not get the
key to how the male sperm opens the door of new life.
Not only Rousseau had made such a mistake, that put the cart before the horse, in human history. Malthus criticized Godwin's system of equality in his paper of An Essay on the Principle of Population as well, because Godwin attributed all the vices of mankind to human institutions. Malthus wrote:
The great error under which Mr Godwin labours throughout his whole work is
the attributing almost all the vices and misery that are seen in civil society
to human institutions. Political regulations and the established administration
of property are with him the fruitful sources of all evil, the hotbeds of all
the crimes that degrade mankind. Were this really a true state of the case, it
would not seem a hopeless task to remove evil completely from the world, and
reason seems to be the proper and adequate instrument for effecting so great a
purpose. But the truth is, that though human institutions appear to be the
obvious and obtrusive causes of much mischief to mankind, yet in reality they
are light and superficial, they are mere feathers that float on the surface, in
comparison with those deeper seated causes of impurity that corrupt the springs
and render turbid the whole stream of human life…. No human institutions here
existed, to the perverseness of which Mr Godwin ascribes the original sin of
the worst men. No opposition had been produced by them between public and
private good. No monopoly had been created of those advantages which reason
directs to be left in common. No man had been goaded to the breach of order by
unjust laws. Benevolence had established her reign in all hearts: and yet in so
short a period as within fifty years, violence, oppression, falsehood, misery,
every hateful vice, and every form of distress, which degrade and sadden the
present state of society, seem to have been generated by the most imperious
circumstances, by laws inherent in the nature of man, and absolutely
independent of it human regulations…. The system of equality which Mr Godwin
proposes is, without doubt, by far the most beautiful and engaging of any that
has yet appeared. An amelioration of society to be produced merely by reason
and conviction wears much more the promise of permanence than any change
effected and maintained by force. The unlimited exercise of private judgement
is a doctrine inexpressibly grand and captivating and has a vast superiority
over those systems where every individual is in a manner the slave of the
public. The substitution of benevolence as the master-spring and moving
principle of society, instead of self-love, is a consummation devoutly to be
wished. In short, it is impossible to contemplate the whole of this fair
structure without emotions of delight and admiration, accompanied with ardent
longing for the period of its accomplishment. But, alas! that moment can never
arrive. The whole is little better than a dream, a beautiful phantom of the
imagination. These ‘gorgeous palaces’ of happiness and immortality, these
‘solemn temples’ of truth and virtue will dissolve, ‘like the baseless fabric
of a vision’, when we awaken to real life and contemplate the true and genuine
situation of man on earth…. the vices and moral weakness of man can never be
wholly overcome in this world….
Slavery is caused by natural physical inequality. If the
winners and losers of violent civilization, and men and women exchange their
bodies with each other. Nothing will change. Slavery will still happen. There
is only two ways, hunt or be hunted. The result of putting the cart before the
horse is to throw the whole community in confusion, and the collapse of Soviet
Utopian communism and China’s capitalist reform have proved that, the vices and
moral weakness of man can never be wholly eradicated, and such a state of an
egalitarian society is absolutely impracticable, and perfectibility, in the
sense in which Mr. Godwin uses the term, not applicable to man. Races differ,
one from another, in important and meaningful respects because they are from
different genes pools. They differ in physical strength, in courage, in
imagination, in artistic skills and appreciation, in basic intelligence, in
preferences, in attitudes toward others, in life-styles, in ability to deal
socially with others, in Weltanschauung, in power to control others, and in
command over nonhuman resources. Since you admit these differences between
different races, why don't you admit the difference in IQ? This gap does exist.
In the same race, individuals differ greatly in IQ, let alone different race. In
a world of equals, most of the motivation for trade disappears. Exchange of
rights takes place because persons are different, whether these differences are
due to physical capacities, to some assignment of endowments, or to differences
in tastes or preferences. We must recognize this cruel fact, not
self-deception. All human contradictions originated from that people tried to
endow equal rights to every unequal person. There are features of modern
American society that suggest “sickness” to me, and West has completely entered
mediocrity. They completely ignore this natural inequality and take it for granted
that everyone is equal before the God,
which is the bourgeois conspiracy. The essence of natural selection is the non-random differential
reproduction of genes which premise is differentiation and inequality. Inequality has always run through the evolution
of any life, and inequality between the sexes has started from the division of
labor between the sexes, until now. The key point is how to make an equal
treatment for unequals, not equals.
The emergence of private ownership
Here let me answer Rousseau's question why, instead of multiplying to such a degree, these fierce and brutal men, without sense or science, without education, without restraint, did not destroy each other hourly in quarrelling over the productions of their fields and woods. His question can be expressed in this way how we evolve from the primitive society to the slave society? The answer is the advance of the tools. In other words, the advance of the tools changed the choice of the strong. Let me give you an example of my personal experience: There are two room in my apartment, and my mother sleeps in one room while I sleep in the other; sometime a fly flew into my room, you think what I am going to do? In general, I have two strategies: One is that I pick up the flyswatter to kill the fly immediately in order to prevent it from interfering with my sleep; the other strategy is that I take the quilt to my mother's room and sleep with my mother on one bed. What determines my choice? My mother? The fly? The weather? None of them. The key factor is whether I have a flyswatter. If I have a flyswatter, I choose to kill the fly; if I don't have a flyswatter in my house, I choose to avoid the fly, because I have to compare the benefit that will result with the cost of that input. Similarly, I don’t think the real reason why savages didn't enslave the same kind is not because they are born good, but because they have no incentive and ability to enslave others. The main reason is that, in barbarism, the degree of interdependence among primitive men is very low. In other words, you are no use to me or I can't get extra services or products from you, why should I keep you around me. The secondary reason is no tools to imprison the weak. Do you remember the upgraded version of Skinner box in endnotes of The Selfish Gene? The “exploiting” pig is the subordinate one, and conversely the “slave” pig usually the dominant one. Anybody knowing the pigs would have predicted that, on the contrary, the dominant pig would have been the master, doing most of the eating; the subordinate pig should have been the hard-working and scarcely-eating slave. If I were the dominant pig, the best case for me is sitting by the food trough, let the subordinate pig press the lever, but unfortunately the subordinate pig was not stupid or in Love or brainwashed by religion, and he would not serve me without any return. If I choose to hit the subordinate pig, he must choose fight, and the result is that I must win because I am much stronger than him, but I have to weigh the pros and cons. I am not stupid so I am going to choose less evil thing. What if there is knife in my hand? Will I change my strategy? Of course, yes. It is because a knife, like flyswatter, can make killing to be a thing with little cost. Let's go back to the evolution. The progress of tools is the main reason for human beings to enter the slave society. According to Wikipedia, the Bronze Age began in 3300 BC, and the start of the Iron Age proper is considered by many to fall between around 1200 BC and 600 BC, depending on the region, while slavery can be traced back to the earliest records, such as the Mesopotamian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1860 BC), which refers to it as an established institution, and it was common among ancient peoples. You can find a common phenomenon that, in almost all pictures of slaves in various countries, slaves are all in legcuffs, which is effective in preventing slaves from escaping. The development of tools has a direct impact on the development of human relations. In short, flyswatter make me kill, and the advent of metal tools make the strong kill, so I will choose to enslave him instead of killing him if he can provide some services and goods. In summary, the winners of Violent Civilization choose to start enslaving the losers for more goods and services instead of eliminating them when tools develop to a certain stage.
I can answer Rousseau's question who is the first man
having enclose a piece of ground. He must be the strongest man. Might is right
because in primitive slavery there is only violence, and there is no lie. The
strong began to use tools to compel their so-called private slaves to serve
themselves and protect their so-called private lands. Since then, private
ownership had officially appeared on the stage of human history. In order to
control more slaves and prevent slaves from escaping, the strong have an
alliance motive. The first alliance must have occurred between the strongest
and the second strongest, and the origin of the government was not for the
maintenance of the law or justice or compensating for the gap of fate, but for enslaving
the weak better, so I regard it then as certain, that government did begin with
arbitrary power. In human history, violence must have occurred before the lie
appeared, just as same as rape must precede G-spot. As time went by, authorities
had found that lies were less costly than violence, so they started to enslave
slaves with both violence and lies. Later, slaves were alienated in the role of
slaves as same as women were alienated in the role of slaves. Now, in the
relations between man and man, the worst that can happens is not for one to
find himself subject to might, but to lies.
nature of slavery is an absolute parasitic relationship, regardless of resorting
to violence or lies. Let us forget so called “Humanitarian”, and just consider
the problems from parasitism perspective. In biology, parasitism is a
non-mutual relationship between species, where one species, the parasite,
benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Generally, parasites typically
do not kill their host because parasites need to exploit hosts for resources
necessary for their survival. In other words, standing on the parasite's point
of view for their own sake, they don't want the host to die, at least before
they get a new host. Let's go back to the problem of North Korean issue. As we
all know, the United States is the biggest enemy of North Korea. Can you guess
who is the biggest food aid country to North Korea every year? Still America. Let
me put it another way, the United States nourished a host of parasites who
wants to kill you. Who should be responsible for today's situation? Of course,
America yourself. This is normal that I would fight against you if you want to
kill me. The problem lies in America instead of parasite. If Kim is the cheater,
and then North Koreans are the suckers, and how to eliminate cheaters? There's
only one way: eliminating the suckers from body or mind, because the presence
of the suckers actually endangered the grudgers, and they were responsible for
the temporary prosperity of the cheats. Obviously, providing food aid without any
compensation is a strictly dominated strategy, and Game Theory told us: Do not
play a strictly dominated strategy at any time. Unfortunately, the Democratic
Party has forgotten this most important principle. America is too young too
naïve, and I miss the age of the British Empire. Liberal international order
led by America really cannot save the world. Let us look at Israel. Why did no
country dare to provoke Israel? It is because Israel has effective
counter-strategies to pass on the costs to themselves, but American don't. You
should get some lessons from the disintegration of the Soviet Union. To be
honest, I share the same values with the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill,
modern US presidents Trump and Father of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew.
After elected president in 2016, President Donald J. Trump's foreign policy is
putting the interests and security of the American people first which is in
line with the evolutionary subject, namely, self-love. For those of American climbing
to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy, there is but one rule:
hunt or be hunted. David Hume said, “The rules of morality are not the
conclusions of our reason.” Winston Churchill said, “The whole history of the world is
summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just,
and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong.”
emergence of the private system must be accompanied by slavery. Until now,
women are still in the status of sex slaves, because P-V reproduction models
decided that who is abuses and who is abused, which is their natural inequality.
The emergence of private ownership is indeed a great progress for mankind. If we
can regard the Slavery as the extreme point in human evolutionary function
which opened the door to the accumulation of wealth, we also can regard the capitalist
industrialization as the inflection point which changed the speed of
accumulating wealth. Why should I say that? The protection of private property
allowed people to weigh short-term interests and long-term interests, and
inheritance system allowed people to weigh investment and consumption. A
son has the right to inherit his father's property, status, and privileges.
Through primitive accumulation, the birth of inequality officially ascended the
stage of history. Everyone knows Tragedy of the Commons in economics which
illustrates why common resources are used more than is desirable from the
standpoint of society as a whole. This lesson has been known for thousands of
years. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed out the problem with
common resources: “What is common to many is taken least care of, for all men
have greater regard for what is their own than for what they possess in common
with others.” That is key why socialism does not do the economy well. In Microeconomics,
N.Gregory Mankiw give us a classic example: why the cow is not extinct?
history, many species of animals have been threatened with extinction. When
Europeans first arrived in North America, more than 60 million buffalo roamed
the continent. Yet hunting the buffalo was so popular during the 19th
century that by 1900 the animal’s population had fallen to about 400 before the
government stepped in to protect the species. In some African countries today,
the elephant faces a similar challenge, as poachers kill the animals for the
ivory in their tusks…. Yet not all animals with commercial value face this
threat. The cow, for example, is a valuable source of food, but no one worries
that the cow will soon be extinct. Indeed, the great demand for beef seems to
ensure that the species will continue to thrive…. Why is the commercial value
of ivory a threat to the elephant, while the commercial value of beef is a
guardian of the cow? The reason is that elephants are a common resource,
whereas cows are a private good. Elephants roam freely without any owners. Each
poacher has a strong incentive to kill as many elephants as he can find.
Because poachers are numerous, each poacher has only a slight incentive to
preserve the elephant population. By contrast, cattle live on ranches that are
privately owned. Each rancher makes great effort to maintain the cattle
population on his ranch because he reaps the benefit of these efforts…. Governments
have tried to solve the elephant’s problem in two ways. Some countries, such as
Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, have made it illegal to kill elephants and sell
their ivory. Yet these laws have been hard to enforce, and elephant populations
have continued to dwindle. By contrast, other countries, such as Botswana,
Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, have made elephants a private good by allowing
people to kill elephants, but only those on their own property. Landowners now
have an incentive to preserve the species on their own land, and as a result,
elephant populations have started to rise. With private ownership and the
profit motive now on its side, the African elephant might someday be as safe
from extinction as the cow.
is full of violence, evil, exploitation, oppression and killing, but I still want
to defend the slave society because we must admit that that is a part of our
human beings' evolution, inevitable. There is no short-cut in evolution. Apparently, the emergence of private ownership opens the door to the
accumulation of wealth. In my eyes, there are two stages very important in
human history: One is slave society; the other is capitalist society. The
former completed the transformation of private property from zero to one, and
the latter not only opened the geometric increase of private wealth but also opened
the door to knowledge and truth. Slave society is also a step forward for women
to become private property of men, because men would only protect their private
property from being occupied by others, so sex slaves are an insurmountable
step in human evolution. The advance of tools, which inevitably led to the
emergence of slavery and private ownership, seems to be the chief culprit of
all inequality, but the fact is we should be grateful for the progress of the
tools, because equality never existed from the very beginning of human history,
and the advent of tools only increased this inequality, but only private
ownership can accomplish the primitive accumulation of wealth, and then because
of new technological advances human beings can enter the capitalist stage
called Contract Society which based on two things: private ownership and
contractual spirit. Napoleon code states
that inviolability of private property are fundamental principles. In a system
of capitalism, it is also a progress that inequality of birth is replaced by
inequalities of wealth. There are only two modes of human existence: One is self-sufficient,
and the other is trade, and the emergence of the slave society ended the first
form and opened the second form. We human beings must always face the problem of
how to solve scarce resources, which must be assigned by power if not by money.
F. Hoelderlin said “what has always made the state a hell on earth has been
precisely that man has tried to make it his heaven.” Rousseau’s views were too
radical, which laid a hidden danger for Marx's proletarian revolution, His
ideas are often lacking in systems; he is far from a theorist, but an orator. No
one I think can have marvelled more at the inequality of individuals during one
species, than we have done. We take for granted equality's universality, when
we appeal to men's sense of justice. The sayings and doings of daily life
continually imply some intuitive belief of this kind. This is the biggest
mistake where a series of subsequent mistakes were derived. God gives different
people different missions. We must admit man can never be equal, but what we
can do is everyone is equal before the law. The nature
of proletarian revolution is to bring human beings back to the primitive
society by force under the guise of pursuing absolute equality, and then let's
experience slave society once again because there is no short-cut in evolution.
The proletarian revolution would plunge us into a dead cycle, and you can seize
my property by violence, but why can't I seize the same property from you by
violence either? Reason leads to suboptimal results. The first step in our
maturity is to acknowledge the inequality of fate, and second step is to compensate
for the gap of fate partially by the continuous progress of technology. There
is no short-cut in evolution. Any primitive accumulation of wealth must be
accompanied inevitably by barbarism and injustice, which can not be replaced,
and we have to face this cruel fact. Looking at China's past 100 years, when
people refused to recognize the primitive endowments, violent revolutions
happened again and again, even brought us back to violent civilization and caused
a sharp decline of social wealth. At any point in time, anyone should
acknowledge this primitive inequality regardless of what kind of means they get
it, and then let bygones be bygones, finally set up private institutions and
trading civilizations.
The pros and cons
of capitalism
If I were you, I would have a question why birth tourism
is legal in America and Canada, their governments are all brain-disabled? Is
the excessive dissemination of human rights a contingency? Obviously not. There
is no contingency at all in the world, and all contingency is a necessity,
which you can call “Lot” determined by the pros and cons of capitalism. Here I
don't want to repeat some platitude about criticism of capitalism that
capitalism is inherently exploitative or leads to an erosion of human rights
and so on and so forth, instead, I want to rationally analyze the charm and
wickedness of capitalism from the inevitability. For the pros and cons of
capitalism, I can't ignore The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in
1848. Frankly speaking, the first feeling after reading is that Marx is indeed
an importunate Luddite. Using Marx's words to say the biggest pros of
capitalism is “The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years,
has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all
preceding generations together.” Capitalism not only promotes the progress of
material civilization, but also promotes the dissemination of technology and
knowledge. The reason is simple that you have to teach me how to use it if you
want to sell me something. This advantage is very important because the
Capitalism has made the cake bigger and bigger, which obvious and has been
recognized by all including Marx himself. In addition to this, I would like to
touch on several other pros which Marx can't see.
The second advantage is that the emergence of capitalism
lets the genocide be replaced by colonialism. Before capitalism, in feudal
times, every nation was self-sufficient. In other words, before capitalism, the
only purpose of production is for satisfying the needs of producers instead of
for exchanging with others, and the inevitable result of this self-sufficient
economy must be that everyone got all the products from nature, so for nature
as a scarce resource, everyone or every nation is in the game of zero-sum. Darwin
also agrees with me, and he wrote in the Origin of species: As species of the
same genus have usually, though by no means invariably, some similarity in
habits and constitution, and always in structure, the struggle will generally
be more severe between species of the same genus, when they come into
competition with each other, than between species of distinct genera. Under this
circumstance, genocide is the best strategy of a strong nation, but capitalism
has, essentially, changed the history of genocide. It is because trade can make
both side better off. Because of comparative advantage, in one hand, the strong
nation needed the goods of the weak nation; in the other hand, the former also
want to sell goods to the latter. From the view of game theory, I'll let you
live when you live to be more profitable to me. Adam Smith was right, “Give me that which I want,
and you shall have this which you want, is the meaning of every such offer; and
it is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of
those good offices which we stand in need of. It is not from the benevolence of
the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their
regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but
to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their
advantages. Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence
of his fellow-citizens. Even a beggar does not depend upon it entirely.” Dawkins
also has a similar expression in the book of The Selfish Gene, “To a survival
machine, another survival machine (which is not its own child or another close
relative) is part of its environment, like a rock or a river or a lump of food.
It is something that gets in the way, or something that can be exploited. It
differs from a rock or a river in one important respect: it is inclined to hit
back. This is because it too is a machine that holds its immortal genes in
trust for the future, and it too will stop at nothing to preserve them. Natural
selection favours genes that control their survival machines in such a way that
they make the best use of their environment. This includes making the best use
of other survival machines, both of the same and of different species.” Stopping
killing is not from the benevolence of the strong nation, but from their regard
to their own interest. In short, utilitarianism is the only reason for mankind
to move towards peace. Capitalism's success is focused on money, so there is no
racial or gender discrimination. To extend one step, capitalism will inevitably
lead to the professionalization of the whole world and the evolution of human
society towards the organic structure of human body by making new winners and
losers. Marx also talked about this global integration like this:
The need of a
constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the
entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere,
establish connexions everywhere. The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation
of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and
consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has
drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood.
All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being
destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a
life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that no longer
work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest
zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every
quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of
the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products
of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion
and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal
inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual
production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common
property. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more and more
impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises
a world literature. The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments
of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all,
even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation. The cheap prices of
commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese
walls, with which it forces the barbarians’ intensely obstinate hatred of
foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to
adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it
calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In
one word, it creates a world after its own image. The bourgeoisie has subjected
the country to the rule of the towns. It has created enormous cities, has
greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus
rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.
Just as it has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has made
barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on the civilised ones, nations
of peasants on nations of bourgeois, the East on the West. The bourgeoisie
keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of
the means of production, and of property. It has agglomerated population,
centralised the means of production, and has concentrated property in a few
hands. The necessary consequence of this was political centralisation.
Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws,
governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with
one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier,
and one customs-tariff.
The third advantage is that the invention of the machine
undermined the physical strength of men and lowered the career threshold. Karl
Marx said, “Owing to the extensive use of machinery, and to the division of
labour, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and,
consequently, all charm for the workman. He becomes an appendage of the
machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily
acquired knack, that is required of him.” He was right, but it seems to me that
is the pro of capitalism. Because the machine simplifies the process of
production, in the past, it must be done by men, but now women and children can
do it, so capitalists widely employ women and child workers because of their
lower wages, and more and more men were thrown out of the factory. For example,
men used to drive big buses in my childhood in China because the steering wheel
was very heavy, but now lots of women are engaged in the job of driving big bus
whether in the United States or in China. Is this women's physical progress?
Certainly not. Progress is technology instead of the power of women. Just for
the pursuit of profit of the capitalists, women can have the opportunity to go
out to work, which leads to the human being entering the pseudo-equilibrium
state, which is the prelude to the next equilibrium state. Whereas capitalists
in the Marxian system rationally and calculatingly pursue their economic
advantage and sow the seeds of their own destruction, in my eyes these same
rational and calculating capitalists, in following their own self-interest,
promote the social good. The above three points are all derived from the
“self-love” of capitalism.
After praising capitalism, let's look at the cons of
capitalism which are the root cause of the chaos in the world today. Speaking
of criticizing capitalism, let's take a look at what Marx said. I totally agree
with Marx that capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with
blood and dirt. This is the inevitable result that dogs of rich families are
more valuable than people of poor families when everything is measured by
money. In essence, trade civilization is cruel as same as violent civilization
because they are both evolved, and everything that evolves is permeable with
selfish blood, or it will be eliminated already. A common saying goes,
"Business is as fierce as war". The common point of two civilizations
is to eliminate unqualified people, but the difference between two
civilizations is to eliminate unqualified people by different rules: The former
relies on money, and the latter relies on violence. The purpose is the same, but
the rules are different which cause the different outcomes of losers that,
there is no any trouble in violent civilization because the losers are dead,
but all troubles in trade civilization are from that losers are not completely
eliminated in the body, and then these losers in trade civilization will resort
to violent civilization by using unscrupulous divisive tactics, that is the
source of the chaos in the world today. To clarify this, I must start with the
Renaissance which is considered the beginning of modern European History.
Capital and commercial trade thus existed for much of
history, but it did not lead to industrialisation or dominate the production
process of society. Capitalism in its modern form can be traced to the
emergence of agrarian capitalism and mercantilism in the Renaissance. The
Renaissance began in Florence, Italy, in the 14th century, and spread from
Italy to France, the German states, Holland, and England in the 15th Century.
Before the Renaissance, whole Europe was under the control of theocracy or the
Roman Catholic Church, which had religious power, controlled people's beliefs
and advocated Asceticism. It is not difficult to understand that, as I said
before lies are shameless but necessary, resources are always scarce in
comparison with population, so asceticism was used to control people's desires,
otherwise, reason must inevitably lead to bad outcomes going back to violent
civilization (ground state). Religion and Asceticism are the main obstacles for
the development of capitalist markets, and capitalism can not grow in such an
abstinent soil because it needs consumers as many as possible
with various desires as huge as possible. What should the bourgeoisie
do? The bourgeoisie needs to free people from asceticism and religion. The
Renaissance was born under such a background, and the bourgeoisie need a change
in people's thought. The core idea of the Renaissance is humanism, which
challenged traditional religious beliefs, and focused on the ideas and actions
of the individuals, and glorified the individual and approved worldly
pleasures, viewing life as worthwhile for its own sake, not chiefly as a
preparation for salvation, in contrast to the Middle Ages where humans were
seen as small, wicked and inconsequential and should focus solely on earning
salvation. In short, the core of Humanism is to replace theocracy with human
rights, but unfortunately every coin has two side, and Humanism buries the
seeds of trouble at the same time, so I believe that releasing desire is a
double-edged sword. The Humanism has three big
misunderstandings all from excessively releasing the endless desire of human
beings in order to cater for the development of capitalism.
The first one is the Humanism
believes that everyone is equal on the earth and should enjoy the same rights. The
French Declaration of the Rights of Man, issued in 1789 declared that men are
born, and remain, free and equal in rights. I think this idea comes from John
Locke who said men are born free and equal. I don't agree with him on this
issue, and I believe that you have no heart if you don’t think men are born
free and equal before your age of 30, but you have no head if you still think
men are born free and equal after your age of 30. I was lucky enough to catch
the last bus to be a wise person. The truth is all men are born unfree and
unequal, because everyone is bound by the times and God even has a preference.
I always say something that public may not want to hear. In fact, equality can
be interpreted as the reason for social conflict, rather than the solution for
social conflict. Freedom has the limitation: No harm principle. If there are no
restraints, there is no civilization. Civilization comes out of the repression
of drives, rather than satisfaction of drives, and the essence of civilization
is a containment of freedom, rather than boundless freedom, because compared
with limited material resources, human desires are endless. The confusion in Chinese
society is not that freedom is too little, but that ability and freedom do not
match. Spencer said, “When, in the pursuit of their respective ends, two
individuals clash, the movements of the one remain free only in so far as they
do not interfere with the like movements of the other.” The first principle of
his theory is “Every man has freedom to do all that he wills, provided he
infringes not the equal freedom of any other man.” The incompetent Chinese do
not deserve freedom because they abuse freedom. We must learn to accept that we
are unqualified consumers or suppliers in many ways in contract civilization,
because God set some men above others as same as that God set all men above all
The second one is, in order to release
human desires, the Humanism views the dictator as the worst person and the
masses as the good, all troubles would disappear as long as the dictators are
overthrown. The truth is degeneration is more terrible than dictatorship
because the masses don't have the ability to maintain the new equilibrium of
democracy, therefore society immediately falls back into the ground state of
violent civilization. Any equilibrium state is formed by the interaction of all
suppliers and demanders in the system. No individual, including a dictator, can
change this equilibrium. Dictators cannot die immediately because they are just
one level in the local biological chain, and once they die, the ecological
balance is broken, and then the nation will immediately fall into chaos until
the next dictator establishes another dictatorial order. China's history of the
last 100 years has already told us that these violent over turnings of early
institutions fail to do what their originators hope, and that they finally
result in the setting up of institutions not much better than those superseded,
is very true. As long as fools exist, the next dictator will get worse only. A free nation may have a
deliverer: a nation enslaved can have only another oppressor. The customs of an
enslaved people are a part of their servitude, those of a free people are a part of their liberty. Liberty itself has appeared intolerable to
those nations who have not been accustomed to enjoying it. Thus, pure air is
sometimes disagreeable to such as have lived in a fenny country. For whoever is
able to dethrone an absolute prince has a power sufficient to become absolute
himself. Cheat could appeal to the emotion of the public. An egg is a life if opened from
the inside, and a food if opened from outside. I recommend two movies to you
here. One is American movie named Dogville (2013) starred by Nicole Kidman, and
the other is Chinese movie named No Man's Land (2013). You will understand what
the banality of evil is. I hate dictators, but I hate the ignorant people even
more, because they are co-evolving. Equilibrium in a violent civilization is
the result of the interaction of all people in that civilization, just as the
equilibrium price of the market is determined by all suppliers and all
demanders. The dictator, as an individual, cannot change the equilibrium price
of the market either if he does not resort to violence. In the face of mob, I have
nothing to do but a deep despair. I knew this feeling in 2012 in America. I am
a bourgeois conservative, so I choose to wait. All
which is as much as to say that mankind must have employed, in the
establishment of society, a capacity which is acquired only with great
difficulty, and by very few persons, even in a state of society. The West only
considers that dictator might abuse his power, but does not realize that it is
more harmful the masses abuse the freedom because so-called freedom has the
limitation as well. The dictator system is not the worst system because state
monopoly belongs to the category of trade civilization as well, the only
difference is in competitive markets, price equals marginal cost, and in
monopolized markets, price exceeds marginal cost. In fact, dictators are bad,
and the masses are worse because both of them are for themselves only. There is
no good or bad in dictator system, but only bad or worse. The next dictator
will be worse, if the public does not change. I happened to coincide with
Dawkins on this point, and he wrote this in The
Self Gene :
In a large and complex system of rivalries,
removing one rival from the scene does not necessarily do any good: other
rivals may be more likely to benefit from his death than oneself. For instance,
suppose that B and C are both my rivals, and I happen to meet B. It might seem
sensible for me as a selfish individual to try to kill him. But wait. C is also
my rival, and C is also B's rival. By killing B, I am potentially doing a good
turn to C by removing one of his rivals. I might have done better to let B
live, because he might then have competed or fought with C, thereby benefiting
me indirectly. The moral of this simple hypothetical example is that there is
no obvious merit in indiscriminately trying to kill rivals. You have a serious
agricultural pest, you discover a good way to exterminate it and you gleefully
do so, only to find that another pest benefits from the extermination even more
than human agriculture does, and you end up worse off than you were before.
The last one is people believes
death is the most terrible thing, and life is better than death. This stems
from the fear of death. This is unnatural. It is the result of capitalist
propaganda. Based on reciprocal and mutually beneficial capitalist model, I
wish you to live rather than die. All religions regard death as a kind of
reincarnation or an inevitable lot. If all people are controlled by religion,
how to develop the pharmaceutical industry? So, capitalism magnifies the desire
of people to survive, or even greed desire of eternity. This is a typical
consumerism trap which is the inevitable result of capitalism. To be honest,
death is the lot of every survival machine, and fear of death is not natural,
and everyone has to accept it, but we are being sort of indoctrinated by
capitalism to fear death, aimed at increasing the desire for consumption. Look
at the old lady dying in the hospital. Hospitals will not let them die easily before
doctors squeeze all their money of their pockets. Overtreatment is very common
in China. This is the miserable life of ordinary Chinese because they spent 70%
of all savings in their last ten years in hospital. Human beings, as a kind of survival
machines, can never be eternal, except for giving up reproduction theoretically,
because reproduction and death match each other by achieve a dynamic equilibrium.
Capitalism has completely aroused the greed of the Chinese, and on one side
they do not want to die, and on other side they want offspring as many as
possible. Capitalism does open Pandora's box of human endless desires. Here I would
like to extend a point of view: suicide. Suicide is a private affair, but based
on the same reason, the authorities began to prevent people
from committing suicide. The truth is lots of girls' lives are worse than death. Slave owners do not want slaves to commit suicide,
because slaves are also useful to slave owners. A lot of times, saving a man is
equal to you killing a woman or a few women. In fact, as same as the broken window
fallacy, you don't have the ability to solve the problem, you just do some
stupid thing to pass on the costs to some others. Here I am emphasizing my point
of suicide: Any individual has the right to commit suicide because that is my
life instead of yours; I support the legalization of euthanasia because death
is just the matter of time. Life is the beginning of all trouble, and death is
the end of all trouble. Humanism has another feature: optimism. Every life is
worth respect. Most people are rabble and unworthy of respect. In fact, the
vast majority of life is meaningless. As same as Schopenhauer, I am a pessimist
too. I have the same
understanding with Einstein about this point in his book of My review :
When I was a
precocious teenager, I realized that most of the hopes and efforts that most
people have been pursuing for a lifetime are worthless. Moreover, I soon found
that the cruelty of the chase, which is more elaborate in the days of the year,
is more elaborate with hypocrisy and beautiful words. Everyone just because
there is a stomach, it is doomed to participate in this chase. And, as a result
of the pursuit, his stomach is likely to be met; however, a man with ideas,
feelings can not be satisfied with this.
Now let's go back to the disadvantages of capitalism
which are natural and inherent in capitalism itself. Apparently for money,
capitalism inevitably publicize carnalism and hedonism. In other
words, after religion has lost control of human beings, human beings are
exposed under a cold rational world of the marketplace. Here I agree with what
Marx said:
bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal,
patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley
feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining
no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash
payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of
chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of
egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value,
and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that
single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation,
veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked,
shameless, direct, brutal exploitation. The bourgeoisie has stripped of its
halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It
has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of
science, into its paid wage labourers. The bourgeoisie has torn away from the
family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere
money relation. The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising
the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and
with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of
production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of
existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of
production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting
uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier
ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and
venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become
antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that
is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his
real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.
Marx was
right again. When the lies fade, people have to face the naked and cruel
humanity, but the truth always hurts. The only purpose of capital was to pursue
interests, so it began to release the greedy human nature, but capital forgot a
very important thing that itself was also unable to satisfy all people's all desires.
There are two reasons about it, on the one hand, compared with limited products
and services, human desires are endless; on the other hand, consumption of
goods and services has a threshold which is determined by the cost of producing
it. The beautiful illusions of capitalism were based on complete transaction
civilization, but it ignored what strategy those huge unqualified consumers would
have, so Luddite Revolt or Proletarian Revolution
appeared. There are no essential differences between the two. Humanism advocated
the release of human nature and the pursuit of liberty, but there is not only
good but also evil in human nature. Capital did not consider that the mass might abuse their freedom
after the excessive liberation of human nature. Freedom is limited, and we only
have a certain degree of freedom. "O liberty! O liberty! What crimes are
committed in thy name!" Jeanne Marie Roland's Last words, before her death
on the guillotine. Liberalism, as same as Patriotism, Nationalism, Feminism,
Communism and Philanthropy, is exploited by some sinister intentions. Even
African blacks in violent civilizations have learned to arbitrage with
patriotism. Here's a classic case of black people making money from patriotism.
Born in Nigeria, raised in New Zealand, Adesanya, as a professional boxer, was
publicized as “black skin but with Chinese heart.” He also gave himself a
Chinese name, Black Dragon, and every time he appeared, he carries the Chinese
flag accompanied by a song of My Chinese Heart. He often sensationally
expressed that he was addicted to Chinese culture, he wanted to be Chinese and
fight for China. He took full advantage of Chinese patriotism to enrich
himself. A spectre appeared in Europe, which direct their attacks not against
the bourgeois conditions of production, but against the instruments of
production themselves; they destroy imported wares that compete with their
labour, they smash to pieces machinery, they set factories ablaze, they deny
the money and try to bring the human beings back to an age of self-sufficiency.
The legal system is based on contract. The essence of modern legal system is
contract. This is the first disadvantage of capitalism because capital is built
on trade civilization but forget one important thing that the losers of trade
civilization would resort to violent civilization. In my view, capitalism is cheating
which belongs to contract category, and socialism is robbing which belongs to violence
category, so the more the poor, the more lies society needs. By the way, Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics is both robbing and contract. After Mao's death,
Deng, who was identified as one of these “capitalist roaders” during the Cultural Revolution,
became China's actual controller, who advocated reform and opening up and instituting
pragmatism within policy that are commonly considered capitalistic, including
employing wage labor, increasing unemployment to motivate those who are still
working, transforming state owned enterprises into joint stock companies and
encouraging the growth of the joint venture and private capitalist sectors. Officially,
according to the Chinese governments state ideology, China is currently in the
primary stage of socialism, but in fact, China is capitalizing. Due to lack of
orders, when the dream of communism Utopian collapsed, people began to fight
for their own interests. The current chaos in Chinese Society is the same as
that in Europe after the Renaissance. In China now, people are generally
unhappy. Why is that? It is because happiness is only related to expectations,
and the development of capitalism opened Pandora’s box of Chinese desires. Now,
The Chinese are still with the incompetence of the proletariat but have the
desire of the bourgeoisie. There is no right and wrong in China, but only the
winners and the losers because the Chinese are not the rational maintainers of
the contract civilization, but proletarian rogues and hooligans who are always
ready to use violence to overthrow the authorities, so democratic election does
not work now in China because they do not deserve it. The Chinese have already
enjoyed the material civilization of the west, but they lack the spiritual
civilization of the West. The basic characteristic of Western contract
civilization is professionalization, but Chinese worship some professions
blindly and despise some other profession blindly. For example, they worship
police, teachers, doctors and white-collar workers, but despise blue collar
workers, prostitutes and so on. When you are blinded by
certain professional
worship, there will be a lack of professional norms to require professional
practitioners to behave, so as a result, it is bound to be chaotic. Of course,
this is also from the propaganda of the authorities, namely, obscurantism which
is very common in the dictatorship system. Only children distinguish right from
wrong, but in the mature adult world, there are only pros and cons. By the way,
in my opinion, the greatest Chinese in the last century was Deng because of his
three policies: 1) Reform and opening; 2) Resumption of education; 3) One child
second disadvantage of capitalism is catering to popular taste, which is also determined by
the nature of capitalism. Catering is one of the attributes of capitalism, not
only to the public, but also to ignorance and low tastes. For the profit,
capitalism even can call white black and black white. Asceticism
is primarily punitive. Every infraction of the Rule had a fixed penance. The
purpose was to keep the mobs humble by keeping them aware of their
imperfections. Humanism
ignores right and wrong, and encourages people pursue pluralism by exaggerating
their individuality unilaterally and making individualism extremely inflated,
that keeps us from seeing things as they are. The education of humanism advocated
our worship of human nature which took the place of God by. We human beings are
the source of meaning and authority. It magnifies the instability and ignorance
of human beings. In China, lots of mobs often despise some of the mistakes of
the Savior's theory. Who gave them these courage and confidence? Humanism. The
overspread of humanism is the main reason of serious chaos in the world, which caused
the society to lose the standard of "right and wrong", and there is
no authority, and individualism is overflowing, and standards of right and
wrong of everything was based on individual subjective feeling. The West has
completely fallen into mediocrity because they can no longer face the cruel
truth. Recently, there is a news like this: French President Emmanuel Macron
said that women in Africa are having a large number of children because they
lack education, according to The Guardian. “I always say: ‘Present me the woman
who decided, being perfectly educated, to have seven, eight or nine children.'”
Macron said. “Please present me with the young girl who decided to leave school
at 10 in order to be married at 12. This is just because a lot of girls were not
properly educated, sometimes because these countries decided the rights of
these girls were not exactly the same rights as the young man. That is not
acceptable.” Many women were offended by his comments, and well-educated women were
sending photographs of and tweets about their large families to tell him that
they are not mutually exclusive. After reading these comments, I know why God
chose to enslave women. They deserves it. Do you still remember the Number game
in Game Theory, One of Yale Open Courses? Without showing your neighbor what
you are doing, put it in the box below a whole number between 1 and a 100, we
will calculate the average number chosen in the class, and the winner of this
game is the person who gets closest to two-thirds times the average number. Ignorance
and foolishness magnified by humanism seriously hindered the formation of
common knowledge. Common knowledge is a statement about
not just what I know, it is about what do I know the other person knows that I
know that the other person… and so on and so forth. It turns out that society is
difficult to converge to equilibrium, such as the dog’s problem in China and female
orgasm’s problem in the world. The jury system is typical model of catering, which as an
exotic product, is not suitable for China because most of Chinese are with low
intelligence and low judgment but full of love. For benefits,
people began to cater to the feelings of the mob, and to cater for stupidity,
under the glorious name of “follow you heart”. The customer is God, and I must
cater to your personal preferences, even the wrong and irrational preferences. Aesthetic
judgment is very important, and people in different equilibrium even have the
opposite judgment. The typical case of failure is the Hongkong film. Before
1997, Hongkong films are unique in whole China because at that time Hongkong films
can't be sold to the mainland so Hongkong filmmakers don't have to cater to the
mainland, but after 1997, the Hong Kong movie industry began to decline
because filmmakers started to cater to the mainland. In pursuit of more
interests, many Hongkong actors have left TVB to the mainland, but they forget
one important thing they are nothing after leaving TVB. TVB is also degenerated.
Under capitalism, there is no right, no mistake, no nobility, no aristocracy,
only to catering. Where there is a demand, there is a supply, so far, the world
was trapped in Consumerism. In the current China, capitalism sells youth and
beauty (makeups) to women, and potency (Viagra) to men, and the future (knowledge
and skills) to children, and immortality (tonics) to the old. To be honest, the
masses so vulnerable to emotional influences and thus lack sufficient intelligence
and judgment, that the subjective feelings of the vast majority are all wrong.
third disadvantage of capitalism is to reduce threshold to entry. Like I said before, capitalism
cannot solve the problem that there are lots of unqualified consumers in the
market. In order to maximize its own interests, capitalism has evolved a
strategy: lowering the threshold. Microeconomic theory tells us there is an equilibrium
price in market, which depends on both aggregate supply and aggregate demand,
so specifically, capitalism had two strategies to lower the threshold: Figure a
way to reduce the equilibrium price and figure a way to shift the demand curve
to the right. Next, I'm telling you how capitalism achieves its conspiracies.
to reduce the equilibrium price? Loan, mortgage and a series of derivatives later.
The final result is known to all that the subprime crisis broke out in America.
The essence of the loan is to lower the threshold of the equilibrium price
because you can't afford the price from short-term, so you have to overdraft
your future consumption from long-term. As the down payment had been reduced
again and again, the threshold had been reduced again and again, more and more
unqualified consumers can enter in the market, until zero down payment lead to
no threshold. In China, some consumptions are with negative threshold, and in
order to stimulate consumption, some businesses even give you money to spend,
and of course high interest rates are waiting for you. The public has
deep-rooted misunderstandings about the loan whose essence is to borrow money
from your future self rather than banks. This is the eternal truth that zero
threshold inevitably leads to confusion. I think subprime crisis is familiar to
everyone because this is a compulsory part of the financial course, so I don't
want to waste more time on it, but I want to talk about second conspiracy
to shift the demand curve to the right? “The reciprocal bond basic to marriage
is not set up between men and women, but between men and men by means of women,
who are only the principal occasion for it,” says Lévi-Strauss. This is the
essence of marriage under patriarchy. Under patriarchy, any woman is strictly
controlled by her father, and sold to another man through marriage, and women can't
go to school or participate in social work, and their only value is to provide
the vagina and uterus, as a goods, she has no rights of choosing a husband, or even
no rights of choosing anything. How did capitalism do to shift the demand curve
to the right? Disintegrating the patriarchy and letting irrational women enter
the market. Every coin has two sides. Like I said before the positive effect of
capitalism is that money has no race and sex discrimination because competitive
markets have a natural remedy for employer discrimination and capitalists are
usually more interested in making profit than in discriminating against a
particular group, so women had the chance to enter the factory and sexual
relationship entered the pseudo-equilibrium state which is the prelude to next
equilibrium. At the same time, money is also the negative effect of
capitalism. Money is just a different color of paper.
What is the essence of it? The essence is the product and the service. From the
transaction object to consider, there are two issues: Who will produce it and
who will buy it? The sole purpose of capitalists is to pursue the maximization
of net profit, which inevitably leads to two outcomes: capitalists hope 1) the lower the cost the
better; 2) the higher the selling price the better. If
you admit the above reasoning, you must get the following results. What are the
capitalists willing to hire? Those workers who have lower opportunity costs, and
in other words, women and children instead of men. To whom are the capitalists
willing to sell their products and services? Those buyers who values them most
highly, and in other words, irrational women and children rather than rational and
practical men. A popular saying in China is that women and children's money are
easy to make. Disintegrating patriarchy and emancipating women and children from
rational fathers are the best strategy to shift the demand curve to the right. Obviously,
under the guidance of capital, irrational, inexperienced and naive women began
to enter the market economy, so capitalists have been led, in their own
interest, to give partial emancipation to women. From the beginning with the
disintegration of the patriarchal system, the world entered the bubble era:
LOVE. The Renaissance also played a role in boosting the flames. At this time,
many literary works were pushed to the stage of history to brainwash people,
such as The Decameron, which include various tales of love from the erotic to
the tragic, and the basic plots of the stories include mocking the lust and
greed of the clergy. Public opinion began to encourage immature women to pursue
love, aimed at enlarging their ignorance and irrationality and letting them
provide free sex service. Public opinion is changeable, even opposite at
different times. During the period of Mao, the propaganda was like this: For
anything, you have to use the new thing for three years, and then use the old
thing for next three years, and then use the same thing for another three years
after mending it; during the period of Deng, the propaganda was like this: We
have to spend tomorrow's money on today's business. Any propaganda must serve a
purpose. The former called on people to be frugal because socialism inevitably
lead to a shortage of social goods and repression of desire can relieve social
contradictions; the latter called on people excessive consumption because Deng wanted
to wake up people's desire for consumption to develop capitalism. All things
have cause and effect, and all living beings have its own lot. Why diamonds are
the world's biggest marketing scam in twentieth Century? Diamonds do not have
any utility in fact, but why? It is because diamonds are bound with love. I
dare say that the marketing conspiracy of diamonds is impossible to succeed under
the patriarchal system, and the reason is very simple that diamonds are useless
to rational and down-to-earth fathers. By the way, in my opinion the second
biggest marketing scam is the World Cup because people endow it too much
national honor, dignity or something belonged imaginary axis. The world has
since entered a chaotic and irrational stage because irrational women are
involved in public affairs. What caused the crisis? The crisis was caused by irrationality
overflowing. This is a short-sighted behavior because any strategy of lowing
standards can only result prosperity in short-term but must store up trouble in
the future. This negative effect is constantly expanding, and children's
unreasoning is because irrational women participate in the education of future
generations. You would find a common interesting phenomenon that children prefer
to cry in front of their mothers instead of their fathers. Why is that? The
answer is very simple: Crying is very useful to achieve their purpose in front
of mothers but useless in front of fathers. This is instinct that even children
know how to cheat and use others. As long as there is irrationality in the
market, someone must be going to use your irrationality for arbitrage. In order
to achieve these two purposes, capitalism began to disintegrate male rights and
advocate feminism, and the real purpose was to create cheaper works and irrational
consumers. Feminism was just a political swindle just under the guise of so-called
human rights and freedoms, and of course the patriarchy had his own
counter-strategy, and finally, with the participation of the conservative
forces, the forces of all sides of the society compromised into a final plan: Single-sex
education. The nature of single-sex education is Gender segregation temporary,
like the infant-industry argument in trade protectionism, aimed at for
temporary trade restrictions to help women to be qualified market participants
first, and after a period of protection women will mature and be able to participate
in the transaction with men. In the history of women's education, Single-sex education
must first appear at the start in both the West and the East, and then had been
scrapped and replaced with coeducation little by little by various revolutions under
the name of Egalitarianism and Discriminism. Now in some conservative countries,
like conservatism in capitalist countries and Muslim countries in the Middle
East, single sex education is quite common so far. At the beginning of the20th century,
the Chinese national government promulgated laws to ban men and women studying
together, living together and swimming together, and the reason the government
gave is prevent women from getting pregnant, but unfortunately those laws were overturned
by swindlers and fools. Letting irrational women get rid of the patriarchal
system and enter the sex trade is like putting a sheep in a group of wolves. Look
at the present China, girls in middle school are pregnant everywhere, and unmarried
cohabitation in college are everywhere. Current female situation reminds me of
some words in A Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens, but I make a
change for a little bit: For women now, it is the best of times because you
have the right of free choice as same as men in law; it is the worst of times
because you abuse these rights; it is the age of wisdom because I am in your
ages; it is the ages of foolishness because you are also in my ages; it is the
epoch of belief because I have my faith; it is the epoch of incredulity because
I doubt your judgment; it is the season of Light because I start to wake up; it
is the season of Darkness because you are still in sleep; it is the spring of
hope because I give the offspring the hope; it is the winter of despair because
you let me down; you had everything at the same time you had nothing; you are
told you are all going direct to Heaven, but unfortunately there is no place
called Heaven. Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, once said that "the capitalists will sell us the rope
with which we will hang them." In fact, Lenin was only
half right. The capitalists will not sell you the rope if you are going to hang
them, but they will sell you the rope if you are going to hang yourself. The
irrational consumer who are more inclined to spend money in useless things is
always the favorite of the business, so women's ignorance has been magnified
again and again under capitalism. After the war disappeared, monogamy began to
enter the stage of history, aimed at letting women become the comfort women and
free prostitutes for the poor guys under the guise of Feminism, Egalitarianism,
Discriminism and Love. The existence of fools is the only reason for the
existence of swindlers.
forth disadvantage of capitalism is genetic fusion of various races. There are
only three outcomes for multi-civilizations existence at same time: extinction
or segregation or integration. Apparently, in the self-sufficient farming
civilization, the outcome must be extinction; in the early days of trade civilization
because of undeveloped traffic and the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages, the
outcome must be extinction; today in the global integration period, the outcome
must be not only the integration of culture but also fusion of genes because women
in poor nations are qualified suppliers and men in rich nations are qualified consumers
in the whole world sex-services market. There is an interesting phenomenon that
after the reform and opening up, lots of Chinese girls marry American boys, but
few Chinese boys marry American girls, and by comparison, lots of Vietnamese
girl wants to marry Chinese boys. Marriage inevitably brings reproduction
because reproduction is bound to sexual intercourse. To be honest, we are all
in transitional forms, so I dare say there is only one race in 500 years, and
no white, no yellow and no black any more by slow and unconscious accumulation during successive generations. It is not hard to see that, as a nation of
immigrants, many Americans are mixed blood, and for example, in NBA Stephen
Curry, Blake Griffin, Tony Parker and so on are all mixed blood of black and
white. At the 2018 Russian World Cup, in addition to the Iceland team, there
are black players in other traditional European white countries, including Denmark.
In French team, the vast majority are black or mixed blood, and for example, Mbappé
is mixed blood of black and white. It's not hard to understand that many
African countries used to be French colonies, especially North Africa. I dare
say that world sports will be ruled by mixed blood in further because according
to Biology, Hybrids will gain so much in vigour and
fertility over the offspring from long continued self-fertilisation. By way of contrast,
mixed bloods are rare in relatively conservative and backward East Asian
civilizations, Middle Eastern Civilizations and Eastern European civilizations,
but it must be temporary, and mixed blood is unstoppable unless you take the strategy of
racial segregation. This is why I am afraid that Germany will soon become Germanstan, and even the most conservative royal family in Britain
will have the first African hybrid. Rarity, as geology tells us, is the
precursor to extinction. Racial discrimination can never be avoided until all human
beings become hybrids. By the way, how to maintain racial diversity? Two ways:
One is prohibiting interracial reproduction, the other is reproductive
discrimination. The former must lead to racial integration and the latter a
kind of genocide which is the next disadvantage I am going to talk about.
fifth disadvantage of capitalism is adverse elimination of genes because of reproduction
professionalization whatever in mixed blood or not. In violence civilization, principles
of selection by nature is the Survival of the Fittest,
which controls the evolution of all life. What is the essence of principle of
selection? It is the non-random differential reproduction of genes, which is
why I don't think reproductive rights is one of “human rights” because it involves
the category of genes. Natural selection, as an invisible hand, is daily and
hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest;
rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good;
silently and insensibly working for the own good of the being. so, in a state
of nature, natural selection will be enabled to act on and modify organic
beings at any age, by the accumulation of profitable variations and the
elimination of injurious variation at the same time, or the species would
become extinct. That is why we shall see how Natural Selection almost
inevitably causes much extinction of some injurious genes accompanied by
elimination of some individuals. In short, this is a positive elimination
because the winners are eligible to reproduce, so we can view the interests of
the winner individual interests, group interests and profitable genes interests
are consistent, but there is a divergence of interests between the three in our
human contract civilization. Like I said before the biggest disadvantage of pensions is that good
genes are doomed to be eliminated, because the supplier must be the one with
the lowest opportunity cost who must make no greater achievements in other
industries. In short, the suppliers in reproductive market are “lemons.” Of
course, this conclusion is based on that a successful survival machine has
better genes than a failed survival machine. In China, the government is
already going to cancel one child policy gradually due to a pension gap, and even
the local government began to give birth subsidies, although Chinese population
is still growing. I am sure it is going to happen that those genes in urban
people are replaced by those in rural people. It is because urban people are facing
higher raising costs. Not only have they to raise their children, but also
spend lots of money on other interest classes, such as piano class, dance class,
English language, swimming class, taekwondo Class and so on and so forth. One
of my female colleagues, who has a ten-year-old son only, told me that she is more
exhausted on Saturday and Sunday she sends his son to Various kinds of classes
than she is on work from Monday to Friday. In addition, we must admit that
urban people have a higher opportunity cost than rural people. In terms of
incomes, urban people basically have pensions, so they don't need the financial
support from their children. After considering their costs and benefits
together, more and more urban people would exit the reproductive market because
they are unqualified suppliers. The rural people are facing the opposite
situation. In terms of costs, their children would not learn those things like
piano; in terms of incomes, many rural people still have no pension, so they
have strong incentives to invest for their old ages. An old saying in China: The
saints fear the cause while the mortals fear the results. To be exact, the
genes of the poor will gradually replace the genes of the rich, because only
the poor will become qualified suppliers in the reproductive market. For the
same logic, even if the Germans and the refugees are not mixed blood, the
Germans with low fertility will be also replaced by refugees. When there is no
immigration, we can regard Germanic nation as an Isolandian reproductive market
isolated from the rest of the world, and the price adjusts to balance domestic
supply and demand. After immigration, what would happen? I think it depends on the
world price and domestic price. Apparently, for Germany, the domestic price is
much bigger than the world price in productive market. To be exact, prices in
developed countries are far higher than those in developing countries. It must inevitably
lead that Germany, as developed country, become importing country in
reproductive market, while these refugees become reproductive exporters. Now
consider the gains and losses from immigration. Once again, not everyone
benefits from it. As the equilibrium price drops in reproductive market, more
and more marginal Germanic people, as the original supplier, are forced to exit
the market. As same as externalities, racism is reciprocal. White people are
suffering reverse racism. The former deputy mayor of Italy, Ceccano, Massimo
Ruspandini, after the publication of the poster on his Facebook page at that
time, “The first ciociaro born in 2019 was Chinese with small eyes.” I am not
alarmist that some demographers have predicted the U.S. will become a
majority-minority nation by 2050, with African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and
other minority groups outnumbering the people we call white. The shift in the
nation's racial demographics have already been stark. In 1965, whites
represented 85 percent of the population, with the other 15 percent made up of
African-Americans. These days, white people make up just 60 percent of the
nation, while Hispanics account for 18 percent and Asians about 6 percent. We
must figure out what the essence of natural selection is. The essence of
natural selection is the non-random differential reproduction of genes. Whites are
quickly penalized and marginalized already by so-called modern civilization of
capitalism. White extinction is the inevitable result of reproductive professionalization.
From the view of genes, the white genes are being hunted now because good genes
would be selected by successful individuals before pension, but now bad genes
would be selected by failed individuals after pension. Evolution is the process
by which some genes become more numerous and others less numerous in the gene
pool. The emergence of pensions will inevitably lead to bad genes drives out
good genes. We can name this atavism or adverse elimination, and the tendency of atavism may often prevent the work of selection. The
situation in Japan and South Korea is also not optimistic, and fertility rate of
them has hit a record low. All troubles stem from a major misconception: Reproductive right is
considered as a kind of human rights. I'm sorry to tell you that the conception
of reproductive right does not belong to the category of human individuals, but
the category of genes. With a little familiarity such superficial objections
will be forgotten, but human beings are still in oligophrenia period.
fact, some prescient governments had enacted laws to intervene in this adverse
elimination but had been defeated by human rights. In America, the eugenics
movement was rooted in the biological determinist ideas of Sir Francis Galton,
which originated in the 1880s. Galton studied the upper classes of Britain, and
arrived at the conclusion that their social positions were due to a superior
genetic makeup. Early proponents of eugenics believed that, through selective
breeding, the human species should direct its own evolution. They tended to
believe in the genetic superiority of Nordic, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon peoples;
supported strict immigration and anti-miscegenation laws; and supported the
forcible sterilization of the poor, disabled and "immoral". Eugenics
was widely accepted in the U.S. academic community. Eugenics supporters advocates
for the removal of genetic "defectives" such as the insane,
"feeble-minded" and criminals, and supporting the selective breeding
of "high-grade" individuals. Beginning with Connecticut in 1896, many
states enacted marriage laws with eugenic criteria, prohibiting anyone who was
"epileptic, imbecile or feeble-minded" from marrying. The first state
to introduce a compulsory sterilization bill was Michigan, in 1897 but the
proposed law failed to garner enough votes by legislators to be adopted. Eight
years later Pennsylvania's state legislators passed a sterilization bill that
was vetoed by the governor. Indiana became the first state to enact
sterilization legislation in 1907, followed closely by Washington and
California in 1909. Sterilization rates across the country were relatively low
(California being the sole exception) until the 1927 Supreme Court case Buck v.
Bell which legitimized the forced sterilization of patients at a Virginia home
for the mentally retarded. While California had the highest number of
sterilizations, North Carolina's eugenics program which operated from 1933 to
1977, was the most aggressive of the 32 states that had eugenics programs. An
IQ of 70 or lower meant sterilization was appropriate in North Carolina. Some
states sterilized "imbeciles" for much of the 20th century. Although
compulsory sterilization is now considered an abuse of human rights, Buck v.
Bell was never overturned, and Virginia did not repeal its sterilization law
until 1974. The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907
and 1963, when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenic
legislation in the United States. A 1937 Fortune magazine poll found that 2/3
of respondents supported eugenic sterilization of "mental
defectives", 63% supported sterilization of criminals, and only 15%
opposed both. In the 1970s, several activists and women's rights groups
discovered several physicians to be performing coerced sterilizations of
specific ethnic groups of society. All were abuses of poor, nonwhite, or
mentally retarded women, while no abuses against white or middle-class women
were recorded.
Japan, a “Eugenic Protection Law (EPL)” permitted involuntary sterilization of
people with intellectual or mental disability from 1948 to 1996. More than
16,500 women and men were sterilized against their will. The objective of this
law was "to prevent birth of inferior descendants from the eugenic point
of view, and to protect life and health of mother, as well." (Article 1) Under
Article 3 anyone could be voluntarily sterilized if: (1) he/she or the partner
had hereditary "psychopathia," "bodily disease" or
"malformation," or the partner "has mental disease or
feeble-mindedness"; (2) he/she or the partner's relative within the fourth
degree of kinship had hereditary "mental disease,"
"feeble-mindedness," "psychopathia," "bodily
disease," or "malformation"; (3) he/she or the partner was
"suffering from leprosy, which is liable to carry infection to the
descendants." In fact, EPL called sterilization a "eugenic
operation," which was done either voluntarily or involuntarily. In 1996
the eugenic provisions were repealed, and EPL was revised producing the
"Maternal Protection Law," which allows only voluntary sterilization
and abortion. As I expected, the reason for the abolition comes from human
rights and women, and ignorant and kindhearted women made a great contribution
again in human degeneration. To be honest, this
anti-degeneration has never stopped, but it has changed one way. In other
words, there are substitutes. Congenital anomalies contribute a significant proportion of infant
morbidity and mortality, as well as fetal mortality. The most prevalent
conditions include congenital heart defects, orofacial clefts, Down syndrome,
and neural tube defects. Since the introduction of ultrasound in the 1970s,
ultrasound technology has greatly improved. Advances in medical technology now
enable doctors to identify disabilities within the early weeks of pregnancy.
Screening can detect problems such as neural tube defects, chromosome
abnormalities, and gene mutations that would lead to genetic disorders and
birth defects, such as spina bifida, cleft palate, Downs Syndrome, Tay–Sachs
disease, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy,
and fragile X syndrome. It is common practice for the doctor to recommend an
immediate legal abortion, when a disable fetus found. The understanding is that
if the abortion is performed as early as possible, it will be safer and less
psychologically traumatic. The couple are usually advised that termination is
the sensible decision and consoled with the prospect that they can try again. There
is no essential difference between a compulsory sterilization law and abortion
after medical detection, and both belong to the category of Eugenics, which can
be viewed as a major victory for good genes against the bad. Unfortunately,
there are still some people against ending a pregnancy due to fetal anomaly,
under the name of “Human rights”. What crazy people! What crazy human rights!
What crazy equalitarianism! In rural China, many pregnant women do not go to
the hospital for medical detection at all. Because of lower opportunity cost,
they prefer to give birth to a baby, and they decide to raise or kill based on
whether baby is healthy or not. Of course, the best strategy for irresponsible
parents is to put disabled baby in baby hatch and throw them to the government.
Singapore, Eugenics is part of family planning. As
early as the late 1960s, just a few years after Singapore's independence in
1965, Lee Kuan Yew revealed his views on the relationship between genes and
talent. A proponent of nature over nurture he stated that "intelligence is
80 percent nature and 20 percent nurture" and attributed the successes of
his children to genetics. In one of his speeches, he argued that unless the
better-educated citizens reproduced at a higher rate, the future of their
progeny would be at stake because less economically productive people—the
“social delinquents”—would live off the nation's scarce resources. In 1984, the
Singaporean government also launched the Graduate Mothers' Scheme to boost
fertility among married, educated women and a sterilization program to decrease
fertility among the uneducated. The government prioritized college-educated
mothers for housing and their child's school admissions and subsidized their
deliveries in hospitals. The second component of the eugenic-based policy, the
sterilization program, offered married women whose educational level was not
beyond junior high school and whose monthly household income was less than 750
Singaporean dollars a grant of 10,000 Singaporean dollars to undergo
sterilization of their own accord. There was a backlash against these
pro-natalist programs which favored college graduates. Lee was indeed not an
egalitarian in terms of his reproduction strategies. Despite the 1980s
backlash, the inheritability of intelligence remained Lee's pet topic in the
years that followed, and indeed to the end of his life. He described his belief
that intelligence is genetically determined as a “hard truth” that has kept
Singapore going. In his eyes, no amount of government intervention and social
engineering can significantly change a person's lot in life as it has already
been predetermined by the quality of the genes that they are born with.
Government officials can equalize opportunity at the starting point for all,
but they cannot ensure equal outcomes. But the result is not what Lee envisioned.
However, birth rates across the board remained low as Singapore became a highly
affluent and consumerist nation where having children, even if subsidized,
could be a burdensome, expensive affair for most citizens. Lee was alarmed that
as of 1983, 16 percent of graduate women remained single compared to 5 percent
of men. Unmarried female college graduates themselves were frustrated with the
government for publicly airing their singlehood and implicitly accusing them of
prioritizing their own interests over national ones. They argued that the root
of the problem was deeply structural, complaining that their juggling of both
career and family duties was difficult in the implicitly patriarchal
Singaporean society. They said that this was compounded by a lack of empathy
for their difficulties from their male Singaporean counterparts. Why is it? The
answer is that division of labor is not detailed enough. Let me put it another
way, Lee didn't distinguish between bearing and caring. It can't be blamed on him,
nor can it be separated in his time. His wisdom was that he knew to select
highly educated women as qualified bearers, but he didn't realize that those
women are not qualified carers because they had higher opportunity costs. How to deal with it? Let's have a
look and get a lesson from other non-human beings. I have always believed that
other non-human beings are rational because the price of their irrationality is
death. Now let's review some words in The
Selfish Gene by Dawkins:
A social insect colony is a huge
family, usually all descended from the same mother. The workers, who seldom or
never reproduce themselves, are often divided into a number of distinct castes,
including small workers, large workers, soldiers, and highly specialized castes
like the honey-pots. Reproductive females are called queens. Reproductive males
are sometimes called drones or kings. In the more advanced societies, the
reproductives never work at anything except procreation, but at this one task
they are extremely good. They rely on the workers for their food and
protection, and the workers are also responsible for looking after the brood.
In some ant and termite species the queen has swollen into a gigantic egg
factory, scarcely recognizable as an insect at all, hundreds of times the size
of a worker and quite incapable of moving. She is constantly tended by workers
who groom her, feed her, and transport her ceaseless flow of eggs to the
communal nurseries. If such a monstrous queen ever has to move from the royal
cell she rides in state on the backs of squadrons of toiling workers…. In
Chapter 7 I introduced the distinction between bearing and caring. I said that
mixed strategies, combining bearing and caring, would normally evolve. In
Chapter 5 we saw that mixed evolutionarily stable strategies could be of two
general types. Either each individual in the population could behave in a mixed
way: thus individuals usually achieve a judicious mixture of bearing and
caring; or, the population may be divided into two different types of
individual: this was how we first pictured the balance between hawks and doves.
Now it is theoretically possible for an evolutionarily stable balance between
bearing and caring to be achieved in the latter kind of way: the population
could be divided into bearers and carers. But this can only be evolutionarily
stable if the carers are close kin to the individuals for whom they care, at
least as close as they would be to their own offspring if they had any.
Although it is theoretically possible for evolution to proceed in this
direction, it seems to be only in the social insects that it has actually
happened…. Social insect individuals are divided into two main classes, bearers
and carers. The bearers are the reproductive males and females. The carers are
the workers—infertile males and females in the termites, infertile females in
all other social insects.
the troubles, caused by capitalism, should be solved by a capital way as well. What
lessons can we draw from these so-called lower organism ants? Apparently, the
ant colony, completely controlled by genes, has a strictly division of labor on
reproductive strategy that some of them never work at anything except bearing
and some of them are responsible for caring. Of course, this division of
strategy, based on genetic perspective, would be evolutionarily stable only
under the conditions that the carers are close kin to the individuals for whom
they care. What about our human beings? It is not necessary in human beings
because of Capitalist Professionalization, and it results in it that some unqualified
people need to be carers as their profession. I am not sure, maybe until one
day God allow the separation reproductive rights from mating rights, and I think
that depends on the real awakening of women that they must refuse to breed for
free for the poor guys. Pension, as the inevitable result of the division of
labor by capitalism, is the largest Ponzi scheme by far. The essence of any
Ponzi scheme is the game which always need more newcomers to enter. More
precisely, Ponzi scheme of pension needs someone or something who can give tax, no matter
what the man looks like, and even a dog is all right, just pay the tax. Just
because of the essence of pension, the two conditions of American immigration
are either talented person who can create wealth for the United States, or rich
person who can bring wealth for the United States. In short, America also need
money. According to the United States Census Bureau, the Asian American
population, including those of multiracial and Hispanic and Latino ancestry,
had increased to 20,908,701 by 2016, which has doubled over twenty years ago. I
don't know when Humanism had instilled a naive idea to human beings that
“reproduction is great, or mother is great, or a woman who does not have a child
is incomplete.” All these propagandas are for reproduction, and the fact is
nothing is great in evolution. To be honest, I think animals is great than
human beings from the point of individual, because they don't expect any
positive feedback from their offspring. The nature of pensions determines that
human beings themselves become scarce resources. The threshold is reduced again
and again, even negative. As I said before, zero threshold can only generate
prosperity in short-term, which will inevitably lead to confusion in the long
run. It tends to fill the world with those who are with stupid and defective
genes. Let's wait and see. When the whole society takes on the cost of
children, it is the responsibility of the government to choose good genes to
reproduce according to certain rules. In my opinion, the only way to stop the adverse
elimination of genes is separation the reproductive rights from parenting function
or establish a certain reproductive threshold. For all
physiologists admit that the specialization of organs is an advantage to each
being; and hence we also need to adopt a more specialized approach to solve
this problem. I
guess, in future, human beings would adopt a mixed strategy which includes two
main strategies: One is you have the right to spread your genes but you have to
bear all the costs; the other is you only provide your gametes, and the rest of
things is none of your business related to whether selected or not, and cooperate
with who's gametes. In other words, from individual perspective, they are
professional carers, and caring the next generation which do not belong to them
is only for money. I guess, in future, paying gametes is like paying taxes,
which is also the price we must pay for human civilization. Only by doing so can
we maintain a positive elimination. We have already
seen how it entails extinction; and how largely extinction has acted in the
world's history, geology plainly declares. No one I think can have marvelled more at the
extinction of species, than human have done. The race of
human was already old, but man remained a child. There are only two ways in evolution: hunt or
be hunted. We can regard this process as the application of the principle of
selection by man’s selection. Frankly speaking, artificial selection has been
used for many years under domestication. According to my
old rules, let's take a look at what Darwin said first in Origin of Species :
domestication, it may truly be said that the whole organisation becomes in some
degree plastic…. One of the most remarkable features in our domesticated races
is that we see in them adaptation, not indeed to the animal's or plant's own
good, but to man's use or fancy…. But when we compare the dray-horse and
race-horse, the dromedary and camel, the various breeds of sheep fitted either
for cultivated land or mountain pasture, with the wool of one breed good for
one purpose, and that of another breed for another purpose; when we compare the
many breeds of dogs, each good for man in different ways; when we compare the
gamecock, so pertinacious in battle, with other breeds so little quarrelsome,
with "everlasting layers" which never desire to sit, and with the
bantam so small and elegant; when we compare the host of agricultural,
culinary, orchard, and flower-garden races of plants, most useful to man at
different seasons and for different purposes, or so beautiful in his eyes, we
must, I think, look further than to mere variability…. The key is man's power
of accumulative selection: nature gives successive variations; man adds them up
in certain directions useful to him. In this sense he may be said to have made
for himself useful breeds…. We see an astonishing improvement in many florists'
flowers, when the flowers of the present day are compared with drawings made
only twenty or thirty years ago. When a race of plants is once pretty well
established, the seed-raisers do not pick out the best plants, but merely go
over their seed-beds, and pull up the "rogues," as they call the
plants that deviate from the proper standard. With animals this kind of
selection is, in fact, likewise followed; for hardly any one is so careless as
to breed from his worst animals…. I could give several references to works of
high antiquity, in which the full importance of the principle is acknowledged.
In rude and barbarous periods of English history choice animals were often
imported, and laws were passed to prevent their exportation: the destruction of
horses under a certain size was ordered, and this may be compared to the
"roguing" of plants by nurserymen…. Some of these facts do not show
actual selection, but they show that the breeding of domestic animals was
carefully attended to in ancient times, and is now attended to by the lowest
savages. It would, indeed, have been a strange fact, had attention not been
paid to breeding, for the inheritance of good and bad qualities is so obvious….
We see the same process of extermination among our domesticated productions,
through the selection of improved forms by man. Many curious instances could be
given showing how quickly new breeds of cattle, sheep and other animals, and
varieties of flowers, take the place of older and inferior kinds. In Yorkshire,
it is historically known that the ancient black cattle were displaced by the
long-horns, and that these "were swept away by the shorthorns" (I
quote the words of an agricultural writer) "as if by some murderous
far, we should admit the necessity of artificial selection. Can the principle of selection, which we have seen is so potent in
the hands of man, apply to human ourselves? Whether in violence or contract
civilizations, the basic principle of selection is to eliminate unqualified
genes. Anyone who forgets this will be quickly penalized by selection. That
selection generally acts with extreme slowness, so we still have time to
correct mistakes we have make. That is not big deal, and the real big deal is how to distinguish good
gametes from bad gametes. Darwin also admitted that, selection is the
magician's wand, by means of which he may summon into life whatever form and
mould he pleases, and not one man in a thousand has accuracy of eye and
judgment sufficient to become an eminent breeder. I have been thinking about this
question for a long time, and finally prepare to resort to God’s strategy as
well: A mixed strategy set including female gametes with low risk and low
return, and male gametes with high risk and high return. Let me put it another
way, we must choose the low threshold as female qualified gametes and high
threshold as male qualified gametes. Select a few healthy sperm by strict
genetic testing and family medical history and so forth and so on, to fertilize
the vast majority of female gametes. If my prediction crazy? I do think so. Contract
civilization is just as cruel as violent civilization because both aiming at
elimination of unqualified genes. If man wants to take the place of Creator, he
must be cruel as a Creator. The government should think about how to deal with
those rogues and hegemonists. The name of “Human rights” are
useless in evolution. You must say that such a division of labor will lead to
the loss of black genes, but trust me, before the loss of black genes, we are
all mixed blood by the accumulation in one direction
during successive generations. Maybe this is God's will because reproductive isolation principles
didn't exist between different human races. Everything
is under the best arrangement.