
My inspiration from Pap test

The Pap test, also called a Pap smear, checks for changes in the cells of your cervix . The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap test can tell if you have an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cells, or cervical cancer.

The following two pictures are normal cells examined under a microscope in Pap test. I got very surprised, when I first saw these pictures from internet, because I found these pictures from cervix are very similar to my pictures.

After every time I orgasm, I can always feel there will be a little mucus to flow out from my vagina. I collected it from vagina opening and put it under a microscope. The following pictures are my mucus after my ejaculation under microscope.

The following pictures are stained by Trypan Blue

1, Obviously, I can see that the number of cells from vagina opening after my ejaculation is far more than they get from cervix in Pap test.

2, My cells can be stained by Trypan Blue, it means these cells are dead (PS: I orgasm and get the sample in evening first day, and I put the sample under microscope in morning second day, about 12 hours time lag.)

My curiosity:

1, Why I can ejaculate so many dead cells?
Because of the Pap test sampled from cervix at the bottom of the uterus, I have enough reason to deduce that my dead cells are from uterus inside through Os. It also means uterus will discharge some mucus including lots of dead cells from cervix, while female orgasm.

2, Where are these cells from?
As you known, menstrual discharge is composed from the inside of the uterus, but apparently far different from the ejaculation mucus. Female menstruation period is approximately every 28 days, but every orgasm in every time I can ejaculate some mucus like this. If I orgasm several times a night, I can definitely feel that the quantity of mucus are progressively reduced, if in seventh time, I nearly ejaculate nothing out. I do think ejaculation is a very complicated process as same as menstruation.

3, Does the mucus contain gametes? Unfertilized egg or polarbodys.
In male ejaculation, male discharge sperm form testis out of body, why can’t female discharge something from ovarian out of body in real female orgasm. Everything is possible. Current theory claims that the unfertilized egg either dissolves or is absorbed into the body, but I don’t know it. I don’t think uterus have absorption function, if that way, uterus can absorb all menstrual blood, not to discharge them. I guess uterus only have excretory function through Os, including menstrual blood, baby and ejaculation mucus.

There are too many mysteries waiting for me to unlock, I really need God’s help, I believe God is an American.

