
The role of Hormone in Sex determination and differentiation

Sex hormone is another thorny issue in my theory system. Here firstly I want to claim that intersexuality, transgender, homosexuality and shemale are totally different conception in nature.

Intersexuality is identified as ambiguous genitals, commonly has a large clitoris or small penis. The reason is that crossing-over partial occurrence between X and Y chromosomes during father’s meiosis period then lead his offspring to be an intersex. Intersex is controlled by natural gene from parents, not by any sex hormones.

Transgender is identified who doesn’t identity his/her born gender, and do the surgery to artificially change the appearance, but not the genes. It obviously includes the psychological aspects, not only in the physiology. Not considering surgery (modern medicine), transgender is only identified as non-self-identity in psychology, and his/her body is as normal as male/female. I think psychological problem is also controlled by the natural gene.

Homosexuality is identified as who only loves the same gender as him/her self. It can be divided into two situations:
1, self-identity, it means he/she identifies him/her self as the born gender.
2, non-self-identity, it means he/she doesn’t identifies him/her self as the born gender, he/she wants to be the other gender.

Shemale is different from the three above. Famous shemales are always from Thailand, and most of them were from poor families and injected external estrogen when childhood. Ten years later, the male physical characteristics will gradually shrink, such as the male penis will become short and small, and the skin becomes nourish, the breast uplift. They look like as same as a normal female, but the genes they have is also XY.

Today I want to talk about the role of sex hormone which really suffered injustice. Human have two sex characteristics, one is called primary sexual characteristic, and the other is secondary sex characteristic.
1, Shape and structure of male and female genitals is called the primary sexual characteristic, decided by genetic material - chromosomes. It has been basically complete at the birth.
2, only the secondary sex characteristic is the result of sex hormones’ function in human.

There are almost no morphological differences between boys and girls before their puberty, although boys and girls still have testis and ovary. When entering puberty, the difference between men and women begin to appear with the increase of sex hormone levels. Estrogens are produced primarily by developing follicles in the ovaries, the corpus luteum, and the placenta. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the production of estrogen in the granulosa cells of the ovaries. Male levels of testosterone directly induce growth of the testicles and penis and indirectly (via dihydrotestosterone (DHT) the prostate. Estradiol and other hormones cause breasts to develop in females.

We can use logic way to reconsider that we can control the gender, if we think hormone is the key to intersex. If you want a boy, you can inject androgen from the beginning of your pregnant, and if you want a girl, you can inject estrogen. Do you think so? Absolutely not, it is so absurd. Hormone can do nothing in primary sexual characteristic. Primary sexual characteristic abnormal is only caused by genes. This is a causal question: Who decides who? Genes decide intersex or normal organs, then organs decide sex hormones secretion normal or abnormal.

I can give you another classic example here. There are some eunuchs in Chinese ancient palace whose penis and testis have been removed since he was little boy. I think the sex hormone in eunuch’s body have been in balance, neither androgen nor estrogen can prevail over each other. Notice here, these eunuchs are different from shemales, eunuchs don’t have testis, it means they can’t produce androgen, but they are not injected the external estrogen, so they neither show the male secondary sex characteristic, nor the female secondary sex characteristic. They look like enlarged version of little boy. The shemale is in different way. They still have penis and testis on his body, but they are injected estrogen since little boy, when entering puberty, they don’t show male secondary sex characteristic, but female secondary sex characteristic. Why do this happen? I think injection estrogen has destroyed the male normal sexual path, and secondary sex characteristic can’t be shown out under so much external estrogen, but they show some female secondary sex characteristic, such as breast uplift, slim waist and wide hips so forth and so on. They still have penis, testis, and scrotum, and penis can’t become into clitoris shaft, and scrotum still in fusion together can’t get into separated two piece labia majora, and the middle line is still in scrotum.

People always identify shemale as female, yes, they do look as same as female, but they are not real female and still have XY chromosomes. I made two pictures to illustrate the relationship between hormone and genes.

The above picture is the curve of human with XY chromosomes under different sex hormone. We can consider the black solid line as male physical normal development, and the red dotted line as shemale development. Androgen and estrogen almost get balance in blue dotted box, it also means the children whatever boys or girls before adolescence are under neutral appearance in the blue box, and you can’t even distinguish them by their face. When the androgen dominates, the boys get into masculinization, when the estrogen dominates, the boys get into shemale. Here I use anti-masculinization instead of feminization as same idea as particle and anti-particle, because I think if we use prefix “fe-” in the front of a word, it means she must be a she with XX, not XY. Masculinization and anti-masculinization here mean that the natures of them are same, just with different manifestations, as same as particle and anti-particle in physics.

Contrarily, the above picture is the curve of human with XX chromosomes under different sex hormone as the same idea as previous picture. We can consider the black solid line as female physical normal development, and the red dotted line as hefemale development. When the estrogen dominates, the girls get into feminization, when the androgen dominates, the girls get into hefemale. Here I use anti-feminization instead of masculinization, because I think if we use prefix “male-” in the front of a word, it means he must be a he with XY, not XX. Feminization and anti-feminization here mean that the natures of them are same, just with different manifestations.

