
Physical satisfaction and emotional satisfaction

Some sexual experts say the difference between the two genders is that, men need sex for love and women need love for sex. This sentence indeed got the plight women are facing. Many sexual experts try to find the differences between men and women to give a reasonable explanation for sex attitudes. In Non-linear, Basson model clarifies that the goal of sexual activity for women is not necessarily orgasm but rather personal satisfaction, which can manifest as physical satisfaction (orgasm) and/ or emotional satisfaction (a feeling of intimacy and connection with a partner). She proposed two important concepts: physical satisfaction and emotional satisfaction, but she seriously underestimated the natural and important function of physical satisfaction (orgasm) for women, and exaggerated the function of emotional satisfaction for women, and tried to mislead the female physical satisfaction can be replaced by emotional satisfaction. Dr. Basson doesn’t realize that physical satisfaction (orgasm) is also irreplaceable for women as same as men.
Here, I emphasize the importance of physical satisfaction, but it doesn’t mean I think emotional satisfaction is unimportant. Both concepts are totally different from each other, and the only common thing about these two is that both are feelings for a person. Physical satisfaction purely satisfies one’s physical desires while emotional satisfaction is solely meant to satisfy one’s spiritual.
Physical satisfaction (orgasm) is a selfish act as it only pleases a person’s physical desire usually associated to man’s sexual demands. In fact, this is not only a man needs, but also a woman needs. The physical desire is an unavoidable natural force which usually related to sexual release. You can get physical satisfaction through touch someone or fantasy for someone in an obscene manner. The last purpose is only an orgasm to release your body, and it is like the function of food for human, and I think you don’t pick the food, when you are hungry and urgent to eat.
Emotional satisfaction (a feeling of intimacy and connection with a partner) is an unselfish act of giving affection to a person. It satisfies a person’s emotional and spiritual needs and commonly used to express an act of unselfishness and affection. I think you must want to have a connection with him/her, if you are in love with someone. There is normal emotional desire.
Physical satisfaction is simple and emotional satisfaction is complex; physical satisfaction is basic level and emotional satisfaction is high level. That is why men want some affairs with some women they even unknown, though the results they got are same. Human wants get emotional satisfaction after get physical satisfaction easily. It is also like you must want to have a little change for your food, if you have choice. I think so far the woman is not qualified to talk about emotional satisfaction. It doesn’t mean I ignore women's emotions, I just don’t want women confuse the both concepts. I just think the first job for women is figure out what the physical satisfaction, and then talk about emotional satisfaction, or you will live in the story of Emperor's New Clothes forever.
Love is love, sex is sex. You should love the soul, when you are in love with someone. You just need a hearty orgasm to release yourself, when you have a physical sexual desire.

